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Fear removed the scalpel out of him and backed up, he looked at Olivia "something I can change easily" he looked back at carullo "the girl should watch her tounge if she wants to keep it" he turned around and started to walk away, holding his bleeding wound

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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"Wow, scary," muttered Olivia with a roll of her eyes. "Apparently stating facts is an insult now." Glancing at his retreating back she called, "The 'girl' has a name!" Under her breath so no one could hear she uttered something that would have shocked even the crudest of people.


Carullo ignored her, keeling on the ground, and she knelt worriedly next to him.


"Sorry," she said, her apology for earlier long overdue. Carullo laughed a little.


"Knowing you, Liv, you're not sorry at all." He glanced at his wound and frowned.


There was a soft patting noise and then someone else approached, their face shrouded.


"Look how cute," they said, but their voice was androgynus.


Olivia stood up, trying not to seem afraid; while Fear had been cheesily 'scary' this person practically radiated malice.


"Oh, sit down," said the voice wearily. "Really, I just dropped by after hearing you were looking for Illium."


"So you know what it is?" asked Carullo from the ground, glancing up. The figure nodded and they saw the glint of teeth.


"Right behind you."


Two savage blows later a new arrival and the hooded figure stood over the two prone forms, hefting them onto a truck and driving away.


(OoC: For the record Illium's not one of the two. They lied.)

Edited by Captain Hammer


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"The meetings are not decided until very shortly beforehand. It helps keep our members on their feet."

*Jonah said.*

"Your portal glove will notify you of meeting times as they are determined. Until then, I still have some business to attend to. Feel free to leave to wherever, get some rest, or socialize with and get to know some of your new comrades in the banquet hall. Until we meet again my friend!"

*Jonah said before shaking Damon's hand and leaving the room on his own business.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"They're good fighters, and while predictable, they outnumber us. I'd go and destroy all of them myself with Hell's Rend, but I have a feeling that's just going to give our group lots of unwanted attention," Tartaros told Night Hawk.

"#And besides, where's the fun in fighting our enemies without ripping them to shreds?"

Tartaros waited to see what Night would decide. He normally didnt take orders from anyone at all, but he thought it necessary to work together with his new teammates in this battle against the state.

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Night Hawk thought for a moment "ok, I have an idea, umm, is it possible for you take a peice of your being and make it into a little recon unit? I want to track them, then get The Rocketeer and Weiss to join us, to better our chances of sucsess, so far they havent done any damage, if we know where they are going it will us time to spot an ambush site and take them by suprise"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"We can," Tartaros said as he directed his attention to the now dead monsters he had made. They all shuddered simultaneously as the fragments of the symbiote burst out and joined together, then seemingly slithered away and hid without the Spec Ops noticing it.

"#Quickly now, it'll barely last more than two minutes if it doesn't find a living organism to possess as it is not an actual symbiote," Tartaros' symbiote told him as the fragment writhed in the shadows. Tartaros ordered it to camoflauge as best as it could, and for what it was worth, was able to render itself at least semi-invisible. It quickly made its way towards one of the Spec Ops and made its way into an exposed area of the armor. The soldier yelped slightly as the fragment pierced his side and traveled inside, except this time it did not transform him into a diseased being. As the other operatives made their way to see what was wrong with their ally, Tartaros quickly manipulated the symbiote fragment to numb its host and manipulate his thoughts to make him think he was ok.

"Good," Tartaros said turning towards Night Hawk. "We have at least a week before it dies out. As an added bonus we not only have the ability to track them but also an unexpected ally on the inside."

"#Be warned, we can only manipulate the host so much before both my fragment and its host expire."

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Night Hawk nodded "great, lets head to base and plan our next move" he said



Fear walked in the dark alley ways, still bleeding, and frustrated after getting humiliated again, he was way off his game, and he didnt remember so many super powered beings running around 10 years ago



(needed to fill the character count)

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Illium eventually found the man again and followed him to a sidestreet. He went up to a door and pushed it open. It appeared to be a storm shelter or something of the sort as there was only a small shack. However, several familiar auras hit her, and she realized she had hit the jackpot.


However, it was late, and Illium had other business to attend to. She reverted to her normal appearance and slipped off into the night.




Eos glanced up as Dyn strode in and casually waved.

"You remember Dyn, correct?" she asked, even though she knew full well he didn't. "He shall escort to your room. It's getting late to leave."

Hunter was blindfolded and rapidly hustled along. When the blindfold was removed he was in a plush bedroom which was promptly locked several times due to at least eight bolts.




Gwen sat on the rooftop with Wesley, who she was laughing with. Two bodies lay nearby, delivered earlier by the strange duo who had attacked Olivia and Carullo. The pair seemed to be scheming something until they eventually stood up, shook hands, and Wesley left, leaving Gwen with their victims.




(Time Skip)

Next Morning, 7:00 a.m.


Illium was back on the streets again. She had plans to meet with Wesley and his friend at a coffeeshop nearby.


Eos had been up all night writing down the information she had stolen from the official, and Fenyw walked in bleary-eyed.

"Get Mr. Track, now, would you dear?" asked Eos without looking up from a calculation, and Fenyw, who didn't feel like changing, grumbled something unitelligible. However, a few minutes later, Dyn returned with him.

Edited by Captain Hammer


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Night Hawk walks up to tartarous was "hey you up?"


Hunter was asleep on a matress on the floor


The Rocketeer woke up feeling rested, he got up and started to put his armor on, then he put on his helmet, he walked out of the barracks and into the main room  and sat at the table

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*Schwartz returned to her room refreshed. She had woken up a few hours ago and ha immediately gone outside to stretch her wings with a little bit of flight. She opened up her bag, which was enchanted by an old friend of hers to have infinite storage space, just think about what you want to take out, reach your hand in, and there it was, and she took out a set of armor she made herself. She quickly changed into the armor's strong, resiliant undersuit and then strapped all of the pieces on over it. The armor was special, made of a rare metal she had stolen from a government lab of Eastros, and couldnt be pierced by blade or bullet. It had a thin magic proof coating as well. Once all the armor was on, minus a helmet, she hated helmets, she strapped her sword and pistol to her belt and strode out into the rebel base's main room.*

"Good morning my friends!"

*Schwartz said in her bright Sashiilian accent. Sasha and King were sitting at a table, looking over a map of the underground and talking about something. Sasha looked particularly tired and wa holding a rather large cup of coffee.*



*Sasha said sleepily. King simply nodded in acknowledgement and the two of them went back to their chat.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Scipio was awoken to the sound of Night Hawk's voice. He grew anxious at first, but he was relieved when he remembered he had secluded and hidden himself from view by setting up a wall of jagged spikes. Believe it or not, he was able to rest peacefully amidst the creepiness and apparent uncomfortability. After a few minutes, he finally decided to just come out as himself, using the symbiote to simply shift the appearance of his clothes into a black, regal looking attire.

"I am now. Have you gotten any updates from Rocketeer? Oh, and you wouldn't happen to have a place to wash up, go to the bathroom, et cetera et cetera?"

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(OoC: Bloody hell, I'm beefing up my characters. Some of them [namely Olivia, Eos, Gwen, and Dyn/Fenyw] are severly disadvantaged as compared to most of you guys. :s)


Dyn tapped him on the shoulder. "Why didn't you just use the bed...?" he asked, seeming exasperated. "The boss wants to see you. Bout time that you left."


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The Rocketeer looked at schwartz walk in "good morning, say nice armor you got there" the rocketeer said, he didnt see that armor on her before, and that bag she had with her couldnt of been big enough to fit all that armor, he decided to let that slide for now


Night hawk said "rocket just woke up, and if your looking for a bathroom we got one in the barracks


Hunter got up and took the bottles that he paid for "well lead the way then"

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Scipio nodded and headed down to the barracks, going through the morning as he would usually do at his own house. After he finished up he headed over to the meeting room where most of the actual supers were at.

"So... Anything interesting happen to anyone yesterday?," asked Scipio as he got a glass of water and sat down on a chair.


(Just remember that no one has actually seen him in his human appearance until now xD)

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"Thank you."

*Schwartz said.*

"I made it myself. Took about a year and a half to get it all correct."

*Schwartz proudly banged her fist on the armor's breastplate. It sounded sturdy and strong.*




*Jonah lifted his head sleepily from his desk. The lights were all off save for a lamp on his desk. The blinds of the windows were closed and only a tiny bit of natural light peeked through the cracks.*

"God damnit."

*He mumbled.*

"Fell asleep on the job again."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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The Rocketeer was impressed "nice, i wish i had that much skill in armor making, im just lucky i had a friend who worked at the train yard and had access to a furnace, and some know how in blacksmithing, my armor is basicly just scrap metal" he chuckles he looked over at scipio "um...who are you?" he was confused, this person sounded strangely familiar, but he wasnt sure

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Scipio allowed the symbiote to produce the six giratendrils which usually adorned his back whenever he was Tartaros. He decided to tell them his real name when he felt he could trust them all to a better extent, although he figured he wouldn't be bettering his chances with their trust if he withheld that information. Oh well.

"Look familiar now," Scipio asked as he took another drink from his glass. "Did Night Hawk tell you we have a fix on the spec ops movement now?"

Scipio looked over to Schwarz's armor and gave it a nod of approval.

"Ha, so that's where that went," he said as he remembered being notified by his former officials about stolen pieces of equipment a few years back. "Not many can get past the government's hi-tech security systems, so kudos to you for getting that stuff."

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"My father was a smith, my brothers and I were his apprentices and were supposed to take over his smithy when he retired."

*Schwartz said a bit sadly. She shook off the sadness.*

"Anyway, once this whole war is done with, maybe I can show you a thing or two."

*She suggested.*

"It wasnt easy, thats for sure."

*Schwartz said to Scipio.*


(It wasnt the armor itself that she stole, just tge material its made of.)

Edited by Stormwing

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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The Rocketeer looked at schwartz "that would be nice, i'd like that" he turned back to scipio "ahh i see, um no he did not, i did just wake up but thank you for informing me, that will be importaint information, we will have to deal with that soon, but today we have to sneak the 200 sashillian soldiers into the old city"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Yes, I can actually see nearly everything from the operative himself," Scipio said. He started getting into the ways how he was able to manipulate the alien fragment inside of the soldier, but wrapped up the explanation quickly to move on to the more interesting subject.

"What is this Old City? And the part about sneaking in two hundred Sashiilian soldiers?"

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The Rocketeer cleared his throat "the old city is exactly what it sounds like, its the old version of the city, the remenants of catacombs and buildings from a long time ago, it can only be acessed from the sewers, and acording to schwartz  a force of 200 sashillian soilders is just outside the city, we have to sneak them all underground and get them to the old city to where they will be staying"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Interesting," Scipio muttered as he tossed his empty glass into the air over and over again. He began to think of a way to make things go swimmingly for this next operation, though even for him, sneaking in a huge multitude of different looking soldiers would be quite difficult.

"Question! Do you know how strong the security is around the main and sub entrances?"

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The Rocketeer responded "there is only one way to get into the old city, im thinking that once the main force enters the split up into groups and enter into the sewers via sewer acess tunnels in alley ways, we would have one of our men stationed at each access to guide the groups to the old city"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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(OoC: Shit will go down in the sewers...XD)


Eos glanced up at Hunter, back to her icy form rather than her kinder self the night before.

"Mr. Track, you have stayed your welcome. Dyn will escort you to a drop-off point where you will be guarded from afar. As I stated before, as long as you remain alive your government cannot bother us, and the longer you don't bother us...well, I don't believe I have to say it. Are we clear?"

Before he had a chance to respond she waved them out. Dyn blindfolded Hunter once again and, after a warren of twists, turns, and backtracks, they were outside in the cold morning air.

Dyn led Hunter to a gazebo and, after a grunt that may have been a goodbye, left him alone. However, he remained closeby.

Eos, however, also rose-she had a very important meeting.


Illium arrived at the coffee shop and opened the door to find three people sitting around a table with two large crates. Wesley was chatting amiably with a girl with cropped dark hair, pale green-grey eyes, and a strange marking on her neck. The third was the barista. Several other patrons lay at their tables, either unconscious or dead, and Wesley made a motion and locked the door easily.


Taking a seat from a wide-eyed young man with blood coming out of his mouth, Illium tucked up.

"So I hear we got some stolen goods," she joked, and then looked at the barista. "Nice try, Eos."


Cursing, the barista shook her head. "You never failed to get me," she said, almost grumpily, but she threw her arms around Eos anyways.


Wesley interrupted their moment by creating an orange barrier between them, forcing them off one another.

"As much as I like some good girl-on-girl action, we have business," he said quietly, and pointed at the crates. Both of them fell silent and listened.


"Contained we have Carullo and Olivia, courtesy of sone friends. Hush, Eos, pet, and let the grownups do the talking," he added when Eos looked livid at Carullo's name.


"We agreed on Oli-"


"We did, and I lied. Now let's move on," he said smoothly. "They'll be waking up soon, but we need to drop them at the rebel base."


While Eos looked confused Gwen, uncharacteristically quiet, grinned, and Illium commented, "Good plan."


"I'm not quite certain I understand it," said the elf hopelessly, but Wesley shrugged.

"All in due time, dear. Now Illium, both of us shall be foreign to the tebels; let's move."


Gwen and Eos watched, one gleeful and one lost, as the pair loaded the crates into the van and drove off.


Arriving at the base they donned mailman clothing and brought out the packages. When a rebel tried to stop them Wesley sneered "Special delivery" and slashed a rune deep into his face, killing him.


They plunked the crates (more like coffins) on the ground and knocked loudly.

Edited by Captain Hammer


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"Hrm... I think that first we should focus on obviously, distracting the government forces stationed around the area, and then keeping their enforcers busy and away from the entrance to prevent any unnecessary disturbances," said Scipio as he got up to refill his glass with orange juice this time, grabbing a small snack as he did so.

"The government has many bases set up around this province, and there's one that I know of they would not feel particularly good about ignoring if it were to suffer... unfortunate casualties," he said as he pulled out a map.

Scipio explained how this site had an array of strong weapons, armor, and technology.

"Sooo... we'll need a small, but strong enough force to keep the soldiers at the base busy as I go and plant the explosives at the main core of the building. Weiss, correct? If you're up for it, you could use your shadow bending abilities to lead a group of rogues into the building to steal any useful tech or info before the place is destroyed. Obviously, Schwartz will need to lead her own troops into the sewer, preferably with The Rocketeer to aid her in maneuvering through the expanse of the sewers."

Scipio took another gulp of his water after he was done talking, and waited for anyone to reply. He considered returning to the surface to scout the movements of the soldiers, and see if there was anything else developing topside.

Edited by Horus
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