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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Star could have said a million things that moment, but he kept his question as simple as blunt as he could.


"What isn't Rockshire telling me?"


Only those with really keen eye sight would have noticed the slight pools of tears forming in the corner of Star's eyes. He honestly thought that the idea of keeping any secrets was worse than the secret itself.


"She wont tell me, so I want you to."

She sighed "Star Keeper, it isn't my place. I told you all I could. I am not in the business of interfering with other Ponies personal affairs. If you want to know, ask your marefriend. Outside of that I couldn't honestly tell you what else to do."


With that she turned her head away from him. He spoiled a rather private moment for Vinyl and her. She hated being in the middle of what seemed like High School drama. She looked back over to Star and she wasn't sure, but something in his expression made her feel sorry for him. Secrets were a terrible thing. 


"You need to talk to her yourself." She repeated. "If she isn't in our dorm, I suggest.......I suggest trying Dogboots place, where that is. Just a hunce but you may find her there.......and the answers you are looking for."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Dogboots, he can help." Star wasted no time, instantly galloping off in the direction of Dogboots little room. "Sorry for the interruption!"


Star didn't know what he was doing anymore, going around on a wild goose chase for non-existent answers. He felt like this was a waste of time yet of utmost importance. When he got to Dogboots what will he do? How could he be of any help. He said he told you all he had to know about what happened after they disappeared. What else does he know that Obsidian was hinting at?

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"Dogboots, he can help." Star wasted no time, instantly galloping off in the direction of Dogboots little room. "Sorry for the interruption!"


Star didn't know what he was doing anymore, going around on a wild goose chase for non-existent answers. He felt like this was a waste of time yet of utmost importance. When he got to Dogboots what will he do? How could he be of any help. He said he told you all he had to know about what happened after they disappeared. What else does he know that Obsidian was hinting at?

She looked at Vinyl in sheer disbelief. Her mouth actually dropped open slightly as the clueless Star Keeper raan off from whatever direction he came

"He simply can't be that stupid. How many different ways can I point the poor idiot in the direction of the truth and yet he passes it by each time." She facehoofed herself and looked back at Vinyl.

"Frankly, if she is at Dogboots, I hope she gets caught. I cant stand cheaters"

  • Brohoof 5

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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For Dogboots it was in that moment that everything had disappeared completely. No worries over being a possible father, no pity on himself. He felt better to hear her say that but hearing her say that she loved him had touched him too. "I love you too Rockshire." He said before kissing her back. "If I am the father then I promise that I will do the best I can to raise the foal with you." He said looking into her eyes and holding her hoof in his hooves.


Rockshire couldn't help but smile at him, her other hoof covering Dogboots' hooves. "Thank you... Dogboots...", was all she could say to him, as she drawed in again to kiss him, but this time, with more passion than her measly little peck on the lips than last time.

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Rockshire couldn't help but smile at him, her other hoof covering Dogboots' hooves. "Thank you... Dogboots...", was all she could say to him, as she drawed in again to kiss him, but this time, with more passion than her measly little peck on the lips than last time.


Dogboots could feel the passion from Rockshire's kiss. It was unlike anything he's ever felt before. He wrapped his hooves around her and drew her close to him. Fire lit up his soul as he soon kissed her back with the same amount of passion that he had last time with her. "I love you so much" was all he could say between kissing her. His grip around her wasn't tight but still he wanted to protect her and be with her. 

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Dogboots could feel the passion from Rockshire's kiss. It was unlike anything he's ever felt before. He wrapped his hooves around her and drew her close to him. Fire lit up his soul as he soon kissed her back with the same amount of passion that he had last time with her. "I love you so much" was all he could say between kissing her. His grip around her wasn't tight but still he wanted to protect her and be with her. 


The only thing Rockshire could focus on was his lips, as she continued kissing him. Then, a crazy idea formed inside her head. She broke the kiss for a second, looking to Dogboots.


"Why don't we... Just skip the dinner, and go right into it? I mean, if you have protection this time..."

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The only thing Rockshire could focus on was his lips, as she continued kissing him. Then, a crazy idea formed inside her head. She broke the kiss for a second, looking to Dogboots.


"Why don't we... Just skip the dinner, and go right into it? I mean, if you have protection this time..."


The stallion grinned at her. For Dogboots logic was thrown out the window and all that was left was emotion. He got up from his chair and soon pushed the two beds together. They were going to need a lot more room than a twin size. He opened the drawer to his nightstand and pulled out the pack of condoms. He dangled them a little playfully and tossed it to Rockshire. He took off his vest and dropped it on the floor. The impact of it made a loud thud indicating that it was a little heavy. After taking his boots off he ripped off his jumpsuit. "Shall we?" He asked grinning mischievously as he stood by the bed. 

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The stallion grinned at her. For Dogboots logic was thrown out the window and all that was left was emotion. He got up from his chair and soon pushed the two beds together. They were going to need a lot more room than a twin size. He opened the drawer to his nightstand and pulled out the pack of condoms. He dangled them a little playfully and tossed it to Rockshire. He took off his vest and dropped it on the floor. The impact of it made a loud thud indicating that it was a little heavy. After taking his boots off he ripped off his jumpsuit. "Shall we?" He asked grinning mischievously as he stood by the bed. 


All Rockshire could do at this point was grin at this point. Holding the pack in her hands, she got onto the beds, and undid a small part of her mane. At first it was like nothing happened, but then, the rest of her mane fell down to her back.


"Let's have some fun..."  

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All Rockshire could do at this point was grin at this point. Holding the pack in her hands, she got onto the beds, and undid a small part of her mane. At first it was like nothing happened, but then, the rest of her mane fell down to her back.


"Let's have some fun..."  


He was a little awestruck at how long her mane was. "That's a beautiful mane." He said jumping into the beds with Rockshire. Already he started to kiss her passionately. "If this is love, no. I am in love and I don't want to let it go." He thought to himself while holding her. He already began to caress her and he knew this was going to be a night he wouldn't forget.


*fades to black*


(OOC: Alright, got to go to work now. Can't wait to see what happens next when I get back!)

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Star darted around the corner, skidding a few meters before slamming into the opposite wall. He pressed on regardless, the end in sight. The old cabinet that Dogboots called home. Star galloped up to the door and hesitated. He doubt Dogboots would want to talk to him if he just knocked, it didn't seem to be locked so he could let himself in. Make it quick.


Star Keeper quickly opened the door and let himself in. "Dogboots? ...Shire?"

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Star darted around the corner, skidding a few meters before slamming into the opposite wall. He pressed on regardless, the end in sight. The old cabinet that Dogboots called home. Star galloped up to the door and hesitated. He doubt Dogboots would want to talk to him if he just knocked, it didn't seem to be locked so he could let himself in. Make it quick.


Star Keeper quickly opened the door and let himself in. "Dogboots? ...Shire?"

Rockshire was on top of Dogboots, kissing him, when someone came in... And who else was it but Star... She quickly jumped off of him, on to the floor.


"Star! I, uh... I can explain! ...sort of...", she blurted out with her entire face consisting of a scarlet tone to it... Not good...

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He didn't wait for anypony to speak, as soon as he saw the scene he was off again, taking to his wings. He bolted through the dorm till he finally arrived back at his room, colliding head on with the door. After picking himself up and giving his forehead a good rub, Star unlocked the door and threw himself on his bed in a wreck.


He gave the occasional unmanly whimper, but his face was buried too deep in the pillow to see anything else. He had made such an idiot of himself, more than ever.

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Parso headed off to class, it was an hour long literacy class and he payed a lot more attention, scaring the hell out of his teacher. when class finished, he went to the range, surprised to see his name still at the top of the list of best records. he was locked, loaded and lined up. he still thought about his child and the mare carrying it

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She was nuzzling Vinyl when she heard rapid wing beats and opened her eyes just in time to see a streak of color zooming by from the direction Star Keeper had gone. "Guess Rockshire was there after all." She giggled.


"About time he figured it out. I wonder if they told or if he interupted anything? Oh well. Serves him right for what he did. Revenge is served. And now for the kill....."


She took out her cell phone, looking at Vinyl with a sly smirk.


Someone from the other end answered..."Deans Office, How can I help you?"


"Yes, this is Obsidian Winter, I'm a new student here and I'm room mates with Rockshire. I think something terrible has happened. We were talking and she mentioned she had slept with Dogboots! I'm pretty sure he works for the school and is a security guard to boot. I'm sure there are rules against faculty sleeping with your students, is there not? Even more so when they are charged with our safety?"


The mare at the other in of the line seems horribly embarrassed and assured Obsidian they would look into it.


"Well I should say so! I don't want to be going to school some place I have to worry about people in authority hitting on me. What if I say no? What would they do to me? This would be such a horrid scandel if it was discovered the great Sculptor Rockshire was being screwed by one of your own faculty members........wouldn't..it..."


Her intention was perfectly clear on the other end of the line. Do something about this or she was going to the newspaper...the school newspaper at that. The school would take a serious Public relation hit if it was known the school trusted with some of the richest and most powerful individuals in all Equestria's children were subject to being pursued by commoners let alone those in charge of our education.


The woman again agreed things would be handled and they hung up. Obsidian couldn't help it. She burst out laughing. That will teach him to ignore a Rape victim.


"Oh, thats just too much....*snicker*. It was hard enough to believe my roommate was a slut, but I won't tolerate stupidity. How could she sleep with the same colt who swept her rape under the rug? I mean how clueless can you get?"


Her eyes gleamed a dangerous and frosty blue. If one looked close enough, they would notice her eyes were surrounded in thin layer of frost which may only look like a make up effect. Unknown to anyone, the old beads had used up their enchantments in the talk with Nightfall. Now her beads were just simple decoration and Mare of the Cold Winter Night was in full control.


"I have a class in about an hour, but thats more then enough time for us to have a little fun. Personally, all this has just me really hot. Go figure." she smiled at Vinyl teasingly.


"Care to teleport us some place......private?"

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 6

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl tried hard to contain a bit of laughter. "That was great. Do you think we're being a bit mean? I mean... Nevermind. Lets get outta here." She held onto Obsidian and teleported them back to her dorm. When she looked up, she noticed Winter's eyes. "I really love what you did with your eyes to-...” Then she remembered back to the night when Winter lost control. "Um... Sweetie? Are you alright?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl tried hard to contain a bit of laughter. "That was great. Do you think we're being a bit mean? I mean... Nevermind. Lets get outta here." She held onto Obsidian and teleported them back to her dorm. When she looked up, she noticed Winter's eyes. "I really love what you did with your eyes to-...” Then she remembered back to the night when Winter lost control. "Um... Sweetie? Are you alright?"

She giggled. "Why of course darling, why wouldn't I be?" She waved a dismissive hoof at her marefriend. "They brought this on themselves. Rockshire could have told Star Keeper about Dogboots when she had the chance. Dogboots should have reported the Rape, but did not. Justice has been done, one for the slut and one for the trader. Do not feel bad for them my love."


She gently stroked the positively gorgeous mane that belonged to Vinyl and began kissing her neck, her breath a chilling breeze.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Rockshire was on top of Dogboots, kissing him, when someone came in... And who else was it but Star... She quickly jumped off of him, on to the floor.


"Star! I, uh... I can explain! ...sort of...", she blurted out with her entire face consisting of a scarlet tone to it... Not good...


A wave of negative emotions flooded the stallion and a sharp chill went down his spine. Star flew away before he could say anything but he knew there was nothing he could say. The radio that was in Dogboots vest soon crackled with a voice. "Dogboots, your in shit trouble pal! The dean and Canterlot Police want to see you. You better have a good bucking excuse for what you did." The security stallion said in an angry tone. Dogboots jumped out of bed and quickly picked up the radio. "What are you talking about?" He asked defensively. "Sleeping with a student and filing a false report! Your looking at serious time in prison!." The voice said over the radio as Dogboots was shocked. He knew if he didn't go then they would send them to him. He quickly packed up his gear and put it on over his scarred body. Somepony had reported him but the question on who it was plagued him. He needed a place to think things over and come up with a plan. "Rockshire! I need you to teleport us to the rose gardens." He said with concern in his voice trying to get through to her.

Edited by thor9356
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A wave of negative emotions flooded the stallion and a sharp chill went down his spine. Star flew away before he could say anything but he knew there was nothing he could say. The radio that was in Dogboots vest soon crackled with a voice. "Dogboots, your in shit trouble pal! The dean and Canterlot Police want to see you. You better have a good bucking excuse for what you did." The security stallion said in an angry tone. Dogboots jumped out of bed and quickly picked up the radio. "What are you talking about?" He asked defensively. "Sleeping with a student and filing a false report! Your looking at serious time in prison!." The voice said over the radio as Dogboots was shocked. He knew if he didn't go then they would send them to him. He quickly packed up his gear and put it on over his scarred body. Somepony had reported him but the question on who it was plagued him. He needed a place to think things over and come up with a plan. "Rockshire! I need you to teleport us to the rose gardens." He said with concern in his voice trying to get through to her.

Serious jail time? Dogboots couldn't go to prison... Who else was going to raise this possible foal?! Rockshire nodded to him, and started to use her magic. The horn started glowing orange, but quickly faded. She tried it again, but having the same result. Not to mention that she was looking exhausted.

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For the first time, Vinyl cringed at Obsidian's kisses. "Obsidian, there's something wrong. You're cold and your eyes are surrounded by frost. I know you and this is not your normal self." Vinyl didn't know what to do. She knew what was wrong, but she didn't know how to react

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Serious jail time? Dogboots couldn't go to prison... Who else was going to raise this possible foal?! Rockshire nodded to him, and started to use her magic. The horn started glowing orange, but quickly faded. She tried it again, but having the same result. Not to mention that she was looking exhausted.


Dogboots could see that she was tired and was unable to transport them to the rose garden. "Alright...i'll be there in a half hour. Just give me time to pack my things." He replied over the radio in a depressed tone. He grabbed the scrapbook and a jar full of bits that was his rainy day fund and put them in his pack. He was hoping to never leave this place but he was forced to by somepony. He only had 30 minutes to get him and Rockshire as far as they could from this place. He needed a place to think and come up with a plan. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. We're going to stop at the pub first. I'm going to make a few calls and make some arrangements to get us a temporary place to stay." He said to Rockshire trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay but he knew it wasn't. Everything was falling apart around him.

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*she giggled again yet continued kissing the neck of her marefriend* "Are my kisses not just as sweet my darling? Is my mane not just as soft? You know I have a pension for frost magic and I'm sorry if its showing a little more then usual." She whispered, nearly a whimpering sound.


"Please don't deny me...I need you...I need this....I love you.....don't you love me?"


Her forehooves traced down the beautiful mares mane, done her withers, down over and past her cutie mark......

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Dogboots could see that she was tired and was unable to transport them to the rose garden. "Alright...i'll be there in a half hour. Just give me time to pack my things." He replied over the radio in a depressed tone. He grabbed the scrapbook and a jar full of bits that was his rainy day fund and put them in his pack. He was hoping to never leave this place but he was forced to by somepony. He only had 30 minutes to get him and Rockshire as far as they could from this place. He needed a place to think and come up with a plan. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. We're going to stop at the pub first. I'm going to make a few calls and make some arrangements to get us a temporary place to stay." He said to Rockshire trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay but he knew it wasn't. Everything was falling apart around him.

"Wait... Dogboots... You mean... I'm going to live with you?", Rockshire asked him in a somewhat scared tone. She didn't want to leave... She still wanted to complete her studies here..


"Dogboots, I... I still want to stay here.. I'll stay with you, but.. I'm only staying here because of my studies.. I'm sorry... If we do ever have a foal... Then I'll make sure to drop out and stay with you... Ok?"


It pained her a bit to say that, but there was no other choice for her... She ran out the door, heading back to her dorm. Not before long, she shot a quick text to him.


'Ill meet you there.'


She needed to find Obsidian... She was the only one to trust at that point...

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"I..." She sighed and looked down. "I do. I really do love you, Winter." She gasped a bit when Obsidian put her hooves on her flank. Vinyl hugged her and led her to the bed. She tried to get past the cold and the fact that this wasn't her Obsidian, but she couldn't. "No! Obsidian, this isn't you. There is something really wrong."

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I..." She sighed and looked down. "I do. I really do love you, Winter." She gasped a bit when Obsidian put her hooves on her flank. Vinyl hugged her and lead her to the bed. She tried to get past the cold and the fact that this wasn't her Obsidian, but she couldn't. "No! Obsidian, this isn't you. There is something really wrong."

She sighed and huffed in agitation. "This is a better me, Vinyl. This is a stronger me. This is a me who isn't afraid to stand up and take action against those that hurt and cause suffering to other ponies. Did you see what I did to Nightfall? Rockshire? Dogboots? All of them caused harm and suffering. I am simply the method fate has used to balance the scales."


Her eyes narrowed as her horn began to glow frost blue and small icy flakes began to surround it.


"You aren;t.....against me are you?"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Wait... Dogboots... You mean... I'm going to live with you?", Rockshire asked him in a somewhat scared tone. She didn't want to leave... She still wanted to complete her studies here..


"Dogboots, I... I still want to stay here.. I'll stay with you, but.. I'm only staying here because of my studies.. I'm sorry... If we do ever have a foal... Then I'll make sure to drop out and stay with you... Ok?"


It pained her a bit to say that, but there was no other choice for her... She ran out the door, heading back to her dorm. Not before long, she shot a quick text to him.


'Ill meet you there.'


She needed to find Obsidian... She was the only one to trust at that point...


Dogboots picked up his phone and made his way out. He galloped all the way to the pub. He busted in nearly out of breath but reached a payphone. He inserted a bit and made a call to a contact of his. After a few minutes he hung up the phone and rushed to the bartender. "What's the cheapest hotel in Canterlot and where is it?" He asked anxiously to the bartender. He checked the time and already 15 minutes had passed. "The Red Hoof Inn down in the south side of Canterlot." The bartender replied cleaning the spotty glass from one of the patrons in the bar. Dogboots soon ran out and made his way there. It was a long run for him but he didn't stop. His mind was a mess and he needed a place to think. 20 minutes had passed when he arrived at the hotel. It was located in what seemed to be the poor district of Canterlot. "Welcome to the Red Hoof Inn." The mare said behind the counter greeting the exhausted stallion. "R-Room for one" He said dropping a small bag full of bits. The mare took the bits and handed him his key. He exited the door and made his way to his new quarters. The stallion unlocked the door and took a look inside. The room was incredibly bland and cheap. A musky smell still filled the room. All that was there to the room was a bed, tv, lamp and an alarm clock. He threw his stuff down and flicked the light switch on. The lights flickered for a bit before brightening up. "DAMMIT!" The stallion yelled in frustration punching the wall leaving a dent. He wanted to destroy everything in his path but he had to refrain himself. He glanced over and saw some board games. He noticed one in particular though. He lifted the board game and set it up on the table. There were 16 pieces on each side of the board. The stallion examined the chessboard and he knew which side he was. He moved a white piece indicating that somepony made their move against him. He picked up his phone and started to text Rockshire back.


I'm staying at The Red Hoof Inn. Room 13.

Edited by thor9356
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