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Well, here they went again, teleporting all over the place and generally making a lot of noise. The Pyro was getting tired of it, and when the Pyro got tired of things, those things tended to spontaneously combust, which, although entertaining, didn't earn him many friends...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Quickly the dog jumped over inigo faster than the Rhino could come there but as it came there it sighted for thresh and blaze, as they battled the pains moved away from the group using the summonings as a distraction ¨we will see them later¨ he said (naruto you dumby lol)


Naruto saw the Rhino and the dog making his normal shadow clones of 20 loading rasengan and as fast as he got done he made em shoot from the sphere of wind.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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As the incendiary rounds were just inches away from their target, Shin Akuma darted out of the way so fast that he left an after image. He had moved only five feet to the left and stared down at the Punisher with a glare of malice and hatred that would rival Lucifer's own. "You... A thing swept up in the wind, face death incarnate. You will know suffering far exceeding your-" Shin Akuma paused, Batman had engaged the thrusters in his Batsuit, and charged at full force toward Shin Akuma. As he closed in he threw a punch aimed at Shin Akuma's left temple, but his fist collided with Shin Akuma's forearm instead, as he blocked just seconds before hand. "Do you think that garbage you wear will save you from my wraith!?" Shin Akuma shouted to Batman, "Yes. I do." Batman said flatly as Batman activated the combat light built into the bat symbol chestpiece on the suit. The flash of light took Shin Akuma by a surprise, his sight was completely overwhelmed by the light and he had to recoil and rub his eyes. Batman seized the opportunity, he engaged the thrusters built into the boots of the suit, causing him to fly up high into the air, he then pointed them down and at an angle, causing him to shoot downward, front-flipping through the air before finally sticking his leg outward, completing the sequence with a high magnitude overhead axe kick to the top of Shin Akuma's head. Causing the martial artist to be smashed through the pavement.

Batman was relentless, upon smashing the villain into the ground, he began striking him in sequence, a powerful smashing fist to the back of the head, a piercing elbow to the spine, and a flurry of quick jabs to the ribs, all at speeds unnatural, thanks to Batman's suit, as well as his own conditioning. But it didn't last. Shin Akuma grabbed the right arm to the suit, and ripped it apart from the rest of the armor, leaving Batman's right arm exposed. Batman engauged his thrusters once more, backing away from Shin Akuma and adopting a one-armed, Hapkido stance as Shin Akuma emerged.

"Your attacks, are calculated and deliberate." Shin Akuma crushed the gauntlet as if it were paper. "They speak volumes about your experience as a warrior." He stepped out of the crater, blood from the impact of the initial axe kick Batman preformed falling from his forehead to the ground, which sizzled as it made contact. "However... There is not intent in your strikes... No, purpose." Akuma tossed the now useless metal to the side. "WHERE IS YOUR CONVICTION!?" Shin Akuma shouted as his chi exploded forth, though Batman stood, unflinching before his advisory. In the blink of an eye it was over. Batman was on the ground, his armor torn apart, his body mangled, still alive, though barely. Shin Akuma stood with his back to the on lookers, the Katakana for "Hell's Gate" flailing from his back like a fiery inferno. "Messatsu..." Muttered Shin Akuma as he turned toward Beelzemon: Blast Mode, "Have you something this welp did not? Do you think that you will-" suddenly Shin Akuma had exploded, and with great magnitude as well, his body was thrust into the air, reaching 50 feet in height. Shin Akuma began to fall back toward the ground, then Batman, through the last bit of strength he had, fired a Batarang from the back plate of the armor he still had at Huey. It struck the wall by Huey's head.


(A re-cap of what occurred before Shin Akuma defeated Batman)

As Akuma finished his sentence, he adopted the pose for, 'Shun Goku Satsu' (Instant Hell Death, or more commonly referred to as, Raging Demon) he moved at a speed rivaling The Flash himself, though the suit could barely keep up with Shin Akuma's movement, Batman still managed to fire two liquids at Shin Akuma before he could make contact with Batman. These liquids were a highly unstable explosive compound that when mixed and exposed to oxygen, would begin to exploded upon the applied object with the force akin to a bullet train hitting a ladybug. Unfortunately for Batman, the result was not instantaneous. Shin Akuma managed to grab Batman, and in an instant that only a god could perceive, inflicted 75 deadly blows to the Caped Crusader.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Behemoth drove up the wall and landed on the skyscraper Iron Man was on. Upon seeing the condition of his armor Behemoth turned itself into data and uploaded itself to Iron Man's Armor. This caused Iron Man's Armor to get a major speed boost as well as Chrome Digizoid (Strongest Alloy in the Digital world, stronger than animantium) Reinforcement. "Behemoth Program Uploaded," the Digital bike said to Iron Man as it took over his armor and flew him to the fight.


Huey saw the Batarang and looked up to see Shin Akuma falling out of the sky. He took aim, pulled the pin out, and threw the ice grenade at shin Akuma with deadly speed and accuracy causing his legs to freeze together.


Beelzemon was having trouble providing Batman support because of how close distance the fight was. As soon as Huey threw the Ice grenade he took his opportunity. He flew in the air while Skin Akuma was immobilized and looked down at the fallen warrior before drawing a Pentagram in the air below him. "CORONA," He shouted as he put his blaster behind the Pentagram. "DESTROYER," Beelzemon finished as he fired a huge wave of destructive energy at Shin Akuma, the resulting explosion was enough to expand the crater, but thanks to Behemoth, Iron Man was able to grab The Punisher, Batman, Huey, and Black. and move them out of the blast radius.

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White looked around. No one there. So... Black wasn't here. She stroke Amanda for a bit, and then looked out of the alley. She saw several strange being moving away from an explosion. She quickly ducked her head back in. "Where am I...? I certainly aren't anywhere in Unova...

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Upon escaping the blast radius, Punisher called out the the mysterious voice, "Hey, teleport Dr. Strange here. I don't think we can get Batman to a hospital, so we need his magic to save him." He hated to bring more superheroes into his town, but at this point, it was a necessity. An ordinary medic wouldn't do. He then turned to Iron Man and asked,


"Stark, did you call the Avengers?"

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~Black and Iron Man~

"Avengers are on thier way sir" Jarvis said to Stark. "Good now, just how am I gonna get back to the fight like this? If only I could get to Stark Tower..." just then an odd motorcyle came up to Iron Man. "A...Moytorcycle that moves on it's own. Of course." Iron Man said as Jarvis scanned it. "Sir, it appears to be made a software much like myself and has somehow taken a physical form." Stark eyed the motorcycle and suddenly the motor cycle bonds with Stark's suite turning into Chrome Digiziod and saying "Behemoth Program Uploaded." "What the...well I have to say I like the new suite but what did it do?" Iron Man askes Jarvis as he flies off against his will. "Whoa Jarvis what's going on?" he askes. "It seems the program is overriding both my control and yours. It is flying you back to the fight." Jarvis says as Iron Man arrives. "Well I suppose it's on our side. Wait what are they....Oh great." Stark says saving everyone from the explosion. Punisher then askes where the Avengers are. "What, they aren't already here?" he askes.


"Uhh guys has anyone see Brav? I couldn't find him when I was returning my Pokemon to thier Pokeballs." Black askes everyone. In reality Brav had flown off a little ways off to rest after saving everyone he could, landing near White.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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The sun began to set on he Mojave, and as it began to rest on the waters behind Hoover Dam, an explosion in the water errupted. After countless days of fighting, another skirmish was breaking out. The tired NCR soldiers( as with their allies) were defending the Dam from the recent and unexplained outbreak. It had seemed everything in the wastes was falling under the control of something or someone. The Courier, atop the roof of the Visitors Center, fired a few

several shots from his plasma rifle. Veronica, dressed in her Power Armor, bursts through the door and told him to meet Dr.Henry in Oliver's office. He quickly made his way there, where General Oliver stood with the elderly Dr.Henry. There stood a strange machine on he wall, and Henry turned to Courier Six.

"We've managed to pinpoint the source of this outbreak; another world. You're the only one who can help us with this." He pressed a button on the machine, and a purple portal opened.

"Old Pre-war tech. It's experimental, no guarantee you'll survive. Now go!"

He pushed the Courier in, and the Courier disappeared without a trace.

He awoke in the middle of a big city. He looked around in amazement- nrver before had he seen so many people and a blue sky. He got up, and un holstered his revolver- he had no idea where he was or why he was here, but if the thing controlling people came from here it had to be dangerous. He then realized that this place he was in was non other than Pre-war New York.

He walked down the street, and heard hip-hop Blaring from a radio. He covered his ears-it was painful to hear, how fast, loud, and vulgar it was.

Edited by VaultBoy'sAssistant23

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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(I'm going to use my co-DM  powers to control The Voice for a moment)


Upon Frank' s request, Dr. Strange was teleported to them by the mysterious Voice from before. He appeared looking very confused.


"Well that is quite peculiar. I was just reading in a my study but a moment ago and now I am here," said the sorcerer. The Punisher grabbed him by the collar and with a furious bark that intimidated even the wizened old sorcerer, "Him. Hurt. Fix. Now!" pointing one hand at Batman.


"O- okay..."


"And after that, I need you to teleport that villain over there," Castle began, gesturing to Akuma, "as well as the Avengers and all of the heroes here somewhere out of the way. At this rate, New York will be history if we don't get out of here."


Dr. Strange was irritated by all of these requests, bit reluctantly said, "Fine.." as he got to work on Batman's injuries. Castle was right, though, he hated to admit this.

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The Courier heard the sounds of battle from where he was at.

"Better than that trash on the radio.", he thought.

He ran towards the sounds, unholstered That Gun(His best Weapon,well, the best one he could get quickly while running.), and finally got to the site of he battle.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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As he as waiting for Strange to heal Batman, Frank saw a man running towards them, weapon in hand. "Hey, who are you, and where do you think you're going?" he barked, unholstering his own weapon. The last thing he needed on his hands was some kid trying to be a hero. Then he noticed something...different about this stranger' s weapon.

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The Courier was startled and amused at the same time. "Courier Six, and I'm here to find Whatever is controlling and brainwashing the citizens of the Mojave Wasteland...and my search has led me to this place with very bright lights and very bad music.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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The Punisher looks at him, bemused for a moment before laughing at this stranger. "Mojave? You mean Nevada? Well, son, you're about as far away a you can get!" This stranger was clearly another one of these heroes, ripped from his own world into his own. "Listen, kid,you're in a different universe. There are problems in all of our different universes being caused by one entity. If you help us, everything should go back to normal...eventually. First step," he growled, pointing his thumb at Akuma, "is to take out the demon in the dress."

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Blaze saw the rino charging towards them, Blaze quickly lept up, lit her foot of fire and gave a strong fire kick to the rino's head. Upon landing back on the ground she jumped away and sent multiple fireballs at the animal, out of the corner of her eye she saw the group of Pains leaving "they're getting away!!!" Blaze yelled out before turning her attention back to the rhino and giving it another flaming kick.

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White flinched. "Oh, Thankyouwhateversentyou!" She wrapped Black in a giant bear hug, and then stepped back. "I... I don't know what I'm doing here... Me and Amanda were just attacked from behind... and we wake up here, with Ama-" Her eyes widened. "Amanda!" Quick, I need a Potion or something! Whoever attacked only left me with a few Antidotes... and she's hurt..."

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Naruto heard Blaze and quickly turned kyuubi chakra mode (yay) destroying both the summoned creatures then returning to normal with full restore ¨we need to hurry!¨ he blasted off faster than the others could follow up being fast was good but not in this team atleast not meeting pain is. (i guess in LoL narutos speed would be around 1000 xD in kyuubi chakra its 500% more so i dunno...)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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The Punisher looks at him, bemused for a moment before laughing at this stranger. "Mojave? You mean Nevada? Well, son, you're about as far away a you can get!" This stranger was clearly another one of these heroes, ripped from his own world into his own. "Listen, kid,you're in a different universe. There are problems in all of our different universes being caused by one entity. If you help us, everything should go back to normal...eventually. First step," he growled, pointing his thumb at Akuma, "is to take out the demon in the dress."

The Courier was a bit baffled by all this. He did not know who to listen to, as everything in this new world confused him.

"And just how do I know I can trust you, skull boy?"

He traded his current weapon, That Gun, for his plasma rifle and took a frag grenade from his belt, holding it in his right hand with his thumb on the pin.

Edited by VaultBoy'sAssistant23

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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The Punisher sighed with withheld frustration. "Follow me," he said to this stranger.


Dr. Strange was finishing up his spells on Batman. "He should be fine in a matter of minutes," he called to the Punisher.

"Strange, I need you to show this guy all of the terrible things, that monster over there has done." Strange sighed and began to scry a portal showing the events of the past few hours, from when they had first arrived in the Marvel universe to when the Courier had arrived.

Edited by MelancholicMemory
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The Courier stared at it until it ended.

"Alright, you've got my help. Now where's that demon in the dress you were talking about?"

He swung the rifle onto the case on his back, the rifle attaching itself with a loud click. He threw the grenade in the air and caught it, right after that

shoving it back on his belt.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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As Shin Akuma fell, his legs were suddenly unresponsive, "What is this!?" Shin Akuma looked down to see his legs frozen in a block of ice. "I shall not be hindered by such toy-" 'DESTROYER!!!' Shin Akuma was interrupted as a massive blast of energy suddenly overtook him, seemingly vaporizing him out of existence. The blast took out much of the area surrounding the initial impact. After the beam cleared, all that remained was an immensely deep crater. The darkness inside of the crater was all encompassing, not a single sound could be heard from within either. All was still on the battlefield, though the tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.




Bruce began to regain consciousness, as he did so he sat up and turned to Punisher, "So the plan worked I take it?" He said as he noticed Stark, but in a different suit. He also took note of the sorcerer that seemed to be mending his wounds. He then turned to Huey, "Good work." He said flatly as he stood back up. A few rips and tears in his suit, but was otherwise fine. "Stark." Bruce addressed Iron Man, "I need to know anything you know about any ancient artifacts that don't match up with any known civilizations of the past from your world." Bruce ended, detaching a small data chip from his utility belt and handing it to Iron Man, obviously wanting him to sync it with his suit so that it could access the information from the Internet of this world.




The sky around the Earth of the year 20XX grew dark and ominous. Suddenly, there was a single streak of purple lightning. Standing there, in Wily's laboratory, was a being both feared and reviled across his known universe. Mumm-Ra. though the dark magic bestowed upon him by the ancient spirits of evil was strong, another being, formless in of itself, offered him greater power still, as well as the opportunity to conquer lands far greater then the rock he was fighting the Thundercats over. Currently, though his eyes were of a dark black rather then a pirceing red, he still had full control over his actions, Mumm-Ra credited his initial masters for the grace of self-control. He spoke, "Wily... I've been sent here to aid you and the one called 'Megatron' in your search for the relic of purifying light that this formless Z-virus seeks, with extreme prejudice served to any that stand in the way of that goal." Mumm-Ra shuffled towards the monitors in front of Wily, his rags trailing across the floor as he did so.

"Tell me, how much progress have you made in this task thus far." Mumm-Ra ended, a mocking smirk on his decrepied face.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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The Courier's overcoat blew in the wind left by the explosion. He had just withdrew his Flare-gun and was about to pop another one of it's rocket into it for use as a weapon. He turned to the Punisher and stuck the flare gun into his pack.

"So, since this current problem is done for, what now?"

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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The Punisher had a solemn look on his face. "We have to find an artifact. And I know just how to find it." He looked at his comrades, thinking for a moment. "After Batman is fully healed, I'll need both of you to help me. We're going to pay the Kingpin a little visit..." His face contorted into a sinister smile.


"Strange, you-" Frank began, but Dr. Strange vanished, no longer wanting to take orders from that beast of a man.

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Black snuck away from the group to look fro Brav, there wasn't much he could do to help them at the moment anyway.0 "BRAV!!" He called out looking for the bird Pokemon. "Oh there you are Br-Ahg....." Black was suddenly envelpoed in White's arms and struggled to get out of her grip. "White? N-nice to see you too." he said before White exaplined that Amanda was hurt. "Oh um...I have one Super Potion left. I really should have gone to the Pokemart before I decided to train Buoh." Black said handing the medicine to White.


~Iron Man~

"Ok then" Iron Man said taking the data chip and sticking it in his armor. "Should take a few minutes." Stark said. Punisher then mentioned Kingpin. "Kingpin? Oh no I really don't feel like dealing with him. If we need any help S.H.I.E.L.D. can help us." he then thought for a moment and said. "Who am I kidding, S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't helping anyone. Ok lets go." Stark said as the Avengers arrived. "Oh well your a little late. Problem's already taken care of." Stark said  poiting to the crater in the ground where Akuma used to be. "But We are about to see Kingpin so..." Captain America cut him off. "Kinpin? Tony, I don't think that's such a smart idea." he said with Hawkeye feeling the need chime in "Cap is right Stark. What ever it is you need Kinpin isn't the guy to go to."


~Dr. Wiley~

Wiley was surprised, and even a little annoyed to see this new...person in his lab. "Ah, well you see I haven't gotten too much done." he says. "Between fighting of the likes of Mega and dealing with those Decepticons I haven't gotten much done." Wiley says. "But, I have found a very odd power source in this area." Wiley says pointing to the screen. The location was not far from Dr. Light's lab. "I have just sent Bass, one of my strongest robots, to investigate." Wiley explains.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Things got really awkward as the Avengers arrived. The last time Frank saw Captain America, Cap had beat him up for killing some criminals instead of capturing them. It wasn't like Frank couldn't match him. Frank just refused to fight his childhood hero.


"You do it your way. We will do it ours," Frank announced to the Avengers. "You," he said to the Courier, "You can come with me. What can I call you?" he asked.

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Beelzemon, having been drained by using Corona Destroyer, reverted back to Impmon before walking up to The Punisher and The Avengers. "Hopefully this Kingpin isn't a tough fighter, I used up a lot of energy with that last attack," he told The Punisher before turning to the Avengers. "Seeing as how we Just killed 'that'," Impmon said as he pointed to the crater that was Akuma. "I'm pretty sure we'll be fine," He told them.


Huey stared at the Avengers and scratched his head. "Well it's not like we didn't have enough super heroes," Huey muttered.

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