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"That's it Buoh, now finish him off with Heat Crash!" Black, a Pokemon trainer, was training his Emboar with gym leader Brycen and was winning the match. "Beartic, counter Icicle Crash" the polar bear Pokemon did as he was told and launched huge icicles at Buoh who doges them by jumping up and preforming Heat Crash, ending the battle. "Congratulations on another win Black. Though you are getting stronger watch day you are still far from ready." Brycen said to Black who took out the Light Stone. "I know I can control Reshiram it's just...I can't get him to wake up again." Black says still staring at the stone. "I'm sure you'll find a way to awaken Reshiram before we meet N again. But for now you should rest, your Pokemon look tired." Brycen says leaving. "Bah, we can still train your not tired yet are ya Buoh?" Buoh roars as his flame beard grows a bit signaling he has some energy left. "Alright then, lets go find some wild Pokemon." Black says walking out of Brycen's gym and going to the nearest route.


When he arrives he seems a Meinfoo that looks injured and goes over to help. "Whoa, you ok little guy?" Black askes getting a potion out of his bag. "Mein.....Meinfoo..." the Mein cries out point behind Black. "What is it?" Black says turning around to see a Druddigon. This Druddigon was different though. It was glowing, it's eyes were black, pitch black. It looked like the Pokemon was corrupted. Soon other Pokemon, lots of them, start to appear all with the same odd features the Druddigon had. "Oh...this doesn't look good." Black says before Buoh steps out and looks at Black as if to say he ready for a fight. "Ok Buoh, show those guys what your made of, use Bulldoze!" Buoh then stomps on the ground causing the earth to shake and attacks every one of the "corrupted" Pokemon who seem unphased. "It didn't do anything? Hmm...Ok how about some backup!" Black says releasing the rest of his team. Brav the Bravairy, Tula the Galvantula, and Goura the Carracosta. Black's team fight of the horde of wild Pokemon but as they finish new ones appear. "Oh come on!" Black says, not noticing the huge airship in the sky.


"Lord Koopa, we are above the uhh....Dragon..Spiral Tower." Kemrek reports to Boswer. "Good, send in the troops. We need to find this Light Stone thing that glowey guy told us about." Bowser says. As black's Pokemon struggle to fend of the second wave of wild Pokemon, odd turtle and mushroom looking creatures start falling from a huge wooden airship. "What the..." Black says to himself confused. The turtles and mushroom start attacking the Dragonspiral Tower. Before black can do anything Buoh and the rest of his Pokemon are knocked back, all there energy gone. "Oh no...Buoh, Brav...all of you, ya have to get up. G-guys?" Black says looking back at the horde of wild Pokemon about to attack. Black closes his eyes and fears for the worst when suddenly he and his Pokemon are teleported, not just out of the area or even Unova, but out of his dimension.



Kirby was fighting off a large group of Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, Blade Knights, really all of Kirby's enemies. But they were not normal. They were glowing with pitch black eyes. This had been going on for about a day or two. Some weird virus had spread across Dreamland. At first everyone thought Zero had returned with the Dark Matter but this was different and much worse. Kirby, using his fire copy ability, was burning foes left and right. But it wasn't good enough, they kept coming and soon Kirby was so hurt he lost his fire ability. Before a Blade Knight could deliver the final blow, a familiar face blocks it. Meta Knight. "Go Kirby, I'll hold them off for as long as I can!" Meta Knight says to the pink puffball. Kirby gets up and tries to run off but gets surrounded by enemies. Before he can try to fight back he, much like Black, is teleported out of his universe to an unknown place.

Edited by N-Harmonia
  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Castiel was in Garth's safe house where it held the prophet Kevin Tran, Kevin's mother, Dean and Sam. Dean, Castiel and Sam were planning their next attack on Crowley and his demons, but they had yet to find one of his hideouts. "Let's see here," Dean said, looking at a newspaper "a small tremor in Canada, only it was cut down to the very specific coordinates of a small city. Or maybe he's in Florida where a surprise hailstorm happened."

"That's not all," Sam said "A cruise ship sighted a thunderstorm occurring, only this was a cruise around Antarctica. The one time we needed only one stand out, the world gave us too many."

Cas was about to say something relevant to the problem they had going, but against his own will, he was teleported to heaven. With a frantic look on her face, Naomi, Castiel's superior, spoke to him: "Castiel, we have a huge problem," she said

Castiel, confused as his memory had been wiped for every visit to Naomi, asked her: "Who are you? What is this place? Why do I envision you torturing me?"

"There's no time for this," Naomi said "Just listen to me, and listen carefully. We think Earth is under attack. Not only Earth but everything and everyone in the universe is at stake."

Castiel, as his imprinted angel will kicked in, asked about the situation, not caring for who this woman was "What is the situation exactly?"

"Nothing we've ever experienced. Not even God has seen these things occurring,"

"Wait, God's alive?" Castiel asked

"No time, remember? Anyway, there have been-" Naomi was cut off from Castiel's hearing range.

Castiel found himself in a place unknown to him. He had tried teleporting back to Earth, but wherever it was right now seemed out of reach. With his "angel radio" implanted in his head being silent, he looked around. It seemed he was out of place. Not only literally, but he could sense his lacking of his own dimension. 

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Man these are some tough digimon," Impmon grunted as he was blasted by another hit from a Commandramon. This Comandramon was no ordinary Digimon, however. It was glowing with a dark aura and had black eyes. "Looks like I may have to bring it up a notch," Impmon said as he started to Digivolve. Before he could finish though he was teleported to a completely unknown place.



Huey Freeman was walking along the city streets thinking about the dream he had the night before. While he was walking he bumped into some n*gga. He looked up and saw that the man had a glowing aura and pitch black eyes. He was about to say something when he got jumped by the n*gga. "Yo, what the Hell is wrong with you," Huey said as he jumped up and kicked his attacker in the face sending him flying. "This isn't a regular n*gga moment," Huey said before he was ganged up on by three more guys. He was about to get a beat down when he was transported to some weird place he had ever seen. "What the- I didn't smoke nothin' today did I?" He said as he appeared.


(Sorry for the cussing but I wanted to give it a boondocks feel.)

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Batman was frantically flying around Gotham, villains from all sorts had over-run Gotham and Batman was alone in his defense of the city. "Superman, I need an ETA on when you can provide backup, our rouges gallery seem to be exerting even more stamina and endurance then they already had." Batman said as Giganta suddenly came into view, Batman engaged her by firing rockets from his Batwing, but she simply back-handed the rockets away from her, and into the buildings nearby, she then grabed the Batwing out of the air, and smiled as she gave a death glare to the occupant inside. Just then, the cockpit to the Batwing burst open, Batman then followed this up with throwing an exploding batarang at Giganta, managing to hit her on the inside of her left nostril before it detonated, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Was all Giganta could choke out as her sinuses registered pain the likes of which she had not experienced before. She dropped the Batwing, but the engine had stalled and there was no time to try and start it back up again, so Batman engaged the ejector seat in his Batwing and bat grappled to safety onto one of the railings of a nearby building, just as Giganta passed out from the pain she was in.

Superman then contacted Batman, "Sorry, won't be able to make it for a while, I've got my hands tied here with Black Atom, Bizzaro, and Effron the Sorcerer, I'll contact you again when I- GAAAAAAAA- kzzzzzzzzt" as the connection became static Batman went wide-eyed, "Superman?" No answer, "Superman, come in. Do you read me!?" Silence, "KENT!" Batman stopped trying to hail Superman and tried to make contact with the other members of the JLA.

"Wonder Woman? Come in." Nothing, "Green Lantern, Hal. Can you hear me!?" Once again, silence. Though that silence was interrupted by a familiar voice, a very sinister familiar voice. "Don't bother trying to contact the rest, they're either dead, or just really, *higher pitched* really, don't want to talk to you. Tell me Bats, do you get call screened often, you are the kind of person to keep track of that sort of thing, heheheheheheheheheh..." Joker stepped out of the shadows, his eyes a darker black then they already were, as if his pupils engulfed his eyes. "Joker... You mean to tell me your behind all this!?" Batman snapped at his old foe. "Whoops, I didn't mean to tell you I was behind all this, well now the surprise is ruined... Oh well, I guess you really are the 'World's Greatest Defective'." Joker said through a demonic smile. Batman looked at his deranged opponent before adopting a bare knuckle fighting stance, he didn't like to fight in this way, but it always proved to be the most effective manner of close-quarters combat against the Joker, unpredictable and unrelenting strikes were going to be key. "I don't believe you for a second. There is no way that you could've talked all these people into doing your dirty work... Not without help." The Joker began walking forward with his arms out to his sides in a 'come at me bro!' Type of manner, Joker started up again, "Ooh! Right again Bats! But that's not really something you should concern yourself with, I mean after all... It's not like your gonna live long enough to meet 'im... HA HA HAHAHAHA!" Joker began running wildly at Batman, Batman readied itself before taking a shot at Joker, a big left hook. Joker narrowly avoided Batman's fist before retaliating by painting three blows to Batman's open rib cage, despite the light armor and heavily woven fibers in his suit, Joker managed to break two of Batman's ribs, but Batman responded with a swift boot to Joker's chin, knocking the Joker back while Batman staggered to the railing to lean on and catch his breath.

The Clown Prince of Crime sat back up almost immediately after being struck down, his jaw was dislocated, but he quickly set it back in place, "Oh Batsy. I'm disappointed, this is to be our last hurrah before I send you on an all expenses paid trip to Hell, yet here you are, holding back on me... Tsk tsk." Joker produced a switch blade, street magician style. "I guess I'm just gonna have to use that creative imagination of mine when I tell the story of how I killed you, I'll make you that type of guy in stories that takes forever to die, going on until his lat breath about justice or whatever, you'd like that, right?" Joker smiled and giggled a little. "Nah, I'll just say you wet your pants and screamed like a little girl, haaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. WHA HAHAHAHA HA AHA AHAAAAA!"

Joker then lunged at Batman, though Batman had retaliated by throwing three Batarangs, one hit the the roof they were standing on a few feet in front of the Dark Knight, the other two flew at Joker, whom dodged them deftly, without losing momentum, however when Joker looked back at the Batman, he held his cape in both of his hands, griping it as if it were a sail, just then Joker noticed that the Batarang in front of Batman was beeping, just as he passed over it, "Oh poopy..." Joker said as the Batarang exploded, the force of the explosion filling Batman's cape, flinging him from the roof and into the air, Batman then began to glide, though the pain in his ribs caused him to lose control of his trajectory, he began falling at an alarming rate before being teleported out. Out of Gotham, out of Earth, out of his dimension.




Deep within a forest, long since thought to be cursed by the native Japanese that lived in the area, the Eternal Fighter know simply as Akuma, held a perfect, unmoving stance, as the leaves around him fell, should a leaf fall to close to this accomplished warrior, it would split before disintegrating into nothingness. Just then, Akuma opened his eyes as he felt a presence in the area, he lowered his stance and addressed the presence around him. "Hear me now, intruder. I am Akuma, master of the Way of the Fist. There has been no one who can match my skill in combat, to challenge me is to invite death!" A low hum came from the wind as Akuma listened to a being that was without body, for the most part. "I need not power, apparition, for there is none more powerful then Akuma. I have defeated the most powerful warriors this world has to offer, I have snuffed out the lives of those who would deem themselves gods, what I require is not power, welp. But a challenge, a warrior truly worthy to face the soul-shattering might of Akuma!"

Akuma's words echoed throughout the forest as silence once again reigned. Akuma listened to the apparent nothingness around him before speaking again. "The most powerful forces across the known realms of existence converge onto one plane? Then it should prove to be amusing if nothing else, to see what existence has to offer in terms of power. Very well, I accept." Akuma stated before being transported out of his own dimension, the same thing was happening to many others, in many other universes.

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Ezio ran and jumped to the next ship, his  cloak, grayed with age and extensive travel, fluttering in the wind as seagulls cried in the distance. He did a tuck and roll onto the deck of the templar vessel before gracefully making his way to the front of the ship, easily dispatching every templar who tried to stop him. The captain put up his hands, shrieking in terror, but the master Assassin quickly finished him. He bowed down with the captain, who collapsed, dying. "Resquiescat in pa-" he began, but he suddenly vanished, leaving all of the Templars confused...and even more afraid.


"WHERE IS HE?" spat Frank Castle at one of the local mafia boss' s goons as he held him over the edge of the roof of a 40 story building in New York City. "Where did your coward of a boss run off to? I know he' s gone into hiding, and I know you know where he is. WHERE IS HE?" The goon' s face went pale, and the front of the goon' s pants grew dark.

"I can't tell you. He'd kill me," he stuttered with an expression of utmost terror. Frank held him farther off of the building, his feet kicking the air wildly.

"What makes you think I won' t?" 

"He- he's in a warehouse by the docks. He wants to skip town tomorrow in his private yacht," coughed out the criminal. 

"Very good. And now-" The Punisher suddenly vanished, appearing in a black void. The criminal shrieked as he began to fall.

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Black opened his eyes and looked around. "~what is this place?~ he thought looking at he emptiness surrounding him and his Pokemon. "Boarr!" Buoh cried got up. He, along with the other Pokemon in Black's part seemed to be fully healed. "Good to see you guys are alright but maybe you guys should take a little rest." Black said as he started returning all his Pokemon to their Pokeballs. Before he could get Buoh's Pokeball a strange voice spoke. "Greetings heroes. I'm sure you confused right now but I assure you all will be explained." Blacked looked confused. "But im the only one he-" Black was suddenly joined by sevral other people. Most of them were human, like the guy dressed as a bat and the man wearing a while cloak, but here were some rather odd looking ones too. Like the pink puffball and something that looked like a Pokemon, which Black tries to scan with his Pokedex. "Error: No data found on this creature." Dex says in his usual robot voice. "Huh so a Pokemon that's not even in the Pokedex" Black said walking up to Impmon. "If you even are a Pokemon. What are you a dark type?" Black asked the Digimon.




Kirby appeared on a platform that was quite literally in the middle of nowhere. He looked around at all the strange characters who didn't seem to have any food on them, though Kirby would be fine just eating the people if he had to. He then heard a strange voice that seemed to come from nowhere say it would explain what just happened. "Pyoo?" Kirby said in his very, VERY limited language. He then walks over to a man waring a bat costume and "introduce" himself. "Hiiii" Kirby says to the man while waving .



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Impmon turned to Black who had called him a Digimon. "Why I outta, I ain't no stinking Pokemon! I don't even know what that is! I'm a Digimon, A digital monster," Impmon shouted at the kid.


Huey looked around him and rubbed his eyes. "The f*ck?" He said. He looked around and walked up to the guy in the grey cloak. "What the hell are you supposed to be?" Huey asked him while looking curiously around the room.

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Cas wandered the landscape of the unknown- whatever. He hadn't figured out exactly where he was. As he made his way across the land, he spotted several individuals all varying in color and texture. Some looked cartoonish while others looked out of some motion picture game.

"Excuse me," Castiel decided to walk over to Kirby, the least threatening individual, who was conversing with a man dressed as a bat. "Where are we?"

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Mrmfn?" The Pyro just didn't get it. He had been just finishing up capturing a point, and now he was over here in this voidy-type thing with some other odd-looking things that had a weird resemblance to stuff he saw in his dreams. He decided the best course of action was to turn and face the bit of horizon where he figured there should be a wall.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Ahh...Y-you can talk?" Black said surprised that a Pokemon could talk, though it wasn't a Pokemon it was a...Digimon? "So your a Digimon? Well im sure you can battle right? Digimon can't be too different from Pokemon."



Kirby turns to Castiel and just shrugs despite the fact he has no real shoulders. "Poyy-Pyo"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Course I can battle but no offense, a human is no match for a Digimon," Impmon told the pokemon trainer. "But if Pokemon are thethe same as Digimon then you might be a tamer. Of course your partner looks kind of beat up," He continued with a gesture towards Buoh.

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Ezio looked around widely. He was in a black void standing on some sort of platform with a number of strange individuals and creatures. His eagle vision did not reveal anything else either.  He had seen some strange things in his time, but this was still very peculiar. Suddenly, a mysterious voice said,"Greetings heroes. I'm sure you confused right now but I assure you all will be explained."


He called out to this voice. "Explain. Why have you brought me here? Who are you? Where are we?"



Frank looked around and thought, where the Hell am I? There were lots of crazy looking monsters and oddly dressed people. One of them seemed to be one of those costumed superheroes he had run into occasionally, like Daredevil or Spiderman. He was dressed like a bat. At least he knew how to deal with those kinds of people. He approached him and asked, "You got any clue where we are, buddy?" with a cynical, snarky attitude. He didn't like getting caught up in all of this magical mumbo jumbo. It was always a headache, and it distracted him from his true mission; ridding the world of scum.

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Larfleeze let out a shout of angry frustration as he tightened his grip on his Power Lantern and pressed his glowing orange ring against it.

"Die already, you're taking time out of MY precious day you creeps!!!"

A stream of concussive orange energy shot forth from the power lantern, blasting back a few hundred feet a large group of mysterious alien enemies resembling reptilian humans. They seemed to have been killed by Agent Orange's angry attack, something to which he felt rather glad about.

"*huff* Geez that lasted way longer than I wanted it too. Oh well... looks like I get to have a whole group of neverbeforeseen aliens all for myself!"

Larfleeze glided over to the still bodies and hovered above them, preparing to harvest their identities with his ring, in essence "stealing their

soul", to add a number to his personal Orange Construct Corps. As the ring powered up, all the bodies suddenly sprang up into the air, glaring menacingly at Agent Orange with pure black eyes. They shown with a maliciohs black aura, and at once shot straight towards the wielder of the Orange light.

"What?! Nonono this can't be right!", Larfleeze yelled as he took off flying to get away as the corrupted creatures gained on him.

"This is insane, you were all supposed to be wiped out years ago by me and the other Corps! AH! Get away from my Lantern!"

A couple of the evil creatures surrounded Larfleeze as he turned to see how far away they were from him. One of them grasped at his power lantern, a rather big mistake for anyone to do near an avaricious Orange Lantern.

"This power lantern is MINE!"

Agent Orange roared in fury as a wave of orange energy erupted from his ring and body, sending back his attackers.

"*sniff* Wait a minute... you're not Black Lanterns...."

Larfleeze fired another blast of orange energy from his ring.

"You things are nothing I've ever seen! Imagine how this would fit into my Corps! DO WANT-"

The creatures blasted Agent Orange out of the air and began to fly at him from every direction.

"Do... want... HELP," he mumbled as he raised his ring to try and protect himself. As the creatures neared him, Larfleeze suddenly found himself enveloped in a bright light, and felt himself be phased to a completely different place in the universe.. maybe even a whole new dimension entirely from what he saw.

"What the?! Where am I?!"

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Batman beheld the strange pink puff as it walked up to him and said 'Hiiiiii!', he only stared for a moment or so when a man walked up to him, upon first inspection of this person he seemed to be very well conditioned, he had the fiseque of a body builder. His clothes told tomes of this man's perspective, his outfit was clearly military grade, heavey-woven fibers hidden underneath Kevlar, though his outfit was designed for war, it was clear that he fought on a much more personal front, such as a neighborhood, town, or city. The large skull, bearing a menacing glance at those who would dare try to stand against this man, fear was obviously a weapon this man wielded as well. The man spoke to Batman, "You got any clue where we are, buddy?" The man said, with a bit of additude. Batman stepped around the pink puffball and past the man before speaking, "We've been transported from our home dimensions... By a powerful being. I don't know what you went through on your own planes of existence, but something has upset the balance of mine." Batman was now focused on trying to find the voice from earlier, paying no heed to the boy with a strange monster animal, or the giant, green skinned Ogre. "You said that 'all would be explained' so start, why was Joker, as well as all the other enimies of the JLA empowered with enough energy to overwhelm us all. And what do we need to ensure that this new power they've acquired is taken from them." Batman said to the open darkness, he allowed his cape to conceal most of his body, he had no idea who the others in the room were, meaning that he couldn't trust any of them.




Akuma had not ended up in the same area as many of the other dimensional travelers had, he appeared in the middle of a bustling city, Akuma was not impressed with what was set before him. "I was promised warriors that caused the very hevens to tremble before their power. Yet all that I see are the vermin that plague my own world..." Many people in this new, yet familiar city stopped and looked on at Akuma, as if he were some side show at a circus. Akuma grew tired of their glances at him very quickly, he then brings his leg up and stomps his foot against the ground, causing many cars to rise from the force, as well as nearby pedestrians. "HEAR ME NOW, WORMS! I AM AKUMA! MASTER OF THE FIST! I SEEK A CHALLENGE! IS THERE NOT ONE AMONG YOU SNIVELING LOT THA-mmmph!?" Suddenly Akuma's mouth had been sealed shut by what appeared to be... Spider webs? "Hey pal, easy on the volume, we 'sniveling lot' have delicate ears, ya know?" A boy in a brightly colored read and blue suit emerged, his outfit was also covered in a web pattern. Akuma would kill this imputant welp. He tore the webbing away from his mouth and began. "I am Akuma, pup. And you shall expire from this life having known true horror!" Akuma exclaimed as he adopted his dark hadou stance. "Your joking right? Your gonna fight me in what? Your bathrobe? Everyone know that footie pajamas are much more- whoa!" The strange child managed to dodge Akuma's initial Tatsumaki, Akuma was mildly impressed that the boy actually knew how to shut his mouth. "Hey pal, you can't be doing those twirls in my town without a permit!" Quipped the spider themed child. "Quiet!" Akuma shouted as he threw a Gouhadouken at his opponent, the spider brat avoided this as well, with an acrobatic leap, he then spun a web onto a nearby building and began talking again. "Hey throwing fireballs is strictly on the no-no list! Don't make me up you in time out..." The bug mocked. With that Akuma shot up directly into the air, a red energy trail following him as he ascended, leaping higher then the tallest skyscraper. "What the..." The boy said in awe of what just happened.

"How fitting you chose to mimic the look of a bug, child! For I shall now crush you until there is nothing left!" Akuma then shot back down at the ground with tremendous speed, his fist fully pulled back as he rocketed further down. "No wait you'll- spider sense! But where... No, there's no way! That guy can't be generating that much kinetic energy, he could destroy all of Queens! ARE YOU INSANE!?" The spider boy yelled as he swung in to intercept Akuma, Akuma simply plucked the boy out of the air with his free hand and held him under his falling body as they were about to make contact with the ground. "MESSATSU!!!" Is all Akuma said as they collided with the ground, a all the energy that Akuma had built up in his clenched fist found it's mark as he smashed the spider child in the face, an explosion occurred shortly afterward, annihilating much of the area around him. Akuma then stepped from the crater he had made, not giving the boy a second thought as he walked away, deeper into a bigger part of the city.

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"You said that 'all would be explained' so start, why was Joker, as well as all the other enimies of the JLA empowered with enough energy to overwhelm us all. And what do we need to ensure that this new power they've acquired is taken from them."


"A fine chose of questions Bru- or no you prefer Batman don't you? Forgive me." the voice said almost giving away Bataman's true identity. "As for the "Joker" and all your other enemies, the Z-Virus, a being that can take control of anything and increase it's host's power. Infected can be identified by dark, black eyes and a corrupted aura surrounding them. I'm sure most if not all of you have seen something like this before coming here correct?" the voice asked. "And stopping it....." the voice paused. "Even I am not sure of that. All I know is that artifacts that used to belong to this dimension have been scattered across multiple planes of existence. Should they be reunited, it may lead us to the source of this virus, allowing us-err you to stop it." 



Buoh looked at Impmon and punched his nad a blew smoke from his nose showing he was up for a fight. "Whoa, I'd love to fight this guy too, but maybe we shouldn't do it in.....this place." Black said to his partner who nodded his head in agreement. Just after this the voice came back in response to the man dressed like a bat, though Black thought it was a Golbat. "But what about that airship I saw and those Squrtile things. Were they Pokemon?" Black asked the voice. "No they were Koopas and Goombas, soldiers in Bowser's army." the voice explained. "I'm sure this makes you even more confused. You see not only can the Z-Virus take control of almost anyone or anything, it can travel dimensions and is sending villains from their world to others."



Kirby listened to the voice explain the bat's question and the boy's question. He almost asked a question himself before remembering he can't talk.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"N*gga you cannot be serious, You mean to tell me I have to be on some superhero team?" Huey asked the darkness. "And if I do have to join a team how come I'm the only n*gga," he continued while crossing his arms and trying to stare down the darkness.


Impmon heard the darkness talking about some virus and spoke up. "You know this thing seems an awful lot like the D- Reaper. But whatever it is I can handle it and keep these kiddies safe," he said smugly.

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"Oh I'm sure that the fact that you're the only being here with African roots is of mere coincidence," Castiel said to Huey. 

"What exactly are these 'artifacts'? What do they do?" Cas said, speaking slightly louder as if the voice could hear him better that way.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Mrarflng mrnr mrnuh mranarnrfl." The Pyro wasn't entirely clear on the details of this meeting, but had come to the conclusion that he should probably befriend someone before someone decided they didn't like him. He walked up to the currently most talkative of the bunch, Castiel. His attempt at conversation was muffled and garbled because of the mask in the way.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Thresh unleashed his deadly walls, which he called 'The Box'. Only to be cut in half by the grand executioner, but this was no 'grand executioner' it was the one and only 'Darius'. But he didn't look like his usual self, his eyes were black and his aura was different, Thresh could tell his spirit was corrupted. But he couldn't do anything, his life force faded away, and The Box fell, letting his prize get away.

Thresh was starting to wonder, its been to long to respawn, something must be going wrong with the summoners, but he wasn't in contact with his any more. His vision faded, and he awoke on what seemed to be a platform, and a bat like figure, talking to other... strange, beings. "Hnng... Whats going on?" he thought aloud. The strangest creature he say, was the small pink fluffy one, it had a spirit much different from all the other's. He stood up and looked around, his mouth wide open at all the delicious and rare souls, just waiting for absorption, but it wouldn't be easy. But he was willing to listen to any explanation before he started to go around killing.



​Inigo was laughing along with a few friends he had picked up at the bar, drinking to their hearts content. He wiped the drink off his lips and smiled, "Ah, i have not had a good a time as this since i saved that princess..." he thought out loud. "HAH! Still making things up eh Inigo? We all know its not true, and yet you keep saying it is, there is no way a low life like you could ever save a princess!"" one of the men he was with said. Inigo smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter any more. All that matters is drinking with my amigo's" he said before taking another swig of his drink. His world started to fade, and he passed out, or so he thought.


He had appeared on a platform, but he was still unconscious from all his drinking. 

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Naruto (well who said a ninja take it easy hehe)


Naruto was doing daily missions as weird looking rouge ninjas with those demonic eyes he had heard of showed up ¨man, cant a ninja be alone doing missions someday¨ he sighed and battled them getting beat ¨i see i have no choice...¨ he quickly made mass shadow cloen jutsu sign as he uttered the words ¨TAJUU KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU (thousand shadow clones jutsu)¨ as thousands of him started loading their rasengan naruto in secret was charging sage mode to get a way of defeating them, as he was done with sage mode he got teleported somewhere else where he had no clue where the leaf he is ¨okay this is just weird¨ he said as he sat down on the ground thinking. (Pein time :l)




Nagato was walking (strange) around in the area trying to find some jinchuurikis or bijuus to get into gedo mazou as he got teleported into a weird enough virtual world full of the so called 'digimons' Nagato looked around to see if he saw anything that could be a jinchuuriki or bijuu ¨guess i should get to have some fun¨ Nagato bit a blood vein on his arm putting his hand down to the ground in a swift move when the hand was to the ground he uttered ¨Kuchiyose no jutsu!!¨ as he was finished 5 other male and one female came into the place ¨what shall we do in this world Nagato¨ asked the female ninja summon ¨search for anything that has matter to help us¨ Nagato got to a higher altitude to provide a higher range of the pains chakra distribution to search for anything of value for them. (srry for misspellings or punctuation errors...)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"What exactly are these 'artifacts'? What do they do?"




"The artifacts," the voice started "kept this world and all other worlds in balance, it assured that nothing this powerful would make it's way into a place it didn't belong. Though it seems something has disrupted that balance allowing the Z-Virus to break free." the voice explained. "In order to end this I am splitting you up into teams. One team will go to one universe while the other team hunts for the artifacts in another. You may see people who don't belong in those worlds, allies to the virus. Defeat them if you must but remember that the artifacts are the main priority." the voice said. "Oh and to make sure none of you are infected, I will be protecting you...for now at least. The Z-Virus is always getting stronger and smarter but I will protect you for as long as I can. Also if you ever need to contact me, think of me and I will speak to you telepathically." the voice explained further.


"Now as for the teams Black, Batman, Impmon, Punisher and Huey you will go to a place filled with superpowered heroes, it's quite Marvel-ous if I do say so myself." the voice said before teleporting the 5 to the Marvel universe. "The rest of you, Kirby, Ezio, Casteil, Larfleeze, and Pyro will go to the year 20XX. Look for two people, a scientest named Light and a robot named Megaman. Oh and watch out for this guy named Wiley." the voice warned as he teleported the second team to the Megaman universe.


EDIT: "Finally the third team, Inigo, Thresh and Naruto. You will go to the Digital World, where many digital monsters await you, some good and some evil. And Thresh, please restrain from devouring your allies' souls." the voice said transporting the three to the Digital World.




Black was about to say something in response to the voice but was teleported before he could speak. "Well so much for asking questions." Black said looking around. He had been transported to a city that looked a lot like Castelia City back in Unova. Suddenly he heard a boom and saw a small explosion with dust going every just a little ways off. "Hmm something tells me we should be going there." Black said as he returned Buoh to his Pokeball and released Brav. "Ok Brav use Fly." Black then got on Brav who started flying towards Queens.


As he flew he saw something else high in the sky. It looked like a guy in a red and gold suite of armor who was also headed for the explosion. "Hey Brav go up a little higher so I can talk to that guy." Brav cried out in agreement then flew up to the man. "Hey, your headed to that explosion too right? I'm Black, how about we have a little race?" Black said to the man. "Wha- race? Just who are-" before he could finish Black had sped off on Brav. "Uhh Jarvis, was that a young boy riding a giant bird?" he asks his butler AI. "I do believe it was sir, scanners indicate he is not of this world." Jarvis explains. "Your tellin' me." the man of iron says before blasting off, flying past Black and Brav.




"WAAHH!!" Kirby screamed as he was teleported away. He was use to traveling on Warp Starts and frankly, the teleportation caught him by surprise. When he arrived at this new world he looked around and was disappointed at the lack of food. But while there was no food there was a squad of tanks heading towards a city with another squad if jets following it in the air. "Pyo?" Kirby says. Suddenly a jet swoops down at fires at Kirby, while another fires at the rest of the group. Kirby tried fighting back but didn't have anything to suck in and copy. So the best he could do was doge the incoming attacks. The second time the first jet came down to attack it landed and transformed into a robot. "You don't look like that blue guy...of course you don't have a Decpicon symbol on ya either so your fair game!" the robot says pointing his gun at Kirby. Before Kirby could reacted he heard something charge and suddenly a huge blast hits the robot in the back. As the robot falls down it revels a blue robot, looking almost like a boy in armor behind him. "You alright lite guy?" he asks Kirby who nods his head. "Alright then, I'm Megaman by the way but calling me Mega is fine." Mega says to Kirby. "Now come one it looks like you friends are in trouble." Mega says running off with Kirby following.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Impmon just stood quietly while he was teleported to New York. He then heard the explosion and saw black fly off to get to it. "Okay then, it's time to Digivolve," Impmon said. "IMPMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TO! BEELZEMON!" He shouted as he digivolved into his mega form and sped off towards the explosion on his motorcycle Behemoth.


Huey was beyond trying to reason with any of this and looked around when he was teleported. "Well at least it's a little familiar," he said. He saw two of his teammates rush off towards an explosion and decided just to follow them. He saw a man on a moped and ran up to him. He quickly told the man "I hate to prove black stereotypes right but....." then kicked the man in the face, hijacked his moped and drove towards the explosion.

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Thresh barely had any time to listen to what was going on before he was teleported away to who knows where. He looked around, and he had no idea where he wa-, no, that wasn't the problem, he didn't know what the world was MADE of. It seemed so... pixel-ish, and absolutely NOTHING had a soul, not that he needed them to survive. Now that he thought about it, that guy had said something wrong. "I don't eat souls, i collect them. There is a difference".


Inigo was having as much trouble processing this as Thresh was, his world was still spinning, but he was finally awake. "Where... am i? This is not the bar..." he was confused, and he didn't notice the others near him, and he certainly didn't notice it was a different dimension. 'Eugh, did those idiots drag me somewhere?"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Everything is going to burn. This is how it goes, everything burning and crumbling to the ground. The Pyro was just holding down the handle on his flamethrower and walking forward in a flurry of fire and explosions, colourful robots falling left and right.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Castiel had been shot in the shoulder. Of course, this didn't do much damage other than part of his vessel being torn and frayed, but nonetheless  he couldn't take any chances. He teleported on top of one of the many surrounding machines to take action. "Hold still," he said. At that, he slowly brought his hand on the machine's head, and revealed his "grace"; his power source as an angel. The bright, pure energy consumed the robot's head, and decimated its substitute for a soul.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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