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planning Tombs and Magic: Star-Crossed Lovers (Mature)


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IC Thread: (http://mlpforums.com/topic/39908-magic-and-tombs-star-crossed-lovers/#entry940949)




+=Tombs and Magic=+

"You think your little kingdom is so safe. Not a care in the world other than what's for breakfast. Well you shall soon learn and all ponies will remember the day that Azure Dawn made everypony come to their haunches."-Unidentified


The stories were simple enough. Once, there was a mare of such beauty that even the sun and moon fawned upon her, each pony seeking her attention. This mare's coat was of the purest purples and blues, mixing in a wonderful cascade of hues. Her eyes were like the stars, brilliant but cold. Even her mane and hooves were absolutely perfect, never seeming to be disturbed by dirt, wind, or motion. Everypony loved her like none other and all despaired, for she would not give her heart to anypony, for fear of the others. In time, certain ponies became jealous of each other for imagined favors that the mare had given them. Chaos broke out and for one of the few times in Equestrian history every sentient being in the world went to war.


But among those who sought her, there was one particular pony who held her heart firmly in his own. Shining Noon, the Alicorn Lord of the Pegasi and relative to Celestia herself. Each time she saw him, her soul strained to be nearby, but she could not lest he be set upon by ponies everywhere. Perhaps alone amongst ponies, he was one who was not blinded by her dazzling charms and luxurious mane. He could see deep into her soul, knowing that they were forever to be seperated by fate. His love was one not of desire, but of purity of soul. He sought her because they knew each other like none other, lonely islands amongst a sea of emotions.


One fateful night, all the forces seeking her came together at once at the mountain Highhorn, the tallest peak in the known world. Magic flowed like water and ponies fought each other like those possessed. The whole affair threatened to tear the world asunder. In one final effort to obtain Azure Dawn's companionship forever, Shining Noon unleashed a terrible spell upon all present at the event. Thousands were forever frozen in stone, paused mid-battle. Those powerful enough to escape did so, but all paid a terrible price. Their memories would be forever wiped of anypony and everything before the spell and all would have that portion of their soul locked for all eternity.


Shining Noon himself was consumed by the spell, sending shattered peices of his existance across the world in small crystalline meteorites. However, all did not go as planned. Azure Dawn was horribly mangled by the spell, ruining her features, soul, and mind. In addition, it encased her in stone as all the others, likely to be kept that way until the end of days.


Recently, an archaelogical expidition has discovered the battlefield atop Mt. Highhorn. You are one of these brave souls who would venture into the dark secrets of the past, or maybe you are simply a simple pony here for your own reasons. Whatever reason you are here, now is the time to be wary, for whatever lurks inside the forsaken monument is best left undiscovered.


Summarized Plot:

Long ago a terrible curse was cast by a long dead Alicorn that froze thousands of ponies and otherwise in stone. The location has been extremely hard to find and has only been recently been discovered. Atop a snowy mountain-peak at the top of the world, a wasteland of broken statues stare into the distance, forever stopped in their last moment. An archaelogical expedition has begun to search the ruins, looking for answers. Why is this place here? What happened? Who are these ponies? When will the sun ever rise and end this night?




First Tier: Perhaps the weakest of denziens that walk the ancient tombs and frosty wastes, these creatures are also the highest in number, making some of them dangerous opponents should they gather into a large enough group. Some of these may even be components of larger abomonations.


Wind Wisps: Whatever these once were, all they consist of are concentrated wind and ice flakes. Though their true intentions are unclear, they are generally predictable. As long as you keep quiet and don't bring a flame out, they will remain passive, tending to follow you a few dozen meters before moving along. Literally hundreds of these things can be present in the same space at one time. While nearly harmless on their own, a swarm of these can freeze a pony solid if he is not careful.


1. Be respectful.

2. At least a paragraph per post.

3. If you want an alicorn that bad, make sure it is very well written.

4. No God-mod/Meta-gaming.

5. I control the plot.

6. I control what enemies (if any) are included.

7. If you wish to submit an enemy type, send it via Pm.

8. I retain the right to make your life as fun as possible.


Character Sheet: (Required)



Species: (Other sentient beings allowed.)


Talents: (Cutie-mark, etc.)


Accepted Characters:

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Okay, this sounds really interesting, and my OC would probably fit perfectly with the plot. How many ponies may I have? If I can only have one, I'd like to use Lapis Lazuli.


Name: Lapis Lazuli

Age: 20

Species: Earth Pony

Personality: Lapis Lazuli is very shy, but it rarely shows on the outside. He usually tries to just bury his face in a book rather than interact with other ponies. He is always forcing himself to talk with others because he wants to learn about the world around him. He tries to be kind, but it doesn't seem to come out right. Lapis is inquisitive and alert, capable of picking up on other's emotions. Although he may act self centered at times, it is only because he is unsure of himself. Lapis enjoys books, and can't stand it when ponies are mean to each other without purpose. He has a soft spot for those in need, and will try to offer help. But, he is really nervous about showing that he cares.

Talents: A blue book. It represents a love of knowledge and a desire to seek it out.


The full information can be found on his character page. Link in signature. Also, why is this labelled Planning? It looks like you have everything thought out. Unless there is something not finished? Either way, I'd love to be a part of this.


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Sounds great, count me in. I'll be using my character Star Keeper:


Name: Star Keeper


Age: 21


Species: Pegasus




To say that Star Keeper was a very sociable pony would be to lie. He was an often reclusive character, spending very little time actually going out to meet with others. He would prefer a quiet afternoon read to a busy day of social activity. This does leave him somewhat lonely, but he’s much too stubborn to admit his true flaw.


Star is a very strange personality, his attitude reflected in his actions. Often he can appear arrogant and ignorant. If he is thrown into a situation, he often will resort to either mumbling his sentences or panicking. Panic usually resulted in him saying the first thing that came to mind, which got him into more trouble than out of it.


Star Keeper for a period of his life was rather sexually confused. He didn’t understand the concept of a relationship and didn’t fancy he’d be good at it. After living in Ponyville for some time he realized he had grown an attraction to colts, but did not come open about it. To this day he keeps his socially orientation to himself.




Mark of the Inquisition: The need to acquire and collect knowledge. Star Keeper is an avid historian, collector and lore master. He also has basic knowledge on flight aerodynamics and herbal remedies.

Edited by The-Master


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Berry and Master: Yah, you're both accepted.


Berry: Depending on how many people are attracted, maybe be more or less. I'm gonna say two for the moment, as we currently need a diverse cast. Oh, and the plot is pretty set. The enemies and challenges that will actually be faced are still floating around in my head. I can assure a dark theme though.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Name: Sun Razed


Age: Twenty-Two


Species: Pegasus


Personality: Sun Razed is a very serious mare. She is very driven when it comes to her goals, such as becoming the best soldier. She has no real concept of doing anything other then training and fighting. It's all she's ever wanted to do, and Sun considers that the best fun she could have. She doesn't have much of a sense of humor, often not understanding the jokes tossed around by other soldiers. She gets confused by things like sarcasm, as Sun doesn't particularly read people well.


Sun never had many friends as a filly. She focused much of her time on training, even when she was little, and this led to her having a serious, solemn demeanor and lacking social skills. Sun isn't good with small talk or casual conversation. She finds it difficult to read the smaller cues someone may exhibit, and often simply accepts things at face value. It is easy for her to be deceived, tricked, or pranked and she's been a target of these things quite a few times. Especially being pranked because her reaction is often confusion, but never irritation or anger.


Despite being very stoic, Sun is quite easy going. She obeys orders but doesn't object if others don't. In fact, the Pegasus simply ignores what the other soldiers are doing most of the time. When pulled into a social situation, Sun is relaxed but silent. She may not really understand what other ponies are thinking, but she never really worries about it.


Sun is also very loyal and driven. She will always stay loyal to her superiors, Princess Celestia, and the memory of her father. Even if somepony else tried to lie to her or trick her about these ponies, she will refuse to believe based on the fact that they have earned her trust. Well, the superiors she has already known, anyway. Any new ponies are at first regarded with wary suspicion. It is only after she sees that they know what they're doing that Sun will completely trust somepony to give her orders. Sun is also quite driven in her two simple goals in life: make her father's memory proud by being a great soldier, and avenging the death of her father on the Griffon that killed him. Sun truly loved and respected her father a great deal.


Talents: Golden Sword. Represents her desire to fight for all things good and right.

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Why is it when people talk about stone statues and evil in the same context, this is what my mind instantly turns to? Stupid Weeping Angles giving me nightmares.

Posted Image

Something is definatley wrong with me. Although, It would be pretty entertaining. Meh, I can't wait to see your ideas.

Edited by The-Master


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Berry: Depending on how many people are attracted, maybe be more or less. I'm gonna say two for the moment, as we currently need a diverse cast. Oh, and the plot is pretty set. The enemies and challenges that will actually be faced are still floating around in my head. I can assure a dark theme though.

Alright, then I shall also submit my OC's assistant, Asteria.


Name: Asteria

Age: 15

Species: Unicorn

Personality: Asteria is a very creative pony. She spends much of her time daydreaming. She is cheerful and kind. When she sees someone having a bad time, she'll try to cheer them up. Asteria is very intelligent, and sometimes that makes her sound like she is trying to make you feel stupid. But she always has your best interests at heart. Asteria is a loving pony who will give her all for those she cares about. Unfortunately, she is sometimes too trusting. Thankfully, Lapis Lazuli, her mentor, makes sure she doesn't get into any trouble. She is also very softhearted and can misinterpret a pony's words.

Talents: A quill, representing her writing skills and creativity.


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Name: Carrick Murphy


Age: Twenty-Two


Species: Earth Pony


Personality: Carrick Murphy is analytical pony. He takes every possible outcome he can think and than uses the best one that would be useful in the situation he was in. In cases, he decide a outcome that would be likely best for the situation at hoof (Only special occasion where that would change).


He tries to keep his emotion in check. Which gives him deadpan syndrome, where his face never really changes from the morning to the evening. His voice and brown eyes are the only time you hear any type of emotional expression, if any. Carrick thinks that emotions are useless. He sees emotional ponies and unable to control something so frivolous. Especially when it comes to the subject of "love." Where he has much cynicism on (well, in most ponies opinions).


Being a detective, he does have a love of mysteries. He loves the idea of finding out the pieces of a mystery and solving it all. Though, he's only been a detective for a few years. He has been doing it since he was a colt. Small cases here and there. He started to get a sense of everything. He has two powerful assets that he obtains in the career of detective. His silver tongue and his attention to details.


Despite his vocal strength, he is more of a introverted pony. Most ponies see him as smart and smooth at the case, but when he is off duty, they seem him as odd or boring. Others, offended by his line of thought and see him more arrogant or ignorant. He tends to work alone instead of together in most cases. Though he listen to other ponies ideas and theories, he tries to stay by himself while he writes down his notes, but if strike into a conversation at case time. He attempts to be on his best behavior as to not create a hostile work environment (unless on the subject of love).


Talents: A notepad. To attribute to write down every detail down, regardless of utility. Personality, fur, every...freaking...detail.

Edited by NinjaCPU
  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Why is it when people talk about stone statues and evil in the same context, this is what my mind instantly turns to? Stupid Weeping Angles giving me nightmares.

Posted Image

Something is definatley wrong with me. Although, It would be pretty entertaining. Meh, I can't wait to see your ideas.


I am still terrified of any and all statues. Don't trust those stony bastards...


Bang: Acceptyed.

Berry: Accepted again.

All: I will likely be adding a test enemy sometime in the next day or so, to give an example of the things soon to be faced.


Yay, thank you! I'm gonna be looking forward to the test enemy. Sun can show off her skillz XD

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Ninja: You are accepted, as are all the others.


Maybe two more characters, and I will begin the rp immeadiately. Otherwise, I will begin in approximately three days.


Oh! I added the first (and most common) type of enemy to the OP. Enemies will be organized into tiers. Each tier will have similar traits and habits, but not neccesarily the same appearance. Tier 1 will primarily be a 'swarm' enemy, ranging from the Wisps to maybe even beetles.

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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How will the fighting system work? If I fight an enemy, how do I win? I can't just keep hitting it and hope for the best. Will you implement a system?


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Herm... how do I explain this. In a good number of rpgs, enemies have a Health Point number assigned to them. I am going to exclude this entirely. Rather, enemies will have certain traits, aswell as things that are more and less effective against them. Fighting is left up to you, though I urge you be descriptive. Just as a basic example, here is a unicorn fighting a Wind Wisp:


Bolt Tighten is walking across the frozen ice back to camp, trying to be careful to not make any noise. Wind Wisps are not particularly numerous in this area, but enough could group together to be dangerous. Unfortunately, he does not notice a thin sheet of ice propped against a rock. A tinkling like glass can be heard during a momentary lull in the wind, alerting the nearby Wisps. (Here, he would have as many options as would be open to any person, though what he does will dictate what will happen afterwards.) For instance: Bolt tries to run away from the Wisps, making even more noise while gaining some ground. More Wisps are alerted, and the quicky overwhelm him. On the other hand: Bolt uses his magic to send a burst of energy into the approaching Wisps, shattering them and leaving them little more than snowflakes.


So, imagine the Wisp. It is made of wind, a spirit, and ice. Being made of wind, hitting it probably isn't going to work. Fire would definitely get rid of it, but it would attract a ton more in the process. Magic pulses seem the best solution because they are generally quiet, and disrupt the spirit part of the monster.


To summarize that: Each mosnter will have pokemon-esque attributes, meaning than certain types of attacks/defenses work better.


Important!: Anyone who still wants to join can, and will be able to until further notice. The IC thread will be up in less than an Hour.


Sand Ironhoof will by my character for this roleplay: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sand-ironhoof-r1931

Edited by Higurashi
  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@, You may want to put a link to the IC topic. I didn't realize that you started it until recently. (Not sure if others found out as well.)


EDIT: scratch that, you did. Still, you should of posted something so everybody(pony) will know.

Edited by NinjaCPU
  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Alright, I want to make my first post, but I do not know where to place my characters. What should they be doing? What is exactly happening right now at the beginning?


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Alright, I want to make my first post, but I do not know where to place my characters. What should they be doing? What is exactly happening right now at the beginning?


Reading a bit about your character, I think it would just make sense that you would be in the expedition. Seems to be a lot of mystery. Would make sense as well, since your cutie mark represent desire to seek knowledge. Wouldn't most ponies with a urge to learn more about this? Maybe you don't have to be there immediately, maybe you decide to go now. As you read it somewhere about the expedition to these statues. Just a thought.

  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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I have a few questions. How would somepony have learned about the expedition? What was it like while the expedition team climbed the mountain? Were there any statues on the way up?


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I have a few questions. How would somepony have learned about the expedition? What was it like while the expedition team climbed the mountain? Were there any statues on the way up?


Well, I might not be the creator of this roleplay, but I think you could in theory make those the first one up yourself (which might help other roleplayers who are willing to do what you did.) As well, as the second since it would be your experience as the post implies that the expedition was made months ago. Since he talked about pleasant weather, than said it had become terrible in the spring.The third question...I dunno.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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The third question...I dunno.

Yeah, that's the only one that matter. I'll wait for the DM to answer. Then I shall make my post. And while were on that note, why haven't you posted yet?


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Yeah, that's the only one that matter. I'll wait for the DM to answer. Then I shall make my post. And while were on that note, why haven't you posted yet?


A good question, I actually had a long post ready and waiting for the most part...than my computer crashed and I couldn't get the saved text. So, I'm rather peeved atm.


Well, I did my first post. Hopefully, everypony(body) will start posting their first post as well. (Though Berry Pie should get his questions answers) 

Did this roleplay just died already? There seems to be no activity since Berry Pie has posted. What's going on?

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Did this roleplay just died already? There seems to be no activity since Berry Pie has posted. What's going on?

Very peculiar indeed. It is rather sad actually. This role play looked like it had potential.


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