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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Rockshire made it back up to her floor, busting into her room. No Obsidian... She sent out a quick text.


'I've got another problem... Dogboots might be heading to prison... Where are you?'


Once that message sent, Dogboots replied.


'Ok... Please be safe...'



Meanwhile, Percussive still sat there waiting for Lovely, until she came to the realization that she wasn't going to be there...


"Great... Maybe she's visiting Nightfall..."


After a few minutes of walking, he approached Nightfall's room. "Hey, Nightfall... It's Percussive."

Edited by Rockshire
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Meanwhile, Percussive still sat there waiting for Lovely, until she came to the realization that she wasn't going to be there...


"Great... Maybe she's visiting Nightfall..."


After a few minutes of walking, he approached Nightfall's room. "Hey, Nightfall... It's Percussive."


He was startled to hear a voice.

"Percussive...? I don't- I don't recognize the name..."

Maybe when he hit his head he forgot, but he couldn't remember anypony he had met named Percussive. Thinking made his head hurt, so he stopped. He had been solving his personal problems until the voice had stopped him.

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He was startled to hear a voice.

"Percussive...? I don't- I don't recognize the name..."

Maybe when he hit his head he forgot, but he couldn't remember anypony he had met named Percussive. Thinking made his head hurt, so he stopped. He had been solving his personal problems until the voice had stopped him.

"Don't recognize the name? Don't you remember? I was with Lovely and Ice Beam the last time I saw you... Speaking of Lovely, you know where she is? She promised me a dance at the school dance... And then, a while later, someone apparently spiked the punch... That's a idiot for ya, right there."

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Rockshire made it back up to her floor, busting into her room. No Obsidian... She sent out a quick text.


'I've got another problem... Dogboots might be heading to prison... Where are you?'


Once that message sent, Dogboots replied.


'Ok... Please be safe...'



Meanwhile, Percussive still sat there waiting for Lovely, until she came to the realization that she wasn't going to be there...


"Great... Maybe she's visiting Nightfall..."


After a few minutes of walking, he approached Nightfall's room. "Hey, Nightfall... It's Percussive."


The phone vibrated on the table. Dogboots gaze was still fixated at the board. He glanced at Rockshire's reply and quickly started texting her back. 


I will. I love you


He sent putting the phone down. He needed to know who was capable of pulling such a move on him and why.

Edited by thor9356
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"Don't recognize the name? Don't you remember? I was with Lovely and Ice Beam the last time I saw you... Speaking of Lovely, you know where she is? She promised me a dance at the school dance... And then, a while later, someone apparently spiked the punch... That's a idiot for ya, right there."

"Oh... Hey... Sorry, but my head... The meds must be messing with me, along with some- recent events. And no, sorry... Ever since Lovely came in here and then left in a huff, she hasn't come back."

The mention of spiked punch made him think of Obsidian. He bit his lip and promptly got lost in thought, forgetting Percussive was even there.

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"Oh... Hey... Sorry, but my head... The meds must be messing with me, along with some- recent events. And no, sorry... Ever since Lovely came in here and then left in a huff, she hasn't come back."

The mention of spiked punch made him think of Obsidian. He bit his lip and promptly got lost in thought, forgetting Percussive was even there.

"Ah... Well, thanks for the help anyways.. Wait. Something isn't adding up. You got out of here a while ago... Why are you back in the hospital again? Did something else happen?"


He tapped a hoof on Nightfall's bed to shock him back to reality.


"Hey, why are you spacing out?"

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She sighed and huffed in agitation. "This is a better me, Vinyl. This is a stronger me. This is a me who isn't afraid to stand up and take action against those that hurt and cause suffering to other ponies. Did you see what I did to Nightfall? Rockshire? Dogboots? All of them caused harm and suffering. I am simply the method fate has used to balance the scales."


Her eyes narrowed as her horn began to glow frost blue and small icy flakes began to surround it.


"You aren;t.....against me are you?"

"No... No, I'm not against you, Winter." Vinyl kissed Obsidian and pulled her close. She wrapped one arm around Obsidian's back and stroked her hair with the other. She looked deep into Winter's frosty eyes and saw a glint of the real Obsidian, the one she loved. The one she truly cared about.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Ah... Well, thanks for the help anyways.. Wait. Something isn't adding up. You got out of here a while ago... Why are you back in the hospital again? Did something else happen?"

He tapped a hoof on Nightfall's bed to shock him back to reality.

"Hey, why are you spacing out?"

He was shocked back into reality.

"Huh? What?"

He saw Percussive standing there, concerned. He blinked for a second.

"Ugh. I haven't felt this before. And I should have, if I had felt it, felt it earlier. My meds must be getting much stronger..."

He started spacing out again, then remembered Percussive was still there.

"There I go again... I best rest, man..."

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Parso finished up at the range and an idea came to his mind

'maybe I should spend some time woth Vinyl, get to know the mother a little more'

he left the range and headed for Vinyls room but something was up, there was frost seeping through the door. he tried to open the door but it was frosted shut, he unsheathed his knife and used it to pry the door open. he run in

"Vinyl are you ok? there is ice everywhere. Obsidian, you look out of the ordinary, I want to help"

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He was shocked back into reality.

"Huh? What?"

He saw Percussive standing there, concerned. He blinked for a second.

"Ugh. I haven't felt this before. And I should have, if I had felt it, felt it earlier. My meds must be getting much stronger..."

He started spacing out again, then remembered Percussive was still there.

"There I go again... I best rest, man..."

Percussive looked at him skeptically. Something was wrong with Nightfall... So many unanswered questions... And the way one of his wings were...


"Uh, all right... If you ever need me, here's my number.", he said, grabbing a paper and writing his number down, leaving it on Nightfall's bed.


"See ya." He walked out the door.

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Percussive looked at him skeptically. Something was wrong with Nightfall... So many unanswered questions... And the way one of his wings were...

"Uh, all right... If you ever need me, here's my number.", he said, grabbing a paper and writing his number down, leaving it on Nightfall's bed.

"See ya." He walked out the door.

"See ha," he murmured. He wondered why everything was starting to get hazy and why he felt like shutting down. Put the phone number in his phone, and set it back on the nightstand. He closed his eyes, and almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. He didn't remember any dreams.

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Parso finished up at the range and an idea came to his mind

'maybe I should spend some time woth Vinyl, get to know the mother a little more'

he left the range and headed for Vinyls room but something was up, there was frost seeping through the door. he tried to open the door but it was frosted shut, he unsheathed his knife and used it to pry the door open. he run in

"Vinyl are you ok? there is ice everywhere. Obsidian, you look out of the ordinary, I want to help"

She slowly and reluctantly slipped out of Vinyls embrace. Her eyes grew colder and she smiled at the young colt. 


"I'm fine, truly. I...have somewhere else I need to be anyway. I'll leave you with my marefriend, but please be warned Parso...if your colthood goes anywhere near her, I will freeze it and break it off next I see you..."


She smiled gleefully and ported to her Dorm room, leaving only snow flakes and frost where once she stood. She was surprised to see Shire there but she smiled warmly. "Rockshire, how are you my dear?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl watched in pain as Obsidian left. Her pain soon turned to anger as she looked at Parso. "Damn it, Parso! What have you done?! I was so close to getting her to calm back down and then you... Gah!!" A tear rolled down her face and she punched his shoulder. She sat down on her bed and buried her head in her hands. "I was so close..."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Parso watched as Obsidian left

"somethings not right, my instincs sense it"

he turned to Vinyl

"Im sorry, truely. I figured, if we're going to be parents, we should spend some time together, maybe a stroll through the park? I dont know, Im strapped for ideas. I'd take you for a drink, but I dont think it would be good for the foal"

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria
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She looked up at him with disgust. "A stroll through the park? A stroll through the fucking park?! Are you serious right now?? You barge in here, fuck up my efforts to calm down my marefriend, – I was pretty damn close too – and you want to just go for a stroll through the park??" She was furious. She couldn't believe what Parso just did. "If you don't get out there and get my marefriend back in here, I will cut your dick off, myself."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I-I said I was sorry, guess all I ever do is fuck things up. fine, I'll find her, just take it easy and she'll be here sooner"

Parso sniffed a bit and picked up Obsidian's scent, guess living in a jungle has its perks. he followed the smell to Rockshire's room and opened the door

"Obsidian, listen to me, Vinyl os in a state of worry and she needs you badly, please help her"

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"I-I said I was sorry, guess all I ever do is fuck things up. fine, I'll find her, just take it easy and she'll be here sooner"

Parso sniffed a bit and picked up Obsidian's scent, guess living in a jungle has its perks. he followed the smell to Rockshire's room and opened the door

"Obsidian, listen to me, Vinyl os in a state of worry and she needs you badly, please help her"

She looked over at Parso, damn that pony got around, how the hell does he do it? "I'm a little busy right now Parso. Rockshire seems to be in distress and its my duty as her friend to help her. why don't you fetch Vinyl and lead her in here?"


She smiled and looked back at Rockshire. "Now tell me darling, whats wrong? How can I help?"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Parso turned to leave the room and rolled his eyes, he ran back to Vinyls room

"she says she wants you in her room, look, Im really sorry for what I said"

a stray tear ran down his scarred face

"if it makes you feel better, I'll cut off part of my own wing. but Obsidian is in her room and wants you to go there"

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Vinyl rolled her eyes, obviously frustrated. She's not going to make this easy on me, is she? "Fine. And you don't have to cut your wings, just... Give me some time, ok?" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and trotted over to Obsidian's dorm. She walked in and got close to her. "Look, Winter. There's something wrong and I think it's your beads."

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Dogboots went over every single detail of what happened tonight while picking up a few supplies and a pregnancy test. "Okay, there's got to be something I missed. Something i'm not seeing. Think!" The stallion thought as he continued to walk. He soon raised his head remembering what Star asked before catching him and Rockshire. "He asked if me and Rockshire were there. There is no way he could've known that we were together in the same room unless...somepony pointed him there. Somepony who possibly knew about me and Rockshire. But, who could it be?" He thought as he was getting closer to piecing it together. He tried thinking back and suddenly realized who. "OBSIDIAN! She saw me and Rockshire kiss at the hospital. Rockshire also mentioned having to explain the situation to her before she teleported out of my dorm. She must've been the one that led Star to catch us in the act! Plus with the timing of. IT WAS ALL HER! SHE DID THIS! There's at least a 90% chance that she's behind this! I need to warn Rockshire!" The worried stallion thought as he galloped back to his hotel room. He dropped the supplies on his bed and quickly began to text Rockshire.


He sent the frantic text in seconds. He was worried about Rockshire and his possible foal. He had to protect both of them but he couldn't do anything. If he went back to the college he would be arrested on sight. He needed somepony to get her out of there. The stallion looked at his contacts. He saw only one he could possibly count on but he didn't know if he had returned or if he was alive. Dogboots soon began to text Parso.

I don't know if your alive and back but I got nowhere else to turn. Get Rockshire away from Obsidian. Bring her to the Red Hoof Inn. Room 13. This is an emergency and I really need you. I'll explain once you two get here.

Edited by thor9356
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She looked more frustrated then anything at this point. "Vinyl, I am fine. You worry too much. I need to be here because Rochshire says she needs me for something. She looks terrible and I fear I may be responsible for whats troubling her. When Star Keeper came to us earlier I told him to go talk to Dogboots about his questions. I think....I dare believe Rockshire was there and he saw them doing something maybe they shouldn't have been. If thats true, I simply have to help her! It would be fault, in part, why she is suffering and I simply cannot let my Roommate suffer more then she has already. She may be with a child! Then there was the Rape by Eris! Then somepony didn't report it so she was made to suffer even more! Vinyl, you must understand I have to be here for her."


Her eyes looked of concern, pure, passionate concern. They looked just like Obsidians except for their icy hue and frost ring surrounding them.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Parso's phone buzzed, he opened it to read the text, when he did he nearly shat himself

'fuck me, Rockshire was with Obsidian, I have to get there fast'

he galloped to Rockshire's room and opened the door

"'scuse us, but can I just borrow Rockshire, we have things to discuss"

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Parso's phone buzzed, he opened it to read the text, when he did he nearly shat himself

'fuck me, Rockshire was with Obsidian, I have to get there fast'

he galloped to Rockshire's room and opened the door

"'scuse us, but can I just borrow Rockshire, we have things to discuss"

She turned and her eyes frosted over for a moment. "Actually Parso, WE have things to discuss and frankly I am tired of your intrusions."


She used her magic to seal the door, slamming the young colt outside in the hall way. She sealed the door around the edges with Ice and then turned to look back over and Rockshire, her eyes returning to their previous non frosted over form.


"There, no more interuptions. I swear some ponies these days have no manners."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl's mouth opened, but she stayed silent. What Obsidian was saying was right, but she wasn't herself. She didn't know the enchantment for Winter's beads and she knew she could never calm her down with Rockshire, or anyone else for that matter, in the room. She closed her mouth and sat down on the bed, then closed her eyes and sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry for worrying too much." All she could do now is go along with Obsidian and hope for the best. She felt weak and completely powerless and it showed.

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Parso tried to use his knofe to chip the ice away, but it was a lost cause


he quickly flicked out his phone and texted Dogboots back

'Im sorry, man. Obsidian froze the door on me and I cant get in, I tried as hard as I could, shes a madmare'

he trotted back to Vinyl's room and waited for her

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