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ooc The Hunt

MLP Dazzleglow

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This role play takes place in Ponyville three years after Shining Star runs away from Los Pegasus her old home. She is trying to find her parents believing that they are still alive, but just has not come back. Her parents are dead, lost their lives in combat. After coming to Ponyville she is trying to hide that she is an Alicorn by wearing a cloak that hides her wings and her cutie mark. While in ponyville she will meet some ponies, but that is up to you all to help with. Please put in an app and help out and we will take the story from there.


28, September 2002, a lone filly could be seen walking down the dirt paths of ponyville. No pony thinks anything of it, being that most fillies always walk around. No pony notices the sad look on her face, as this lone filly walks into town to try and find food.




1.Any type is welcome, Just don't make them god like (unless your Luna or Celestia)

2. *Changed* No double posting. When someone post, you may replie 

3. please stay on topic, do not go off story


Application: (please copy and past) I will let you know if you have been approved or denied via re-post here and through private message


What are you:

[ ] alicorn

[ ] Earth pony

[ ] Pegasus

[ ] unicorn


Where do you live

[ ] Ponyville

[ ] Canterlot*

[ ] Los Pegasus*

[ ] Appleloosa*

[ ] other________*


*if you live anywhere other than ponyville, please explain why you are in ponyvilleimg-971951-1-smile.png:


What is your job (if you want to have one):


Your Character:


(do not copy and past this one) here is my character: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shining-star-r2072


*edit* brought back The Alicorn for those of you that are Alicorn's 


Edit- Closed

Edited by MLP Dazzleglow

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Here's my OC. He may resemble Princess Celestia and may look like an alicorn but he's just a larger pegasus.




Hopefully he's not too OP. 

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I would like to join this rp Hes a pegasus and better yet he also dosen't know who his parents are.



Here's my OC. He may resemble Princess Celestia and may look like an alicorn but he's just a larger pegasus.




Hopefully he's not too OP. 


I looked at your characters, I see no problems. I will be starting the RP in a few mins though, so if you all want to just hang around until then. in the mean time, can you fill out the place of residence



ok, thank you for your patience. I just posted the first part of the RP and i hope you guys have fun. http://mlpforums.com/topic/41199-the-hunt/


I am changing the 24 hour post rule. If someone else has posted in the same day, you may go ahead and post your responce

Edited by MLP Dazzleglow

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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do you want one of us to do Pinkie Pie? If its just for this moment, or will we run into her multipul times?


one of you can do pinkie pie, she will be seen maybe about two more times, if not only one more time. 




do you want one of us to do Pinkie Pie? If its just for this moment, or will we run into her multipul times?



if you want do do pinkie pie, you can, she will be seen maybe about two more times, if not only one more time.

Edited by MLP Dazzleglow

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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is it too late for me to join? if not I would like to join this rp, It sounds very interesting here is my oc


He lives in ponyville


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

                                                                    Saxophonist|PW:AA fan|Bass Guitar Enthusiast |K-On! fan

                                                                                                 ~Ema Skye is my Waifu~

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is it too late for me to join? if not I would like to join this rp, It sounds very interesting here is my oc


He lives in ponyville

nope, its not to late, I looked over your character and all seems in order. You may join in at anytime you like. Currently we are about to head to Sugar Cube Corner, if you want to make your appearance there, that would work. but i will leave that up to you

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Sorry I was gone for so long, I went on an areoplane trip yesterday,did some stuff an went to sleep.


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

                                                                    Saxophonist|PW:AA fan|Bass Guitar Enthusiast |K-On! fan

                                                                                                 ~Ema Skye is my Waifu~

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  • 5 weeks later...

What are you:

[ ] alicorn

[ ] Earth pony

[X] Pegasus

[ ] unicorn


Where do you live

[ ] Ponyville

[ ] Canterlot*

[ ] Los Pegasus*

[ ] Appleloosa*

[ ] other: no where, due to war*


my caracter:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shade-r2319

you are approved, and will be the last one. to join as a non hostile personnel. \

if anypony out there wants to join latter on, please PM me and we will see where we are in the RP

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm back from a very long time everyone and Im here to stay :) sorry about that, shoulda told you all or something.Anyway .... I'm back :-)


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

                                                                    Saxophonist|PW:AA fan|Bass Guitar Enthusiast |K-On! fan

                                                                                                 ~Ema Skye is my Waifu~

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welcome back, glad to know that you are alright. It looks as if the RP is actually going to be ending here pretty soon, but i am sure that you can still get in through the rest of it

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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