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private Winter Resort Romance and Slice of Life


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  On 2013-01-19 at 4:09 AM, MagicalStarRain said:

Night Song's eyes widened and a gasp escaped out of her when she saw the wreckage outside of the window. Just then, a rolled up letter appeared in front of her and dropped on the ground(Chaser Wing has a unicorn friend who can use teleportation spells). She unrolled the letter and read:


Night Song,


I hope all is well at the resort. Must be scary to be out on your own for the first time. But you're a grown up mare and I believe you can do it. Just like what we planned, please send a reply. Hope to hear from you soon!




"Mask, is there some paper nearby?" Night Song asked with a panic-filled voice. She knew that in a really bad situation, Chaser Wing would be the only one to stay calm , to the point that others would call him " emotionless". However, she was scared of his reaction to this news and didn't know what she should write.

"Oh, um... I'm not really sure" Mask said, wanting to help. "Maybe you could... uh... write on the back?" He said with uncertainty. How will you mail it? Nopony's flying in this blizzard, and teleport spells are quite difficult for most.". There could be some at the resort, along with the functioning heating spells, or whatever electricist device they're using.

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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Snowdream ran through the powdery white snow. Her eldest brother, Storm Twister ran beside her, playfully, kicking the snow, sending it flying in Snowdreams face. Laughing, Snowdream scooped huge hoof-full of snow back at her brother. All of a sudden, a snowstorm was whirling around her. Snowdream called her brother’s name, unable to see him through the thick falling snow surrounding her. No response. Snowdream kept calling for her brother, but heard nothing.

The snowstorm dissipated in the blink of an eye, leaving Snowdream alone in the snow. Storm Twister was gone.

"Storm Twist-he-her-her!" Sobbed Snowdream. Opening her eyes, she realised that she was still on the couch next to River.



A thin layer of snow covered both Snowdream and River.


I've been doing it again, crying. Snowdream realised. A single tear fell from her eyes as she recalled her nightmare. Her horn glowed as snowflakes appeared seemingly out of nowhere, landing gracefully on the two ponies backs. Realising that a few ponies had turned to look at her, alarmed by her sobbing, Snowdream excused herself, and felt her way through the darkness into the bathroom.


She leant over the sink feeling nauseous.


The mixed emotions, of love, fear and loss, caused her to throw up into the sink. She splashed water on her face, and slid down the wall untill she was sitting down on the cold ground in the pitch black room…

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"...Snowdream... I lauvyuwew..." mumbled River from his sleep. He made a loud snort and woke up suddenly.

"Snowdream!" he yelled and sat up. A few other ponies who were already confused for some reason gave him a weird look.

"S-Sorry guys, heh-heh" he said and looked down at the couch, only then he realized Snowdream wasn't next to him, he looked around in the dominant darkness and saw Kites next to the fire-place. Her eyes were closed, and he figured she fell asleep as well.

"Has anyone seen Snowdream?" he asked, a few ponies pointed towards where she had ran to, the bathroom.

"Oh" River said, he figured she just had to excuse herself, and that's why she woke up.

'I should see if Sarah is okay' he thought, he hasn't seen her since the big black-out. But he could not see through the darkness, so he just tumbled his way through.

He put his hooves everywhere trying to avoid crashing into things, but he couldn't avoid at least some mishaps. Until he saw a few ponies down the hall, and a glow lighting them up, he decided to come over to them. He noticed they were in the middle of a conversation. There was a very large brown-almost-chocolate-like stallion there, together with a unicorn that was lighting them all up, and another pegasus.

"Uh... Hey guys" he said.


(OOC: That's Chocolate, Starshy and Storm Front ;))

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Snowdream pushed open the door, exiting the dark bathroom. Not sure how long she had been in there she looked around. She saw that most of the ponies were in the same places as when she entered, so she presumed that she hadn't been in there for long. she started carefully making her way towards the couch where she had left River. As Snowdream neared the couch she noticed that River was no longer sleeping on there.


After a moment of searching the room, Snowdream saw River talking to a group of three ponies. She approached the small group.


"River, you're awake?" she half asked half stated.

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  On 2013-01-19 at 9:53 AM, Snowdream said:

Snowdream pushed open the door, exiting the dark bathroom. Not sure how long she had been in there she looked around. She saw that most of the ponies were in the same places as when she entered, so she presumed that she hadn't been in there for long. she started carefully making her way towards the couch where she had left River. As Snowdream neared the couch she noticed that River was no longer sleeping on there.


After a moment of searching the room, Snowdream saw River talking to a group of three ponies. She approached the small group.


"River, you're awake?" she half asked half stated.

"Snowdream! Hi uh, yeah I woke up and searched for you, but the guys said you went to the bathroom so I figured I'd get to know the other ponies until you come out, here this is Storm Front the pegasus, the unicorn is Starshy, and the big dude is Chocolate" said River while pointing at the others.

"How's your knee?" he asked and came closer to Snowdream.

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"Yeah I woke up feeling sick, had a bad dream." She explained, smiling warmly to the other three ponies who were with river.


'Woah! That guy is huge!' Thought Snowdream, taking in the size of Chocolate.


"My leg feels fine - whatever that guy did to me before really worked, after the immense pain that is." Snowdream shuddered at the memory of her leg being healed.

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Cracker Jack suddenly got an idea.

He trotted down the basement and saw an emergency generator, he then turned it on.

Suddnenly, the lobby's electricity came back, however it was still the only place that had electricity.

Cracker trotted back up and told his fellow companions "As you can see only the lobby's power came, i activated a secondary supply in the basement, but it won't last much."

Cracker then approached River Front's groupies and introduced himself.

"Hi guys, the name's Garnet Sky but you can call me Cracker Jack, what's yours?

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Starshy blinked at the sudden light that filled the lobby. The light from the tip of her unicorn horn went out and she glanced at the other ponies that had approached them. They looked like a friendly bunch, but she felt a bit shy.


Her head lowered a bit, her hoof pretend digging at the floor. " Hello, I'm S-starshy.. " She said.

Edited by Fluttermoon
  • Brohoof 1


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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Storm Front jumped a little as light flooded the lobby. Looking around, he noticed a group of ponies approaching. "Hi, uhm, Cracker Jack" the unusual nickname felt awkward on his lips "I'm Storm Front. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you were the one who turned the power back on." Shouldn't the staff have done that. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a single staff member since the avalanche. A sense of unease gripped Storm and he quickly tried to ignore it. Everything's going to be fine. ((OOC: if the missing staff doesn't matter then just ignore that last part))

  • Brohoof 1



“I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.” 
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


I can poem well: Rhymey Time with CamRad18

Poet's Club: share, critique, and chat

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Starshy moved a bit closer to Storm, as she was a little unfamiliar with the other ponies and to show that she did indeed like him in case maybe he thought that she didn't. Although she honestly didn't know, they hadn't had a chance to talk to each other one on one yet. She hoped maybe they could soon.


"Where are all the staff anyway? I haven't seen them since I checked in at the front desk earlier today. " She said softly, voicing her concern.

Edited by Fluttermoon
  • Brohoof 1


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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  On 2013-01-19 at 4:34 AM, evilcorgi said:

"Oh, um... I'm not really sure" Mask said, wanting to help. "Maybe you could... uh... write on the back?" He said with uncertainty. How will you mail it? Nopony's flying in this blizzard, and teleport spells are quite difficult for most.". There could be some at the resort, along with the functioning heating spells, or whatever electricist device they're using.

(OOC: Sorry I didn't reply for a long period of time)


Night Song silently agreed with Mask and immediately calmed down. She felt herself getting really hungry and looked around at the interior of the building. "Well, ok. I'm feeling kind of hungry. Shall we go get something?" she replied in a calm, slow voice, as if thinking over her every word carefully.

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"Yeah, i'm the one who turned the power back on. Howevah', i dunno where the staff members are, maybe they were sent home, remembah', it's low season, this resort is usually attended on summer." he said smiling, the staff thing got him rather worried though.



(OOC: the staff members sure ae useless.)

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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After Blazing went to her room she unpacked her luggage she would need for her short vacation and went to bed. She was very tired from flying all day and she thought a little nap would be fine. After heaving a pleasant dream she awoke with a loud noise from downstairs and fell out of her bed. "Ouch!" she just said as she opened her eyes. Everythine was dark and the resort had a blackout or something of the sort. Blazing Storm was able to see conturs in the dark and went to the door and left her room. She heard some ponies downstairs talking so she went to the stairs. But since she just could see counturs, she fell down the stairs rolling like a like a ball of mane and feathers. "Owie, owie, owie... that hurt...." she just said while laying in front of the lobby upside down.


She got up again and followed the voices in front of her. She used a hoove to feel the conturs of the wall, leading her further inside the lobby. She followed the voices like that until she came very near of somepony.


  On 2013-01-18 at 9:44 AM, Chocolate said:
"...We should remain calm."


"Yeah... i am calm, just my everything hurts and i am hungry. If i could make it into the dining hall it i wouldn´t even care with the darkness here..." she replied to the voice. She feeled that the wall went a bit off and it was more fluffy. She looked a bit closer to the wall and saw... a chocolate bar? And did the wall move? She then remembered the big stallion who had a chocolate bar for a cutie mark. "Oh! Sorry sorry! I didn´t meant to..." she said as she realized that she had just touched the big stallions flank. But then she bumped her head again on reception desk. "Ouch... aww.... not again..." Blaze just mumbled while rubbed her head.

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Storm's face, in what was becoming a regular occurrence, turned a bright red as Starshy moved closer to him. Storm could talk to girls reasonably well, but when it came to flirting and romance, the pegasus' nerves usually got the best of him. That's why Storm was surprised when, without thinking, he draped a protective wing over Starshy and drew her in a little closer. He didn't know where this spark of courage had come from but he prayed to Celestia it wouldn't burn out any time soon. 

  • Brohoof 2



“I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.” 
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


I can poem well: Rhymey Time with CamRad18

Poet's Club: share, critique, and chat

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The stallion squinted his golden gaze as light flooded the lobby, revealing all the ponies present. He could see Starshy and a few others as well. He had a bit of a discouraged expression as he momentarily glanced to her then shyly smiled at her. He began to acknowledge the group as they all seemed to be coming out of the wood works to introduce themselves. One with a peculiar accent came into the lobby proclaiming he had turned the lights back on. "Very nice, Cracker Jack." He took a mental note of Cracker Jack and looked over the rest of the room. The subject seemed to shift from the electricity outage to the whereabouts of the resort staff. "My name is Chocolate, but you may call me Cocoa if you are more comfortable with that." He said politely.
He began to speak again. "Perhaps they are all outside trying to make sense of things?" He asked aloud in his deep voice. "I shall go look for them--"

  On 2013-01-20 at 1:49 AM, Iron Wing said:

"Oh! Sorry sorry! I didn´t meant to..." she said as she realized that she had just touched the big stallions flank. But then she bumped her head again on reception desk. "Ouch... aww.... not again..." Blaze just mumbled while rubbed her head.

The large stallion paused mid-sentence when he felt a prodding hoof on his large flank. His cheeks flushed red as he was unintentionally poked. He turned in place to see who was so boldly feeling up his large backside and saw a fiery red Pegasus mare stumbling over herself and bumped her head on the reception desk nearby. Chocolate regained his composure and used his large hoof to help her up. "No need to apologize." He told her while looking her over. She had a very distinct color about her that reminded him of an open flame. She was the same Pegasus he had spotted when he had first arrived off the train. "Careful... you will hurt yourself." He warned as he looked down into her eyes. "What is your name?"

Edited by Chocolate
  • Brohoof 1

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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"Oh, thank ya' Cocoa, ya' art very nice and gentle" he said smiling. "It took a lot of running to get to da' basement, that goddammed place was like 10 floors below, haha!" he laughed.

"Now if ya' excuse me, i want to get warm, i'm feeling reeeeaaally cold and i need some warm". Cracker then approached the fireplace and tried to get warm

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Starshy's heart leap when she felt Storm's wing drape over her in a protective gesture. She smiled, reasonably so, happy that he wanted this as much as she did.



She heard Chocolate speaking and her eyes drifted back to him, watching his interaction with another mare. There was a slight ping of jealously. Maybe it was because, deep down, she had liked the attention that she been given from both Storm and Chocolate. It was obviously selfish of her to even think such thoughts and she felt bad. She pushed the fleeting feeling away and hoped with all her heart that Chocolate would also find a special somepony. He deserved it.


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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  On 2013-01-20 at 1:45 AM, MagicalStarRain said:

(OOC: Sorry I didn't reply for a long period of time)


Night Song silently agreed with Mask and immediately calmed down. She felt herself getting really hungry and looked around at the interior of the building. "Well, ok. I'm feeling kind of hungry. Shall we go get something?" she replied in a calm, slow voice, as if thinking over her every word carefully.

"Sure!" Mask said almost immediately, with a hint of excitement. "*ahem* uh, sure." Mask began to walk to a restaurant that was still serving in he blackout (there were only 4 or 5) "You can order first." Mask told Night Song. Mask pondered the menu for a moment. He didn't know what "ham" or "beef" were, and he had no idea what would give someone the idea to eat a chicken, but he eventually saw some sandwich that looked good.

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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  On 2013-01-20 at 5:10 AM, evilcorgi said:

"Sure!" Mask said almost immediately, with a hint of excitement. "*ahem* uh, sure." Mask began to walk to a restaurant that was still serving in he blackout (there were only 4 or 5) "You can order first." Mask told Night Song. Mask pondered the menu for a moment. He didn't know what "ham" or "beef" were, and he had no idea what would give someone the idea to eat a chicken, but he eventually saw some sandwich that looked good.



"Oh ok, thanks Mask!" Night song replied with a smile and a little blush that was there for only a split second. "Yeah, I'd like a daisy sandwich and an apple, please. And also some white milk." she said. The mare at the counter entered in her order and waited for Mask.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rocket Jumped up with a near heart attack at all the power coming back on
"WHAT THE?" he screamed. he realized the power had gone out.

(wow) he thought (I can sleep through a storm.... literally) he sighed to himself. he decided to go out to the lobby to see if anypony was out in the main lobby. 

  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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((OOC: It's a foreign country, I guess.))

"Uh... Hmm... I guess I'll have that too." Mask said, changing his mind at the last minute. Mask spotted an empty table and pointed at it "We can sit there..." Mask wasn't quite sure why he said that out loud. He probably just wasn't thinking straight. Mask sat down and waited for Night Song to do the same.

  On 2013-01-20 at 5:17 AM, MagicalStarRain said:



"Oh ok, thanks Mask!" Night song replied with a smile and a little blush that was there for only a split second. "Yeah, I'd like a daisy sandwich and an apple, please. And also some white milk." she said. The mare at the counter entered in her order and waited for Mask.

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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Blazing was pulled up by the big chocolate-coloured stallion. He was very tall and strong but on the other side, he remained calm and friendly. This was a rare combination and Blaze was more than impressed by his appearance. His black mane was a long and flowing and somehow he even smelled a bit like chocolate. Just thinking about something delicious made her hungry again and her stomach growled loud.


  On 2013-01-20 at 3:58 AM, Chocolate said:
"Careful... you will hurt yourself."


"Already happened the time i fell down the stairs..." she explained to him. This wasn´t her best day but she was happy to see some light again as it flooded the lobby. Luckily she wasn´t injured at all just because she fell down. She was a bit taller than a normal mare and tough. But the stallion named Chocolate was just something she couldn´t explain. What does he eat to become that big? I wanna have something of that too! were her thoughts.


  On 2013-01-20 at 3:58 AM, Chocolate said:
"What is your name?"


She was on her hooves again and looked up to the stallion to meet his eyes. She wasn´t afraid but impressed by his size and the way he showed himself to others. "My name is Blazing Storm!" she answered with a big smile on her face. Her wild mane was a bit tousled and she used one hoove to smooth if again. "The light turned out and i had to head down to the voices in the lobby. Just happened that i tumbled and took the hard way to get down here. Since we are trapped within the resort i hope that the food is sufficient here..." she said while her stomach started to growl again. "So big one... um... Chocolate was it, right?" Blaze asked the stallion with a warm and welcome smile.

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  On 2013-01-20 at 5:24 AM, evilcorgi said:

((OOC: It's a foreign country, I guess.))

"Uh... Hmm... I guess I'll have that too." Mask said, changing his mind at the last minute. Mask spotted an empty table and pointed at it "We can sit there..." Mask wasn't quite sure why he said that out loud. He probably just wasn't thinking straight. Mask sat down and waited for Night Song to do the same.

Night Song looked back when she heard Mask's voice, calling for her to sit down. She then took the seat across from him. "So Mask, where did you come from? What's your home like?" she asked, to get a conversation started. "Also, what do you think of this resort so far?" she added.

  • Brohoof 1

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Kites rubbed her eyes and sat up. She smiled, the lights were back on! She stretched and stood up. She looked around at the ponies that had gathered in the room. She saw a few familiar faces, as well as a few new ones. She noticed Cracker sitting over by the fire. She trotted over to him and sat down. "So, um, I know I'll probably sound really stupid, but I was asleep and, well, how did the lights get turned back on? I want to thank whoever fixed them."

  • Brohoof 1

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Cracker was enjoying getting warm, then he realized Kites Breeze was besides him asking him a question.

"Oh, da' lights, i turned 'em on, 'dis staff workah's are largely inefficient, there was that power supply in the basement, i just turned it on.  Howevah', i'm affraid it may last for only a few hours. Did ya' enjoy ye' little nap? He asked smiling.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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