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Clash of Clans - Brony Clans


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So I am going to assume that everyone is aware of the app on iPad, iPod and iPhone in which users battle each other and what not. Well in this app, users can join clans and after a bit of research I have located the most dedicated brony clans. I am biased as I am in one.

Basically there are a bunch of brony or my little pony clans but these have one or two users and so I have assumed that they aren't that dedicated.

The two which I have classified as the most dedicated include 'the brony army' and 'the bronyhood'.

'The Brony Army' is the more determined clan with a high trophy level and a high user amount.

'The Bronyhood' is more focused on having a good time with a large number of elders and all users accepted. It also has an invite threshold to deter trolls.

When I say dedicated, I mean that they donate and they have a high trophy level.

Feel free to write in any clans I left out and also feel free to join the one I'm in, which is 'the bronyhood'. My name is MLP Fanboy and our leader is Nightmare Moon.




More clans have been added so I guess its time to update img-913340-1-biggrin.png


Alrighty, there is a new one with the original name 'Brony' img-913340-2-tongue.png

47/50 members with an invite only setting and a 0 trophy minimum


There is also a popular clan named 'brony bretheren'

50/50 members with an anyone can join setting and a 0 trophy minimum


What looks like a rising clan is named the 'Brony Pack'


46/50 members with an anyone can join setting and a 0 trophy minimum


Another original named clan, the 'bronys' img-913340-3-tongue.png

49/50 members with an anyone can join setting and a minimum of 600 trophies

I also thought I would mention the clan leader's name as it is 'mlp master' (high quality name img-913340-4-tongue.png)


Now there is another clan named 'MLP Bronys'

45/50 members with an anyone can join setting and a minimum trophy level of 600


A great named clan 'My Little Brony'

45/50 members with an anyone can join setting and a minimum trophy level of 800

This clan is also the third best brony clan in terms of trophy count


Next I believe is an international clan (speaks english and other languages) named 'Pony Brony'

31/50 members with an anyone can join setting and a minimum trophy count of 1000


Next up is 'The Brony Army'

I admit, reading over my first review of this clan, I was overly harsh for someone who has no idea what they are about and I apologize to any members I may have offended

50/50 members with an anyone can join setting and 0 required trophies

This is the highest rated brony clan in the game with 11355 trophies


Next up is my clan img-913340-5-biggrin.png 'The BronyHood'

48/50 members with an invite only setting and a minimum trophy count of 0

#2 rated clan with 11317 trophies (notice the difference between the top 2! img-913340-6-tongue.png)

Currently the clan is farming for resources and the trophy count is down, also, the clan has a regular role playing session with starts as soon as someone wants it to (which is basically all the time img-913340-7-tongue.png)


Our clan also has a feeder clan which users can go to if the regular clan is full name 'The BronyHood 2'

34/50 members with an invite only setting and a required trophy level of 0


And that's it img-913340-8-biggrin.png

I left out clans with less than 10 members and I wrote a fair bit img-913340-9-tongue.png


**Creepers also wanted to say that he will blow up on all of you**


{Second Edit}

I'm no longer in the Bronyhood and I have joined The Brony Army sooooooo yeah #muffins


{Third Edit}

I'm making a video version detailing the clans soon due to the extremely high number of clans.

Edited by Tank the Tortoise
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  • 3 months later...

I come from The BronyHood.


I came here to say hola.


Hallo. C: You should be active moar. I barely see you around the place.


I'm Teddayy. I mayke da place lively when its feeling down. 8D


And anyway, who knows, Moon might make you elder someday. ^o^


Here, have my cupcake. I made it from spirits. Because I died of a pez. So I baked spirits into a cupcake.


I'll just shut up now. Brohoof /) :D


and dass alot of clans.


Dasss alot of clans. O_O

  • Brohoof 1

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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I actually was elder, back in the day :P

Last year when the clan was new and I was on everyday but nowadays its rare that I go on in a week :(

I just don't have enough time anymore but when I do, I do stuff like this post

I stepped down from elder last month because I wasn't active enough and I thought it was unfair that I was elder when there were a lot more people who deserved it...

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I actually was elder, back in the day :P

Last year when the clan was new and I was on everyday but nowadays its rare that I go on in a week :(

I just don't have enough time anymore but when I do, I do stuff like this post

I stepped down from elder last month because I wasn't active enough and I thought it was unfair that I was elder when there were a lot more people who deserved it...

Nawh. :/ I only joined last year around November. But I'm around everyday, it's just that I might not get to see certain ponies because my timezone is sooooooooooo much different to everypony elses because I live in the southern hemisphere of the world. :I That, or I'll just say Australia and everyone lives somewhere in America. :I


But you should come back when you can! :D Everybody's so quirky and fun, RP is fun too but it causes alot of complications when somepony get's overpowered. I threw a hissy fit at one of the newer elders too. :I -sigh- Although, he is realleh OP. One of the other members even threw a tantrum and ragequit the clan for a bit because he was too OP. :/ Gah. That was like the first, only, and hopefully last time I have an argument with somepony in the clan. =_= But still, you should come back. ^u^ Moon will beh happeh. c:

  • Brohoof 1

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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Nawh. :/ I only joined last year around November. But I'm around everyday, it's just that I might not get to see certain ponies because my timezone is sooooooooooo much different to everypony elses because I live in the southern hemisphere of the world. :I That, or I'll just say Australia and everyone lives somewhere in America. :I


But you should come back when you can! :D Everybody's so quirky and fun, RP is fun too but it causes alot of complications when somepony get's overpowered. I threw a hissy fit at one of the newer elders too. :I -sigh- Although, he is realleh OP. One of the other members even threw a tantrum and ragequit the clan for a bit because he was too OP. :/ Gah. That was like the first, only, and hopefully last time I have an argument with somepony in the clan. =_= But still, you should come back. ^u^ Moon will beh happeh. c:


It is really cool that you have stayed active for so long!

I actually do live in Australia so I share that problem


I'm not really one for RP tbh, I just cant get into it but that was my first impression and I know from experience that I always get those wrong


I have school and work which takes up a large part of my time and then I try to stay in communication with my gaming friends on pc and xbox. I just hardly get on my iPad nowadays but hopefully that can change when holidays start or when I finish school.

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It is really cool that you have stayed active for so long!

I actually do live in Australia so I share that problem


I'm not really one for RP tbh, I just cant get into it but that was my first impression and I know from experience that I always get those wrong


I have school and work which takes up a large part of my time and then I try to stay in communication with my gaming friends on pc and xbox. I just hardly get on my iPad nowadays but hopefully that can change when holidays start or when I finish school.

XD Really? Well I was inactive for quite a while because my family and I went on to Sydney for a few weeks five days. And there was this one time when I just didn't go on it for like one week because I just didn't feel like it. -_-


Yeah, I read on your profile but forgot momentarily XD. So, on the weekdays I can't go on during school times (which is the time when like everpony is on.) because I have school. :/ Only on like, Saturday, because I have to go to church.


I don't have work, I pretty much only have school. I don't really have friends on games. And the only game consoles I have a alot of broken nintendos that my dad found somewhere, a PS2, and a wii. So, I'm really outdated with gaming consoles. -.- I never use a computer anymore because I found that although iPad doesn't have flash player, if you look really hard for stuff, you will find a website for it. Unless it's a game. Lol. and also because my parents always hide my laptop, which is a very cheap laptop and a piece of crap, and my brother always hogs the family computer, and if he isn't using it, my mother is paying bills or my dad's probably watching ... stuff. :\/ So you're pretty much like me but vise versa. XD \(=_=\)

  • Brohoof 1

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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XD Really? Well I was inactive for quite a while because my family and I went on to Sydney for a few weeks five days. And there was this one time when I just didn't go on it for like one week because I just didn't feel like it. -_-


Yeah, I read on your profile but forgot momentarily XD. So, on the weekdays I can't go on during school times (which is the time when like everpony is on.) because I have school. :/ Only on like, Saturday, because I have to go to church.


I don't have work, I pretty much only have school. I don't really have friends on games. And the only game consoles I have a alot of broken nintendos that my dad found somewhere, a PS2, and a wii. So, I'm really outdated with gaming consoles. -.- I never use a computer anymore because I found that although iPad doesn't have flash player, if you look really hard for stuff, you will find a website for it. Unless it's a game. Lol. and also because my parents always hide my laptop, which is a very cheap laptop and a piece of crap, and my brother always hogs the family computer, and if he isn't using it, my mother is paying bills or my dad's probably watching ... stuff. :\/ So you're pretty much like me but vise versa. XD \(=_=\)

Yeah, I have noticed that everyone is active during my school times as well :/

It didn't use to phase me because I would just take my iPad out in class and the teachers don't care

but that was year 10 and seeing as this is my second last year of school, I have to start paying attention or I will fall behind


The lack of a flash player was always a killjoy for me and I also had to do school work on it, which is much more difficult than a computer if you had the same apps that I did


The only way that I got my computer was a lot of work :P

I practically worked every single day of the holidays and I worked two shifts a week during school times

but eventually, in about 3/4 of a year, I could afford this wonderful thing :P

$2000 and a lot of angry friends later I was able to play da vidya gaems with my friends :P

But during when I was working, I was always in the clan, talking to moon, debating with vallu and getting creeped out by demon

I even got a kik so i could talk to moon during work, not that he even replies to me anymore :(


But I don't like finishing on low notes so ummmmmmmmmm brony music is great :P

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Yeah, I have noticed that everyone is active during my school times as well :/

It didn't use to phase me because I would just take my iPad out in class and the teachers don't care

but that was year 10 and seeing as this is my second last year of school, I have to start paying attention or I will fall behind


The lack of a flash player was always a killjoy for me and I also had to do school work on it, which is much more difficult than a computer if you had the same apps that I did


The only way that I got my computer was a lot of work :P

I practically worked every single day of the holidays and I worked two shifts a week during school times

but eventually, in about 3/4 of a year, I could afford this wonderful thing :P

$2000 and a lot of angry friends later I was able to play da vidya gaems with my friends :P

But during when I was working, I was always in the clan, talking to moon, debating with vallu and getting creeped out by demon

I even got a kik so i could talk to moon during work, not that he even replies to me anymore :(


But I don't like finishing on low notes so ummmmmmmmmm brony music is great :P

Yeah XDD I do that alot but I always finish my work early. >:D Then after that the teachers like "Do somemore" or like "Do the challenges" and Im like.. :( T.T IWANNAPLAY. :C


It is! Bleh I have alot of apps on here from the school but I deleted most of them because ALOT of them we didnt even use and the the ones we didnt use took up quite alot of space on my iPad.:/


XD I have never worked before. Ahm too lazy, and my mother says I'm not able to work if my grades arent high, so she says I need to focus on studying more than work, though which I totally agree to, I will probably use that 'studying' time to procrastinate, which thus, leads to procrastination. -.-


Demon IS creepy. O_O And hmm, Vallu only comes in the mornings. That or he doesnt come online much, or the time Im offline, he is online. LOL. XD


:( But Moon will! Just send him a message. Like : ermergerd. teddy sent me here. 8DD and tell Moon to add you to our group chat or something. :3


BRONY MUSIC IS GREAT. O_O I spent the whole day humming and singing the BBBFF song and also the A friend in need song, and Morning in Ponyville. The day before I was singing This Day Aria. :// Blerh.


I was about to say everypony when I should have said everybody today. Luckily I was just talking to my other pegasister friend. XD But it didnt actually slip I was like "Everypbody." Then covered it up. And told her about my almost slip. I'm not sure what we were talking about anymoar.O.O

  • Brohoof 1

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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Yeah XDD I do that alot but I always finish my work early. > :D Then after that the teachers like "Do somemore" or like "Do the challenges" and Im like.. :( T.T IWANNAPLAY. :C


It is! Bleh I have alot of apps on here from the school but I deleted most of them because ALOT of them we didnt even use and the the ones we didnt use took up quite alot of space on my iPad.:/


XD I have never worked before. Ahm too lazy, and my mother says I'm not able to work if my grades arent high, so she says I need to focus on studying more than work, though which I totally agree to, I will probably use that 'studying' time to procrastinate, which thus, leads to procrastination. -.-


Demon IS creepy. O_O And hmm, Vallu only comes in the mornings. That or he doesnt come online much, or the time Im offline, he is online. LOL. XD


:( But Moon will! Just send him a message. Like : ermergerd. teddy sent me here. 8DD and tell Moon to add you to our group chat or something. :3


BRONY MUSIC IS GREAT. O_O I spent the whole day humming and singing the BBBFF song and also the A friend in need song, and Morning in Ponyville. The day before I was singing This Day Aria. :// Blerh.


I was about to say everypony when I should have said everybody today. Luckily I was just talking to my other pegasister friend. XD But it didnt actually slip I was like "Everypbody." Then covered it up. And told her about my almost slip. I'm not sure what we were talking about anymoar.O.O


My teachers always come up to me and ask if I homework

"the answer must always be yes because YOU MUST STUDY EACH SUBJECT EACH NIGHT" :(


My iPad has no use for me in class now

Except for the ebooks

I'm happy with the ebooks

I don't have to carry heavy textbooks when I have ebooks :P


Last year was probably my hardest year of school, every night I was either at work or soccer practice

I don't know how I even managed to fit coc in :P


There was a time when demon was new, I remember it clearly

he tested the boundaries to see what he could get away with :P

it seems like he now knows where the boundary is and he sits right on it :P


Ahhhhh! I'm too shy to do something like that! What if he says no :(




I also listen to music made by bronies, have you heard any?


And sorry I didn't reply last night, I fell asleep during maintenance :P

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My teachers always come up to me and ask if I homework

"the answer must always be yes because YOU MUST STUDY EACH SUBJECT EACH NIGHT" :(


My iPad has no use for me in class now

Except for the ebooks

I'm happy with the ebooks

I don't have to carry heavy textbooks when I have ebooks :P


Last year was probably my hardest year of school, every night I was either at work or soccer practice

I don't know how I even managed to fit coc in :P


There was a time when demon was new, I remember it clearly

he tested the boundaries to see what he could get away with :P

it seems like he now knows where the boundary is and he sits right on it :P


Ahhhhh! I'm too shy to do something like that! What if he says no :(




I also listen to music made by bronies, have you heard any?


And sorry I didn't reply last night, I fell asleep during maintenance :P



Mmmmmm ebooks. I love ebooks. What do you read on your iPad? O.O I always read fanfiction or books made by people that arent published. XD Lol. And then I realize what you mean by ebooks when you said textbooks. e.e ._.


XD Meh. School isnt that hard. For me. o.o I JUST NEED TO STOHP PROCRASTINATION.


Lol. I can not imagine a time when Demon would be new. XD True, of course he would sit right on the boundary. T_T That's just him. WHOA. MY SECOND T ON MY T_T FACE LOOKS FATTER THAN THE FIRST ONE. O.O UGH. ;___;


He wont say noooo. See, because of me your already participating moar. :3 :D ITS ALL MY FAULT. Wait.. it wasnt really a fault.. The other word for it. -_-


I KNOW. WINTER WRAP UP IS SO CATCHY. T.T It was like the first MLP song I really liked. XD \(*^*)/

And yeah, I have. Like remixes and that sister one.. uhh.. I forgot what it was called. XD Lol. ._.

  • Brohoof 1

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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Mmmmmm ebooks. I love ebooks. What do you read on your iPad? O.O I always read fanfiction or books made by people that arent published. XD Lol. And then I realize what you mean by ebooks when you said textbooks. e.e ._.

XD Meh. School isnt that hard. For me. o.o I JUST NEED TO STOHP PROCRASTINATION.

Lol. I can not imagine a time when Demon would be new. XD True, of course he would sit right on the boundary. T_T That's just him. WHOA. MY SECOND T ON MY T_T FACE LOOKS FATTER THAN THE FIRST ONE. O.O UGH. ;___;

He wont say noooo. See, because of me your already participating moar. :3 :D ITS ALL MY FAULT. Wait.. it wasnt really a fault.. The other word for it. -_-

I KNOW. WINTER WRAP UP IS SO CATCHY. T.T It was like the first MLP song I really liked. XD \(*^*)/

And yeah, I have. Like remixes and that sister one.. uhh.. I forgot what it was called. XD Lol. ._.

That's fine teddy!


I don't actually read too much, it doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to, the last time I read a fanfic was your preview :P (READ TEDDY'S PREVIEW, IT'S REALLY GOOD!) and before that it was cupcakes *shudders*


School for me is difficult coz I'm into VCE where I really got to concentrate but I always procrastinate just like you :P


Demon seems in a weird mood now days, I told him to take a weekend off from worrying about the Tom - jelon situation and he was so thankful to me when he came back and he sounded so much better than he did on the Friday O.o


Whenever I read a message from you teddy, I feel like I have to read it super fast :P coz that's how fast you type XD


And I think I'm in the kik group, well, I was :P Damn rain!

I told moon that you made me come back and be active more :P


I have to send you my playlist, I have like over 100 minutes of brony remixes XD


Now I gotta get back to work coz my break ended 5 minutes ago XD

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That's fine teddy!

I don't actually read too much, it doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to, the last time I read a fanfic was your preview :P (READ TEDDY'S PREVIEW, IT'S REALLY GOOD!) and before that it was cupcakes *shudders*

School for me is difficult coz I'm into VCE where I really got to concentrate but I always procrastinate just like you :P

Demon seems in a weird mood now days, I told him to take a weekend off from worrying about the Tom - jelon situation and he was so thankful to me when he came back and he sounded so much better than he did on the Friday O.o

Whenever I read a message from you teddy, I feel like I have to read it super fast :P coz that's how fast you type XD

And I think I'm in the kik group, well, I was :P Damn rain!

I told moon that you made me come back and be active more :P

I have to send you my playlist, I have like over 100 minutes of brony remixes XD

Now I gotta get back to work coz my break ended 5 minutes ago XD

>.< YAY. I dont know why but cupcakes some how I liked it.... O_O -gets shot by a billion dash fans and pinkie fans-;; The only MLP fanfics I've read are like Rainbow Factory and Cupcakes.. I was trying to get into Fallout: Equestria but I got too lazy. T.T And thankyou. C:


x3 I'm actuallg supposed to be doing homework but I keep procrastinating. LIKE PROCRASTINATION. STOHP. LIKE PLEASE. :C It's due like next week and I have to do a whole travel plan including travel insurance, local history traditional clothing and etc. I've only done half of it and I've got a week left. UGH. ONVJOSDNFOJ.


\(^3^)/ Haha. Does he? I'm not really sure what he was like when he first came to the clan. I came around November, I'm not sure if it was the start of November, or the end of November.. ._. But I dont know, ever since Jelon came everything has just been RP RP RP RP OMG ROLEPLAAAAYYYYYYYYY. -_- Like and whenever there isnt role play "When can we roleplay again?" It's annoying me because I dont know whats happening in the roleplay.:/ Roleplay didnt even happen this much. I kind of feel like he changed since his character turned into a mare. :I But maybe thats just me. He's getting too feminine but dont tell him that. >.<


:P I'm just that awesome. IM LIKE PRO TYPER. \(*^*)/ Haha. XD


Yay!:D Moon must be proud of me. Jk. He must be proud of you too. >.~


O.O WOW. I have a few brony remixes in my playlist because I was actually supposed to download liek actual MLP songs than ended up downloading remixes instead of the original. I think one of them was the Love is in Bloom - Alicorn Trance Remix and the other one was Babs Seed - Bath Seat Remix MUAHAHA. I really like the Love is in Bloom one even though it goes for like seven minutes. I'd probably use it as my wedding song and use it as the last dance. Lawl.



// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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>.< YAY. I dont know why but cupcakes some how I liked it.... O_O -gets shot by a billion dash fans and pinkie fans-;; The only MLP fanfics I've read are like Rainbow Factory and Cupcakes.. I was trying to get into Fallout: Equestria but I got too lazy. T.T And thankyou. C:


x3 I'm actuallg supposed to be doing homework but I keep procrastinating. LIKE PROCRASTINATION. STOHP. LIKE PLEASE. :C It's due like next week and I have to do a whole travel plan including travel insurance, local history traditional clothing and etc. I've only done half of it and I've got a week left. UGH. ONVJOSDNFOJ.


\(^3^)/ Haha. Does he? I'm not really sure what he was like when he first came to the clan. I came around November, I'm not sure if it was the start of November, or the end of November.. ._. But I dont know, ever since Jelon came everything has just been RP RP RP RP OMG ROLEPLAAAAYYYYYYYYY. -_- Like and whenever there isnt role play "When can we roleplay again?" It's annoying me because I dont know whats happening in the roleplay.:/ Roleplay didnt even happen this much. I kind of feel like he changed since his character turned into a mare. :I But maybe thats just me. He's getting too feminine but dont tell him that. >.<


:P I'm just that awesome. IM LIKE PRO TYPER. \(*^*)/ Haha. XD


Yay! :D Moon must be proud of me. Jk. He must be proud of you too. >.~


O.O WOW. I have a few brony remixes in my playlist because I was actually supposed to download liek actual MLP songs than ended up downloading remixes instead of the original. I think one of them was the Love is in Bloom - Alicorn Trance Remix and the other one was Babs Seed - Bath Seat Remix MUAHAHA. I really like the Love is in Bloom one even though it goes for like seven minutes. I'd probably use it as my wedding song and use it as the last dance. Lawl.



I should get around to reading rainbow factory but I don't really want to coz i like to have dreams which arent messed up XD


I actually took a day off from school today so i probably have a load to catch up on which should be great fun :(


Something just seems off with him, I'm no too sure though. I dont even rp :P Whenever it starts up I just start lurking XD. I swear, they rp'd all of today, i dont know how they do it and I can only watch as one turns too op or somebody pisses off tom and then I go and talk to him while nobody cares :(


Moon is deep in the rp as well, I cant remember the last time I had an actual normal conversation with him which didn't revolve around more problems or the rp (BUT THE BRONYHOOD IS REALLY NICE, YOU SHOULD JOIN!)


Awwwww, super cute using mlp songs as wedding music  :wub:


I got a filly Sweetie Belle who sings and has different audio cues :D

and a bunch of other mlp merchandise, XD , someone my age should not spend all this money on mlp :P

I get super possessive over mine as well XD

My 18 year old sister started making twilight and rarity have sex so she isnt allowed to touch them anymore XD

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  • 1 month later...

I should get around to reading rainbow factory but I don't really want to coz i like to have dreams which arent messed up XD


I actually took a day off from school today so i probably have a load to catch up on which should be great fun :(


Something just seems off with him, I'm no too sure though. I dont even rp :P Whenever it starts up I just start lurking XD. I swear, they rp'd all of today, i dont know how they do it and I can only watch as one turns too op or somebody pisses off tom and then I go and talk to him while nobody cares :(


Moon is deep in the rp as well, I cant remember the last time I had an actual normal conversation with him which didn't revolve around more problems or the rp (BUT THE BRONYHOOD IS REALLY NICE, YOU SHOULD JOIN!)


Awwwww, super cute using mlp songs as wedding music  :wub:


I got a filly Sweetie Belle who sings and has different audio cues :D

and a bunch of other mlp merchandise, XD , someone my age should not spend all this money on mlp :P

I get super possessive over mine as well XD

My 18 year old sister started making twilight and rarity have sex so she isnt allowed to touch them anymore XD

Sorry I havent replied to you Fanboy :c


x.x Why did youleave? :( #Ifeelbetrayed like I just started making you active and then you leave. :/ bleurgh!


I just kind of bought you in at the wrong time. .-. I just thought you were inactive and I wanted to bring you back so I talked to you and then it was at the wrong time. XD I'm just perfect at wrong timing, and well you probably thought we had dramas like that all the time but we actually dont. ;.;


So yeah. :/ You were my only friend that was from the future. T-T


So yeah thats it :,c ok

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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Sorry I havent replied to you Fanboy :c


x.x Why did youleave? sad.png #Ifeelbetrayed like I just started making you active and then you leave. :/ bleurgh!


I just kind of bought you in at the wrong time. .-. I just thought you were inactive and I wanted to bring you back so I talked to you and then it was at the wrong time. XD I'm just perfect at wrong timing, and well you probably thought we had dramas like that all the time but we actually dont. ;.;


So yeah. :/ You were my only friend that was from the future. T-T


So yeah thats it :,c ok

awwwwww, I'm sorry teddy

I cant come back though, even if I wanted to


Nightmare and I had a............ disagreement 


Anyway, at least you have dota 2 now! Making me active eventually payed back XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

awwwwww, I'm sorry teddy

I cant come back though, even if I wanted to


Nightmare and I had a............ disagreement


Anyway, at least you have dota 2 now! Making me active eventually payed back XD









-hugs- I'm gonna be in the BH2 because they're having a downfall right now and I really want to help them go back up. ^•^ I also volunteered for it. Me and Kiwi. :P But I'll be back in the BH1.


I'm not sure when, but when the BH2 gets back up and running I'll return. ^-^ Unless.. unless I get attached to them too. O___o Lol.

Edited by Teddiee
  • Brohoof 1

// Likes to be reffered to as a brony, even though she is a girl.

// Instagram: xpinkiepie and hatofiria_lucy

// Tumblr: luminouswallflower and teddyxfire

// Kik: glassessgurrrl

// Has Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena personalities.

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I'm pretty sure demon misses you XD

I told him that you and him should get Skype so you can talk together and be super cute

That was the thing which I couldn't tell you XD

How is bh2 when I last went in there it seemed alright but that was before moon and I.... Yeah


If you ever want some help with bh2 then I'll be glad to jump in for a bit but I sorta promised moon I would be a good little member :D

Anyways I gotta get back to class lol


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As a new update : most of BronyHood has moved to Brony Haven. Just some arguments have occured and eventually things happened. Bronyhood is still working but is slowly struggiling. I suggest anyone looking to join bronyhood join Brony haven instead. Its still the same but it is better.

  • Brohoof 1
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As a new update : most of BronyHood has moved to Brony Haven. Just some arguments have occured and eventually things happened. Bronyhood is still working but is slowly struggiling. I suggest anyone looking to join bronyhood join Brony haven instead. Its still the same but it is better.

Alright i really want to join your clan. My name is Flam and ill be at Brony Haven when i get high enough level and repair the castle

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I am looking for a brony clan right now if you are looking for more eventually i will make my own my name on it is bronyhero

I need a new clan for bronies that is highly active

I'll do some searching for you and let you know if anything comes up <3

  • Brohoof 1
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My spouse is in a group called Anthropolis~ 


I hear lots of interesting stories of his brony group.  :derp:

My spouse is in a group called Anthropolis~ 


I hear lots of interesting stories of his furry/brony group.  :derp:

Avatar designed by my beloved VinylShadow~




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I am looking for a brony clan right now if you are looking for more eventually i will make my own my name on it is bronyhero

I need a new clan for bronies that is highly active



So far I have found one clan called 'Brony 3'


One or two of the people from my clan left for this one and it looks like everyone is pretty active buuuuut there is an 800 trophy limit 


So if you want, I could keep looking or you could join Anthropolis :3

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