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private The Fountain RP

Miss Light Diamond

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"Something im good at eh? Well im good with computers and making them, but theese ponies look like they don't have toilets yet." He chuckled to himself, "Well i could try but, unless i learn how this horn on my head works, it might be a LOONG time. Got any ideas seamus?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Thanks, Sugar Rush," said Descant. "I'll try not to get under your hooves." He laughs. "So you guys need some bits, eh? I think I might be able to help with that. I received some extra bits from that performance with the Fillydelphia Philharmonic, frankly more than I need, so I'll lend it to you."


A faint maroon glow surrounds Descant's horn, and from a nearby house comes a small pouch, which is similarly enveloped in a maroon glow. It moves towards the group, stopping to hover right in front of Descant. "It's not a lot when you divide it between everypony in your group, but it'll get you all through two or three days, which is surely enough to find work around here. I'm assuming that you'll be staying in Ponyville, of course?"


Back on earth I did tricks with fire... but you kinda need fingers to do that... I mean i have no idea what i'm good at as pony...


Descant withdraws the pouch suddenly. "Okay, what's really going on here? Somepony's not been honest with me. Where's errth? I thought you were from Tranterlot? What are fingrrs, and toilets, and what do you mean as a pony? He looks at these new ponies as if he's seeing them in an entirely different light than before.


(OOC: I don't spell things wrong ever, so if I do, it's on purpose. It might show the infamiliarity Descant is showing with the matter at hand, or that he's pronouncing something wrong.)

(OOC: So... I definitely forgot that there are toilets in Equestria...)

Edited by Descant

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"Well..U-um... Ok, I am so bad at this... You cant tell anyone but... My friends and I are from another world, There is a fountain in the forest back there, and it has another side which is in our world. the stories said that if someone wanted a chance at a better life than there was some magical fountain you could jump into and it would fix all your problems... The thing is, It bought us here... and you can tell Anyone... If you dont mind." Flame said.



*I think I will go see what twilights up too.* Fluttershy thought, opening the door to her cottage and flying out towards the library.

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Ivy sighed, "The truth is we don't know where earth is anymore" she said honestly. She looked around, "fingers there like... tiny hooves on each hoof to help us do things!" she tried to explain. She paused, "All of us we can't fly if we have wings and we can't use are horns for... what ever horns are for!" Looking back at her baby she let out other side, "I have no idea how to look after a baby pony"

Edited by Midnightive
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(Edited post at least 4 times because I hadn't refreshed page in about an hour, I just woke up ;____; )


"Well nice to meet you June. My name is Twilight Sparkle, so what's this about a magic fountain?" she asked as she opened the door to the library.


Sugar's grinned innocently "Yeaa, I found these guys earlier, I didn't believe them, I thought someone set them up as a prank of some sort, I told them to come along to Ponyville, heheh, sorry" she told Descant.

Edited by PinkaPopo




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"Okay, so we know that we can't really fly or do whatever with our horns, and as crazy as this sounds we're creatures from another world and you guys are reeealy behind on technology. I get that. And you guys have strange names. Might as well change mine. I kind of like the name Dusk Storm, what do you guys think? Should we change our names?" Gertrude took in the information coming at her like a whirlwind.

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Descant hesitates. "I would think you were pulling a mean trick on me if you didn't look so serious about it. You're sure you're not?" After only getting stony looks in response, Descant shifts his hooves uncomfortably, and says,"Your secret is safe with me. I doubt anypony would believe me if I told them this anyway. In fact, I'm not sure I believe it. But if Sugar Rush believes you..."


Descant pauses for a moment, then continues on, "If your story is true, then I think I can try and help you blend in. And a few of you can stay with me. My house isn't large, but I'm certainly able to take one or two or you if you want to fit comfortably. Three if you don't care for comfort. Plus I can feed you for a few days." He waves around the bag of bits. "And... It's Ivy, right? I didn't know you had a foal. Lucky for you, the Cakes have foals too. Why don't you talk to them? Or heck, Pinkie Pie might be able to help too. She's their foalsitter. First things first, though. Your names are ridiculous. You might want to pick new ones."


(OOC: I need to go take a shower, and get a haircut. I might be gone for a little while. I'll try to keep up with my phone, but no guarantees.)

Edited by Descant

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" well, me and a few, err friends, had heard about a special fountain that gives you a chance of a new life. I just wanted to read up on it and see if it wasn't an old wi... ponys tale."


(OOC: ive just remembered that there are toilets in equestiria.)

"well when i mean toilets i mean decent sanitation" Derek said aloud, "And not meaning to be rude but where i come from, ponys dont know the meaning of that word." Derek heard what decent said. "New Names huh? well lets see. I can be bright both emotionally and intelligantly, and i was like a "spark" with why good artistry And that i inspired my mom to start back painting." he toght to himself, "So call me Bright Spark!"

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Flame laughed. "Oh sorry... I still think the names here are kinda silly... anyhow, Thank you Descant... Sugar Rush was saying that only if we had wings we would be able to stay at her house... I dont really know why. And as for a name, I think I want mine to be...Fire something Or maybe Flame... I am going to stick with Flame." He said, smiling. "Alright... I am super tired, Is there some place I could take a nap ?"

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"Heh I see" Said Twilight "Spike, can you fetch that book about the mirror pond, I think there might be something about this Fountain in it" "you got it Twi" Spike said saluting her before he returned with a large book "Here ya'h go Twi" "Thank you Spike" she levitated the book towards June "Here you go, feel free to keep it for as long as you want, I really need to get going now"





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Descant laughed. "Silly names or not, that's how things work here in Equestria. But yeah, those names will be much better. And didnt you explain...?" He glances at Sugar Rush. "Well, you see, pegasi don't usually live on the ground. And they love to take naps on clouds. But since neither of you can fly, I suppose you could sleep at my house." Descant gestures behind him. "It's just down at the end of the road."

Edited by Descant

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(OOC: Mind if i create a story for this fountain? just a brief one?)

"ok, well thank you." june replied before the librarian left. she picked it up with her two front hoofes, but couldn't seen to walk very far like that, so she tried with her mouth, and succeded. She went over to the nearest chair, and flicked through the book untill she found a story.

"Ah! here it is . let's see now. 'legend has it that deep in the everfree forest lies a fountain, that is believed to have the powers of sending a pony through to another worls, and giving them the form of the most evolutionary advanced creture there. however, if the fountain gets cracked on one side, thats deep enough to drain the fountain, then that side becomes usless, and will not allow ponies to return to their world.' well" June said, " Thats a little worr-aaand im talking to myself again arn't I?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Well I was gonna tell them, I think I did, ehh, I guess I'll try to teach them to fly.... I think the biggest problem is the cutiemarks though, seems kinda odd to see several full grown ponies still blank flanks" she said looking at the ponies walking around the group. "Last thing we need is the whole town knowing about them."




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"Do you use Hair dye... well I guess it would be mane dye... anyhow, we could just use that... or something... Will other ponies really care ? I wouldn't really think it would be much of a deal, But I am also a talking blue pegsus in anew world called... What is your world called ?" He asked looking up at the sky. "And why aren't the clouds moving ? You know what... I giotta stop asking so many questions. and I like the name Dusk Storm... it fits you." He said, smiling at Gertrude.

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"hang on a second, they're called cutie marks? And i thought the names were wierd! What does it, make you look sexier or something?" Derek, Or bright spark as he had decided, was just finding this funnier and funnier by the day. and there was still that party to go to later on!

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"We live in Equestria, and if you find this weird, there'll be plenty of other things that'll surprise you, and the reason you should get a cutiemark is because without it It'll be... well odd, even most fillies in school already got their cutiemarks. All you guys need to do is find something ya'll are good at, any ideas?" She asked with a somewhat worried tone.




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"Nope... I need fingers to do my talent... I guess I will have to find something more ponyish... anyhow, Is there a cafe or somewhere we could grab a bite to eat ? I am starving." He said, looking around for a restaurant. *Everything here is so clean and colorful... I like it.*


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June put the book down, that baby dragon, Spike his name was? He could sort that later.

"Hey!" June said when she got to the group, "were stuck here permanently! isnt that great?" she saw the other pony here. " oh hey, the names june. Didn't see you there" She looked at seamus "Does he know were not from here?" she whispered.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"YAY... I mean... Oh noo were stuck here." He said, his voice fading just like before. "Um... June, Just to fill you in, Sugar Rush and Descant." He pointed at the two ponies. "Have kindly offered some money until we can get up on our feet... Hooves. For the few of us who aren't able to figure out how to fly... Descant has offered a place to sleep at his house... and if we can figure it out, Sugar Rush has offered a place at her house... which is in the sky, Isn't Than Cool." He said enthusiastically, as he trotted over to a small cafe.

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"lucky ass bieng able to fly" Derek just nudged June in the shoulder "im stuck with this horn on my head, any body know how to use one?"

"Wait a minute?" june asked, "we can walk on clouds? and fly?! next you'll be telling me theres an entire City made of clouds up there!"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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When Flame got to the restaurant he began reading the menu. *Daffodil and Daisy sandwich on home made hay bread... and Hay soup ? They expect me to eat this ?* He thought, Staring at the menu with a slight look of disgust. *Well, I suppose if I am going to be living here... I should get used to the food.* "One Daisy Sandwich on olive bread please." The waiter nodded and trotted off towards the kitchen.

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Derek scratched his head "Special talent? well unless you've got an electrical generator, carbon fibres, glass, tonnes of iron and a pony who knows how to create hard drives and micro chips, then i'm gunna need another talent!"


(OOC: a little thing, if you knew what you were talented at BEFORE entering equestria, wouldent it be passed on? like if you were good with art as a human then that could be passed on so your pony version's special talent was art aswell, so they would already have the cutie mark right?)

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Well, we have plenty of iron, glass, ponies, and chips. What are you going to do with the chips? Smash them into small pieces? That's an odd talent, making micro potato chips." Descant says, looking a little confused.


"As far as electricity goes, there are plenty of ponies who tinker with machinery. I have no idea how any of that stuff works, though. We usually don't really make use of any of them doodads here in Ponyville, but I'm pretty sure they have stuff like that in the bigger cities. You might try Canterlot, or Manehattan, or maybe even the flying city of Las Pegasus. And yes, June, was it...? There's not just one flying city, but three. At least three. I bet Sugar Rush would know a bit more about the flying cities than I, but I think there might be a spell that allows earth ponies and unicorns to also walk on clouds. I'm not sure."

Edited by Descant

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"There are THREE cities in the sky?! as in the walls are clouds, the floor is clouds and the beds are clouds? God i need to test theese wings!" June said, spreading them out. "what do you think sleeping on a cloud is like?"

"i dont care, if i cant sleep on them i dont want to know." Spark Replied. "Do you know any way of getting to canterlot?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Flame gave the Sandwich a suspicious look as the waiter held it out for him to take. "Thank you very much now... um... How much is that ?" "Four bits." The waiter grumbled. Flame glanced back at Sugar Rush and Descant with a pleading look. "You gonna pay or not ?" Said the waiter, in a grumpy voice.

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