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The end


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The ravenous fire eats away at anything it touches. Putting out it's dangerous touch, it could kill millions if never stopped. The end of the world is neigh, and nothing can be helped. Discord defeated the Elements of Harmony, bringing chaos to the world. The ponies of Equestria are left to fend for themselves in this apocalypitc world. These are their stories.



















Name: Rose

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Species: Earth Pony

Description: Before chaos spread, Rose was a simple gardener in Ponyville. Now that the world has been taking over, she hides in fear.

Personality: Extremely shy, nervous.



Name: Anvil

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Species: Earth Pony

Description: Before the chaos, Anvil was living a peaceful life, helping people do their daily tasks. Gray coat, black mane.

Personality: Brave and strong.



Name: Haste

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Species: Pegasus

Description: Light Orange mane, and golden coat, cutiemark of a lightning bolt

Personality: Similar to RD's

Name: Breeze

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Species: Pegasus

Description: Light blonde mane, light blue coat, and cutiemark of a leaf

Personality: Very shy and doesn't talk very often



Name: Mint Green

Age: 17 (o3o)

Sex: Obligatoryyesplease Male

Species: Pegasus

Description: An anti-royal activist at start, Mint Fresh soon saw that without Celestia and Luna, the world was engulfed in chaos. The former politician now struggles to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.

Personality: Outgoing and extremely opinionated. Mint Fresh is NOT fond of those who don't agree with him.


Mr. Cricket

Name: Flynn Cricket

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Species: Unicorn

Description: Look at the avatar. Light brown coat, short black tail, slight beard, no mane, three-legged; missing his right foreleg.

Personality: Smart, slightly timid, isn't afraid to get in an argument though.


Colton Manestach:

Name: Egghead

Age: 27

Sex: No thanks you'll catch something... I mean Male

Species: Earth Pony

Description: Dark Green Short (like filly short, midget) Stallion with messy short light brown mane Pi symbol Cutie Mark

Personality: Very awkward and very nerdy. Wears glasses. Basically the Steve Urkel of Ponies. VERY smart and often flaunts it!



Name: Ludo Laetans

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Species: Pegasus

Description: Purple mane, straight and long. Black coat, white cutie mark in the form of a microphone

Personality:Practical and logical, she can ignore the things that may not make sense or scare her to meet her goal. She is not immune to fear, though, and if overwhelmed, she may take a while to calm down. She has a hard time making friends.



Name: Ampyrion

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Species: Unicorn

Description: An aquamarine-ish coat, with a ruddy yellow mane/hair and eyes like two chips of ice (figuratively)

Personality: Extraordinarily antisocial. It's rare for him to say more than one sentence in a short period of time. He relies on himself, but does not expect everypony to also do the same. He will accept help from others under extreme circumstances. Though he is antisocial, he does look out for his companions, and will not hesitate to help them when in trouble.


Strong Hooves

Name: Cloud Chaser

Age: 17

Sex: male

Species: pegasus

Description: Silver coat, sky blue mane, blue mane

Personality: headstrong, sometimes can be stubborn, respectful, confident, doesnt open up to others easily



Name: Electrobolt

Age: 16

Sex: No thanks, um I mean... Male

Species: Earth PonyDescription: Lime-green coat with blue mane and tail, has a cutie mark that looks like a game controller.

Description:Beforethe chaos occurred, he was a fun, easy-going guy. But ever since the chaos started up, he grew timid and tried his best to just survive. He also wonders if there are survivors

Personality: Timid when by himself, but encouraged and hopeful when around others (Is this acceptable? Like I said earlier... Thinking about an intro for now)


Name: Jetstorm

Age: 19

Sex: male

Species: pegasus

Description: (avatar best shows my appeance) Jetstorm traveled alone even before chaos he's bin marked by many as dark, evil and danderous when the truth is that nopony has ever showed him kindness so he ends up going bad thing then good as lonelyness and sadness fills his heart

Personality: dark and dangerous but can be kind if brought out by somepony



Edited by Rose


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Because I want to, perhaps?




But new characters give you a wider array of personalities and background stories :


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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(actually Finest has had a bunch of characters since I joined)


Name: Haste

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Species: Pegasus

Description: Light Orange mane, and golden coat, cutiemark of a lightning bolt

Personality: Similar to RD's


Name: Breeze

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Species: Pegasus

Description: Light blonde mane, light blue coat, and cutiemark of a leaf

Personality: Very shy and doesn't talk very often




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Name: Mint Green


Age: 17 (o3o)


Sex: Obligatoryyesplease Male


Species: Pegasus


Description: An anti-royal activist at start, Mint Fresh soon saw that without Celestia and Luna, the world was engulfed in chaos. The former politician now struggles to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.


Personality: Outgoing and extremely opinionated. Mint Fresh is NOT fond of those who don't agree with him.


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Name: Flynn Cricket


Age: 17


Sex: Male


Species: Unicorn


Description: Look at the avatar. Light brown coat, short black tail, slight beard, no mane, three-legged; missing his right foreleg.


Personality: Smart, slightly timid, isn't afraid to get in an argument though.

Edited by Mr. Cricket


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Alrighty, looks like we got a nice ammount of people. Let us start.



It looked as if the heavans were falling from the skies and raining down on the civilians of Ponyville. Rose hid in her home as she stared outside the window, watching the world fall apart before her eyes. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she watched her beloved plants become ash within seconds. Discord was messing with the minds of every pony in Ponyville, causing their nightmares to come true. Rose would rather die than see her plants destroyed, but the fire only rained down on her plants, and not her home.


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Every time some one ends some thing with "these are their stories" my mind immediately thinks of Law And Order! :P




Name: Egghead


Age: 27


Sex: No thanks you'll catch something... I mean Male


Species: Earth Pony


Description: Dark Green Short (like filly short, midget) Stallion with messy short light brown mane Pi symbol Cutie Mark


Personality: Very awkward and very nerdy. Wears glasses. Basically the Steve Urkel of Ponies. VERY smart and often flaunts it!

[New siggy in progress!]

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Trapped in his own home, Anvil was doing the best he could to keep the minions out of his home.

Using everything from his bed to his refrigerator, he blocked any entrance to his home.

He was actually crying; something he had never done since he was a young pony.

He had no idea if his family was still alive. He couldn't find them.


Anvil looked through a window heavily protected by furniture, and looked for anypony still running through the streets.


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*pony in home*


OoC: Snarky reply, ignore that I also forgot to define that Green has a light green coat and a green and white striped mane.:OoC





Mint Green awoke to chaos and screams. Scrambling out of bed and into his living room, Green looked out the front window. The sight he saw was incomprehensible.


Fire was raining from the skies.


Most of it seemed to be missing the homes of the ponies, or at least bouncing off it, but in the distance, several buildings along the Everfree Forest seemed to be engulfed in flames. And, those unfortunate enough to be outside were visibly burned, huddling under whatever shelter they could find, and others simply lying motionless in the street. It was a nightmare come true.


Mint Green turned to his other window, but the area that once showed Canterlot and the fields between Ponyville and that majestic city were blurred by a cloud of smoke.


What was visible, though, was his neighbor Roseluck's flaming garden.

Edited by Fizzydoop


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Name: Ludo Laetans


Age: 15


Sex: Female


Species: Unicorn!! Sorry, edited, I meant to say unicorn!!


Description: Purple mane, straight and long. Black coat, white cutie mark in the form of a microphone


Personality:Practical and logical, she can ignore the things that may not make sense or scare her to meet her goal. She is not immune to fear, though, and if overwhelmed, she may take a while to calm down. She has a hard time making friends.


How's this?

Edited by confusedCraftsperson
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Rose continued to stare outside her window, the tears soaking her mane that flowed around her head. When she saw Mint's house, a thought of survival shot through her mind, hoping to see that her good friend still existed in the world. For a split second, she thought she could see a resemblence of him in his window, but she was not keeping much hope. To make sure that it was him, she stood up on her hind legs and started waving her front hooves, hoping to get his attention.


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This is extraordinarily hypocritical, but I think I'm going to copy a character from a different rp too >_> You win, Rose, my imagination only goes so far X(


Name: Ampyrion


Age: 17



Gender: Male


Race (Pony, Zebra, Griffin, etc.): Pony


Species (If you are a pony): Unicorn (why does everyone like pegasi, lol?)


Description: An aquamarine-ish coat, with a ruddy yellow mane/hair and eyes like two chips of ice (figuratively)



Personality: Extraordinarily antisocial. It's rare for him to say more than one sentence in a short period of time. He relies on himself, but does not expect everypony to also do the same. He will accept help from others under extreme circumstances. Though he is antisocial, he does look out for his companions, and will not hesitate to help them when in trouble.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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That would work if... your character template remotely matched mine.


Edited out the last part, everything else matches


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Mint Green could see through the smoke a figure in the window. Could it be Rose? If it was, she was waving, an alarming sign. What if she was in trouble? What if her house was burning?


Not thinking in his frenzied state, Mint Green burst open the door to his cottage. Immediately, the fire upon his back and mane shot pain throughout his body, and the stallion regretted his decision to leave his house. He ran anyway, flying through the rain of terror. Upon reaching Rose's house, as quick as he had left his own he entered hers, and to his relief there were no obvious problems, aside from his own slightly singed mane.

Edited by Fizzydoop


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