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open Equestrian Civil War- Take Two

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Princess Celestia:

All this time the Princess had kept her peace, content in knowing that her subjects would handle the situation with ease. Finding that her confidence had been correctly placed, she finally spoke. "I would be interested to know what your idea is sir pony, guards, please return to your posts. I'm sure there are matters of more importance to be had," Her stern gaze scattered the guards back to their respective posts like ashamed sheep. Waiting until the last one had returned to his or her post like a sheperd watches his flock, Celestia turned her attention back to the meeting at hand. "Thank you all for your adivce. A monarch is nothing without her subjects, especially her advisors. I have listened carefully and have decided upon my course of action."


A flare of magic made the images previously shown on the magical screen disappear, replaced with a blank slate. Soon enough a map of Equestria appeared, a comprehensive and everchanging drawing of all known confrontations and borders. This would zoom in on an area that all ponies would be familiar with. "I will request that the Peace Embassy be held in Ponville, at the Town Hall. Its primary purpose will be to secure a lasting peace in Equestria. Secondary objectives are as follows: Consolidate the rebels back under our rule, retrieve prisoners and property, and if all else fails: Gather as much information on the disposition of the rebels as possible. While some of these goals may seem a bit fanciful on my part, it truly neccesary that we do everything possible to end this war."


"This brings me to a regretful second point," she said with a sigh. "I have high hopes that the Peace Embassy will suceed. But we must be prepared for its failure. Several contingiency plans have been put forward by my generals, only a few of which even look feasible. The first and most likely to suceed is shown here." The screen would change to show large scale excavations on the side of the mountain nearby Canterlot, higher up the slope. "Digging crews have begun to prep the mountainside to hold this proposed solution: The Helios Bombardment Platform. Simply put, it is a fortress and weapons system at the same time." The screen changed yet again to show a preliminary plan for the HPB. Featuring tunnels and bunkers buried deep within the mountain, the most obvious feature was a gigantic cannon, nearly half the length of the entire structure.


"As some of you know, there are crystal caves beneath Canterlot, one of the reasons for its location. Research has been completed recently that allow for the weaponization of these crystals, primarily in long range artillery. The Helios Bombardment Platform, shortened to be known as HBP is to be powered by these crystals. Using high density magical projectiles, this cannon wil be able to flatten a battlefeild in seconds if all go as planned." A wink dissipated the magical screen back into the air. "As you can likely see, it is of utmost importance that the Peace Embassy not fail. If it does, we will be forced to take extreme action."

As all the other ponies who could of judged Benethor badly left Benethor felt his confidence grow a little, despite the fact he was in the presence of Princess Celestia herself. He trotted slowly to the screen and requested that a map of Equestria be brought up which it did and soon he began his advice.

'I may not be a fancy general or anything but I know a bit of tactics that i am glad that her majesty has chosen to hear.'

Benethor took a quick bow and with growing confidence placed his trademark pipe back into his mouth and began smoking again, of course trying to keep the smoke away from the watching ponies. He raised his hoof and pointed at the east of the Everfree forest. Luna Terriotry.

'My geography might be a little off so tell me if i am wrong but it seems most of Lunar territory is actually deserts or canyons.'

He pointed to the key areas: the pinto desert Raptorclaw canyon and the badlands and lastly the swamps.

'The relevance this has to the strategy is that if war is to break out we need to strike at there food sources. Which seems to me, correct me if i am wrong mostly Appleloosa.'

He pointed to the settlement while sucking on his pipe.

'Capture or raid Appleloosa and i believe the Luna republic will begin to run out of food and this would be a great way to either defeat them or ransom prisoners in exchange for the return of Appleloosa to Luna control.'

He then looked at the whole of Equestria and sighed.

'If we want to win I believe we must strive to at least this goal and that is a just war. If we want to win we must act kindly to the ponies we occupy and refuse to pillage lands and butcher villages. If we do this our chivalry will be rewarded with approval from the people of Equestria and make the Luna republic's fight lose steam.'

He then nodded to show he was done as he kept his pipe out slowly and bowed to Celestia.

'Thank you for listening to me your Majesty.'

  • Brohoof 1

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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"Company; Halt! Shoulder; Arms!"


After a two day march, Golden Age and his company finally arrived near Fillydelphia. "Right lads," The lieutenant began "We're finally here, over yonder is Fillydelphia, of which is our main target. If we do surround the city, I expect the Solars to fight us for it.


But, for now, pitch camp, gather firewood, you know the drill. Sergeant Spiers" Golden Age called out


"Aye sir?" The sergeant replied


"I want pickets posted around the camp. And as of now a passcode is established for entry into the camp, it's...Meade. Also, anypony who wants to leave must get permission from me, we're in enemy territory here. All clear? Good." Golden Age adressed the sergeant once more "Sergeant, you may attend to your orders"


The sergeant nodded "Aye sir! You, you, you, you, and you, on me!"


Company; Prepare to break ranks; Break ranks; March!


Golden Age slowly walked over an unoccupied area of grass. He was too tired to pitch his officers tent, or any tent for that matter, so he got out his poncho and blanket and greatcoat. He placed the great coat at the front as a pillow and wrapped himself up in the blanket.  Lance should be here tomorrow, hopefully he'll be smart enough to let me convince him to beseige the city and not attack it. Celestia know's what kind of chaos would erupt should that happen.

  • Brohoof 1
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Princess Celestia:

All this time the Princess had kept her peace, content in knowing that her subjects would handle the situation with ease. Finding that her confidence had been correctly placed, she finally spoke. "I would be interested to know what your idea is sir pony, guards, please return to your posts. I'm sure there are matters of more importance to be had," Her stern gaze scattered the guards back to their respective posts like ashamed sheep. Waiting until the last one had returned to his or her post like a sheperd watches his flock, Celestia turned her attention back to the meeting at hand. "Thank you all for your adivce. A monarch is nothing without her subjects, especially her advisors. I have listened carefully and have decided upon my course of action."


A flare of magic made the images previously shown on the magical screen disappear, replaced with a blank slate. Soon enough a map of Equestria appeared, a comprehensive and everchanging drawing of all known confrontations and borders. This would zoom in on an area that all ponies would be familiar with. "I will request that the Peace Embassy be held in Ponville, at the Town Hall. Its primary purpose will be to secure a lasting peace in Equestria. Secondary objectives are as follows: Consolidate the rebels back under our rule, retrieve prisoners and property, and if all else fails: Gather as much information on the disposition of the rebels as possible. While some of these goals may seem a bit fanciful on my part, it truly neccesary that we do everything possible to end this war."


"This brings me to a regretful second point," she said with a sigh. "I have high hopes that the Peace Embassy will suceed. But we must be prepared for its failure. Several contingiency plans have been put forward by my generals, only a few of which even look feasible. The first and most likely to suceed is shown here." The screen would change to show large scale excavations on the side of the mountain nearby Canterlot, higher up the slope. "Digging crews have begun to prep the mountainside to hold this proposed solution: The Helios Bombardment Platform. Simply put, it is a fortress and weapons system at the same time." The screen changed yet again to show a preliminary plan for the HPB. Featuring tunnels and bunkers buried deep within the mountain, the most obvious feature was a gigantic cannon, nearly half the length of the entire structure.


"As some of you know, there are crystal caves beneath Canterlot, one of the reasons for its location. Research has been completed recently that allow for the weaponization of these crystals, primarily in long range artillery. The Helios Bombardment Platform, shortened to be known as HBP is to be powered by these crystals. Using high density magical projectiles, this cannon wil be able to flatten a battlefeild in seconds if all go as planned." A wink dissipated the magical screen back into the air. "As you can likely see, it is of utmost importance that the Peace Embassy not fail. If it does, we will be forced to take extreme action."

"it is good that you have listened to my advice on being prepared in case the peace negotiations fail your highness." Vedana smiled, turning to the Princess. "We must always be ready in case something terrible happens from the peace treaty. But we must also never forget our own people." The blind unicorn said, turning his head to pictures, sensing them. "What would you have us do? The scientist's are currently experimenting on the crystals as you say my lady, but there is much work to do. We have to keep the citizens of Canetlot and ponyville under control, and have the forces ready for war."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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"it is good that you have listened to my advice on being prepared in case the peace negotiations fail your highness." Vedana smiled, turning to the Princess. "We must always be ready in case something terrible happens from the peace treaty. But we must also never forget our own people." The blind unicorn said, turning his head to pictures, sensing them. "What would you have us do? The scientist's are currently experimenting on the crystals as you say my lady, but there is much work to do. We have to keep the citizens of Canetlot and ponyville under control, and have the forces ready for war."

Benethor looked with admiration at the blind Unicom. He knew he should keep his gob shut but he couldn't resist at least one more second in the lime light.

'We will have to do it in a way that does my collapse the peace negotiations friend. Assembling troops in ponyville ecen though they are only peace keepers could easily provoke an attack from Luna force who wait very close by.'

After this Benethor shut up preparing himself for being sent out and becoming this weeks canoon fodder.

  • Brohoof 1

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Golden Age paced back and forth in his tent, talking to himself every now and then. "Surely it can't take more than two days to march to Fillydelphia! March, and they're Pegasi, they can fly! I would expect flight to be faster than walk. The more time he is absent, the more time the enemy has to prepare! And I cannot beseige a city only 100 soldiers! It can't be done!"


The lieutenant walked over to his table and studied his maps. "Perhaps...while the town is beseiged, if I could only find some trebuchets...I could set them on the opposite side of the river. There they could bombard the city while we starve it out. Even if we do end up assaulting it, a bombardment would never hurt." He let out a tiresome yawn and wiped his eyes. "Of course, that would all depend on Lance's plan. Hah, I'll bet he'll charge the bloody place head on! Although...that would leave me him under my command, if the bastard's still alive that is."


Just then a thought just crossed his mind. The passcode! When Lance arrives, surely he'd be shot by the pickets for incorrectly answering the passcode! He got out a pen and quil




Upon your arrival, you should be challened by pickets, they should ask your for a passcode. It's "Meade". For Celestia's make sure you know that! Would be a damn shame to be shot would it not?


Golden Age


He quickly ran out "Private Ballyhooly! Where are you?" 


"Here sir!" the private replied. running up with a salute.


"Good, here, take this. Make sure you give this to Captain Vance, it's quite urgent. Follow the trail back to the Palace. If you don't see them after about 5 miles, head back here. Understand lad?"

"Yes sir"


"Good, off ye go"


Golden Age yawned, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his pocket watch. It was wasn't his usual bedtime, but he had nothing else to do. To him, sleep was the best way to past the time. He threw off his hat, coat, and vest and fell down onto his cot. He blew the lantern and soon dozed off.

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"Sir, you might want to see this."


"What is is private? I'm in no mood to be fooled around."


"A messenger sir. He looks to be coming from the south."


"Well, looks like we can't kill his yet. Bring him in and take whatever he bears. I will see to him later."





"So it looks like old Golden Age knows of my promotion. No matter, he has the place under watch until I arrive."


The sergeant addressed Lance, a concerned tone in his voice. "Then why do we delay? We have been on hoof for near an entire day. It will be yet another if we continue at our current pace."


"Patience. Tomorrow we shall make our way by air. As soon as we arrive at the camp I have full authority to take full command of the operations. We shall soon begin out assault on the city within the next week. Before then I already have constructed a plan of offence."


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Cunning Horn wandered the castle with a scroll of paper in his saddle. He picked a map of Equestria and drew some lines in the southern sea of Manehettan. He wasn't sure though. Giving Manehettan to the Lunar Republic just for a ship and the crew didn't sounds like a decent profit. Still, he didn't has any better idea. He snorted and staggered to the throne room.

He stopped in the front of a couple of guards who looked at him with mean expression. He pulled his mouth to the left in a weird friendly smile and lifted his hoof as greetings, "Uhm can I parlay with Princess Luna please? Say that it's Captain Cunning Horn. Don't forget to add 'Captain' before the name" He stared at the grumpy guard and added politely, "If ye don't mind it of course".

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Benethor looked with admiration at the blind Unicom. He knew he should keep his gob shut but he couldn't resist at least one more second in the lime light.

'We will have to do it in a way that does my collapse the peace negotiations friend. Assembling troops in ponyville ecen though they are only peace keepers could easily provoke an attack from Luna force who wait very close by.'

After this Benethor shut up preparing himself for being sent out and becoming this weeks canoon fodder.

"Agreed, but we need to think carefully...The troops could be used to calm down the people, if we do it now before the peace negotiations begin." Vedana replied to Benethor, turning his head to the lad. "Remember, in desperate times such as these, even soldier must be used to calm the people. However as I repeat, this must be done now quickly and swiftly before Luna arrives. As for the crystals, aren't they supposed to be considered extremely tough and dangerous to control and manipulate?"

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Lance pushed aside the entrance to the Lieutenants tent, looking around to see the pony himself waiting for him. Lance gave no form of salute, simply trotting in and addressing the stallion. "Lieutenant Golden Age, fair greetings." He continued to instinctive cradle his sword at his side, his rapier always at the ready despite the situation.


"Now we can move on to more important matters. Your troops are to fall under my command as of immanently and I will be taking control of all operations here under Luna's authority. You will stand down until further notice." He was well known for getting straight to the point.


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Golden Age was a bit ticked off at the Captains sudden entrance, which only added to his dislike for him. Although the reasoning was simple, it did not limit his distaste for Lance. "Aye sir. But if I might give a suggestion sir, perhaps we could.." The lieutenant stopped himself there "Bah! 'Tis a futile gesture...I know ye well, you would ne'er have the patience for a seige! No, ye would much rather perfer to take with cold steel yes?"


He walked over to his table and beckoned the Captain with his hoof. "Well sir, I've been lookin' o'er me maps, and I was thinkin', what do you think about taking the city by stormin' it's ports? The river runs quite close to Moon Palace and the Everfree. Perhaps we could get a few boats and fly under a Solar flag? Then before ye know it we'll have the ports and the soon the entire city! 'But where would get get a solar flag?' says ye? Well, sir, luckily for you I do have one." He walked over and reached under his cot, pulling out a small brown chest of which he proceeded to bring it to the table. It contained a Solar flag. "'Where did ye get this item?' says ye? Well, I did serve in the Solar Army. Aye, I know it's an Army flag, not a Navy flag, but by Celestia who could tell the difference in the darkness of the night?" He closed the chest and gently tossed it onto his cot.


"But, if you are up for the more traditional way of attacking cities and forts, then by all means go for it. But, we do lack ladders, rams, and equipment of the sort. And, of course these are mere suggestions brough up by a lowly Lieutenant. Plus I'm sure ye've already gotten a plan sorted out haven't ye? Oh, I bet it's a good one, full of maneuvers and tactics that li'l old Golden Age has ne'er heard before in his life! It's sure to work sir, sure to work. So Captain," He then leaned himself on the desk, his hoof supporting the weight of his head.


"What is yer plan?"

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Cunning Horn wandered the castle with a scroll of paper in his saddle. He picked a map of Equestria and drew some lines in the southern sea of Manehettan. He wasn't sure though. Giving Manehettan to the Lunar Republic just for a ship and the crew didn't sounds like a decent profit. Still, he didn't has any better idea. He snorted and staggered to the throne room.


He stopped in the front of a couple of guards who looked at him with mean expression. He pulled his mouth to the left in a weird friendly smile and lifted his hoof as greetings, "Uhm can I parlay with Princess Luna please? Say that it's Captain Cunning Horn. Don't forget to add 'Captain' before the name" He stared at the grumpy guard and added politely, "If ye don't mind it of course".


The guard glowered at you. "Well, of course I mind. Why y'want to talk-"

"Steel? If it's Captain Cunning Horn, let him in."

The guard sighs and gives you an evil glare all the way into her chambers.




Earlier that day...


Luna paced with a horrible headache. Again. It was almost becoming a standard. War should be called pain. It gives physical pain to the warriors, psychological pain- no, agony- to their families, and mental pain to everyone else- mainly,  the tacticians. She composed a letter to Captain Lance.


Dear Captain,

Have you decided your plan of attack? We would like to hear it.

And, just a side note: Please avoid burning down Manehattan. We are pressed for resources, and an additional city to produce for us will help us greatly.

Princess Luna.


Just then, she heard the guard being ugly to a captain. "Steel? If it's Captain Cunning Horn, let him in.


(There. I posted. Happy? I'm going to play Pokemon Cards for the next hour. See ya.)

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Lance had kept much of his plans secret, refusing to give much information to his Lieutenants. After nearly two days he called his officials to his tent. After a letter from Luna inquired about his assault on Filidelphia Lance had to act quick, less he lose the Princesses trust once again.


Lance displayed a map of the city, including an extensive layout of the wall and gatehouse. “Commanders, we no longer have time to prolong our actions. We have little other choice; we will attack the city head on. Unless they come beyond their walls there is little hope in charging strait in blindly. This is why I have organised a number of ranks of archers to let off volley after volley of flaming arrows onto our enemy. At some point they will have no choice but to attack us directly, unless they wish to risk the city burning to the ground.


“Once they do we shall be ready for them. Magic shield walls will be created by our Unicorn troops while my own Pegasi Axillaries will take them by the flank. We will force them into a closed space, assailants on all sides. Once they are finished the city will be left weakened and poorly defended, the perfect opportunity for my Pegasi to deal the final blow. We will infiltrate the gatehouse and open the way for our ground forces to begin sacking the homes. The city will be ours by Nightfall.


“I cannot do this without your support. I will need every pony able to bear arms to be ready by tomorrow too fight. I need enough archers to form ranks at the hillside. Once we have drawn them out the fighting will be brutal, and every pony will fight for himself. This is what I ask of you; are you in? Will you stand with me?”


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Cunning Horn touched his forehead with his hoof and waved it as a salute to the grumpy guard when he walked in. From the look on her face, he thought that the Princess looked a little worse than the day before. He tried to give her a royal salute, but still looked very awkward.

"Good morning Princess Luna. If my memory serves me right, a sunrise ago I promised to give ye a battle plan to take Manehettan didn't I?". He walked to the princess and expanded his map. He moved his hoof around Manehettan, "One of the largest and most fortified settlement of the Solarian. Trying to drill its wall will be a waste of crew" He moved his hoof to the southern part of the city, to the dock, "Very crowded dock I guess, so we will play their element" He smirked at the Alicorn.

He showed Princess Luna one of the points he drew in the southern sea yesterday, "We can cast a dry and firm wind northward from this point with our pegasi at dawn, while they're sleeping. This will help our navy to sail to their dock in the best speed and support the fire attack" He pointed at four poorly-drawn ship icons near the point. Three small galleys stood in front of the biggest one, "These galleys will hit the dock hard and initiate the fire attack and the wind will feed the fire further into the city. There's no way those scallywaggs can recognize it since the wind itself is very similar to an occasional seasonal wind and at this point, our main frigate, I suggest ye to use to fastest one, will sail to the dock's fortress and give some more mess for them. Boarding their ship or just firing around their fortress".

"But", He rose his hoof, "That's not the main attack. Just to deceive their gaze and keep them busy while" He moved his hoof along the canal, which is made to prevent flood from the river which separated the city, "Our main crew are sneaking through this canal and capture the town from inside".

He walked to the table and skimmed it for food. He kept looking at the table when he talked "The smoke, noise, frigate, fire, will keep them busy while our main crew are sneaking underwater through their canal". He picked a cupcake and took a bite. He bowed a little to the Princess still with a cupcake on his hoof, "I can lead yer navy if ye want".

((OOC : That's just the main part of the complete tactics. Trust me. :lol: ))



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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She glanced at the plans and heard Cunning's explanation. "Hmm..." She thought about the upsides and the downsides. "We are not so sure... We thought our tactic with you would be to keep you hidden..." She started to pace. "However... if you aren't seen... We see no problem with that. As long as you don't do anything stupid."

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Golden Age sat quietly along the river bank, army blouse unbuttoned and hat leaning backward. He stared into the dark water, looking at his reflection. Am I meant to come out of this alive? Am I destined to draw my last breath on a bed or on the battlefield? Am I destined to fall by a sword? By an arrow? Or does my fate have me living a long and meaningful life? I haven't much to leave behind should the former come, no wife, no special somepony, no bloody friends! Vanguard's....Vanguard, Cunning Horn's alright, but I still have suspisions about him. And what does that leave? Good health? Hah! Celestia knows I could lose that as well any day now!


He took stones and started tossing them into the stream. Surely nopony would miss me if I am to be killed. Nopony would have any reason to! I havent any friends to be missed by, certainly not a wife! My name would simply be a name on the list of KIA's of which nobody would care about. I'd be bloody lucky if anyone even remembered me even if I returned home. But then again...what is at home? Same old story that is!


Ah hell, stop talking to yourself like that Golden Age, things will brighten up eventually. Certainly you're bound to find atleast one friend in your lifetime. But, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


The lieutenant's memories turned back to the war, which led him to think about Lance. It's certainly bad for the both of us if we are to continue the current condition of our relationships. It would most likely affect our military careers in some negative way. Thus, I guess I'll have to try to fix that. Besides, I know a thing or to about leaders! If your men don't respect you, then they won't follow you into a stack of hay! But, if you earn their respect, then they will follow you into the depths of hell itself. I am hoping this battle will help me earn my men's respect, but as for Lance, he had little of mine. Heck, surely he'll just disregard my words 'I don't need to make amends, I don't talk to lowly lieutenants such as yourself'...Stubborn old ba-. Golden Age stopped himself. He sat in silence for a few moments, before it being broken by the sound of the bugle. Retreat was sounding, right before tattoo. "I'll confront him tomorrow" He said to himself as he fixed his hat and walked back to camp

  • Brohoof 1
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Lance strode out of his tent, signalling the guards to depart for the night. He could not sleep, and damn he wasn’t going to waste the hours under a stuffy canvas. Without his armour and formal attire on, the scars of a hard fought war were now bare. A large gash that extended down his leg and another that seemed to dig into his side. One does not simply come about rank from sitting on the side line, no, he was a fighter.


He was unsure about his own plan, but it would guarantee swift victory if all went well. He knew that many would be lost, but that was the cost of war. He knew that he would have to spend another night filling in letters to families. At least his commanders would stand by him he hoped. Without the loyalty of those around him he would have nothing. That’s how he got respect; through superiority. Act above everypony else and they will look up to you. That was the theory at least.


When he saw Golden Age approaching the camp, he looked curiously at him. He was obviously quite down, the eve of battle heavy on his mind. “It’s not safe to go wandering by yourself, especially one as important as you.” Lance beckoned him towards the tent. “You of all ponies should know that.”


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Golden Age turned around to the captain. Not completely believing what he heard. 'Important'. That was honestly the last thing he would think Lance would describe him as. It might have been his recent feelings towards himself and Lance, but those words touched him in a way. They seemed...a tad friendly? "T-thankyou sir...means alot sir" He buttoned his coat and followed Lance into his tent.

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Golden Age turned around to the captain. Not completely believing what he heard. 'Important'. That was honestly the last thing he would think Lance would describe him as. It might have been his recent feelings towards himself and Lance, but those words touched him in a way. They seemed...a tad friendly? "T-thankyou sir...means alot sir" He buttoned his coat and followed Lance into his tent.


Lance sat down on a chair, showing Golden Age to his own. He gave him a harsh glare before speaking again. "Don't expect me to go throwing it around. Come, tell me what weighs on your mind. You don't have to, but I would rather my Captains are in fit shape for battle rather than a nervous wreak."


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"Well sir, if you wish sir, I was thinkin'...that it would be better for the both of us if we were to...make amends? Obviously we have our differences, espeically in leadership style, but if are to serve together, I feel as though disputes should be put to rest."

Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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"Well sir, if you wish sir, I was thinkin'...that it would be better for the both of us if we were to...make amends? Obviously we have our differences, espeically in leadership style, but if are to serve together, I feel as though disputes should be put to rest."

"Put these thoughts to rest, for they will get you nowhere." Lance no longer bore the tone of sympathy he once had. "There was never any rivalry between us, only that we did not see eye to eye." He looked away from Golden, back to the table on which he had laid out a number of maps and pins. Even now he still worried how his attack would go. "Just be ready for tomorrow. I need you on the front line. While I can only do so much, I must admit they would rather rally to your side than my own. I gain respect, you gain loyalty."


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A smile appeared on the Lieutenant's face "Aye sir, I'll plant the flag me self if I have to sir". He stood up, pushed in the chair and saluted. "At yer leave sir." When the captain returned the salute, he swiftly about faced, and marched out the tent. He slowly loosened his posture and walked towards his own tent.

Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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"I understand yer concern Princess Luna, and just want to mention that that was just an offering. Ye can ask somepony else to lead the navy, of course, but finding a good sea dogs is pretty hard these days" Cunning Horn said as he rotated his cupcake and looked at it curiously before he took another bite.

"If I may recommend Princess Luna, why not Lieutenant Golden Age?" He said still with some cupcake inside his mouth, "A good pony. Very loyal to ye from what I've heard". He smirked, "Ye can trust him much better than me".



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Golden Age appeared out of his tent, his frock coat neatly buttoned and Hardee hat slightly cocked. "I bloody hate rain!" He said to himself as he walked over to his company street. If there was anything Golden Age hated the most, it would have to be rain and the cold. Today's weather featured both. "3rd Ponyville, first call! Just your coats gentlecolts, keep your leathers inside yer tents fer now, once yer done with all that, as ye were!" He walked back inside his tent and brought out the regimental colors. Finally he would get to see them fly in battle.  "Ensign Harp!" He called out. The lowly officer walked up proudly "Yes sir?" Golden Age replied "It'll be your time to shine soon enough lad, keep these colors dry will ye? 'Figured they be best with ye considerin' yer the Ensign here.". "Yes sir, I'll take good care of 'em sir" Harp replied. "Good lad, dismissed" The lieutenant gave a quick salute and walked back into his tent. All he had to do was wait, but he sure as hell wasn't going to do it outside. He drew his sword and began polishing it with a cloth, he wasn't obsessed about its cleanliness but it was the only thing he could think of to pass the time. "Right, now we wait for Lance's orders,"

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Princess Celestia:

Once again she listened patiently while her subjects. They both had very valid points and she appreciated hearing both of their suggestions. She was a bit suprised that her other guests had not said much. A glance in Steeleye's direction revealed him to be seated stoically, awaiting ordes like a statue. It was a shame that he honestly could not relax, but some ponies were simply too set in their ways to change easily. Rising from her throne, she made a proclomation to those assembled. "As you all have been party to this decision, please accepted my most sincere gratitude. A princess I may be, but even one tasked with the movement of the heavens needs her subjects." She paused for a moment, letting this sink in to their minds.


"Wavering Bass and Vedana Purity, I would have the two of you accompany me as my personal aides to the Peace Embassy. Colonel Steeleye will be my head bodyguard with a detachment from his regiment. Benethor, you have good ideas, if a little rash from what I have seen thus far. I wish you to assist the scientific studies into the crystals to the best of your ability. A degree in science is not neccesary, just that you look for practical uses and point ou where theory becomes too meshed with reality. Indeed, these crystals are powerful and unstable. For centuries they have been left to grow in the darkness without tenders. As such, the largest formations could be classified as weapons of mass destruction should they be tampered with. On a side note, intense labor is being put forth so that these same crystals could not be detonated under Canterlot with obvious results."


"The Peace Embassy will take place in Ponyville, one week from today if all goes well. This night I will send a magical courier to Luna telling of her this and hope for the best. Tomorrow, at noon, I will announce my intentions and whatever answer I have recieved to the general populace via magical projection. Should she refuse, an immeadiate call to arms is going to be issued. This cannot be allowed to continue. Should she accept, patrols around Ponyville will increase to maintain peaceful conditions. In addition, as a gesture of good faith I will allow Luna to have a bodyguard and retinue of advisors, as will I. Now, I apoloize for my abrupt conclusion, but preparations must be made. Berethor, you will be guided to the crystal labs by the servant standing at the door. I bid you a good day ponies and good luck."

With almost indecent haste the teleported herself and Steeleye out of the Throne Room, leaving the others to leave at their discretion. Indeed, a maid was waiting by the front door to guide Berethor as needed.

Edited by Higurashi
  • Brohoof 2


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Wavering put on his earbud again and said while choosing a song "I consider that the Princess is doing the right thing by going the peaceful way, but I can't help but think in those ones that couldn't make it at the Hospital and their families, I wish there was a way to compensate such loss...Anyway, I've been here more time than I expected, the staff at the Hospital is waiting for me so I should head there right away"


Wavering walked towards the door of the room and looked back at Verdana and said "I don't know much about you, maybe because I've been with my eye on the microscope too much, but I must say that your ideas are very interesting, if you desire you can come to the hospital today at night when everything has calmed down, I would like to hear some of those stories that are the reason why him," Wavering rolled his eyes to Benethor "pretty much seems to respect you quite a lot. I'm leaving now" Wavering close the door behind him but before he headed to the Hospital he looked at the horizon hoping his team could take care of some patients he thought wouldn't make it. "In a war no one wins or loses..."

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