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Hank nods "i get judged a lot because of this cloak. Its either wear the cloak and hood or show all my scars . Well twilight.. anything you wish to do? We havent spent a lot of time together." He sighs 'Applejack? If i am correct. I could help you with your farm." He smiles



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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MoonSparkle being the mad pony she is fly's around in applejack's farm making crop circles in the wheat, She then landed and heads back to her Telescope and study's the full moon and opening her Phase chart, she muttered several words causing the moon to glow orange, she quickly collapsed with the effort but the moon still changed color, several minutes later she looked up and smiled faintly "great it worked" she added getting to her feet, she had changed the moon a bright orange color, she smiled to herself "tehe Princess Luna wanted me to do something creative, and that's what I've achieved not even Princess Twilight could beat that" she bragged, "shame my magics only at its optimum each full moon" she added before admiring her handy work


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Duran the lynx





Feeling bad for her behavior and words she offered and apology to her host "Im sorry its just that... she seams to have it all... and now she... forget it, im just being silly " she said ashamed of her words. "So am I like my brother?...I mean do you also dislike me?" she asked Duran looking to get more information about the cat and her brother.


Duran looked at the mare and considered the possible outcomes of his available answeres to her question. After a short time of thinking about those, he concluded that a neutral answer was the best option he could take. He didn´t want to insult her after inviting her to drink tea with him, on the other side he wanted to make clear why he was observing her and Colt. "Since you and your brother have unusual magical powers within you that i am not able to explain, i got very curious about you. To be honest, i don´t trust magical beeings just like that. On the other side, i am somewhat magical too, so you have the right to think similar about me. To my advantage, many magical animals where no explanation is needed, exist within this world. I could simply claim to be a magical animal that appears now and then... but to see a magical pegasus is not explained that easily..." he told Emi about his thoughts.


"If you want me to be honest, i would demand the same thing from you. Equivalent trade i would call this situation. You tell me something i don´t know, then i will tell you something you didn´t know until now. But somehow i think that your situation is difficult to explain, and mine is difficult to understand. I think you are a clever mare, so what would you suggest how to handle a situation like that?" he asked. Of course Emi could tell that Duran was more intelligent than a normal cat should be, and duran could tell that Emi had a link to magic of unknown source. Perhaps the mare was able to tell him a good solution about this situation. "About the topic if i dislike you... until now you have shown a normal behavior... i don´t like or dislike you. I am watching, leaning and observing you to get a better opinion about you. After that is done, i truly can tell if i like you... or not." he explained.

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@Iron Wing,@kappa214, @Colt,

Draco sighed slightly and said "I'm tired Mrs. Twilight. I'm tired of always working, tired of always missing days where I can go meet a special somepony, or when I can go meet my surviving family.I have to work on Hearts and Whooves day. I'm tired," Draco said looking alittle more solemn now. He felt a weight on his shoulders. "Look I know you on't know me all that well and only have glancing looks but I'm always flying over head,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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.. but to see a magical pegasus is not explained that easily..."

"Well we agree on that one...I think there are some certain and... unusual conditions for that to happen" Emi told the kitty answering with honestly to his curiousness about her abilities. The mare was also very curious about the little fellow, after all not every day she got the chance to get close with another "not-to-be magical creature" that actually were one.

Equivalent trade i would call this situation. You tell me something i don´t know, then i will tell you something you didn´t know until now.

"Well yes I think is fair and square to trade some info, I don't think you would use that against me or my brother so Ill trust you." she said without doubts. Truth was Emi sensed no evil inside the little lynx and if she was able to understand a little bit more about him she might be able to understand more about her own powers.


I think you are a clever mare, so what would you suggest how to handle a situation like that?"

"Oh now you are turning to flattery, you are quite the stalker you know " she said still going with the joke that was already too old and having another sip of tea, it was good. "But well I think that as the gentlecat you are you are going to have the ladies first approach right" the pegasus said with a devious look in her violet eyes, she was having a good time with the little cat and now that her worries about her brother's safety were over (at least of his physical safety) she would enjoy this time around magic.
"To say the truth I dont know much about my magical properties" the white mare said "After that happen I suddenly was able to feel things around me.  Some time later, as I was going nuts about it, I found that those things were actually living creatures " she said pointing to Duran "Then by accident, or maybe chance, I found that I was able to understand those feelings and share my spirit with others too, mostly with my brother" as saying so Durant felt a warm and welcoming feeling, it was her giving a little example. "If that wasn't weird enough I lost almost all my control over weather, like if it was some trade or something, now I can barely stand over clouds and cant take even a single drop out of them." It all was true and actually for her it was not a bad trade she was never fond to her weather control heritage and being able to share her feelings were way more convenient for the mare. Her sharing all of this with the wild cat was her way to "handle things" trust for Emi was a 2 way run and she waited for him to trust her back "So would that work for my first part of the deal with you?" she asked to Duran waiting for him to share more than happy about his next statement.



"About the topic if i dislike you... until now you have shown a normal behavior... i don´t like or dislike you. I am watching, leaning and observing you to get a better opinion about you. After that is done, i truly can tell if i like you... or not."


"I want to think you are a good liar because I kind of find you interesting and fun, and the fact that you are "studying me" just made you look more like a stalker, but for a nocturnal predator like you I think that's more of a compliment right Duran?"  she was teasing him and having some fun while doing so.

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Duran the lynx





"To say the truth I dont know much about my magical properties" the white mare said "After that happen I suddenly was able to feel things around me. Some time later, as I was going nuts about it, I found that those things were actually living creatures " she said pointing to Duran


Duran was still a bit confused how easy Emi was trusting him, and he couldn´t explain this behavior. Perhaps she was more open to everything than he wanted to realize? But now that she started to talk it was no use in stopping her. Watching female ponies always made the impression on him that they weren´t able to stop until their breath run out. On top of that, he wanted to listen to her because she revealed perhaps some useful information. But as he listened she revealed that she didn´t know much about her magical properties and that everything was a bit vague. But every little information he got about her could be compared to tons of gold, since he had just conjectures until now. With every bit of information he could think about the connections and the puzzle was filling itself with pictures.



"Then by accident, or maybe chance, I found that I was able to understand those feelings and share my spirit with others too, mostly with my brother" as saying so Durant felt a warm and welcoming feeling, it was her giving a little example.


The lynx nodded to her explanation and smiled as he received the little example. Is act on the outside was marvelous, but the truth was that he suddenly felt at unease about this ability, and more as he realized that she could feel such a mood change. If she could feel the soul and its essence, probably she held the possible ability to attack him without even knowing? His soul was his core, and to know a mare that could reach him just like that was scary. This was very bad, so he cleared his mind to concentrate on facts that he actually knew. This action forced his emotions to vanish very quick. He was a master in forecast thinking and analysing situations and his powerful mind always worked on the best solutions for him and his surroundings. And one of these facts were that Emi didn´t know much about her abilities, also not the purpose or the possible ways to use this powers. Or at least he could tell.



"I want to think you are a good liar because I kind of find you interesting and fun, and the fact that you are "studying me" just made you look more like a stalker, but for a nocturnal predator like you I think that's more of a compliment right Duran?" she was teasing him and having some fun while doing so.


"So would that work for my first part of the deal with you?" she asked to Duran waiting for him to share more than happy about his next statement.


Duran smiled, but what he just said was the complete truth. And since she wanted to make jokes about this "stalker thing" he just went with it. "To answer your question... yes, it will be a fair trade of informations." he said and closed for some moments his eyes. Within his mind he sorted his thoughts and got a structure of priorities on several things that he could reveal. Then he opened his eyes again and looked at her. "I am a lynx, a wild animal and on the same time, i am not." he begun mysterious. "I am ancient, possible about several decades or centuries old... my origins are even to me unknown since i am artificial in the first place." he explained. This probably was a shock for the mare who could sense souls. "You could describe me as living magic, wandering around in the shape of a cat. I got rejected from every lifeform since the time of my creation and Iron Wing was the first one to accept me the way i am. And because of years of studying i came to one and only conclusion... i am unique. I have no race or kind, no past and no future, and i will be never able to find a partner within my life. The abilities i developed until now cannot be compared with any known, and the type of magic that i use is ancient and cannot be replicated. I am a magical living and feeling singularity."

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With a quick shiver in response to Durans reaction Emi stopped her spirit channeling she also watched how the lynx was not comfortable about it and felt a little guilt for putting him on such a situation "Maybe I went to far" she thought with a couple of worried eyes and her ears down but Duran stood strong and after some seconds he was there answering to Emi and keeping the conversation alive.



"To answer your question... yes, it will be a fair trade of informations."



Trying to keep a cool manner around him with no intention of making him feel worse Emi smiled back to him as he explained his origins and nature. It was an incredible story and one hard to believe, but she has felt all this different strange things from him and the simple fact he was able to talk to her mind was strange enough to make her think it was all truth.



i am unique. I have no race or kind, no past and no future, and i will be never able to find a partner within my life.


"...this...void what is it"  Emi though while listening to Duran words, "You think you are alone?" it was a feeling she knew in some way, the time she was waiting for Colt to comeback was a terrible season in her life and she was unable to image how terrible it would have felt with the concept of having no one else in the whole world. But this mare was an optimism and she was not letting Duran to just keep that void in his heart, "But to aproach to him I have to be careful  I don't want to make him scared to think that im trying to change him" because that was not close to what she intended.



The abilities i developed until now cannot be compared with any known, and the type of magic that i use is ancient and cannot be replicated. I am a magical living and feeling singularity."


Emi once again beam listening to the self confidence and pride the feline had for himself and she thought that some dragon would do well in adopting that kind of pride arround his own nature, but the fact was that Duran had many traits that she found interesting and courious and she was eager to try to find more about them.


"Well thank you for sharing so much Duran" she said giving him a cares over his head, "But I think this world is just everlasting and never ending, me and my brother...well he have seen others that have some nature close to yours, not exactly the same and with its own special details around them but..  does our begging really tell who we are" she stopped for some moments, her eyes showed determination and nostalgia the wild cat could tell she was recalling the past. "I mean...I dont know where I was born or who brought me to this world, at the same time Colt arrived to this world in a total different way that I did... but still we are brother and sister " She poke the lynx gently over his chest "I dont want to believe that our start in this world makes us who we are, for us its our will to become what has brought us here and has make us who we are. Please don't take it the bad way, but maybe you shouldt care so much of your start" she said with a kind smile placing her head infront of Duran with her hooves crossed below her chin to rest.

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Duran the lynx




"Well thank you for sharing so much Duran" she said giving him a cares over his head, "But I think this world is just everlasting and never ending, me and my brother...well he have seen others that have some nature close to yours, not exactly the same and with its own special details around them but.. does our begging really tell who we are" she stopped for some moments, her eyes showed determination and nostalgia the wild cat could tell she was recalling the past. "I mean...I dont know where I was born or who brought me to this world, at the same time Colt arrived to this world in a total different way that I did... but still we are brother and sister " She poke the lynx gently over his chest "I dont want to believe that our start in this world makes us who we are, for us its our will to become what has brought us here and has make us who we are. Please don't take it the bad way, but maybe you shouldt care so much of your start" she said with a kind smile placing her head infront of Duran with her hooves crossed below her chin to rest.


Duran listened to the mare as she spoke but he didn´t understand everything she meant. Within the mysterious mind of the lynx a new picture was created as he tried to analyse her words and to get the meaning out of it. Since he was "born" he wanted to know what he is and where he came from. Everypony in Equestria had parents, brothers or sisters... someponies to call a family. But he didn´t have something like that, but somehow he hoped to find something like that. He believed until now that finding his origins would explain the meaning of his existence... but Emi told him that it wouldn´t matter where his life started.


He didn´t know for sure what to think about the mare or Colt. Again he chose to clean his mind from everything that wasn´t a fact. His creation was a fact and his future was unknown. Since he didn´t know about his future, it couldn´t declarated as a fact. So the only thing that was left was his past and creation. He took a deep breath before answering Emi. "I cannot deny that there is a future waiting for me... but since i can not see the value of my future, it can not compare it to anything that i know... so my future, if i have one, isn´t a fact i can rely on. But my creation cannot be denied, so i am going to deal with this situation since it is a fact that i am alive..." he answered with a cool and clear mind.


He took a sip out of his little bowl filled with tea which looked adorable in several ways and looked again to Emi. It seemed that her cup was already empty and he alone was to small to carry the pot all alone. "I will get the pot of tea, just a moment please..." he said and jumped off his seat. He got out of her sight and started to build up magic energy, growing to his full extend. He didn´t have a problem in showing this form to Emi since this form wasn´t magical but physical. He reached his full size, comparable of a very big and strong cougar cat. He was now as big as a grown up pony, and now it was easy to grab the pot of tea. He walked into the direction of Emi who was still waiting within the living room. It would be fun to watch to her reaction, but he didn´t smile a lot within this form. He went into the field of view in front of Emi, snarling a bit while he filled up her cup.

Edited by Iron Wing
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but since i can not see the value of my future, it can not compare it to anything that i know... so my future,


"Well I don't think I can think of life and future in terms of value or cost... for me is just trying to be happy and if I can make others happy " Emi said trying to explain she was having a hard time understanding the way the lynx experienced life "But I guess that if you know and feel there is a future for you then you are already in the track to find your own way." with those words and a last taste of tea the mare's cup was empty event that caused the little cute kitty to rise and look for more. She watched wondering how the little furry thing was going to carry a pot almost as big as him but then a rush got all over her senses as she felt something "weird" coming from Duran.


With the "void" feeling growing inside of the lynx his body began to change growing in size and "presence" became a source for Emi's shivers and she was unable to believe what was going in front of her eyes. Duran turned from the cute little fluffy kitten to a big as her fierce looking, menacing staring jaguar like being... but he still had all his fur and spots at least. 


Over that the new Duran was pouring tea over her cup, it was a curious looking scene for her... curious and frightening. "Th...Thanks, Duran?" she asked to the now great cat with some fear in her voice. Not because of claws and fangs, now he emitted a powerful presence and she could tell that if he wanted to he would be a threat to her. "Well I guess that now the stalker jokes are not funny any more." she said with trembles over her lips.


"So, this is your true you?, because I can tell you have a lot more...impact like this" she said trying to break the ice with the new Duran.

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Duran the lynx





Over that the new Duran was pouring tea over her cup, it was a curious looking scene for her... curious and frightening. "Th...Thanks, Duran?" she asked to the now great cat with some fear in her voice. Not because of claws and fangs, now he emitted a powerful presence and she could tell that if he wanted to he would be a threat to her. "Well I guess that now the stalker jokes are not funny any more." she said with trembles over her lips.


Duran snarled and finished to pour tea into her cup, so he took away the pot and said again on his seat. This time he was multiple times bigger than within his small form. He had more muscles, a menacing face expression and he couldn´t stop growling and snarling from time to time. He looked at the shivering mare, smelling her fear and feeling her trembles. He yearned for his hunting instinct, but he shouldn´t do a hunt right now. So he rolled himself a bit into the seat and looked at Emi, watching her every movement.



"So, this is your true you?, because I can tell you have a lot more...impact like this" she said trying to break the ice with the new Duran.


"My true form?" he asked, already knowing the answer for this question. "This is just a small part of what i really am. I have to admit that my cloaking and stealth abilities to hide my power are less effective than within my small form, but this is in no way comparable with my true me." he resounded his voice within her mind. With this action he had shown her the information "i can be much more dangerous if needed" and that was everything he wanted. He took another sip form his little bowl and tasted the delicious tee.


He begun to controll his power emitting and dropped it down a bit, sending a less dangerous feeling to Emi and getting a bit sleepy. He wasn´t use to go on energy saving within his battle form. But it was dangerous for him to run around like that. Twilight could have feeled him, so he wouldn´t have much time anyway. He looked at Emi. "If you are not comfortable with this form, i can change back any time if you want that..." he said to the alabaster mare and awaited her response.

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With the eyes of Duran fixed over her and a weird feeling inside her the pegasus made an effort from heart to keep his looks away from her actions, still it was hard, not only the now jaguar like host changed his appearance but all about him seamed more fierce. Emi could tell how his presence was different still similar and in many ways Duran made a resemblance from her own brother.

Alongside her dragon sibling Emi experienced with her the cruelty prejudice and segregation Emi took a deep breath and tried to picture Duran as the little fluffy prankster he was moments ago she was not close to mistrust the feline just because his actual appearance and terrifying change of voice... voice that now was in her mind.



"This is just a small part of what i really am. I have to admit that my cloaking and stealth abilities to hide my power are less effective than within my small form, but this is in no way comparable with my true me."


Still the lynx true to his worth was still giving intimate information, and for the winged pony this was another reason to trust him "After all we are still on the same track" she thought still nervous but more relaxed around the great cat. "So you say that this is not your natural look... but thinking about your nature you don't have a natural look you more less can take any shape you want right?" she asked based on some past experience with changelings and other kind of creatures. "But it's amazing how much of you changed from your little self, now I can barely recognize your...soul's feeling... " she thought for a second trying to find the right words explain him her perception, "Its like trying to read over a book but with a curtain of smoke in your eyes." for another moment Emi realized the implications of Duran's bigger form and tried to catch up with him "This... you don't look like this frequently right, you like the low profile and this breaks in many ways that purpose... purpose that around your owner must be very important, she hasn't see you like this did she?", Emi asked with a peculiar intent behind her curiosity, the answer about this was very important for her.



"If you are not comfortable with this form, i can change back any time if you want that..."


"Well I must say that the way you look now is very shocking at least for someone that has never see you like this, also all about you changed in many ways but I can tell you are the same Duran... i think. Also don't forget what you know of me. my brother is a dragon, Im used to fangs and claws but I wont lie to you, watching those over fur instead of scales was a little frightening at the start" and in a way they still were but she was being honest with him and was not retreating.


Still Emi was now in debt with her fierce host and was willing to show him a little of her "nature" just as he was, but given Duran's reaction on her last demonstration there were some talking to do before the doing. "If you trust me and want to witness it, I could show you a little of what I can do with my gift. " she said looking with kind eyes to the lynx or jaguar "I think you are aware of the nature of what i can do but I would never harm you" she paused and sighed a little "But if  you let me show you there is a way we can be even and maybe let you be more relaxed about this " she reached for Duran's paw and guided it straight to her neck "If you think I would hurt you, please dont hesitate and hurt me back" she said with a kind voice that contrasted in all possible ways the fatal possibilities of her request.

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Duran the lynx




"So you say that this is not your natural look... but thinking about your nature you don't have a natural look you more less can take any shape you want right?" she asked based on some past experience with changelings and other kind of creatures.

On normal conditions Duran wouldn´t answer any question but something told him that he couldn´t hide from this mare. If he didn´t know that this was Colt´s sister, he probably would have eaten her. But because Iron wing loved this damn dragon, he wouldn´t do anything bad related to him. It would be just one little pounce and a swift bite and everything would be over but he knew that this wouldn´t do anything good for him or his owner. Iron Wing was the only one he would trust and the only one he considered as a friend... as something like a family. He had read much about friendship and family but wasn´t understand anything about it... until he met her. But for now he wouldn´t be distracted about thinking in this direction. To be honest to Emi, would like be honest to Iron Wing. "No, i am limited to cat-like things. I don´t want to explain why." he answered, grunting a bit.


"This... you don't look like this frequently right, you like the low profile and this breaks in many ways that purpose... purpose that around your owner must be very important, she hasn't see you like this did she?", Emi asked with a peculiar intent behind her curiosity, the answer about this was very important for her.

He looked now serious into the the eyes of Emi and stared for some moments. "Let me ask you this... if you would face the darkness itself, every fear you connect with it and you identify this shadow as a living beeing, would you let it near you? Hearing voices from beyond, this ghostly presence gives you scary moments and it stares with a void soul, evil in it´s core but not evil in it´s actions... would you acceptit within your family? Iron Wing did... just like that... she was strong and brave enough to face it..." he told Emi. Of course the situation in the past was a weird one... even weird for Duran himself. But perhaps this would be a story he would tell Emi another time.


"But if you let me show you there is a way we can be even and maybe let you be more relaxed about this " she reached for Duran's paw and guided it straight to her neck "If you think I would hurt you, please dont hesitate and hurt me back" she said with a kind voice that contrasted in all possible ways the fatal possibilities of her request.

Duran looked at her with a questionable look on his face. Then he snarled loud to her face as his paw grabbed her neck. "I warn you.... don´t go to far, or the shadow will get into the real world..." he said with a careful voice, a bit concerned about the soft hearted mare. For her this would perhaps like a silly warning, but he was serious. He took a deep breath and let Emi do what ever she wanted to do, silencing his inner feelings to a minimum. He would abort any connection if it would get dangerous for Emi, so he would have a little self control on this part.

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Iron Wing did... just like that... she was strong and brave enough to face it..."

"So she really is able to see more of what her eyes tell her?" were the thoughts on Emi about Duran's owner and her brother special somepony "If she could go this deep for the magical Lynx then how more deep could she be on Colt's heart... "its only been some days since he got here...but then again they have already ...No no no no, don't go thinking on stupid stuff Earth Miracle " she blushed a bit because of her silly ideas in mind thing that took her out of her ideas and went back to the menacing feline in front of her.

Felling hsi heavy paw over her neck was a reminder of how fragile was her for Duran, it was also cold and rougher that what she thought. On the other side Duran was able to feel her warmth the rythm of the mare's heart from her coat being fast with both emotion and fear contained in each beat. "I dont have to fear him, I cant and I wont be like them" she said thinking of the hundreds of ponies that have rejected his brother in the past.

"Just relax and feel ok..." she said to Duran with a calmed voice that covered her ture emotions at that time. Sudenly a wave of energy engulfed the great cat, making him feel something very uncommon that was in many ways unique but still felt like tenderness. For a creature that never had something like a mother it should have been even more strange but that warm sensation covered the magical creature giving him confusion and peace. Emi's eyes glowed with a purple beautiful shine that were the reflection of her magical output, this was her gift and she was sharing it with that fierce looking creature without caring of his origins or nature.

"I warn you.... don´t go to far, or the shadow will get into the real world..."

The now magical mare went forward and sent "herself" into the depths of the jaguar making her soul flowed into the being that Duran was, he now felt covered by a veil of absolute comfort. Like being covered of a warm cloud, but he also felt something weird for a creature such as him, he felt he was safe, with nothing to hide, with nothing in the world that threatened him, his ears and mind listened to a tune sprouted from Emi's spirit that without words told him that she was nothing more than a kind soul to him.

The she went forward. Her intentions were to make him know her to be for a moment aware that this all he was feeling and listening into his mind was the same alabaster pegasus with bougainvillean eyes and that she was truth with all she was telling him. There was never an intent to find something about him not even something close to a desire, she was just telling him not asking and with that same yearning she went forward to fill Duran's most profound corner with warmth.

There was when all went terribly wrong. The core of duran was nothing she could expected and even when she was not trying to found what was in it his core content found her turning all into an instant torment. Coldness and threats ran into her, the tune of her soul collapsed into the tide of wicked screams and mourns that cant be described, putrid images born from fear and madness cover her and a thousand nightmares ran through her mind in less than a moment.

Scared and overwhelmed by the horrors she experienced a scream from the mare filled the tower with its echoes. Duran also felt the meddling of Emi to his souls more intimate spot and with an uncontrollable shiver his claw reached out as a involuntary reflex.

The pegasus troted back a few steps and fell on the floor shaking with confusion and coldness in her heart still with those terrible feelings consuming her consciousness she looked back at Duran with a terrified look and was almost forced by her instincts to run out of the place but she would not succumb to that. Taking control over herlesf again and casting out of her being all the darkness she experienced moments before the mare stood up with a warm feeling running down her neck. A line of red life was staining her coat a line that was born on the base of her neck where Duran had his claw. "Did I do something wrong" she asked him with woried eyes.

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Duran the lynx





"Just relax and feel ok..." she said to Duran with a calmed voice that covered her ture emotions at that time. Sudenly a wave of energy engulfed the great cat, making him feel something very uncommon that was in many ways unique but still felt like tenderness. For a creature that never had something like a mother it should have been even more strange but that warm sensation covered the magical creature giving him confusion and peace. Emi's eyes glowed with a purple beautiful shine that were the reflection of her magical output, this was her gift and she was sharing it with that fierce looking creature without caring of his origins or nature.


This sensation was completely new to Duran, feeling something warm and caring like this as she reached for his soul. He could believe this warm feeling but it feld... peaceful... like he didn´t have to care what happened next at all. It was an accepting feeling like he wouldn´t have to hide from ponies or magical beeings from getting detected. He was a creature that didn´t have parents, sisters or brothers... a lone entity within darkness... but this feeling gave him something like a shine of hope... and he didn´t even know what "hope" meant. It was like knowing that everything would get better if he would try harder. But since he let his guard down, something happened that ended the nice feeling and he went back into reality.



There was when all went terribly wrong. The core of duran was nothing she could expected and even when she was not trying to found what was in it his core content found her turning all into an instant torment. Coldness and threats ran into her, the tune of her soul collapsed into the tide of wicked screams and mourns that cant be described, putrid images born from fear and madness cover her and a thousand nightmares ran through her mind in less than a moment.


Too late he noticed that Emi had reached far beyond the limits he would have set for her, but he didn´t guard his core good enough. As she looked at his dark core, it activated. Turning into the direction slowly where Emis soul link looked at it... and then... opening it´s green glowing eyes, starting into her very soul. This was the stare of insanity, eternal darkness that would consume her, tormenting her in every known and unknown way, showing her pictures of destroyed wastelands, skeletons and screams in the background. Laughing mad voices from creatures in the darkness or hidden corners and the feeling of beeing hunted. Nobody could escape the darkness...



Scared and overwhelmed by the horrors she experienced a scream from the mare filled the tower with its echoes. Duran also felt the meddling of Emi to his souls more intimate spot and with an uncontrollable shiver his claw reached out as a involuntary reflex.


The pegasus troted back a few steps and fell on the floor shaking with confusion and coldness in her heart still with those terrible feelings consuming her consciousness she looked back at Duran with a terrified look and was almost forced by her instincts to run out of the place but she would not succumb to that. Taking control over herlesf again and casting out of her being all the darkness she experienced moments before the mare stood up with a warm feeling running down her neck. A line of red life was staining her coat a line that was born on the base of her neck where Duran had his claw.


That moment she screamed and this caused Duran to a reflex reaction of his claws, breaking the link both shared. She stumbled back and fell on the ground, a reaction he had seen so many times that it almost hurt again to see it. He noticed a little something flowing down the neck on the alabaster coloured mare. He looked at his paw... blood on his claw... then he looked back to Emi. "I... i didn´t want to..." he stuttered, feeling guilty to let her go that deep reaching his core and hurting her like that. This wasn´t planned... this wasn´t wanted. She would run away like they all did, leaving him behind with the darkness inside him. "I am sorry..." he nearly whispered as he stood up and went into a dark corner, looking at a wall. "This happens most of the time if somepony... or any creature reaches to close to me... i warned you... i really didn´t want you to watch it... " he continued mumbling.


But he could not avoid the things she had set in motion. His core was activated and now the true Duran wanted to know about the mare that dared to awake him from his slumber. The shadows around the feline started to move in a strange and creepy way, growing and getting darker. The shadows grew into a dark corner, darker than the night itself. Durans body changed into something else, something not imaginable. As Emi took a closer look at the jaguar, he didn´t look the same. The contours of his shape was nearly the same size as his first form. But something was still different... it didn´t have a colour. The feline turned slowly around and his fur wasn´t fur at all.


It was pure darkness and as he opened his eyes, it was the same like his core. To be exact, it was his core which manifested in the real world. The Green and glowing eyes stared from the corner into her direction. A shadow creature within the real world unbound and unchained and now freely to move anywhere, doing whatever it´s wicked soul desired. 3 green glowing runes appeared around the dark cat from the realm of horror and she could hear the unearthly female voice that anounced the rune names. The magic casted here was ancient and Emi could feel that this spell was pointed at her.



"Did I do something wrong" she asked him with woried eyes.


An laughter could be heared from the corner, more like an insane one as he looked at her and heared her question. But responding with a more whispering voice tracked by scary echoes he spoke to her. "You dared to awake my core... now face the darkness and the consequence as i had to face you, mortal..." he answered with a cold and menacing tone. The cat like creature moved forward to her, the dark streams of shadows flowing on the ground reaching for object... and also for her shadow. He had a powerful and unrestrained energy within him, a power that wasn´t like anything Emi could have feeled before. No one could ever imagine what this creature would unleash.

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For the first time since his growth the eyes of Duran showed something different than the desire to hunt her. Regret, Shame, Compassion for Emi the true nature of the magical creature that injured her. As the feline realized the consequences of his sharp touch  over her flesh she was able to feel his feelings of regret and because of that the pain over her neck went away knowing that infront of her was a creature of imminence power but one that was alone with very little to support his legs.


"I... i didn´t want to..." "I am sorry..." 


Taking a hoof over to her neck to stop the red liquid ruining down her skin Emi felt so very bad for doing this to him. All worked out the opposite way she had planed. Instead of creating a bond between them the chances for closing to Duran's heart and his purpose her attempt severed her good intentions and caused him to be afraid of his actions. "You don't have to say anything Duran" she said walking towards the big cat in an attempt to show him she was ok and still willing to share with him. "Everything is fine"


"This happens most of the time if somepony... or any creature reaches to close to me... i warned you... i really didn´t want you to watch it... "


"You are just like him...I will not back down, I would be for you what nopony wants to be for my Brother"  Emi found so many similarities in the way how being different in a world that feared them had scratched their spirits. The mare had no doubt in showing to the big cat how his actions had no further consequences over her, her feelings or will to accept him but then that all changed. The same source of the terror that broke the soul link bewteen them moments ago.


Feeling how the whole tower was filled with a dark atmosphere Emi realized her body was paralyzed with a mixture of fear, terror and insignificance, it was so great and so dense the mare felt like being crush just being standing in front of him. Emi watched how shadows covered Duran reducing his size and compressing his body between sounds she was unable to describe. The amorphous lump that was not Duran began to shape itself but each second the shaped changed moving in different manners with unnatural twists. The ends of the shape took resemblance to the kitten original shape legs were now holding him and pointy ear like figures stood out his head that in just a moment turnet to face the terrified mare.


The aura of the creature was suffocating and Emi gave a step back when it faced her, then it all unleashed with his eyes opening. A unreal green glow took the place of Duran's eyes, sparking with plasma like flames the he stared into the mare like looking through her. When his eyes opened all came back to her, the innumerable amount of horrors and fears that stroke her minutes ago. Her eyes couldnt held back the tears filled with terror and pain from her soul.  She jumped back flapping her wings to put distance between them, her confused mind was only able to find shelter on the far corner of the tower where she curled her body like a little filly below the fangs of a predator. The screams and images on her spirit were like thorns tearing her soul apart, it was a terrible punishment and the mare was at the brink of madness.


"You dared to awake my core... now face the darkness and the consequence as i had to face you, mortal..."


The words of that creature felt similar similar to a nightmare, to the nightmare and with those memories in her head the magic of the mare sparked with glints of light standing out the darkness filling that place as the stars shined in the sky. Overwhelmed but never ending "Yes.." she said still with tears in those eyes that now looked determined to something instead of terrorized. "I will face the darkness, I have face it before...I can stand because I am not alone" she was shivering in her corner slowly standing up. "They thought me to always face what my actions would bring to me, me and my brother have always do so and I wont insult them backing down now " her voice was trembling and body was shaking but her soul was burning and a violet veil of energy isolating her from the shadows and the madness flowing from Duran.


"I believe that those kind eyes that watched over me with curiosity are behind that green glow. This may be you but there is more...I..." she stooped and took a deep breath "I can still feel the little Duran in you." And Duran could feel the determination flowing in the soul of the trembling pegasus. 

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Duran the lynx





"I will face the darkness, I have face it before...I can stand because I am not alone" she was shivering in her corner slowly standing up. "They thought me to always face what my actions would bring to me, me and my brother have always do so and I wont insult them backing down now " her voice was trembling and body was shaking but her soul was burning and a violet veil of energy isolating her from the shadows and the madness flowing from Duran.


Duran was surprised that the mare didn´t run out of the tower but on the other side, she seemed to have some experience with dark creatures or events. But on the other side this would gave him some opportunities to test how great her courage was and how pure her heart could be. He vanished with the shadows, appearing again on a table very near to Emi. "So you will face me? After all you have seen?" he asked her, disappearing again. Emis shadow she had in the room changed form and Duran stood direct in front of her again. An evil female laughter could be heared from one corner of the shadows... or was it another corner? It could be every corner, or shadow within this tower.



"I believe that those kind eyes that watched over me with curiosity are behind that green glow. This may be you but there is more...I..." she stooped and took a deep breath "I can still feel the little Duran in you." And Duran could feel the determination flowing in the soul of the trembling pegasus.


Now the shadow creature was amused, more than ever. This insane laughter turned into his own. Then the shadows went back into the corners, letting the room fill again with light. The shadows vanished as fast as they had come near her. But one dark abnormal stayed within the room next to the pegasus. It was Duran himself, now noticable in a catform but still engulfed with the shadows and the glowing green eyes, the streams of black whirling like smoke but not leaving his body. "The little Duran is right in front of you... I am the Duran you know, this never has changed since i followed you from the cafe until the hospital. What you see is the real me, the dark energy that gives me the power to live within this world. I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time.." he said to the frightened mare.


"You should know the 3 faces of Duran that are me at any time... the core cannot love...." he started to explain. His form changed back into the jaguar, also his voice changed again. "... the big form cannot pity..." he continued while he again changed his appearence. The little fluffy lynx was standing before her now, still with a little glow in his eyes. "... and this form is just curious..." he finished with his explanation. Of course there was more differences between the forms, but he had to take it short. "We all are one and the same creature..." he added and jumped on the couch.

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"So you will face me? After all you have seen?"


Inside her head Emi was able to hear all her bones shaking and trembling to be honest she didn't knew what kept her on her hooves and whatever it was wont last long. When Duran vanished an appeared on the closest piece of furniture there was she shriek and stepped back less than a feet where her rear felt the corner blocking her instinctive retreat. "Hyaaa!" was the sound that filled the tower just seconds before the voice from the shadows pierced into the mare's ears.


Disoriented and unable to pin down where Duran was she strengthen the shield around her feeling a fake sense of safety because moments after that the feline shadow was inches away from her and the crushing pressure of his darkness fall over her with nothing to shield her now her her mind was flooded by it. To survive her soul and sanity countered with a glint of light that healed the pain in her core lighting her eyes with the glow of her magic. 


That was close, so close to break her down and her stamina was now over, there was no way she would be able to withstand another wave like that not by herself she was no close to her true potential alone. Her strength was consumed by the use of magic and her hooves just surrender making her fall to the ground exhausted just able to endure by her will. 


"Its going away" were her thoughts filled of relief while the walls and ceiling cleared out of the shadows. The strain over her went away and she was able to breath without troubles once more, her eyes focused on the place where the shadows were converging to found the little Duran back to his original form... or at least the one he had when she first saw him. Still the smoke like shadows and the wicked green light of his eyes were still there. 



What you see is the real me, the dark energy that gives me the power to live within this world. I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time.."


"So you were never close to hurt me... that was just you... releasing what you are. And me freaking out of something I cant understand"  Emi said raising up little by little feeling a little ashamed but still impressed by the magic nature and power coming from the cat. 



"You should know the 3 faces of Duran that are me at any time... the core cannot love...." "... the big form cannot pity..."  "... and this form is just curious..."



The mare blinked her eyes and tried to keep the blur from them out focusing the kitten while trying to understand his words... they said much but part of it made no sense and she was going to pick that up "You said that the terrible one... the shadow one cant love, and that this little for of yours is curious, you try to say that your forms complement each other and that the same time they lack different things..."  Emi gave some steps, limping towards Duran but her words and trot stop as once again her hooves lost all their strength sending her down to the floor, unable to raise medicinally the mare keep her question from that spot. "You say the fierce one is unable to pity... still he regretted what he did to me and I was able to feel those feeling and see them in his eyes." she said with a smirk like telling him something he didnt knew. "This one, you are not curious" she said with certainty in her words "That's just another way to say you are learning, from this world, from the ponies, from me... but maybe little one you should be learning more about yourself"  those were the words of the mare that sounded almost like whispers. She ended there and hoped that Duran could take that advice. She had nothing left inside there she was as vulnerable as she could be still Emi believed she was safe.

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Duran the lynx





"So you were never close to hurt me... that was just you... releasing what you are. And me freaking out of something I cant understand" Emi said raising up little by little feeling a little ashamed but still impressed by the magic nature and power coming from the cat.


"Hurt you?" the cat just asked, making a confused face. "Why would i do such an illogical thing?" he continued asking and turning his head a bit to the side. He sighed a bit as the mare continued talking. "I am me and nobody else. It is strange to be a creature that doesn´t fit into this world, but i am here. And i have to live with this fact. I try to adapt as much as i can..." he explained to the mare, hoping that she would understand that it wasn´t easy for him.



"You said that the terrible one... the shadow one cant love, and that this little for of yours is curious, you try to say that your forms complement each other and that the same time they lack different things..." Emi gave some steps, limping towards Duran but her words and trot stop as once again her hooves lost all their strength sending her down to the floor, unable to raise medicinally the mare keep her question from that spot. "You say the fierce one is unable to pity... still he regretted what he did to me and I was able to feel those feeling and see them in his eyes."


The things Emi listed to him were facts but he couldn´t believe it because these things hadn´t happened before. He thought a bit about the situation both were in and came to a possible explanation to these things. "Hmm... well, on normal circumstances i wouldn´t pity in the second form... but since i have feeled these strange feelings you were sending me before, i perhaps was capable of this reaction. I am not sure if this happening has changed me, or if this effect was a short happening... like a malfunction..." he thought loud. He wasn´t sure how it was possible or even if this was a malfunction... but perhaps his soul had adapted these new feelings into his second layer. He was a magical beeing after all, but he knew for sure that his main core wasn´t damaged or did change at all. He just knew it because this would change all his other layers aswell.



"That's just another way to say you are learning, from this world, from the ponies, from me... but maybe little one you should be learning more about yourself"


Perhaps this alabaster coloured mare was right in several points. He wasn´t able to understand all things that ponies could do, or why they were acting like they did. And maybe the ponies could help him to explain several things about himself. But since he didn´t trust many of these creatures, his possible choices were limited. And Colt couldn´t be trusted now for this short time of knowing each other. The events of this day wouldn´t have take place if Emi wasn´t able to detect him, but since he couldn´t change the past, he would adapt to the situation given to him. So he concluded that Emi could be trusted for now. If she would tell anypony, he would eat her anyway. This was another question he had in mind for a long time now... how did ponies even taste? If she would betray him he would have the chance to taste ponies, so this was another possible knowledge he could earn. A win-win situation! He started to grin a bit, the green shine in his eyes was gone also the shadows. He was all natural now.


So all he had to do was making this thing called "friends" Iron kept babbling about. He was friends with Iron, was he? He just knew that he could trust her and that she was very important to him, so the same situation had to be build up with Emi, he guessed. How to start a friendship? Good question next question. Comforting would be a logical thing! He looked at Emi who was laying on the ground and he decided that it would be good for her if she was kept warm. So he grabbed a pillow with his mouth and put it in front of her, a little blanket he found also on the couch so he covered her in it. Before Emi could say anything, he jumped on her back, starting to purr. He didn´t know why but he loved soft surfaces.

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"Why would i do such an illogical thing?"


The mare took her hooves over to her face covering her eyes with a deep sigh "I was being like them."  she thought thinking of how her own fears and prejudices got out the worst of her making her believe he was a threat and her life was in danger. She felt shame and anger against her, Emi thought she was just like all those ponies that gave her brother their back just because his appearance and blamed her for being so weak by doing so.



"I am me and nobody else. It is strange to be a creature that doesn´t fit into this world,


Those words fleet like needles into her heart  Colt said things similar to those in the past and she was now part of that same world both Duran and her brother thought they didn't belong to. A tear was freed from her eyes, while she spoke her heart out "Im so sorry Duran. I wasnt able to understand you, or who you were. I was afraid because I want able to understand you. But you do belong to this land this world is for all of us to enjoy, live and learn. Just because stupid ponies like me cant see beyond our sight that doesn't mean this is not your world" she was there speaking for both her brother and the little cat. "I have to be able to see beyond Duran I was blind as everpony else, please forgive me"


She sobbed a little and dived down again on the ground, to her surprice the little lynx juped towards her taking with him a pillow and a blanket for the mare. With cunning movements Duran covered her wings and back and offered  her a pillow under her. She was absolutely drained all her magic was depleted and couldn't feel the little cat intentions just his presence. Then with a swift and soft move he landed over her and make a cute little purr "Does he really forgives me?" she asked to herself enjoying the warmth of a little joy inside her. Her hoof reached for the little furry friend and took him over her chest having him a soft fond warm hug. "Im sorry I really am" she wispered to the kitten ears with a soft voice as one of the most deep apologies she ever gave.

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Duran the lynx





"Im so sorry Duran. I wasnt able to understand you, or who you were. I was afraid because I want able to understand you. But you do belong to this land this world is for all of us to enjoy, live and learn. Just because stupid ponies like me cant see beyond our sight that doesn't mean this is not your world" she was there speaking for both her brother and the little cat. "I have to be able to see beyond Duran I was blind as everpony else, please forgive me"


Duran was thinking about the mares words. Friends do forgive each other, don´t they? He wasn´t entirely sure about that, so he flipped a coin in his mind to think about his final answer. "Hmm... i think an apology is not needed but highly appreciated..." he answered as he enjoyed the warmth of the mares back and the blanket below him. If every pony would wear blankets it would be much better to find somewhere to sleep on.



Her hoof reached for the little furry friend and took him over her chest having him a soft fond warm hug. "Im sorry I really am" she wispered to the kitten ears with a soft voice as one of the most deep apologies she ever gave.


He noticed beeing grabbed and cuddled and Emi whispered words of apology in his ear. He looked at her with the most cute look on his face and big eyes to her and started to purr again. Damn it! This surely was a tactic of the mare and he couldn´t resist. Or maybe this was just instinct or something stupid like that. But somehow he enjoyed beeing cuddled like that. "Super cuddle mode activate. Commencing disguise -fluffy cuddle kitten- !" Were his thoughts while he enjoyed the warmth and the soft touch of the mare. His fur got all fluffy and he stretched in the most cute way someone could imagine. Meanwhile he purred like a powered engine. Emi could feel how he purred since she held him so close, and it was more like a pleasant feeling.


"Don´t apologize for a normal reaction... i am used to it." he mumbled. "I don´t want you to lay on the ground, but i don´t want you to move either..." he said as he enjoyed the hug. He would never tell this to anypony, but he just loved beeing scratched, cuddled and hugged like that. Instinctively he started to like his fur and the arm of the mare... because it was to close. For him it made no difference, cleaning was cleaning. And because the mare was too close with her head too, because she had whispered to him before, he liked the tip of her nose to. "Clean..." he just said and continued. While he did this cleaning, he started to move his body in the different positions, all cute to watch.

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"Hmm... i think an apology is not needed but highly appreciated..."


Hurt and sorry, those were the words that described the way Earth Miracle feelt in that moment, but if there was something she learned from her parents was that after one mistake she had to take responsibility from it and be strong enough to face its consequences, by that moment those words meant she was not keep lamenting and sobbing over her mistakes, but to learn and grow with them. With certainty that the words from the small kitten around her hooves were true she cleaned the last tears she would shed that day and smiled to Duran with shining but still watery eyes.


He was just so cute for her to be sad, the mare led out a instant laugh feeling the fur of Duran against hers tickling her a bit, the purrs from him were warm and felt soft again her skin he was forgiving her for real and little by little those sings of affection brought back the cheer into the pegasus heart. She softly caressed Duran's head and back returning the favor "You are a very kind creature for if you ask me" she said to the magical feline. 



"Don´t apologize for a normal reaction... i am used to it."


The eyes of the mere closed for a bit and she sighed knowing what he meant with that."That is the main problem Duran you... you just shoundt had to be used to..."  she said with reflections in her mind. "The world is like this with Colt, the ponies, the realm, all of Equestria is now lives in such a peaceful time that well we got startled for anything or anypony that is different or... special " she said with a face that showed the disgust she felt on what she was saying. "We are so afraid to the unknown, to the extraordinary that cant say we are really growing or going forward. Equestia haunt change that much in hundreds of years and now even when The Elements of Harmony are back and Princes Luna  was cleansed from her darkness...nothing seems to change about us. We are the same foolish scared ponies we have ever been... and I don't want a world like that for my brother or creatures like you... and me, is there really a place for us?"


"What makes me different from you Duran?" she asked with no will of wait for a feline answer "Im a pegasus now blessed with the gift of magic and more", she poked the wild cat gently with her hoof "You are a magical being in the shape of a lynx" she paused for a seccond "And my brother is a dragon raised by ponies. What was the sin you made to be casted as... monsters? Why I am not seen like you do? Just because I look normal?... Its stupid, unfair" with the few strength in her body she clopped on the floor annoyed by the facts she was talking about. But her slight anger was changed to surprise as a little cute and soft lick touch her nose making her blush a little.






"Sorry I was carried away.. sometimes It happens." Emi smiled to the lynx and gave him a friendly kiss on his forehead. "What an afternoon right?"  she asked "Just let me regain a little strength and Ill go to the Inn, I have bother you enough for a day."

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Duran the lynx





"You are a very kind creature for if you ask me" she said to the magical feline.


"You think i am? Thats good to know because i don´t do self-assessments..." he answered to the mare, not realizing that this was a compliment. He didn´t get compliments that often so Emi could tell about his answer. He just continued with the cleaning stuff and enjoyed to have somepony that near. Since Iron Wing was gone to this stupid Grayhoove meeting he was all alone again. He just hated to be alone like that. Of course even if Iron was there, he didn´t show himself all the time. But it was the feeling he got when she was gone, and this was anoying him.



"Sorry I was carried away.. sometimes It happens." Emi smiled to the lynx and gave him a friendly kiss on his forehead. "What an afternoon right?" she asked "Just let me regain a little strength and Ill go to the Inn, I have bother you enough for a day."


He got the kiss on his forehead and looked surprised around because he didn´t expect something like this to happen. A bit confused he continued with cleaning his tail. Then the mare kept saying something about not wanting to bother him and to search an Inn. This was something he couldn´t understand. "Technically you are part of the family, since Colt is together with Iron and you are Colts sister. That means you are always welcome within this building, so you don´t have to search for an Inn. Also i don´t see a logical act in sleeping elsewere if we have guest rooms prepared. If you want you can just take one of these rooms... or if you don´t can´t get up, i carry you there..." he said, referring to his second form.


"And if you don´t want to stay, i ´ll coming with you since without my owner i don´t have anypony to talk to.... " he added after some moments of analyzing the situation and thinking about his plans for the evening. Also he wouldn´t let a weakened mare walk alone around Ponyville. He would escort her to where she wanted to go. Duran just hoped that this magical unicorn Twilight didn´t sense some magical coming from the tower because some moments ago he let his magic power grow freely without restrictions. Something like that could easily be sensed and tracked.

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"Technically you are part of the family, since Colt is together with Iron and you are Colts sister.


Those were not the words she wanted to hear, Emi was far from liking the idea of Colt + Iron Wing, she wasn't able to understand what was going on with his brother and for some reason that was beyond her the sole idea of him being an item with Duran's owner made her feel weird and sad. "So he is part of a new family now?" was the reply on her mind to those words and snorted a little with annoyance.



Also i don´t see a logical act in sleeping elsewere if we have guest rooms prepared.



"When you put it that way, just leaving would make me see like stupid or something like that" she said with no real and "logical" argument to deny the welcoming invitation. "So I understand that you are inviting me to spend the night here?" she asked raising her brow and changing her voice into a more playful tone similar to the one she had before the "changes". "Well the you my dear  kitty cat sir would turn you into the most successful stalker I have ever met". With that and a slight smile the mare released Duran from her hooves and took a deep breath to stand up.


"My hooves feel like spaghetti" she said with trembling legs and slow steps, the mare found a wall and used it to gain some extra support. 



If you want you can just take one of these rooms... or if you don´t can´t get up, i carry you there..."


"It would be rude to decline an offer like that one, not say say foolish given the condition I'm in now"  she said looking to the lynx with kind of a painful smile and some laughs from the mare. "I wont let you to take me to the room " she said and just a second after her hooves surrender and took her back to the ground.



"And if you don´t want to stay, i ´ll coming with you since without my owner i don´t have anypony to talk to.... "


The mare saw the feline and had to drink some of her pride "Well given that you are no leaving my side and that im as limp as a flan now I think you can help me to reach the room"  then she saw Duran will mean eyes "But I wont let you carry me!, just help me not to fall down ok?"

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Duran the lynx





"So I understand that you are inviting me to spend the night here?" she asked raising her brow and changing her voice into a more playful tone similar to the one she had before the "changes". "Well the you my dear kitty cat sir would turn you into the most successful stalker I have ever met".


"Yes, you are invited to stay here. If you are staying, i don´t have to stalk at all..." he smiled a bit back, watching the mare how she tried to get back on her hooves. These attempts failed and she was soon on the ground again. Duran sighed since this was his fault that she couldn´t move like that. He knew that he was "horrible" in the pony definition. Sometimes he thought about why he was created like that, but than he just didn´t came to a logical explanation and so he throw this thoughts away again.



"It would be rude to decline an offer like that one, not say say foolish given the condition I'm in now" she said looking to the lynx with kind of a painful smile and some laughs from the mare. "I wont let you to take me to the room " she said and just a second after her hooves surrender and took her back to the ground.


He looked a bit playful to her, rolling on the ground before her, looking upside down. "So you wanna make a bet? If you spaghetti-dance to your guest room, i make you something delicious to eat. If you don´t make it, you have to tell me a story." he suggested to the mare with the shaking hooves. He giggled while imagine her to dance with those legs. But then she was giving in on his suggestion to help her to get to her room.



The mare saw the feline and had to drink some of her pride "Well given that you are no leaving my side and that im as limp as a flan now I think you can help me to reach the room" then she saw Duran will mean eyes "But I wont let you carry me!, just help me not to fall down ok?"


With a slight move his body extended to the second form and the muscles build up, the tail grew to its full length and it didn´t take long for him to reach his jaguar size. "Of course i can help..." he answered, offering the mare to lean against him to escord her to her room. It was a strange feeling but he looked at it as a step of progression. He tried not to snarl to much because he didn´t want to scare the mare again. With silent but strong paws he tried his best to be like a wall she could lean on. But if she would fall, he would carry her! There was no discussion about that.

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"So you wanna make a bet? If you spaghetti-dance to your guest room, i make you something delicious to eat. If you don´t make it, you have to tell me a story."


The mare moved the feathers on her wings, released a weak and cute snort from her snout and angled her ears in looking ready for the challenge... *thwomp* it was a brave demonstration that sadly had just heart because the strength was no there, for a second time she stumbled down to the floor and sighed annoyed because of her own feebleness "Can I lose a bet without even making to the start line?" she asked from the ground raising her hooves to get support from the now big cat. and standing with some shakes on her back limbs.


Emi stretched her wing around Duran to get an extra support and also some confidence to walk up the stairs although she would never accept something like that. This pegasus hated ponies to look down on her, that of course would extend to magical creatures too but Emi couldn't  deny that his suport and warmth gave her the strenght to walk the stair up. Yes there were some "woop's" and "sorry's"  spiced with "my bad's" when her hooves stumbled with the floor and steps but she didn't fall again


Duran was a true gentlecat guiding her to the gets room, In her way to there she was able to see a lot of family pictures and memories in the walls also she spotted some stuff that looked like traveling baggage from other ponies "It looks like this Iron is not here alone" where her thoughts just before Duran opened the guest room letting both of them in. 


"Now Im worried about how many mares have you taken into here with such a pittifull state ", she sait to him with a playful tone keeping the stalker joke alive. There she released Duran and let herself to fall down into the mattress looking like a tree falling prey of the lumberjacks, she even heard a voice of "TIMBER!!!" in her mind. Truth was on the inside she was feeling a lot better with the resolve of not letting her prejudices change her trust again in the future. "This is way better than crashing on the floor." she said having some fun with auto critique. 


The white mare turned herself around and covered herself with the blackest of the guest bed, looking silly like a filly and enjoying the soft fresh feeling of the cloth over her coat. "Well I think I owe you a story" she stoped for a seccond. "But Im afraid I am a terrible story teller Cot got that from mother and father not me", she said but contrasting to her words her eyes and smile were saying something was behind that statement, something she revealed right after. "But I could sing one of them to you...I kind of can do that"

Edited by Colt
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