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open Hide and Seek: The Experiments I- The Escape


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 You wake up to a relatively normal day, as normal as it gets for someone like you. Your roommates are ok, they dont bother you. They're actually very nice, and like you in many ways.



All of you.....

Considering you're all only 51% human. Various mixes of animal and homosapien.

You can no longer count how many there are in the holding room you all currently occupy. Cage after cage after cage lines the wall, stacked on top of one another with only the smallest bit of room left for passage. God do you hate this place. God do you hate your life.

Of course, that'll all change soon.

Very soon.

You see you've been talking to some other hybrids around you. They think like you do. They're determined, like you are.

And one day, you are all getting out of here......



OOC- http://mlpforums.com/topic/44783-hide-and-seek-the-experiments-i-the-escape/

Based Upon ~DoodleFox's AMAZING fanfiction: http://doodlefox.deviantart.com/art/ExperimentStuck-Act-One-Prelude-303918245 Give it a read, you won't regret it



This is part one of an RP series im planning on doing. Its about, of course, a group of hybrid experiments trapped inside a lab who plan an escape one day, desprate for the outside world.

There is a limit to how many RPers allowed in this Role Play, because I can't have people joining AFTER most of the players have already escaped the Laboratory, so....sorry.


The limit is TEN main Experiments. Of course, there is room for other roles.


Experiments: Counting my character, there will only be ten of us! When you start the RP, it is the dawn of a new day at the Lab, take some time to get aquainted with your surroundings and the other experiments, but know, you'll be subjected to all kinds of test, so watch out! Also, think up a number between 400 and 699 for your Experiments catalouge number!


Seekers: Lets just say that every experiment after 700 was......different. Along with the naturally adapted reflexes of the animal in their DNA, they were also cultivated to have monsterous abilities and are used to hunt down and capture escaped Experiments (doesn't happen often) They are also in charge of keeping Experiments in line at the Lab and are overseers of Punishment. There will only be 5 Seekers.


Civils- Everyday ordinary people who get caught up in an underground Lab NO ONE is supposed to know about. What started as an exploritory adventure for a group of junior high students turns into a nightmare when they discover the horrors behind the Enhancment for Human Development Laboratory.

There are only 8 Civils.


Military Personnel- At some point in the RP, something big is going to happen, and this is when the characters that work for the military come in. With Chicago in complete ruins and a lot of people dead, the soldiers of the Seventh Division were expecting the worse. They were not, however, expecting a run-in with the Lab's army of all-powerful Seekers, or being rescued by our ten little Hybrids.

There can only be a MAXIMUM of 15 Military Soldiers.


Experiments (Between the ages of 13 and 17):

Experiment 524/Felidae (me) - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/felidae-r2301

Experiment 418/Kit- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/kit-r2305 <----played by Half Note

Experiment 659/Tulpa Carullo- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/carullo-r2309 <----- Played by Nicolas Cage

Experiment 568/Cornix Umbra- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cornix-umbra-r2341 <------- Played by SorenWolf

Experiment 498/ Spot Saved for ~BlueNote~



Seekers (Between the ages of 15 and 18):


Civils (Between the ages of 12and 15):

Olivia (link) <---------- Played by Nicolas Cage



Military Personnel (Between the ages of 20 and 28)-





I simply ask that you are all nice to each other and follow the basic RP Forum rules :3












Felidae's frosty, slitted eyes flickered open when the first russet-gold rays of the dawn shown through the barred window across the Holding Room. The start of a new day. What this new day would hold, no one was ever able to tell. She yawned and stretched her lithe body as much as she could in the cold, stainless steal cage she called her "room". Though she had slept through the night, as she always did, she never felt rested enough for the day that always, inevitably followed. If she were to look at the signed clipboard next to her crate, she would see:





Feline-Hybrid Experiment

Status- Imperfect

Of course, you hybrids were never taught to read....

Felidae sat up, ears twitching and straining in the silence. the quiet always bothered her. Her ears would move of their own accourd, straining to hear what could not be heard.

"Maybe I'm just paranoid," she thinks gloomily, "Of course, with all the Experimentation I go through......it's hardly my fault..."

None of this was her fault. Taken from her family as a newborn and turned into....into......something so totally wrong and inhuman it made her sick. Often, on the nights when it was cold and dark, the nights when she shivered on the floor of her cage, silent tears leaving sparkling tracks down her cheeks, she would wonder who, and what, she was; and if she had ever had a chance at a normal life, or if the Universe just wanted her to live in misery.

For once, Felidae was glad she had awoken before the other Hybrids. And as the the blazing sun, a distant star the rose, taunting her, in the horizon, she wept silently.

Edited by BlackShardNixium
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Someone was crying.

Carullo opened his eyes quickly. He didn't sleep much anymore, maybe a few hours a week, and he couldn't help but feel irritated that someone was wasting his precious rest time.


He sat up fluidly, hitting his head on the roof of the cage. He glanced at the sign in front of him, trying to read the words. He USED to able to put the squiggles together, but now, it was meaningless gibberish, even though he tried every day. He had trouble remembering his own NAME.


Carullo sat up, trying to pinpoint the crying still in his slightly groggy state. His vision was pristine, but his hearing not as much. He had come here at age 8; 8 long years had passed since that day, because while he didn't know he had just turned sixteen.


He finally saw her in a cage nearby and flicked his tongue out involuntarily, almost tasting her sadness.


"Hello?" he called quietly. "Are you all right?..."

Edited by Captain Hammer


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Felidae was startled, to say the least. No one usually spoke, for they all wallowed in self-pity. But she welcomed companionship, albeit tentatively.

"W-who's there?" she spoke in a hushed, whispery voice. Since no one ever talked, she wasn't sure if the Scientists allowed it or not, and she trembled to think of how the Seekers would punish her if she did something wrong. She hastily wiped the tear stains on her pallid cheeks upon finding the slitted yellow-green eyes gazing at her from a cage not far from her, "Who are you?"

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Carullo was also wary; this could be a trap set up by a sadistic Seeker, meant to trick them into punishment. However, his longing to use his own voice and to hear someone else, no matter how depressing the circumstances.


"No one," he said cryptically, keeping up his guard just in case. Some Hybrids would happily rat you out if they thought they could get sonething out of it. And his answer was half true; he was fuzzy on his name. "I just wanted to know why you were upset. Besides the obvious," he said dryly.


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Felidae's right ear flicked at the comment. What else would she be sobbing in her cage over? What else was there to cry about? The hybrid's unblinking, yellow-green snake eyes were beginning to frighten her. The animal instinct in her DNA fought for control, telling her that whoever this was, they were dangerous and she shouldn't even be responding. She started to fidgit in discomfort. She didn't like the fact that they were the only two awake. Her tail swished back and forth across the floor of the cage, a testiment to her feelings on the entire ordeal.

She finally flattened her ears completely and returned the hybrid's stare with as much strength and fearlessness she knew she didn't have.

"I'm crying because......well I guess you already know." she dropped her gaze as she muttered sullenly, voice becoming steely at the thought of the Scientists. This Hybrid wasn't going to trust her and she knew it. But oh well. she was already in Hell. "My name is Felidae....."

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"Ddrwg..." muttered Carullo under his breath, then remembered no one else here spoke his language. He noticed that she was giving him a full-on staredown, and he was a little baffled. He had only been trying to help and maybe be friendly, yet she had gotten so upset. He didn't back down, though; maybe that was the snake in him, able to glare anything to a nervous wreck. She did put up a good fight, though-she was obviously stronger than she seemed.


She finally responded, and he felt a little relieved. He wasn't sure any of the hard, stoic, and vicious Seekers could put on a show quite that realistic. Hearing her name, he mused on it. "Felidae. Fitting, seeing as you appear to be of the cat family."


Realizing he forgot his own name, he wracked his head, and finally it popped up. "Carullo. I'm Carullo. Sorry if I frightened you, you can never be sure. Lle ffiaidd." He paused. "Sorry, I'm not the best at English..."


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Knowing his named seemed to help Felidae a lot, because her ears perked and she smiled genuinely. "It is good to meet you Carullo. And it's ok if you aren't good at English. The Scientists won't know what you're saying if you speak that way, so it's kind of a good thing!" Holding something like that over the Scientists' head actually was a good thing. One more thing they didn't know was another advantage for the Hybrids. Maybe....just maybe....if they could get support, maybe they could....

"No, no that's stupid Felidae!" she though savagely, "You'd get yourself and a lot of other Hybrids killed!"

But if her dreams were the only thing she had left, she could dream of freedom. Couldnt she?

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Kit woke up in the same old room in the same old lab. He saw two experiments havhaving a conversation. "Will you two keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep!" He yelled at them half-heartedly. He had been here for his entire life and wasn't one to dream up imaginary escapes. He preferred a solid plan.

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Felidae flattened her ears at the fox-hybrids yell. Was he crazy!? Calling out like that was sure to get them in trouble! Eyes widening in fright, she whirled around, scanning the room for any signs of Seekers or Scientists. Once she was absolutely positive there were none, she turned on the Hybrid, tail lashing in irritation.

"Are you trying to bring the Seekers down on us?!" she hissed quietly, "Don't do that!"

Her heart still beat franticly in her chest. First no one speaks, and now she's talking to not one, but two, hybrids?! This was a bad idea. This was a very, very, bad idea. She should shut up now. She should stop talking. It wouldn't be worth it to get punished by those Seekers.....

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Cornix awoke in the same cage as ever. He hated it. He could touch both sides of it if he stretched, He needed more then twice that to fully extend just one of his wings. But at least he was warm. His wings wrapped around him. He wondered what experiment would be today. If he was lucky it would be a flight test. If he wasn't...well he didn't want to think about that. 

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Kit heard the cat-hybrid and looked toward her cage. "look fe....lin..... I was just trying to get you to shut up but if you're so intent on making a fuss then HERE SEEKERS SEEKERS!" He yelled having fully memorized the seeker's patterns and knowing they were sleeping.

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Felidae flinched, ears flattening fully against her head. Heart pounding, her claws scraped the bottom of the cage. She was desperately fighting the instinct to bolt away, knowing full well she couldn't.

"Ok, ok, I get it!" she cried, "Just stop! Stop it!!"

She was pressed against the corner of her cage, hand over her chest, trying to calm her franticly beating heart. Was this guy suicidal!? The Seekers may be asleep, but that didn't mean they wouldn't remember this incident later. And their revenge was even worse than regular Punishment......

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Carullo rolled his eyes at the boy who yelled. 'Twyllo!" he spat in his language. "You think that we're going to be the only ones punished? You idiot, now look at what you've done, everyone else is waking up."

He felt a strong, instant dislike for this boy, and his senses were usually right the first time.


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Kit smiled, these younger expirements were all the same. He looked at her frightened face and chuckled. "Aww is the kitty scared? Does she need a bunkmate? I wouldn't mind sharing a cage with something as alluring as yourself after all," he said in a smooth convincing voice that came with his Fox cleverness.I love messing with the dumb ones he thought.

Edited by Half-Note
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Carullo hissed under his breath. This one thought that he was clever, probably based on his stupid fox Hybrid, but snakes could play that game too.

I'm not a snake, he tried to tell himself, but his animal instincts took over more often than not nowadays, and he couldn't help but feel like attacking him.


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Cornix rolled his eyes as he listened to the conversation. If they weren't  careful they would end up calling the Seekers over. And the last thing he wanted was for the scientists to decide that today was a good day to test his bone strength. those days always ended bad, very bad.


Retracting his wings he stood up, or at least he stood hunched over, the cage being to small for his slightly over 6 foot frame. He hissed at the other mutants. his warning hopefully coming soon enough

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae stiffened. How dare he? Of all the rotten, low things to say! This guy was deffinately a threat! Every animal molecule in her body screamed warnings and they finally won out. For the first time in her rather bland and miserable life, she looked someone straight in the eyes, pulled her ears back back, with her tail fluffed out slightly in anger, drew her lips back over her fangs.

And growled.

It was inhuman. The sound was low and threatening, ever cadance whispering her fury. This guy had crossed a line.

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Kit looked around and noticed he had ruffled a few feathers, some quite literally. He put his hands up in a mock surrender. "Alright alright, but take it from the only one here who is tested on his intelligence. If you want to seriously get out then you need to watch listen and learn everything they do and how they do it. After 17 years it's gotten me as far as knowing the way out after all," he told them with a smirk before curling into a ball and using his tail as a pillow to rest on.

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Felidae was stunned to silence. Her ears flopped uselessly in her shock, tail drooping. He knew the way out. She looked at Carullo, then at the avian-hybrid nearby, searching to see if they were just as stunned. With probing, slitted, cat eyes she examined the room around her. Watch, listen, and learn?....... She gazed at the door. the only door in the room, which ultimately lead to either freedom....or a bullet to the head. Usually, the locks on the cages were voice activated....but.....could there be a chance there was a manual lock somewherer? An emergency "Release all" button?

She didn't have time to debate with herself any longer, because at that moment, the door opened. A gaggle of white-coated Scientists stepped into the room. The horrible antiseptic smell of the hallway outside leaching into the Holding Room and horribly clogging her senses.

Experimentation had begun......

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His yellow eyes slitted as he looked at the fox hybrid. He would like to see that fox survive a fight against one of the Seekers. He had been tested, and by relation trained in all things arial. he could take out any of the current arial Seekers in solo combat. 


He hoped that the current scientists weren't coming for him but he knew better. He was pulled out of the cage and forced down the hallway into another room. The size of the room told him exactly what the test would be like. It was small. a single, large T shaped table sat in the middle of the room. He was laid on his stomach. He tried to hold his wings in tight to his back but was hit in the side with an electric stick, a favorite of the scientists for keeping the hybrids in line. The electrical surge forced his wings to unclench and they were forced open and strapped to the table. So it starts with blood draws...

Edited by SorenWolf

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae was taken into a maze. A very dangerous maze. She had to use her ears, her nose, and her reflexes to get out alive. But before she entered the message. She plucked up the courage and turned to the Scientist that gripped her arm.

"What are we here for?" she asked.

"You will complete the maze, repeatedly, with a shorter time limit each round. Or you will be Punished." he said monotonously.

"No, not here!" she growled, growing frustrated, "I mean, why did you make us Hybrids!?"

"That information is classified." he glared at her.

"You could at least explain why you've done this to us!" she hissed, fourteen years of pain, sorrow, loss, and torture seeping into her voice.

"That information is classified. You will complete the maze." he repeated, more forcefully this time, gripping her arm tighter.

That was the last straw. Today of all days, she couldn't take this anymore. She lunged at the Scientist, teeth bared in a snarl of hatred. That's when the color on her neck activated, sending 50 volts of pure electricty directly down her spine, effectively cutting her off, dropping her flat on the ground. She writhed momentarily before leaping up again.

But it was too late. The Seekers had arrived on the seen. They laughed at her, one grabbing her arm and forcing her back down. Tears of anger stung in her eyes. The other held a scourge in his hands.

The first lash came.

She screamed, but it wasn't pain. It was hatred.

The lash came down again.

"I'm not sorry! I hate you! You'll all die one day! I HATE YOU!!"

The lash came down a final time, and all went dark.


((OOC:Long post is long. I was hoping to get it done in several different posts, but.... i got to go :/ I'll be back tomorrow though! :3)

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The Fox hybrid looked up at the scientists and knew he wouldn't get anymore sleep today. Kit stood up and walked out of his cage when the scientists came to him and took him out the only door. He passed by the avian being electrocuted and turned away they led him down a long hallway and he knew what test they would be doing. He was then thrown into a large room almost the size of a football field with a track and told to run till he could no longer stand. He felt a growl building up in his throat but he suppressed it and started his laps.

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The winged human knew better then to protest. After 17 long years of the same thing day in and day out he knew better then to resist them openly, but he still hated them. He would get out sometime. He would escape and fly the open sky someday, but for now, he waited. He let them test, he let them challenge him. He let them push him harder.  He saw it as training. His captors were training him for his own escape. He smiled at the thought, but only on the inside.

After 17 years of torture he knew how to hid his emotions, He was very good at that. He had a plan but he needed help. but he knew he could offer his assistant something they desperately desired; Freedom. He could carry one other person without to much difficulty.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Carullo's testing for the day involved reflex testing. After being dragged out of his cage they attached him to a machine via several wires and set him to his first task. When a human head popped up, he had to ignore it, but anything else went. If he missed a single one, or hit a head, electric currents would burn painfully through his body, causing him to arch his scale-lined spine in complete and utter pain.


Afterwards, still sore from his shocks, he did an obstacle course rife with barbed wire and more electricity. The point was to test his flexibility. Luckily they had no time for vision and hearing tests, but enough time to get beaten after he hissed at a guard.


While most of the others had been there their entire lives, Carullo had been sold, and he was generally the most tested on per day to get him up to speed with the others.


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They'd used smelling salts to get Felidae up again. And afterwards, her lashes now bandaged, she tore through the maze, again and again, dodging every foul thing that came her way. From lightning fast cobras to deadly gases, she kept running, smelling for the cleanest pathway to the end. The irony of the moment hit her. Runing through a maze, to get to the end. The ultimate goal. Out.


Finally, she collapsed safely outside the maze, gasping for air, chest heaving from the exertion.  She was hauled to her feet by the gruff hands of a Seeker, her lashes stinging in protest. The shoved her forward roughly. back into the Holding Room and into her cell. She didn't move who who knew how long, just lay sprawled on the cool metal, taking in much need air and rest.

"I'm not sorry." she told herself fiercly, through the burning sting that ran down her spine, "Still not sorry. It was worth it."

She managed a small smile. Anything would be worth it, in the end, for just a small taste of Freedom.....

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