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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Obsidian couldn't bring herself to tell whirlwind what their relation was but he seemed to understand the gravity of it. Deny Nightfall as the father? How could she? Yes her reputation and more so Nightfalls would be shattered. I mean she was raped, but Nightfall knew what he was doing. It would be crushing for him if this information got out.


She cried a little more as Whirlwind held her. Finally she stopped and looked into his eyes. "We need to go see Nightfall....now."

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind look into her eyes as she asked for them to see Nightfall. sure he wanted to pay him a visit earlier but after seeing Obsidian like this........ he would tear him apart....


he looked away before looking back, "he isn't worthy for you to even give him a chance, someone who can make you like this..... " he paused as he knew how the whole even would play out if they went "can we.... just stay here for a while? "he ask as he wiped her tears again

  • Brohoof 1

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After a long while she sighed in resignation. She nodded and laid her head against his neck and closed her eyes. Everything had come to a head finally. She was exhaused even though she had only just gotten up not to long ago. She would tell Nightfall tonight. He deserved to know....he at least deserved that.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind smiled as he put his hoof around her, it felt wrong of him for what he was asking of Obsidian, but he just wanted to be by her side for awhile just them.... but Obsidian is still with Vinyl the unicorn who has been taking care of her.

"Hey darl....... Obsidian, would you like a cup of tea? i would be a poor host if i didn't ask"

Edited by PonyEcho
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"Tea would be great actually...I need something to help me relax and calm down. I have no idea how I'm going to tell Nightfall or Vinyl. I feel so dirty......so......I don't even know. The pour foal would never live down the shame. I have to make certain no one finds out."


She looked over to Whirlwind.


"So how do we convince people its yours. Everyone knows I'm in a relationship with Vinyl."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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he took his hoof off of her and move toward the kettle grabbing the milk from the fridge along the way.  contemplating on what to say and what the plan of action should be, he remained silent as he brewed the tea mixing it with the milk and adding two sugars before passing it to Obsidian along with a plan.


"ok i'm not asking you to d this unless you truly want to, you were not rely pregnant then, your magic was off due to the stress and you made a miscalculation, its only been 4 days and the egg would have barely been fertilized." he took a moment to pause "and that night were we reunited we slept together, Vinyl will get angry with me over you, maybe even assume i forced it, if she comes to that conclusion you follow along with that, if its the only way to save you i can take the punishment"...... by Celestia he must have sounded like a Nut but it was be best plan he could think of in the time it took him to make a cup of tea

Edited by PonyEcho
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"Vinyl would never forgive me......she knows how strongly against cheating I am." She sighed. There was no way to win this was there? She sipped her tea and paced the floor. Maybe she could tell Vinyl. I mean how could she be mad at me for carrying my.....my....ugh, I can't even think it....anyway -his- foal. She knows I wasn't myself. I mean she was there.


"Do you think we could tell her the truth? Maybe she would understand"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"wells she's you're special some pony, that will be up to you." he said as he placed his hoof onto hers and did his best to contain his emotions "listen, i'm not asking you to lay with me or even to cheat on Vinyl, i want you to be able to put this behind you and look ahead..... be happy again, you're with child" he gave a pause "my child, i vowed to server you and that what i will do" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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"wells she's you're special some pony, that will be up to you." he said as he placed his hoof onto hers and did his best to contain his emotions "listen, i'm not asking you to lay with me or even to cheat on Vinyl, i want you to be able to put this behind you and look ahead..... be happy again, you're with child" he gave a pause "my child, i vowed to server you and that what i will do" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek

"I know this seems like a second chance.......where we can pick things up where we left them so long ago. I just don't know. I don't know if I can choose between Vinyl and you. She needs me. Here she is, a bad ass assassin, but we have a great relatiosnship dynamic. Its cute how she fllows me around. And I need her....but...now thst your here, it reminds me of wehat we had. Its all so confusing."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"I know this seems like a second chance.......where we can pick things up where we left them so long ago. I just don't know. I don't know if I can choose between Vinyl and you. She needs me. Here she is, a bad ass assassin, but we have a great relatiosnship dynamic. Its cute how she fllows me around. And I need her....but...now thst your here, it reminds me of wehat we had. Its all so confusing."

"i know"he replied before looking up into Obsidian's eyes "listen, I still love you, more then anything, and i want you to be happy no matter what" he took a moment to pause once more "and if being with Vinyl is what it takes, i'm ok with it" he said as he tried his best to control himself and not cry, he never thought he would lie to Obsidian like that

  • Brohoof 1

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She finished her tea and smiled at him weakly. "I need to visit Nightfall. He needs to know. You are welcome to come with me. In fact....if you think you are strong enough, you coud fly us there. But I want your word you won't hurt him, alright?"


She looked at him with pleading eyes.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind glared at the Alicorn, "you know you do have wings, or could teleport us ther... ok fine climb on my back" he said as they left the room he lowered himself to allow Obsidian to climb on "and you have my word" as she climbed on to his beck he took off to the hospital.

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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She knew it had to be awkward flying with her on his back, but she was honestly just too tired and weak to do it. They landed at the hospital and she walked up to the large building. With Whirlwind in tow, they made their way to Nightfalls room. She knocked gently and took a deep breath. Here we go....


"Nightfall, are you awake?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Yeah, we can talk...", Rockshire said as she sat up on her bed, patting a spot for Star to dot next to her. There's something that I want to tell you... I lied... But for a good reason."

"I don't care what you did, and I don't care about Dogboots. All I care about right now is how this foal is going to grow up." Looked away from Rockshire, not even daring to make eye contact. "I don't think I'll ever forgive you for what you did, nor do I think that a child should be raised in that sort of way. That is why I've decided to try and claim full custody of the foal after its been born."

  • Brohoof 2


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She knew it had to be awkward flying with her on his back, but she was honestly just too tired and weak to do it. They landed at the hospital and she walked up to the large building. With Whirlwind in tow, they made their way to Nightfalls room. She knocked gently and took a deep breath. Here we go....


"Nightfall, are you awake?"

"I am awake... Obsidian... Is this about how we are related..? Are we really cousins..?"

"I hope not... I hope we aren't related at all. If we were, I would never be able to live it down. Honestly. An incest and rape case all rolled into one... I'd be the most infamous alicorn ever, apart from Nightmare Moon."

Edited by Nightfall
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well the Alicorn mentioned rape and insect and how its going to all effect 'him' in the very first sentence.... however Whirlwind give his word he would hurt him, tho he at least wanted to scold him for say such a thing first.

he managed to hold it in and give the Alicorn a nod, as he waited on Obsidian 

Edited by PonyEcho

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She blinked, actually surprised he knew anything about the reason she came by. "If only it were that simple............brother...."

She looked away, she couldn't believe she had not seen it. They both had a connection to the night....Nightfall....Obsidian Winter....it was all so obvious.


She sat down and explained how they were half siblings, sharing the same father but not the same mother. She explained how rare it was for Alicorns to even be born and how they all shared a common connection, theirs just happened to be closer then most. 


"We have to keep this secret. No one knows officially about the rape and I intend to protect you against anyone finding out our relationship. Whirlwind has offered to claim our foal as his own...yes I'll look like a slut, but who doesn't in college? It would allow you to save face just in case anyone does find out. I would still want you involved with the foal, but it would be more discrete."


She gently placed a hoof on his hoof and made him look at her. "I know this is hard...I spent most the day crying over this but its done, okay? You didn't know. You made a mistake. I forgive you. We have to look out for each other now."

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl woke up and went down to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. She remembered everything that happened in there. The conversations that took place, the fights, everything. Then, thinking about when she broke up with Eris, she remembered Nightfall. Vinyl had been so harsh with him, most of the time without even meaning to. She hadn't even gone to the hospital solely to check on how he was doing. She had always been there for Obsidian, with Obsidian, or looking for Obsidian. On a side note, she thought, "Am I clingy? I was with Eris a lot when I was with him too. But I'm with Winter for another reason. She makes me feel... loved.. wanted... right. I feel like I'm that overly attached marefriend that always seems to be there." She shook off the thoughts and finished her breakfast.



Vinyl finished eating and decided she'd go see Nightfall to check if he was okay. She trotted up to his room, gave a quick knock on the door, and poked her head in. "Um... N-Nightfall? I came to see if you were alright." Her voice sounded weak, like things were weighing heavier on her mind. "Oh, uh.. Hey Winter." She didn't even notice Whirlwind in the room.



((I told you I wasn't going to sleep quite yet. Now I think I'll hit the rack.))

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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She blinked, actually surprised he knew anything about the reason she came by. "If only it were that simple............brother...."

She looked away, she couldn't believe she had not seen it. They both had a connection to the night....Nightfall....Obsidian Winter....it was all so obvious.


She sat down and explained how they were half siblings, sharing the same father but not the same mother. She explained how rare it was for Alicorns to even be born and how they all shared a common connection, theirs just happened to be closer then most. 


"We have to keep this secret. No one knows officially about the rape and I intend to protect you against anyone finding out our relationship. Whirlwind has offered to claim our foal as his own...yes I'll look like a slut, but who doesn't in college? It would allow you to save face just in case anyone does find out. I would still want you involved with the foal, but it would be more discrete."


She gently placed a hoof on his hoof and made him look at her. "I know this is hard...I spent most the day crying over this but its done, okay? You didn't know. You made a mistake. I forgive you. We have to look out for each other now."


He was startled. A close relationship than he had expected... He was slowly breaking; it was visible.

"That- That would be best for all of us... Whirlwind can claim the foal as his own, but- but I do also want to care for it when I can..."

He closed his eyes.

"We do... We just-"

He went silent as Vinyl entered the room. If Obsidian wanted Vinyl to know, she would tell her.

"It is done... it's in the past, and we don't need to worry about it any longer."


Vinyl woke up and went down to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. She remembered everything that happened in there. The conversations that took place, the fights, everything. Then, thinking about when she broke up with Eris, she remembered Nightfall. Vinyl had been so harsh with him, most of the time without even meaning to. She hadn't even gone to the hospital solely to check on how he was doing. She had always been there for Obsidian, with Obsidian, or looking for Obsidian. On a side note, she thought, "Am I clingy? I was with Eris a lot when I was with him too. But I'm with Winter for another reason. She makes me feel... loved.. wanted... right. I feel like I'm that overly attached marefriend that always seems to be there." She shook off the thoughts and finished her breakfast.



Vinyl finished eating and decided she'd go see Nightfall to check if he was okay. She trotted up to his room, gave a quick knock on the door, and poked her head in. "Um... N-Nightfall? I came to see if you were alright." Her voice sounded weak, like things were weighing heavier on her mind. "Oh, uh.. Hey Winter." She didn't even notice Whirlwind in the room.



((I told you I wasn't going to sleep quite yet. Now I think I'll hit the rack.))

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She looked at Vinyl and asked her to close the door tightly behind her. No one would know what they were speaking about. She went over how she found out about Nightfalls relationship to her. They were brother and sister, but only half. I was going to say I slept with Whirlwind and he is the father, though if this is an Alicorn foal I have no idea how that will go over. She told Vinyl she loved her and wanted to be with her but Whirlwind was going to be in their lives now as the father of the foal. 


"So Nightfall, who exactly are you to this foal now? Do you want anything to do with it anymore?"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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well this was some what a blow to Whirlwind as he heard Obsidian say that she wanted to be with Vinyl, he could feel his heart break but this was her wish and the best thing Whirlwind could do was play has part to ensure her happyness. as he stood there in the room with both Alicorns and the unicorn..... he couldn't help but just feel like and insignificant echo.

Edited by PonyEcho

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She looked at Vinyl and asked her to close the door tightly behind her. No one would know what they were speaking about. She went over how she found out about Nightfalls relationship to her. They were brother and sister, but only half. I was going to say I slept with Whirlwind and he is the father, though if this is an Alicorn foal I have no idea how that will go over. She told Vinyl she loved her and wanted to be with her but Whirlwind was going to be in their lives now as the father of the foal. 


"So Nightfall, who exactly are you to this foal now? Do you want anything to do with it anymore?"


"I want to be the foal's father, but... that could create issues... I want to be in the foal's life, though. At least be called an uncle, as it is true to a degree."

He looked at Whirlwind.

"We can say that we don't know the father, or that Whirlwind is the father if it isn't an Alicorn foal. If it is... we might as well accept the fact that I am the father..."

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Whirlwind did his best to remain calm and silent, but boy did he want to punch him, it would have just been better if he thought Obsidian wasn't even pregnant.... but when Nightfall said they should just accept that he is the farther Whirlwind could not hold it, he moved closer and grabbed the Alicorn "yeah and maybe we should accept everything you have done and move on..... right?" he said as he shove him back on the bed. "listen just be glad your being told this at all, you can be there for my foal, but if you ever do anything that endanger either of them i will make you pay"

Edited by PonyEcho
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The alarm clock went off in Dogboots dorm signaling the exhausted stallion to get up and prepare for the day. He rolled off the bed and fell on the floor. The smell of bad spaghetti still plagued the dorm but it was motivation for Dogboots to get up. He had a long day ahead of him. The stallion had to go to school for the first time in 7 years and go to a work training program. He still had time to clean the dorm a little bit and tidy up a bit before he had to leave though he didn't have an opportunity to take a shower.


Classes were incredibly slow for Dogboots. He didn't even understand any of the source material at all. "You know I probably would've preferred prison than this. Seriously, three meals, a cot and all the time to myself to reflect really doesn't seem bad. But, nooooo. Obsidian deemed it necessary to not only prevent my sentence but also have me enrolled in the school. Though it was nice of her to cover the expenses that just leaves one small detail. WHAT THE BUCK AM I GOING TO MAJOR IN?! Agriculture would be nice but I already know more about it than all of the students here plus the program may be under funded. Criminal justice? maybe but i'm forbidden to have security as a job. Judge said Security not detective. Meh, doesn't fit my style. I don't enjoy sitting at the desk and being under Royalty's hoof. Private Investigator? They're technically not under any faction so that could possibly work. Yeah, I could do that. Still, the only barrier is my lack of education. I barely finished middle school after I left 7 years ago. I would need a tutor but whom?" The colt thought making his way to the work training program. Like the classes it was incredibly dull except for the fact that they kept reminding him of his sentence and what he pulled. There were still some hard feelings between the staff and Dogboots. He knew he deserved it anyways though. After sleeping with a student and falsifying documents he was still amazed how the situation had turned out. Dogboots pulled out his phone and glanced at the blank screen. He quickly began texting Rockshire but stopped and wondered what he could text her. She didn't know what had transpired between him and Obsidian. He soon resumed the text.


I've got good news...sort of. Can we talk?


With that the stallion had sent the text and made his way back to the dorms to relax for what was left over of the day.

Edited by thor9356
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"I don't care what you did, and I don't care about Dogboots. All I care about right now is how this foal is going to grow up." Looked away from Rockshire, not even daring to make eye contact. "I don't think I'll ever forgive you for what you did, nor do I think that a child should be raised in that sort of way. That is why I've decided to try and claim full custody of the foal after its been born."

"That's mainly what I wanted you to do... Raise the foal with me.", Rockshire said, holding Star's hoof. It wasn't long until her phone vibrated, showing a text from Dogboots. Apparently, there's news about.


'What's the news?'


Percussive sat on a bench in the middle of the campus, listening to some music by the metal band, Pontera.

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