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private The Wonderbolts' Training Ground For Elite Fliers

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Draco smiled at Scamps then said jokingly "Hey Scamps do you feel that there's love in the air" Draco laughed as he walked away. He loved annoying the youngwer mare. Draco walked to the jaccuzi and got into it. "Oh nice and warm" Draco said as he turned on the bubbles.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Scamps scowled at her roomate. It was like he had just heard the two voices in her head argue!


And then, the horror settled into Scamps.


What if Ace had heard Draco?


Scamps could feel herself blushing in front of Ace, trying not to look really stupid in front of him.


'Why do I care?' She thought to herself. And then it hit her, as she looked briefly into Ace's eyes. 'I...I guess I do love him. But do I really want "us" to happen?' The more Scamps thought, the more she wanted Ace to be hers.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Electro Dash was worried. not only about Her wingpower but about the others. they all seemed to be making friends with other ponies. and here she was, Panicking they would insult her over wingpower! she thought to herself, Theres still that offer for the jaccuzi. well why not? she got off the treadmill, and want to the jacuzzi.

"hey. I dont think weve met, so we might as well now. the names Electro Dash."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Good job, Ace!" She said excitedly. "A 13 is amazing!" She then chuckled. "I still beat you, though." She watched as everypony else tested their wing power, and Scamps found that she wanted to hang out with Ace for a little more.


'You're not falling in love,' she thought to herself. 'Training first, he's just a friend.'

Of course, her lovey dubey side had to cut into her thoughts to.

'But he's so cue and handsome! Not to mention friendly! And, he's a magician. You two are prefect.'


Scamps wanted to knock the two voices in her head out.


"So, uh, Ace, do you want to go to the pool or something? It seems like we have a lot of down time right now,"


'Good job,' Scamps' "No time for love" voice said in her head. 'You totally sounded like you were asking him out.'


Scamps scowled at her roomate. It was like he had just heard the two voices in her head argue!


And then, the horror settled into Scamps.


What if Ace had heard Draco?


Scamps could feel herself blushing in front of Ace, trying not to look really stupid in front of him.


'Why do I care?' She thought to herself. And then it hit her, as she looked briefly into Ace's eyes. 'I...I guess I do love him. But do I really want "us" to happen?' The more Scamps thought, the more she wanted Ace to be hers.

Ace smiled "sure, that sounds nice the only thing is...I can't um swim." Ace blused. Shes really nice I think im starting to fall for her, don't be stupid it wont work! But theres no harm in trying. I said that last time and it was really harmful. Ace closed his eyes for a secound as his thoughts were going all over the place.

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"Draco O'mally" Draco said as he relaxed in the jaccuzi "Your wing power was 11.9 eh not bad actually while mine was higher you have more manuaverablity than I. So around tight turns you would win in a race of drag racing. On long sprints like that race we did I would win," Draco said as he smiled.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Oh, I'm sorry. We could...uh..."


Don't say movies.


Scamps kept thinking, trying to find a place to go.


Don't say movies.


"We could go to dinner or something. For being a Wonderbolts Training Facility, they hav eto have a resturaunt with good food somewhere. I'm sure we could find one...if you, um, wanted to go there..."

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Maybe disturbing Cloud was no the best idea. She's probably just going to ignore us so we might as well leave. Star Keeper trotted away from he room to see how all the other ponies were doing. It seemed to be calm, but as usual Draco was stirring trouble. He should just shut his mouth, get a marefriend and stop bugging everypony. If that were possible. Aside from him, Star decided he should work on his dismal wing power. 9.7 was embarrassing, especially in front of all these talented flyers. He considered bailing but that was a stupid idea that would get him nowhere. He would stay, but he needed to train. While everypony else enjoyed themselves  Star sneaked out the front door and took to the open sky.


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"Oh, I'm sorry. We could...uh..."Don't say movies.Scamps kept thinking, trying to find a place to go.Don't say movies."We could go to dinner or something. For being a Wonderbolts Training Facility, they hav eto have a resturaunt with good food somewhere. I'm sure we could find one...if you, um, wanted to go there..."

Ace laughed when Scamps aloligized "I don't know why everypony says that, you didn't know I couldn't swim but im learning. But diiner sounds nice as well im also sure they got good food here, lets go find out."

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Scamps nodded as she walked around with Ace to find a place to eat. There was an awkard silence between them; Scamps was completely tounge tied.


'Okay, so I love him, we've established that. Now what? I don't want to confess my love...yet, but it's so wierd not talking!' She thought.


"Oh..um, look, a resturant, let's go check it out," Scamps said realy shyly.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Scamps nodded as she walked around with Ace to find a place to eat. There was an awkard silence between them; Scamps was completely tounge tied.'Okay, so I love him, we've established that. Now what? I don't want to confess my love...yet, but it's so wierd not talking!' She thought."Oh..um, look, a resturant, let's go check it out," Scamps said realy shyly.

Ace looked over towards the resturant and went up to the pony on the other side of the counter. "Can I have just a haysandwhich? and...what would you like to eat Scamps?"

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"I'll uh, have the same thing," she replied. She knew she was making a fool of herself. She decided to go find a table and try to hide from the embarrassment.


'Because Ace totally wants to be seen with a mare like me," she thought to herself sarcastically. 'All these ponies assuming we're a couple. He'll never want to speak to me again.'

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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It was getting late, Luna's moon slowly creeping into the night sky, a light breeze adding a chill to the air. Star tightened the old scarf he wore around his neck as he took off, gliding on the wind and landing on a small cloud. From here he began to practice, speeding from one cloud to the next, darting in all directions. His sprinting was becoming better and he felt his technique was improving slowly. If he tried a little harder and a little longer, he would have this in the bag.


Time passed, the evening and made its turn to darkness. Star grew tired, be had been outside for nearly an hour flying in circles. He felt like he had improved, but not enough to make a fuss over. He called it a day, gliding back to the doors and trotting back inside. He needed something to eat, urgently. His stomach was trying to eat his other organs. He popped into the restaurant and sat himself down in one of the smaller booths. Picking up one of the menus, he couldn't help but notice a couple of Pegasi sitting across the room.


Were they dating? That was fast. He had to hand it to Ace, he was in there to win. Even if he did somewhat fancy colts over mares, Star kept it quite. He was good at that, keeping secrets. He like knowing things that others didn't and then rubbing it in their faces. All good fun. Aside from that, Star peered over his menu, gazing over at the couple as they conversed over the dinner table. A good way to pass the time.


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"I'll uh, have the same thing," she replied. She knew she was making a fool of herself. She decided to go find a table and try to hide from the embarrassment.'Because Ace totally wants to be seen with a mare like me," she thought to herself sarcastically. 'All these ponies assuming we're a couple. He'll never want to speak to me again.'

Ace saw that Scamps went over to a table and looks a little sad. He walked over to her and calmly asked, "hey Scamps, you ok? You seem a little down." Ace said giving a reasurring smile.

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Ace looked up at Scamps and began to speak. To Star's surprise he could make out what he said. He could hear them loud and clear from across the room. Bonus. Now he could spy and eavesdrop at the same time. Wow, creepy bastard. But Star didn't care. This was all good fun.


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"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just, uh..." Scamps tried to figure out how to say it without making her crush on him obvious.


She had two options; lie really obviously or tell the truth.


She sighed, and figured the truth had won. If she lied, she would have to explain again and again.


She took a deep breath, and as fast as possible, said, "Okay, so I used to think you were just my friend, but then you were really really kind to me, so then I started to like like you, and then this happenned, the awkward "date", and I'm really really nervous around you and feel like I'm giving you a bad image. In other words, I'm in love with you and therefore really shy around you in public."


Scamps stares at him as she thought, 'Should have stuck with lying,'

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just, uh..." Scamps tried to figure out how to say it without making her crush on him obvious.


She had two options; lie really obviously or tell the truth.


She sighed, and figured the truth had won. If she lied, she would have to explain again and again.


She took a deep breath, and as fast as possible, said, "Okay, so I used to think you were just my friend, but then you were really really kind to me, so then I started to like like you, and then this happenned, the awkward "date", and I'm really really nervous around you and feel like I'm giving you a bad image. In other words, I'm in love with you and therefore really shy around you in public."


Scamps stares at him as she thought, 'Should have stuck with lying,'

Ace's eyes widen in surpised as he was going over what Scamps just said. She likes likes me?! She likes likes me! What do I saw? What do I do?! "Y-you actully like like me?"

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"Well, I, um, yeah..." she said. She braced herself for the worse. But then, she realized the tone in his voice. Happiness? Excitement?


Y-you actually like me rang through her head, as she tried to understand the tond of voice.


She gave up.


"So, do you...like me? Do you think "us" could happen? Are we...I mean, do you want us to be....do you want us to become a couple?" She asked, slightly nervous, slightly hoping.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Well, it's about time. Star rested comfortably in his seat, sliding back on the smooth leather. It was nice to see a couple get together in the end, even if he didn't fully understand. His meal arrived shortly after, engulfing it in one quick go. He was certainly hungry tonight. Back to the situation at hand, Star continued to watch as the couple talked over their feelings and stuff like that. How long had they known each other? A few hours, maybe more. Already fallen in love. That was quick by anyponies standards. It didn't really matter, love was love, but did they know that only one of us was going to actually get into the Wonderbolts? Meh, we'll soon find out.


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"Well, I, um, yeah..." she said. She braced herself for the worse. But then, she realized the tone in his voice. Happiness? Excitement?


Y-you actually like me rang through her head, as she tried to understand the tond of voice.


She gave up.


"So, do you...like me? Do you think "us" could happen? Are we...I mean, do you want us to be....do you want us to become a couple?" She asked, slightly nervous, slightly hoping.

Ace gave the biggest smile he ever had. "Y-y-yes, yes I do." Ace ready to jump in the air, but he could still hear that nagging voice in the back of his head. I still say your gunna blow this big time.

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A huge smile spread across Scamps' face. She grabbed a hold of Ace's hooves. "Well then, consider this the first date. Of course, this doesn' t mean I'm going to let you win the next race." She said, grinning. She was just glad their friendship had developed into something more...something special.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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A huge smile spread across Scamps' face. She grabbed a hold of Ace's hooves. "Well then, consider this the first date. Of course, this doesn' t mean I'm going to let you win the next race." She said, grinning. She was just glad their friendship had developed into something more...something special.

Ace grinned at Scamp's remark. "Oh well I guess my plan didn't go so well." Ace said laughing as there food finnly came. he looked over and notice Star peeking over his menu. "Well hi there Star Keeper."

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Star Keeper couldn't help but smile at how adorable it was. Look at those two with their smiles and their staring  oh look, she's grabbing his hooves. Star Keeper quite caught up in the moment, accidentally letting two words slip from his mouth.


"Awww, cute."


Wait, did I just say that aloud? Star quickly picked up the menu and shielded his face. If he could listen to their conversation easily, chances are that they heard him as well.


"I deny everything!"

Edited by The-Master


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Star's voice broke the moment. She got a bit frustrated. She had been having her first romantic moment with Ace, and then he ruined it!


She looked over at Star. "Yes, hi. It's called a date with a colt I know and like. You came here alone, so you eat alone." She tried not to sound mean. She wasn't trying to be mean...it was just rude...


"So, um, please don't eavsdrop. Because it's rude."


She then turned to look at Ace, a but dazed and confused. "Sorry, what, where were we?" She asked him, ignoring Star.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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'Forever Alone Face'


'Shut up!'


Star Keeper slumped back further in defeat. Was there a reason he wanted to be alone; yes. Was he going to tell anypony why; no. That simple. Why was he eavesdropping; curiosity. He was a curious guy, he couldn't help it. It was a second nature to him. Although this probably was the best time to make a sneaky exit before they suddenly turn on me. Like the ninja protégée he was, Star crept silently from the dining hall, exiting into the main lounge.


"Excellent, this looks like a good place to wallow in self pity."


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Star's voice broke the moment. She got a bit frustrated. She had been having her first romantic moment with Ace, and then he ruined it!


She looked over at Star. "Yes, hi. It's called a date with a colt I know and like. You came here alone, so you eat alone." She tried not to sound mean. She wasn't trying to be mean...it was just rude...


"So, um, please don't eavsdrop. Because it's rude."


She then turned to look at Ace, a but dazed and confused. "Sorry, what, where were we?" She asked him, ignoring Star.

Ace smiled "Well, our dinner is ready." Then it clicked in his head. "So thats why you were glaring at Draco he was messing with you." Typical Draco.

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