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private Winter Resort Romance and Slice of Life


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"Already happened the time i fell down the stairs..." she explained to him. 


The large stallion looked troubled by her nonchalant attitude to taking a tumble down the stairs. "You aren't hurt are you?" He asked trotting to her side to examine her. No visible bruises or cuts could be seen but he caught sight of her cutie mark. It looked to be a tornado with a flame ignited in its center, very impressive yet perplexing. What abilities did she possess to gain such a mark? Then when he caught sight of her wings his eyes flashed with a rare excited spark.


"You're a Pegasus?" He asked taking very quick interest in her like a puppy to a new toy. Once again, having only grown up around earth ponies meant everyone else was new and exciting to him. Admittedly she was quite radiant and enticing on her own, it just so happened that red was his favorite color. First a unicorn and now a pegasus? He knew he had to learn more about this alluring mare. Though he noticed she seemed to be taking an interest in him as well, possibly because of his large stature. She was actually taller than most mares he had seen before, earth pony or otherwise but still dwarfed by him. 


"So big one... um... Chocolate was it, right?" Blaze asked the stallion with a warm and welcome smile.


He heard her stomach growl and he gave a light smile, "Here..." He said reaching back into the saddlebag he usually wore and withdrew a moderately sized bar of chocolate. His ears fell flat on his head when he realized how silly and ironic he must have looked to be carrying chocolate with him. "...It's the good stuff. The kind that melts in your mouth and not your hoof. It should hold you over until we find something to eat." He said offering it to her. "You may call me Chocolate." He said formally introducing himself to her. "Do you... mind if I call you Blaze?" He asked finding himself a little more talkative around her.


The mare named Kites seemed to wake up as everyone was settling in. She asked what she had missed and Cracker Jack filled her in. Chocolate looked up to the lights as Cracker Jack stated the power might not stay on for too long. "We should probably look for a backup generator... While we still have time." Cocoa stated thinking about backup power sources. "For now, I'm just glad everyone is okay..." He felt his head throb and he ran his hoof through his mane. "More or less..."

  • Brohoof 1

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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"A backup generator!? Are ya' kiddin' me? This place doesn't even have a full backup generator for the whole lodge, this shows how lazy the designers were" he laughed.

"Plus i ain't goin' out with that blizzar', i don't wanna' froze my flank!  Plus, i'm really tired, ugh."

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Storm glance at Starshy and noticed her looking over at Chocolate. A brief flash of emotion played across her eyes but Storm couldn't quite decipher it. He shook his head, deciding to ignore the occurrence, and tried to think of what the hay he should do next. "So..." he said to Starshy, "it looks like we're gonna be stuck here for while." He waved a hoof in the general direction of the blocked resort entrance to emphasize his point. "What do you want to do?"

Edited by CamRad18
  • Brohoof 1



“I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.” 
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


I can poem well: Rhymey Time with CamRad18

Poet's Club: share, critique, and chat

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Starshy glanced it at Storm, listening as he asked what she wanted to do now. They were certainly stuck here alright, as she eyes briefly looked to the entrance.


She blushed a little, looking down. "We could talk or go eat something. I'd like to get to know you better, Storm"


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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"You aren't hurt are you?"


"No, i am not hurt at all, i am much tougher than i look..." she replied to Chocolate. He trotted to her side and observed her and now she just noticed how big he really was. She was indeed small compared to him. She never had met such a strong yet patient stallion and he had a very nice smell on him.


"You're a Pegasus?"


"Um, yeah! I am one for real. Don´t you meet pegasus ponies often?" she asked him. She noticed that he was very interested in her beeing a pegasus pony and she blushed a bit. But since he was that interested she spread her wings so that he could take a better look. It was a bit strange but also a nice feeling to have that much attention. After granting him a look she got curious too. "Why are you so big! Is there something you eat to get that tall?" she asked him smiling.


"...It's the good stuff. The kind that melts in your mouth and not your hoof. It should hold you over until we find something to eat." He said offering it to her. "You may call me Chocolate."


"Thank you!" she said and took the chocolate and tasted it. It was just delicious but of course it wouldn´t fill her stomache. She looked at Chocolate, at the bar in her hoove and his cutie mark. "I see... it is very fitting. You love this kind of sweets, do you?" she asked him while munching the chocolate bar. After eating it, she cleaned her snout and grinned a bit. "Thank you Chocolate. That was very nice of you!" she said while flapping with her wings, lifting up and giving him a little kiss on his cheek as a sign of her gratitude. She wasn´t the type of pony that were afraid of interact with others like that. She just had problems with the first approach but since Chocolate was that nice to her, she just feeled that she could thank him like that. "Woah... your fur tastes like chocolate too!" she said surprised.


"Do you... mind if I call you Blaze?"


"Thats fine by me. It´s shorter and i like it anyway. So, what to do next? Looking for a generator, something to eat or to check out on the other ponies around here?" she asked the big stallion. She was happy to have someone to talk to now and she would follow him for a while at least.

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She blushed a little, looking down. "We could talk or go eat something. I'd like to get to know you better, Storm"

I should have suggested that Storm chastised himself, Isn't the stallion supposed to take the lead and woo the mare with his class and charm? Storm once again showed his amazing ability to over think the simplest situations. His thoughts were cut short, however, when an embarrassingly loud emanated from his stomach. "Hehe, uhm, my stomach seems to agree with the food idea" Storm said, "and the rest of me agrees with getting to know you better." The pegasus' cheeks flushed. Oh Storm, If they named a pizza after you it would be extra cheesy.

Edited by CamRad18



“I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.” 
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


I can poem well: Rhymey Time with CamRad18

Poet's Club: share, critique, and chat

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"No, i am not hurt at all, i am much tougher than i look..." she replied to Chocolate. 

 Chocolate nodded in agreement. Not a scratch on her proved her statement. She seemed amazed that he was amazed by her.


 "Um, yeah! I am one for real. Don´t you meet pegasus ponies often?"

He shook his head and looked down to her, "I don't get out of the mines and fields often." He admitted. "The first unicorn I met is also here. It's been a pretty eventful trip and a learning experience for me." He explained still in awe of her and her wings which she put on display for him. "Wow..." Was all he could say as he paced around her. "I'm so sorry... I don't mean to stare but it is hard not to. The coloring, the wings... Incredible..." He said with a swish of his long black tail. He was clearly excited even if his facial expression appeared calm. He would of course, ask more questions later but he didn't want to overwhelm her with so many questions so soon.


 "Why are you so big! Is there something you eat to get that tall?"

Chocolate averted his gaze for a moment as he thought of an answer for her. As much as he was always stared at, no one had ever directly asked him about his size before. "I uhh..." He started. "Drank lots of milk. It kind of runs in the family." He explained. Though he wasn't sure if that was the real reason it was the best he could come up with. After he had given her one of his many bars of chocolate  she had used her wings to fly up a bit to kiss his cheek which in turn made the stallion's ears perk up and his heart pound in his large chest. He had never been kissed by a girl before. Clearly she was the more outgoing between the two of them not that he minded. 


 "Woah... your fur tastes like chocolate too!" she said surprised.

This comment made his darkened cheeks burn as he became a bit flustered. "T-that's not true..." He said in a hush hush tone trying to quiet her down. She had coincidentally discovered one of the many reasons he had gotten his name but he didn't want that information to go public. That was their little secret now and he hoped she would keep it between the two of them.


"So, what to do next? Looking for a generator, something to eat or to check out on the other ponies around here?" she asked the big stallion

Chocolate trotted alongside her as she asked him what he wanted to do next. "It would be for the best if we looked for something to help power the resort but first..." He poked her side with his hoof. "But perhaps we should get you something to eat first. You sounded hungry earlier." He said wanting to spend time with her in his own subtle way. 

Edited by Chocolate

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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She grinned at the sound of his stomach growling, and got to her feet. " Okay, let's go eat then. " Starshy felt the hungrier that she felt earlier in the day coming back. So much as changed since I've come here, I can't imagine what the following days will be like. She thought to herself.


First meeting Chocolate and then that whole awkward situation. It looks like he has found someone new. He looked happy, so that's good. I hope we can be friends at least.. I would like to talk with him again sometime. Clear the air a little, it feels strange to me. I don't think he even noticed though. He's so busy talking... Oh starshy, what are you doing? Dwelling on this..


Starshy shook her head, feeling exhausted from over thinking everything. She couldn't exactly explain all this to Storm, and she didn't have anyone else to talk to about it. It couldn't be helped.


She turned to glance at Storm again, a smile playing on her face. " You think we'll be able to find food? The staff doesn't seem to be around.. I'd really like to get room service, I'm so tired.. "


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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"Wow..." Was all he could say as he paced around her. "I'm so sorry... I don't mean to stare but it is hard not to. The coloring, the wings... Incredible..."


Blaze just blushed as Chocolate walked around her. Never a stallion was that fascinated with her or her colour. She wasn´t used to reactions like that but on the other side she also enjoyed this situation. For usual she didn´t like the big attention if there was a group of ponies. But it was a single stallion who was interested in her so it seemed to be ok.


"T-that's not true..." He said in a hush hush tone trying to quiet her down.


It was a funny but also interesting reaction of the big stallion. She didn´t expect him to keep a secret like that but it seemed important for him. She just nodded understanding to show him that she would never tell anypony about that. She knew for herself that some things just did not concern other ponies. But why did he stutter? Was it because she kissed him? She giggled a bit while thinking about it.


"But perhaps we should get you something to eat first. You sounded hungry earlier."


"That is a great idea! I have to eat a lot to keep my energy up since i work hard. I took some days off to get a bit calm and stuff, but that doesn´t work on the first day..." she said excited. She loved to eat and since she was like most pegasus hyperactive she consumed a lot of food. She flew all the way from Ponyville to this resort to deliver some things all by herself and the only thing she did here was a bit sleep. She didn´t even had breakfast so her hunger was enormous. "What food do you like? I love baked potatoes with sour cream. They are the best!" she worshiped her favourite food. She started to walk to the dining hall always keeping the speed of Chocolate. She flapped a bit with her wings because of the excitement to get tasty food.

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"A backup generator!? Are ya' kiddin' me? This place doesn't even have a full backup generator for the whole lodge, this shows how lazy the designers were" he laughed.

"Plus i ain't goin' out with that blizzar', i don't wanna' froze my flank!  Plus, i'm really tired, ugh."

Chocolate looked to the floor. "I see..." He said in deep thought. Though Cracker Jack's thick accent made it hard to figure out just what he was saying, Chocolate got the gist of it. It was crazy to go out in the cold but if they were running on limited power it was only a matter of time before the power would go out again, and with no lights or heating, they would all most likely freeze.


"...I am still able-bodied." He calmy said while stepping forward. "I volunteer myself to trek out and search for an alternative power source." He said to the group. "Anypony who wants to help search can meet me back here in an hour. Please dress warmly and bring a shovel." He said to anypony who was still listening. He didn't want to seem like an authoritative leader figure, but he figured he was one of the best candidates to go out in the harsh hazardous weather. He was, as far as he knew, the only one with experience in digging and plowing in dangerous conditions. How bad could a blizzard be?


Chocolate noticed Starshy was also talking to another pegasus stallion. He wanted to apologize for abruptly leaving her to eat alone but he was certain she was probably upset with him. He'd keep his distance for now since she seemed to be having fun with her new close friend. He turned back to Blazing Storm and noticed she had started to talk about her hunger and various food related subjects.


"That is a great idea! I have to eat a lot to keep my energy up since i work hard. I took some days off to get a bit calm and stuff, but that doesn´t work on the first day..." she said excited. 

Chocolate looked a bit surprised by her reasoning for not eating. It was never a good idea to miss a meal in his view. "In that case, we had better get you a two or three course meal." He said thinking ahead to what they were going to get. "My favorite food?" He repeated after she had asked him what he enjoyed. "Anything really, I'm not picky. Though I suppose I do have a bit of a soft spot for good old fashioned hay and oats." He said with a sincere smile. "Baked potatoes sound delicious actually. I've only had them on occasion but I do enjoy those too." 


They arrived in the dining area and he bumped his head on the doorway again. This time because he had been paying attention to her wings as they fluttered instead of the low doorway. "What is it like to have wings, Blaze?" He asked softly. "I've always wondered what it might be like to fly." He said sitting beside her at their table waiting for their server to take their orders. 


(OOC: I assume the staff is gone but the food servers are still present?)

  • Brohoof 1

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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Chocolate looked to the floor. "I see..." He said in deep thought. Though Cracker Jack's thick accent made it hard to figure out just what he was saying, Chocolate got the gist of it. It was crazy to go out in the cold but if they were running on limited power it was only a matter of time before the power would go out again, and with no lights or heating, they would all most likely freeze. "...I am still able-bodied." He calmy said while stepping forward. "I volunteer myself to trek out and search for an alternative power source." He said to the group. "Anypony who wants to help search can meet me back here in an hour. Please dress warmly and bring a shovel." He said to anypony who was still listening. He didn't want to seem like an authoritative leader figure, but he figured he was one of the best candidates to go out in the harsh hazardous weather. He was, as far as he knew, the only one with experience in digging and plowing in dangerous conditions. How bad could a blizzard be?


"Count with me, mate! I'm gonna' help ya' bring this lodge back to it's feet, i guess, hehehe" he laughed.

"Imma' go and get sum' warm clothes and my baseball bat, i ain't gonna die here by freezing to death!".

Cracker Jack ran upstairs and grabbed some warm clothes, a coat, gloves, a scarf and his ol' trustworthy baseball bat.

He then ran downstairs and to the lobby, he was in good physical shape.

"I'm ready Chocolate!".

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Night Song looked back when she heard Mask's voice, calling for her to sit down. She then took the seat across from him. "So Mask, where did you come from? What's your home like?" she asked, to get a conversation started. "Also, what do you think of this resort so far?" she added.

Mask was a bit flustered after the sudden flurry of questions. "Um, I was born and raised in Ponyville. It's a tiny farm town in the middle of nowhere. I swear it's the only farm town with just one farm too." Mask said, cynically. "I'm not fond of the place, I just don't know where else to go. It's the only town I know of that's even remotely interested in camouflages and disguises. The resort... um..." Mask reflected on the current, dysfunctional state of the place for a moment, and changed the subject. "Where are you from?" Mask asked, reaching for a drink before realizing he didn't order one, and putting his hoof back by his side and listening.

EDIT: ((OOC: Yes, a few food servers are still here. Just so you know, I see everyone's posts long before I respond. I just usually don't have time to post.))

Edited by evilcorgi

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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River remained silent through-out everypony else's conversations, he had some things occupying his mind. He was just looking through the room and suddenly something caught his eye.

'There she is!' he thought, it was his sister Sarah. Looking back at Snowdream, he realised something.

'I should really do something about all of this' he thought. He turned to Snowdream, and caught her attention.

"Hey, I have someone I want you to meet, come with me" he said and turned to Sarah's direction and pointed at his sister.

"Come on let's go meet her" he said.


(OOC: sorry for not posting for a few days, I haven't missed anything right? :P)

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Mask was a bit flustered after the sudden flurry of questions. "Um, I was born and raised in Ponyville. It's a tiny farm town in the middle of nowhere. I swear it's the only farm town with just one farm too." Mask said, cynically. "I'm not fond of the place, I just don't know where else to go. It's the only town I know of that's even remotely interested in camouflages and disguises. The resort... um..." Mask reflected on the current, dysfunctional state of the place for a moment, and changed the subject. "Where are you from?" Mask asked, reaching for a drink before realizing he didn't order one, and putting his hoof back by his side and listening.

EDIT: ((OOC: Yes, a few food servers are still here. Just so you know, I see everyone's posts long before I respond. I just usually don't have time to post.))

"You're from Ponyville, too?!" Night Song exclaimed. "So am I!" she said with excitement and zest. "I actually used to live in Manehatten before moving to Ponyville. I was a little filly back then, so I don't remember the place much," she added. "I do remember that there are things there that I never want to go back to..." a more down Night Song said.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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"In that case, we had better get you a two or three course meal."


"That sounds good! Well, i have a bad eating habit. I eat large amounts of food and that´s something other ponies think of it like... well, i don´t know... they keep staring. Hope that something like that doesn´t deters you to eat something with me." she said while they going to the dining hall.


"What is it like to have wings, Blaze?" He asked softly. "I've always wondered what it might be like to fly."


"Huh... i never thought about it. But i think it´s much like my question to you how it is like to be that big and strong." she smiled at him before giving him a real answer to his question. "Well, as a pegasus it does not matter how much you weight because our bodies allow to stand or relax on clouds. For an example, if you would try to lift me if i don´t want it, you would have to lift my full weight. But if i am ok with that, i can be light as a feather." she explained. "That´s one of a pegasus abilities. And now about flying. It took me some time as a filly to finally fly more than a couple of metres. It was hard training and there are pegasus that can fly good and some of us aren´t used to fly even in the adult years." Blaze told Chocolate to tell him that flying is not that easy as it looks like at the start.


"But if you manage to control the wings it can be like a dream. You soar trough the air in unbelievable heights and speeds, you can dance or sleep on clouds or move them. It´s a feeling like you can reach everything in the world. That´s why some pegasus ponies are that cocky..." she smirked as the waitress came to get their order. She turned to the waitress and started to order before continue talking to Chocolate. "Well... um... i wanna have 3 baked potatoes with sour cream, a big mixed salad and a bunch of hot baked rice stuffed peppers. Oh, and a big soda!" she told the waitress who made a very surprised expression with the large amount of food.


She then turned to Chocolate again. "Well if you want to know how it would feel, just ask a unicorn pony to cast a mind reception spell on you and me. Than you would feel everything i would feel, and see everything i can see. Than i will get your senses into the air with a nice flight around the resort." she said to him while smiling happy. She had done something like that several times in Canterlot again and it was nice to show other Ponies how it it feeled to be a pegasus.

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Rocket Walked downstairs to a huge commotion. (what in celestias name is going on?) he thought to himself. he walked up to cracker jack, wich was a tedious task because of all the ponies in the room, and asked him a few question. "Cracker? what is going on down here? I got woke up by the power randomly coming on."

  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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"Oh Rocket, hiya' mate! Well i ran downstairs and turned on some generators that gives the lobby electricity, howevah' it's running short of power and we need anothah' generatah'  (LULZ) and i'm going to search for one with Chocolate's aid. That's all i think mate".

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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"Oh Rocket, hiya' mate! Well i ran downstairs and turned on some generators that gives the lobby electricity, howevah' it's running short of power and we need anothah' generatah'  (LULZ) and i'm going to search for one with Chocolate's aid. That's all i think mate".

"alright, dang this is a tough storm!" rocket said, he had completely forgot the blizzard. then he whispered quietly to cracker, "I thought I heard somepony say something about the exit being blocked. do you know if this is true or not? cause if it is, we might have some trouble."

  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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"Nah mate, itsa' not blocked, but treat it as blocked since if you go outside right now you'll probably freeze to death, not kiddin'. I needed lotsa warm clothes, Chocolate and i are going to search for a backup generatah', maybe it's a suicide mission!" he laughed.

Edited by Mortimer

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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"Nah mate, itsa' not blocked, but treat it as blocked since if you go outside right now you'll probably freeze to death, not kiddin'. I needed lotsa warm clothes, Chocolate and i are going to search for a backup generatah', maybe it's a suicide mission!" he laughed.

Rocket chuckled, then thought (hes right, its got to be about 10 below out there, maybe he wants another person with them) he then asked "you two need another pony's help? I would be glad to go out and help you guys" he said with a type of prideful tone. he wanted to help out his friend and everypony.

  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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"Yeah, sure, if ya' want mate. Just be sure to have lotsa warm clothes and bring a shovel, then come talk to me, i'll tell Chocolate, 'mkay?" he said rather worried, what if they didn't return!? What if they were left stranded in the snow without any kind of supply?.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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"Yeah, sure, if ya' want mate. Just be sure to have lotsa warm clothes and bring a shovel, then come talk to me, i'll tell Chocolate, 'mkay?" he said rather worried, what if they didn't return!? What if they were left stranded in the snow without any kind of supply?.

"Sounds good, and ill grab some emergency stuff, in case of.... the worse" rocket couldn't bring himself to say about not returning. he went back to his room and got into his state of the art snow suit that his parents had got for him their final Hearths warming together. the thought of this made him tear up. then he grabbed some food and medical supplies and head back down to the lobby. 

  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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"You're from Ponyville, too?!" Night Song exclaimed. "So am I!" she said with excitement and zest. "I actually used to live in Manehatten before moving to Ponyville. I was a little filly back then, so I don't remember the place much," she added. "I do remember that there are things there that I never want to go back to..." a more down Night Song said.

"Why wouldn't you want to go back to Manehatten!?" Mask asked incredulously. "I would do anything to live there, I just don't think I could find work." He said, sounding a bit deflated. "What happened to make you want to leave?" Mask took a few bites out of his sandwich.

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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River remained silent through-out everypony else's conversations, he had some things occupying his mind. He was just looking through the room and suddenly something caught his eye.

'There she is!' he thought, it was his sister Sarah. Looking back at Snowdream, he realised something.

'I should really do something about all of this' he thought. He turned to Snowdream, and caught her attention.

"Hey, I have someone I want you to meet, come with me" he said and turned to Sarah's direction and pointed at his sister.

"Come on let's go meet her" he said.


(OOC: sorry for not posting for a few days, I haven't missed anything right? :P)

Snowdream looked in the direction River was pointing. It was the mare that was watching her before.


'He wants me to meet her? Why does he want me too meet his mare friend?'


A pang of jealousy struck Snowdream.


'Well mysterious mare, you sure are lucky to have River.'


She followed behind River, suddenly feeling shy and claustrophobic, even though the lobby was well big enough for them all.

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Snowdream looked in the direction River was pointing. It was the mare that was watching her before.


'He wants me to meet her? Why does he want me too meet his mare friend?'


A pang of jealousy struck Snowdream.


'Well mysterious mare, you sure are lucky to have River.'


She followed behind River, suddenly feeling shy and claustrophobic, even though the lobby was well big enough for them all.

The two ponies came over to Sarah.

"Hey Sarah! Are you okay after all that darkness shenanigans?" greeted River.

"Uh, yeah, I searched for you for a little bit but I found this blue dude that sort-of caught me in conversation... Sorry about that" said Sarah and shrugged, "and you must be Snowdream, right?" asked Sarah and looked at Snowdream.



(OOC: I don't really want to make another new OC as for River's sister, so just imagine Sarah as an aqua-marine blue pegasus mare with a yellow mane and a pirate flag for a cutie mark, if that helps :P)


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