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450 pegasi came up from the reaches of the Cold Fells, their wings tired from the journey and the burden of their amour. Lieutenant Vanguard stood high on the ridge, looking over the far north vale. On its height lay the fortress of Dragon Mountain, head of the NLR operations.




Lance turned to face to new arrival, no more than a private. "What do you want?"


"Are we really going to do it? Are we going to... defect?"


Lance took a step down from the ridge, coming to the privates eye level. "This war was never about what each faction stood for, nor any promise of peace. It was always about who would choose the winning side, and who would come the better off when it was over. Times have changed; the ideals of the Republic have faded, the promise of a new reform squandered. What I am doing is making the wisest decision I can make, for I do not want to see any of you die at the hands of the Solar's. I have already sent a messenger to Canterlot informing them of my plan; we shall bring Dragon Mountain down from the inside."


Vanguard left the private, turning to face the remain soldiers who awaited his orders. In his hoof he seized the banner of the Lunar Republic, now faded and weathered. Upon the ridge he gazed out across his troops. To their shock he tossed aside the banner, letting it fall to the dust in a crumpled heap.


"Would you serve your captain!?" There were a number of muffled agreements from the crowd.


"Would you do whatever was possible to achieve peace!?" Support grew and more shouts of agreement were given.


"Would you stand by me... even as I turn to the winning side!?" The troops lit up with cheering, each showing their individual support.


"Good. Now we shall act, for too long have we lingered in the sand and dust while war rages around us! We shall return to the mountain and put in place the final acts of this regiment! We shall bring down the mountain, sending it crumbling down from the inside! Not for us, but so that others may may yet see the days of peace to come! The ideas of the Republic have failed, only now with the Solar's can we ever achieve our goal! Stand by me my brothers, for today we finish this!!!"


The troops cheered in unison, their voices echoing down the valley. Vanguard drew froth his sword, raising it as it shone in the sun. "Follow my lead! We shall return and act as normal, but wait for my command and only mine! Once it is given we shall fight out way to the foundations, tearing it up from the roots! There is enough black powder in the vaults to send an entire city to ruin, this will be no challenge! Tonight... we shall have victory!!! Regiment, move out! We march on to Dragon Mountain with full haste!"

Edited by The-Master
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General Applejack was peering over the Map. Everyone should about be in place. Sky Warden would be on his way to meet with Col. Mac. He had sent letters to Golden Eye and Vanguard about her plan to capture Ponyville and Baltimare. All everyone had to do was follow orders and this was locked in place.


A group of Mages stood outside, ready to teleport them to the Outer rim of Baltimare. There, she would meet up with Fluttershy who would by now have amassed a lot of supplies and raised hundreds of animals to help fight and spy on what was going on in the city. Luna bless that pony and her gift to talk to animals.


Col Mac would be left in control of the Sweet Apple Acres and Dragon Mountain Defensive. Apple Mint would be heading North from Appleloosa to join up with Macs forces and help seal that damn road they blazed through. That was a huge job and she hoped Apple Mint could handle it.


She didn't want to, but she would be an arrogant fool if she didn't plan for failed missions. If Ponyville wasn't taken, they would fall back to sweet apple acres. If they pushed that far, they would retreat from the Farm and split up. Some to Dragon Mountain and the rest to shore up defenses in the Everfree Forest.


Baltimare was another story all together. She had worked too hard for that to be lost. Moved to careful. the only thing that she worried about was that Vanguard pony getting all high and mighty and not following orders. But that couldn't lead to the loss of the city...could it?


She thought for a moment. She wanted Baltimare. Badly. But what if the Solars had a trick up their sleeve? What if there was something she didn't plan for? How could she cut the massive loss of life if she was wrong?


Everyone Major player she knew was already in play in this battle. Everyone had assignments. They were either heading for Ponyville or Baltimare and the battle began in the morning. She hadn't pulled one card yet and figured best be safe then sorry. If nothing else the 304th had been cooling their heals making Uniforms and such for far too long.


She wrote a letter to Brig General Rarity and gave it to a scout after it was magically sealed.


"Make sure this here makes it to General Rarity at the 304th. Highest Priority." The courier nodded and was off. She looked over to her personal Honor guard, mostly made up of Mages and nodded.


"Lets teleport on down to Baltimare. I sure do hate this here part...."  With thaat the school surrounded her and she closed her eyes. In a giant puff of purple smoke, AJ was gone and at the NLR frontlines in Baltimare within the hour.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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twenty-six Solarians stood before Valkyrie, and yet they weren't Solarians, not anymore.

"We pretty proud of how many thralls we raised in one night" Shadow chirped "Although since they are so rushed they can't do much more then, walk, run and swing things" 
"Are you positive they won't attack our side?" Valkyrie responded, eyeing the zombies cautiously.
"Yep, they are completely on our side, thats what makes them thralls" Shadow chirped again
"Alright then, see if can make some more, I must go speak with the lieutenant" With a swish of her tail, she left the young group of mages to play with their new toys.

Val entered GlodenAge's tent, without any warning. "The Solarians are up to something. They are building something big, we need to come up  with a  strategy and strike while they are occupied"
(waiting on your response Hist)

Edited by zRevenantz
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Sky Warden found Col Macintosh along with his ponies. The stallion stood up straight with his blood red armor, despite of many scars and bruises from the battle. Sky snorted. The stallions presence was enough for him to get his battle spirit back. "If only I had such charisma". He landed just a few yards from the colonel and ordered his men to stand in line behind him.

He gave a simple salute, "I'm Sky Warden. My pegasi and I are ready for next order Sir!". He clucked. He's not good at formal speaking.

Edited by Sky Warden
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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Col Mac looked at the Pony in front of him with a smile.


"Whudda we got here now? I'ma guessin' my sister sent ya'll this way didn't she? Shes got somethin' big planned. We'll be doin' our part here. Current orders are ta march around ta White Tail Forest and hit Ponyville from ta west side. We'll be usin' ya'll flyin' ponies for our air support. Now go on and get yer pony folk somethin' to eat before we march on out. When we get to ta Forest, Ill be wantin' ya to fly on ahead and scout out Dragon Mountain and Ponyville. Any questions for me before ya'll go get rested up?"

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Sky Warden sighed when he heard that his men had something to eat. "Nay-I mean, no Sir!". He turned back and just took two steps before he realized something. He turned back to Colonel Macintosh and waved his hoof above his head as he bowed, "I'm taking my leave, thank ye Sir!" He said as he did his weird salute. He clucked again as he walked away, "Bleh! I should fix my manner...and tongue".

Sky gestured his quartermaster to come closer, "Ye all can get some grubs and take care of the wounded. Back to me in an hour!"



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Whirlwind spent his time in the NLR camp practicing his swordponyship and sleeping under a tree, the soldiers stayed a good distance away wanting nothing to do with him and he couldn't rely blame them since most of Whirlwinds renown was earned fighting along side the Solar Empire and attacking supply routes, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if he got his thought slit once the battle was over or perhaps a hint of friendly fire during the battle.


"hmmm no time to think about these thing, the battle will be soon and you need to get ready" he said to himself mid yawn as he climbed up and picked up his Rapier "so.... how.... do you think... the battle will go?" he said to himself, pausing between thrusts "to soon to tell.... the SE have a technical advantage, they like to think they have it all planned out right from the start...... pompus arses.... NLR have a divers army, let see if they can be utilizes" he said bucking the tree next to him and slicing the falling leaves "besides, I'm fighting for the NLR and general Applejack, no way i'm going to lose out in this battle" Whirlwind cut though all of the leaves that fell before sheathing his blade.  

  • Brohoof 1

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The newly-promoted Corporals Gemini left Canterlot at once with the score of ponies they were to travel with. It was a long way to Baltimare, yet none of the contingent seemed upset to push themselves to make it there quickly. With such a small group, the Twins' group made it to Baltimare quite sooner than they had expected. They stepped up after making camp within a half-day's journey of the city.


"We should not go into Baltimare unprepared. The city might not take kindly to Solar uniforms among its numbers, and marching in as we are now would be a death wish!" "We have come up with a solution. Please, everypony make their way to one of our mages. They will cast a simple spell upon your armour, disguising it."


Rag and Tag were among the last to disguise their armour. The golden standards of the Solar Empire were quickly converted to look like clothes normal ponyfolk wore this time of year in Baltimare. Neither the weight of the armour, nor its effectiveness was hindered. And nopony would look twice at any of their group for carrying weapons. These were dangerous times, after all.


The contingent, no longer flying the Solar banner, made its way nearer to the Lunar Border and the City of Baltimare...

Edited by Descant
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Luminess was surprised and slightly frightened to find a reply to his letter, and from the princess herself. He read over it a few times, fretting about what to do. One thing was for sure however; the head would not be happy.


"Sir... I have received a letter... From the princess... About number seven."


The head scientist whipped around in anger, knocking over an experiment he was overseeing. "What!? How! How could she know about its activa..." his eyes narrowed. "You.... you told her..."


"I don't see why it's an issue sir. She just wants to examine it in more detail!" Luminess protested, backing away in fear of his boss.


"That isn't supposed to happen... she wasn't supposed to find out..." the head muttered to himself. He turned his attention to Luminess. "From now on, I'll continue the correspondence! Now get out of my sight..."


Luminess fearfully obliged, and the head sat at one of the desks, carefully writing a reply.


Majestic Princess Luna


I apologise for the previous letter, sent by an overly enthusiastic colleague. In reality, the device in question is not fully operational, and is therefore of no importance to your no doubt exceptionally busy schedule. The offender will be punished for his foolish behaviour.


Yours sincerely


Hype Atlass


Head of the arcane science group.

Edited by Silverpoint345
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"Ah yes, I noticed as well" Golden Age replied while turning around. "I haven't the slightest idea of what it could be, but I'm sure it can't be anything good." Golden Age stretched his back on his chair. "But how can we know how to destroy it if we don't know what it is, what it's made of. I see there to be only two options, one being to push the Solars back, and take the position of the thing, or two, since I'm assuming magic is what powers it, we destroy with magic. However, I don't know the strength of the enemy, and I doubt we have any mages here (if any at all) powerful enough to do such a thing." Golden Age gave a big stretch and the proceeded to get up and walk over to his table. "We might be able to send a few regiments to march west to the edge of the coast, and then head down to the river that runs between Los Pegasus and White Tail woods. There they could get on a boat and navigate the river until they are behind the enemy's position. At that point we could have them in a sandwich".


"But," Golden Age continued "I also suggest we put guards in the armory and in the powder magazine, if that thing goes off we'll all be dead! So, what do you think of this?"

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Night Star (whoever remembers him gets a bonus cookie) stepped into Golden Age's tent. The ground underneath him froze solid as he walked on it, and the temperature seemed to drop ten degrees. "Hello," he said with a sharp tone. "I assume that you are Mister Golden Age. My name is Night Star. I was sent by the princess to assist you in the battle."





Luna scowled and took out another piece of paper.


Dear Hype Atlass,

Do not punish your colleague. He was right to alert us to the presence of this machine. We accept that this needs to be tested still, but we would like it in our chambers for examination ASAP.


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"Dragon Mountain, last stronghold of the New Luna Republic. This will be a difficult task but I trust that you are all up to it. Move out!"


Lance lead his troops into the main hanger, his pegasi coming to a screeching halt.He bid his troops fair well and rest as he departed fro the war room. The mountain fortress was surprisingly unguarded for such a point in the war. At any given time there was usually at least 10 ponies stationed at the watchtowers, now there only remained 2. It seemed that they were stretched to their limit, all available forces now called off to duty. Lance approached the war room, biding the guards stand aside as the doors swung open.


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AS the finally appeared on the ouskirts of Baltimare he spoke with Fluttershy and had her group ready for action. She spoke with Dogs and Griffons, who were also ready to go. It was time. No use in waiting. Col Mac would be getting ready to assault Ponyville any time now. She took out a scroll and penned a note.


To the Leaders of the City of Baltimare,


I am General Applejack, and Element of Harmony bearer. My Element is Honesty. I say this so you know the words I am about to write are true. The New Lunar Republic is aware the Solar Empire may wish for you to join their cause. This would be folly. We desire to live in Harmony with all of Equestrias creatures, not just a chosen few. We feel that Princess Celestia's dictatorship must end and Princess will lead us to great future of peace, prosperity and tolerance. We ask you take the enclosed flag and draw it up your flag poll in the center of town. If we see this, we will assume you accept our request for Baltimare to join the NLR. I have amassed an army outside your city in the event Solar troops arrive to possible force your head.


With Respect,


General Applejack


Applejack sent the letter with courier under a flag of truce.




"Alright ya'll! Move'em out! We take Ponyville!" On his command, every pony he had in position began to march to retake their beloved town of Ponyville and take a step closer to Canterlot.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Dragon Mountain:

Their orders were clear, their minds were at ease, and their preparations were complete. The magical conclaves had finished charging the symbols. Even the front lines had held thus far. Last minutes changes had been made, noting the defection of certain Lunar ponies to the cause of the Solar Empire. Mages had been diverted for a few seconds, sending a looped mental message to Lt Vanguard alone, one hour before the ritual was to reach its completion. If they were not reached by then, then they were to be lost to the chaos that ensued. Lord General Maximum Thrust had personally overseen the message's contents, making sure every word detailed the gravity of the situation. Dragon Mountain was to be destroyed, completely and utterly. Not a single grain of stone would remain if all went as planned. Even if it didn't, the absolute minimum possible destruction would very easily killed thousands, if not tens of thousands. In simple speech, all of this preparation was a summoning. They would summon the power of the sun incarnate and unleash it unto their enemies.


At high noon, Lord General Maximum Thrust stood atop his observation tower, eyes carefully sheilded by the purest black goggles. All troops had such things already, to be used in night operations when neccesary. But now thousands of faces sported them in broad daylight, barely able to see for the moment. In his mouth, a bit untidly, he held a stick. It was a simple thing, just made of wood and water like any other. But, it was carefully selected, the first card in a house that would cause this massive force to destroy. At the appointed time, he set the stick down, and broke it in half with his hoof.


For a moment, nothing happened. The sun itself seemed to pause momentarily at its zenith. Then the real magic began to take place. Energy that had been syphoned from thousands of mages for three days straight began to spray out of its resivours, like the first breach in a dam. The first symbol, the eye, was lit in a magnificent display of yellow. Then the arrow, a deeply bloody red, made itself known amongst the other lines. These first two were simple runes, finding the target and aiming for the most critical point. When the flame arose, the heat caused many of the Solar troops in front to blanch and sweat profusely. This was the ignition, the start of the reaction. The sun drawn in the earth began to spin in a neon yellow, blinding those with even the darkest goggles. Finally, though none could see it, the bullseyes was drawn out, a deep bottomless black.


Even the merest fraction of the sun's true power was all that needed, but much more was used. The entire area seemed to darken for a moment, despite the blinding light. Then it was gone, sight was restored. Rather than a beam of pure energy, there simply came a cone of non-existance, consumed by the sun's hungry gullet. Matter and air flowed in to fill the breach, sending a noise like a mighty thunderclap for miles and shattering glass. From the exact center of the symbol, straight to Dragon Mountain, miles of dirt, bodies, and everything else had ceased to exist. The mountain itself was reduced to one third of its former size, that what remained collapsing in upon what had once been solid rock but was now open air.


None spoke for a moment, watching the rubble settle. There was no point in cheering at this victory. It was simple winning, pure and simple. A grim silence gripped the Solar Ranks, watching dust begin to fall from miles away. Their consolation was that they had brought down the hammer against the defiant, utterly decimated what had stood defiant for so long.


Princess Celestia felt the aftershocks from miles away, a peice of the world simply vanishing, consumed by the sun. Shuddering, she retired to her bed-chambers. She had controlled the sun for so long, that she knew its habits. It could consume the entire world in an instant, fueling it only for the smallest of moments. Now this incredible hunger had been unleashed on her realm. She just hoped her sister could forgive her one day. A quick letter was written in utter secrecy, sent straigh to Luna if possible. It was simple, imploring that something be done to end this, now.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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