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open Uprising - Ponyville

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Salem rose to his feet, hearing the changeling alarm. He grimaced at the pain in his jaw, and spat blood. The rebels here were out of control! Sneaking around... attacking officers!


The lizard scaled one of the walls again, and stood on the roof, surveying the area. The two mercenaries were walking through a small side street, and Salem nearly tore after them in anger.


But there were more important matters... a huddled group of ponies crouched behind a wall a couple of streets away. Silently, Salem descended to the streets again, moving towards their location.

Edited by Silverpoint345
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shade was flying down the street passing changeling patrols... then the alarm goes off..


shade flew up to rainbow... "nice going rainbow... you set off the alarm.... now what?"


* she took out the minions... but she still needs to work on some stuff if she wants to survive *



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Inkscape froze as the alarm went up. The sound of scales against the stone wall made the hair along her nape stand up on end. She stopped in her tracks and looked about, panic fluttering and spurting from her chest. "Wh- what's going on? What do we do?" Was she supposed to run, fight, fly? She looked doubtfully at the jetpack strapped to her back. "Dear Celestia, I hate heights." She shuffled her hooves. "Oh, why didn't I just stay with my old position. I mean sure it was boring, but at least delivering messages was safe... well, we - safer, at least." 


                        fim4ever.tumblr.com                         epitomefox.tumblr.com

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At that moment, something landed in front of her, a huge blue pony with an eyepatch. "Evening, ma'am. I wasn't going to get involved, but I swear to Celestia Red's a moron. One of these days he's going to run up on something that's just as crazy as he is, and I won't be around to help. He says he knows you, you didn't pay any attention to him back at the library. Did I leave enough for you?" Inkscape realized that throughout the monologue, the blue pony had been laying waste to the changelings. "I'm Standoff, by the way."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Inkscape held back a squeal of surprise when the blue pony appeared, seemingly out of no where in front of her. She had trouble taking her gaze away, as he took down changeling after changeling that attempted to overwhelm the wall. "Th- thank you, Standoff. I'm Inkscape," She shakily fluffed her mane with a hoof, trying to regain some sort of class, though it was for naught, as they were in the middle of battle field. 


                        fim4ever.tumblr.com                         epitomefox.tumblr.com

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Inkscape held back a squeal of surprise when the blue pony appeared, seemingly out of no where in front of her. She had trouble taking her gaze away, as he took down changeling after changeling that attempted to overwhelm the wall. "Th- thank you, Standoff. I'm Inkscape," She shakily fluffed her mane with a hoof, trying to regain some sort of class, though it was for naught, as they were in the middle of battle field. 

Another voice came from behind her. "Don't intimidate ze mare, Standoff! Pay no attention to him, he is a showboat. I'm Red Alert, by ze vay. SCHTANDOFF! LEFT SIDE! He's a good fighter, ve bos are, but ve drive each osser inshane sometimes. Course, I already AM, but who is he to judge?" Inkscape noticed that Red was battling the changelings as well, snapping bones and slashing necks. He fought with a crazed urgency, unlike Standoff, who was nothing short of graceful, if resigned.

Edited by acualy is dolan



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Inkblaze closed her eyes and ears against the sounds of the onslaught happening on the street. "N-nice to meet you both," she said, turning her head away and covering her face with a hoof. "Oh sweet Celestia! I am not cut out for this kind of work. No, no, not at all. I thought this was a rescue mission!"


                        fim4ever.tumblr.com                         epitomefox.tumblr.com

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"It probably was, but SOMETHING happened. Are you going to do any fighting yourself? Red hates slackers..." "Shut up! Say, I know you. You're zat mare who ignored me at ze library. Hmm." "I was wondering if you were going to figure that out. Right side, back up a little!

Edited by acualy is dolan
  • Brohoof 1



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Salem creeped through the streets, heading for the group he'd seen. As he rounded a corner however, he was shocked by the sight that met him.


The changeling troops had been floored, and they littered the streets. The culprits?


Two painfully familiar faces... Those mercinaries! They seemed to be protecting another pony, while wiping out the troops that attacked.


Hissing loudly, Salem ducked and dodged around the heaps of changelings, before lashing at Red with razor claws. His tail whipped around to strike Standoff, the hardened scales moving with reptilian speed.

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Inkscape leaped behind Standoff with a shriek when Salem swiped at their hooves. "Eeik!! No! no, I was not planning on doing any actual fighting myself! Ah, hide me!" She peered over Standoff's flank at the terrifying Salem scaling up the wall towards them. She looked side to side desperately. "What to do? What to do?"


                        fim4ever.tumblr.com                         epitomefox.tumblr.com

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Timeshift didn't need to go to the weaponry when she saw a dagger a dead changeling had. She took it and headed to her library where she saw a couple of rebels, and Salem. She pouted, then attempted to sneak past them. It wasn't really hard except she by mistake stepping on a thumb tack, making her whine a little. She covered up her mistake and jolted into her library. 

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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The tail, however, was grabbed and folded over on itself until it was in danger of breaking. "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU. YOU WALTZ IN AND ACT LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE, WHICH YOU DO NOT, BECAUSE YOU ARE AN IGUANA, NOT A CHANGELING. YOU THEN ACT LIKE YOU ARE SUPERIOR TO US, WHICH YOU ARE NOT, AND BOTH RED AND I HAVE PROVEN THIS. YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE SUCH A SKEWED WORLDVIEW THAT YOU HAVE TO BE THE BEST AT ANYTHING AT ANY GIVEN TIME. I AM GOING TO BEAT YOU TO WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE, AND THEN I'M GOING TO TIE YOU DOWN, AND THEN YOU'LL SEE WHAT RED DOES WHEN HE GETS POSSESSION OF SOMEONE HE HATES. On that note, are you alright, Red?" "Fine...mostly.  Probably goink to have to go see Zecora, because Fluttershy schtill hates me for some reason... Do you mean it ven you say I get to dissect him?" "Sure. Hell, do whatever you want, I don't care. Don't even try to get away, Iggy."

Edited by acualy is dolan
  • Brohoof 1



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Salem flailed uselessly against Standoff's grip, his tail caught in a vice like grip. The lizard resorted to slashing out at his captor with razor sharp talons in an attempt to free himself.


All of his previous confidence had vanished in place of shock. How were these ponies so powerful!? He'd never met a foe that he couldn't defeat, in all his time as a commander of the desert.


Realisation hit him. He'd never met a more powerful foe... because he'd never been out of the desert. He'd been the big fish out there, but here...


Salem stopped struggling, and hung from his tail, head held low in defeat.

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"That's better. Oi, Red! Deal with this thing, and then find me a first-aid kit. He's a pointy little bugger. Try not to kill him, though. Thing? Go tell whoever your boss is that the Hailfire Syndicate is back in town. He'll know what you're talking about. Now git!"

  • Brohoof 1



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Realising his own defeat, Salem shot a menacing look firstly at Standoff and Red, and then at Inkscape. He slunk back off into the night, the sounds of combat echoing through the surrounding streets. This place was out of control... If he wanted to get anywhere, then he would have to stamp this out...


And that would be easier said than done.

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Timeshift looked out and snickered. Those were big jerks.

She decided to write a note to anyling who decided to step foot in here.



You see this here? This is property of Timeshift. TIMESHIFT. So if you step foot in here i'll beat the buck out of you. Stay out or get beat up. All I want to do is figure out who the heck can solve my problem of Dragons, so if you have met dragons and studied them up close, come in. If not...




Signed Timeshift.


She scooted out of her door and hung it up and dashed back inside her room.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Inkscape was still badly shaken, even after Standoff had secured the lizard-thing. She followed at a distance, being wary of the creature's flailing limbs, each of which clad in sharp scales that would definitely deliver an awful scrape. "What is that thing?" She asked, daring to take a step forward on Standoff's flank to get a better look. "I've never seen anything quite like this. He's not quite a dragon, now is he?" She shuddered. "No,no, much to ugly."


                        fim4ever.tumblr.com                         epitomefox.tumblr.com

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(OOC: Hello, there! I am sorry, but you seem to have posted in the wrong section. Please read the story and apply in the OOC section.)


Rarity continues on, and you are able to enter the premises without issue. She glances at her chronometer. "15 minutes..."


Rainbow Dash's crew is able to get to the deposit. There seem to be many things here, including... gasoline? "Why would they want to stockpile gas? It's only used in a very few trains. It's still being experimented on." She grabbed three containers and hauled them onto her back. "Light this place up and move on."

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Shade raises an eye brow at rainbowdash...


She quickly grabs a black storm cloud and bucks it sending a lightning bolt at a canister of gas, lighting up the place...


"good enough for you rainbow dash? Let's get going."


* now I don't know what the minions are up to, but I'm to lazy to contact them... *



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