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open Tears of Virtue

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Colt extended his claw and catch the unicorn, then grabbing her other hoof too keep her uninjured right after that he flapped his wings to get behind the line of guards that were by that time controlling the plaza and subjugating the still “savage” citizens.


The dragon softly released the unicorn as soon as she touched ground and landed behind her.

“Are you ok miss?” Colt asked to the magical pony.


“Looks like the battle is ours, you will be safe here. But the sisters are still in there” He looked into the sky with his eyes filled with worries for his alicorn friends “What the hay is going on up there!”

"Yeah, I'm ok," Star Rain replied, not really happy to have been lifted up into the sky for the second time. She looked toward the sky where the princesses had disappeared off to. "I think there's a creature up there, or a magical power they're trying to disable," she suggested. Then a worrying thought entered her mind. "What if they're defeated?!"

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Pondah gives a smile and thinks "Heh. Seems I am not the only one on a new adventure." He turns to Colt and says "Hmm. Things are thinning out but we must still be careful. We don't know if they lack the intelligence to ambush us. I have good eyesight so I'll keep my eyes open, I should be able to see the dragon from far off."

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"As do I, if need be I can sneak ahead and scout out an area, I'm prett quiet when I need to be. These ponies seem possessed... But not dumb, I agree we should stay cautious. So shall we go then?"

He asks.

"For now I can trust him... But I'd still like to know more about him soon."

He thinks to himself for a moment.


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

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"Let's go." Pondah walks out the door and scans over the area for a quick, safe route to the dragon. "Right, If we take those alleys, we have less chance of resistance but no way to escape." Pondah tells Colt. "So I say we take an open route to near the Castle. That was the last place I saw the dragon. Coming?"


Several thoughts raced through Pondah's mind "He seems nice. Too nice. I have to stay though or I'm dead meat. I best keep my guard up."

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"Alright then, open route it is."

He follows closely behind Pondah, casually checking his surroundings for the enemy.

"I can't believe this happened, I mean why now? Why here... I didn't even think possession was possible by anypony, stay close, I don't want anything happening."

"Especially after what happened to my partner on this last quest."

He thought to himself.


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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After a while (the open route was longer than the alley way) Pondah reached the Castle, with Colt not far behind. A few remaining scraps were present but overall the fighting was essentially over. "Hey, Dragon Guy. Whateveryournameis, get your scaly derriere down here!" Pondah shouted the dragon. "Oh... oh sweet mother of Celestia, it's holding a pony!" Pondah shouted to Colt. "Keep your guard up, it could attack us!"

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"What if they're defeated?!"


“They wont!” his voice resounded deeply different from before, his eyes glowed with a fiery light that came from his golden irises.


"Keep your guard up, it could attack us!"

Colt turned around and raised one eyebrow looking to the pony babbling stuff about him “Why do ponies always want to slay dragons? And they want to do it with swords and bows, dont you know of “scales harder than steel”? ” he was annoyed from that kind of stuff but he just sighed and answer to him.


“Low your sword hero, I’m on your side, Captain Colt Strahl from the royal guard academy”, he said showing a royal crest engraved on the back side on one of his scales. “And if you are here to lend your mighty sword you are going to be disappointed, this battle is over”.


He turned around watching at the sky, “The one over ther is what matters now”

Edited by Colt
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"I'm not a hero, just a nerd looking for adventure." Pondah replied "I'll let my friend here introduce him self if he wants to. Who is the lady friend you look like you are trying to squeeze to death?" Pondah kept his sword at the ready. He did not know if what he heard was truth or well crafted lies.

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"I want no quarrel with you. You saved me earlier remember?"

He puts his weapons away.

"I'm Colt Fortune, Journeyman Treasure Hunter, it's a pleasure to formally meet my savior."

He tips his hat at the dragon and motions at the girl.

"Huh... I helped you out earlier as well, sorry if I caused you any inconveniences."


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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"Now then, on to more pressing matters." Pondah announced. "How will we manage 2 ponies called Colt? I move for Colt 1 and Colt 2 being Mr. Fortune and Mr. Strahl respectively. That is of course, course you choose to join us on our quest to find what the cloud is." Pondah points to the Unicorn in Colt 2's grasp "Are you Colt as well? Am I going to be using a tri-colt system or are things going to be simpler.?"

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@@Colt,@, @,


Star Rain looked over at Pondah when she heard him talk about a system of some sort. Oh please don't tell me he's going to attack the dragon... she thought, on the verge of facehoofing herself. She recognized the pegasus who had saved her first and nodded "yes" to him. Just in case they were going to get attacked again, Star Rain's horn glowed. 

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Solar Flicker turned her attention away from the possessed beings for a moment. She directed it towards the group of ponies who seemed sane instead (though they were standing with a dragon, which marked insanity in her mind.) "Hey," She greeted them. "Name's Solar Flicker. Yours?"

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"Just call me Fortune, no need for formalities. Besides I'm only 21, I don't like sounding like a dad or anything."

He stretches his wings for a moment and then flies up to the dragon.

"Hey, I figured, since you're a dragon you might know something about this gem... Let me fetch it."

He reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out the large sapphire gem.

"It's called "The Dragon's Tear" and it's said to have magic powers, do you know if that's true?"


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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@@MagicalStarRain, @, @
The discution about names, nerds and jewels slipped of Colt’s mind he just kept looking over to the sky into that damned cloud with his heart full of worries, that was until he felt the surge of magic coming from the young mare standing at his right.

He gently set his claw over her shoulder and said “Don’t worry miss, this two mean no harm… and even if they would… they are no threat” he looked back to the “Nerd” and “treasure hunter”.

"Name's Solar Flicker. Yours?"

He looked up to and saw the fiery pegasus that ran away from him some minutes ago, he covered his face with his “wing hood” and turned around. Truth was he didn’t wanted to scare her off, not again.

“This is not going right” he said to the group as something looked like happening in the cloud. @@Addem Up,

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@@MagicalStarRain, @, @


The discution about names, nerds and jewels slipped of Colt’s mind he just kept looking over to the sky into that damned cloud with his heart full of worries, that was until he felt the surge of magic coming from the young mare standing at his right.


He gently set his claw over her shoulder and said “Don’t worry miss, this two mean no harm… and even if they would… they are no threat” he looked back to the “Nerd” and “treasure hunter”.



He looked up to and saw the fiery pegasus that ran away from him some minutes ago, he covered his face with his “wing hood” and turned around. Truth was he didn’t wanted to scare her off, not again.


“This is not going right” he said to the group as something looked like happening in the cloud. @@Addem Up,



"Just call me Fortune, no need for formalities. Besides I'm only 21, I don't like sounding like a dad or anything."

He stretches his wings for a moment and then flies up to the dragon.

"Hey, I figured, since you're a dragon you might know something about this gem... Let me fetch it."

He reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out the large sapphire gem.

"It's called "The Dragon's Tear" and it's said to have magic powers, do you know if that's true?"

Solar Flicker gave a small smile at Fortune's casualness. She could only hope he would not become a casualty. "Fortune, huh? Neat name." Fortune showed the dragon a jewel, to Flicker's bemusement. "i think we have bigger problems right now than magical rocks." She commented.

The dragon hid himself from her. She gave a confused frown and flew up to face him. "Hey, what's the matter with you?" Her tone was one of confusion. "A dragon afraid of a pony? I'm not afraid of you. I've faced bigger before."

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"A dragon afraid of a pony? I'm not afraid of you. I've faced bigger before."

As Solar Flicker landed in front of him and alleged all of her statements he once again realized that for all of them he was nothing more than a monster, a beast described in fairy tales to scare foals.


“I am not like them” was the answer given without looking towards her. Some ache dyed the sound of his voice. She for sure would have more talking in his way.

Edited by Colt
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The ponies' (and dragon's) conversation was cut of by a blinding flash of light. With a loud boom, part of Canterlot Castle's walls collapsed, insect0like ponies swarming in through the breach. The guard charged to meet them, tiny specks of gold in the oncoming green-and-black wave. They couldn't hold them for long...

And I dream of an absolution...



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"You're not a monster," Solar Flicker began. She wasn't sure why she thought so, but the dragon had a different sort of aura around him. It had a different sort of feel than most dragons'. She was going to continue but was cut off as the cloud exploded, crawling with freaks of nature that should never have been allowed to live. "Oh crap." She muttered. "Let's hope they can't take the form of something huge, like a dragon." Stealthily she pulled a dagger from a pocket of her suit and counted the remaining ones. Ten daggers. Not much, but if she used them carefully she might have some luck.

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Pondah turned to face the on-coming onslaught. "This looks bad." Pondah thought "A huge army of insectile ponies, a dragon that STILL seems hostile and a unicorn threatening to attack. Remind me, who is the bad one?"


Pondah said to the rest of the group "If these are changelings, it's gonna be damn impossible and if they are not but they work like Timberwolves, they very well might turn into a monster like a drake, wyrm or dragon. Let's hope they are neither, shall we?"



Pondah manages to catch a good glance on one of the oncoming creatures. "No." Pondah says. "The, the, they're changelings! Things are going to get tough. How will we survive such an onslaught?"

Edited by Coffee123
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@@MagicalStarRain, @, @

How will we survive such an onslaught?"

"We stand together and don’t panic” the dragon said to the ponies around him, “They are so young they can’t end here” were his thoughts as his soul tremble and his magic exalted. His left leg claw stopped onto the ground channeling his magic towards the ground around them.

The ponies were able to see a circle made of diamond like crystals 9 feet wide sprouting from the ground around them. Their perimeter was now carpeted with sharp crystals pointing straight to the sky. A second stomp together with a flap of his wings made all of those sharp blades shatter and float into the air and a moment after that cloud of cutting edges darted towards the swarm over them. (Rolled Mag 17)

“Hey adventure boy” he said to Ponda “You are with me on the front line, we both will keep the fight over us”, “You will have to watch our backs” he said to Solar Flicker noticing her blades ”Miss can you and the treasure hunter cover us with magic and arrows?” he asked to Fortune and Star Rain. “We will make our way to that keep, it would prove a bastion for some time” (rolled char 15).

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"Fine." Pondah replied. "Just remember I'm a thinker not a fighter so don't go expecting any world beating battle skill." Pondah raised his sword and took deep breaths.


He began to think to himself "Great. Up front and alone with a dragon. Seems I might end up killing more than just Changelings should self-defence be required. Royal Guard would probably hold a parade if the World had one less person like me in it."

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@,@@Colt, @,



Star Rain's horn began to glow even brighter at the presence of the changelings, but then she tried to calm down. Please, don't call me "Miss!". I'm 16 years old! Star Rain thought, casting a look of annoyance at Colt(the dragon). Still though, she agreed to carry out his plan with her magic just like how he instructed. She then noticed some rocks on the ground and used her art spells to make them look like gems(rolled a 15 for wisdom). They serve as bait if the need ever came.



R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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"So then Colt," Pondah said to the dragon by his side. "Do we rush them or sit here letting them come to us? Either way I'll be here behind you."


"Good move" Pondah thought "Now if dragon boy here tries to attack me, he'll have his back on the and as such, two sides attacking him. Sometimes I surprise my self."

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"Do we rush them or sit here letting them come to us? Either way I'll be here behind you."

"Open those ears on your head and stay sharp son" he said while looking to him "We will open a path and fight our way to that keep" the guards will go there and make an stand, there is also a passageway there that the cadets use to get to the mines below Canterlot” the dragon ponted towards the entrance of the keep.


That was the reason for him to send the crystal shards in that direction the wounded black insects showed the start of a way though the wave on enemies now it was a matter to “clean up” the way.




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"Ok then. Let's do this! The sooner we get a safe haven, the sooner we can work out our next move."


(OOC: From here on in, all of Pondah's thoughts are in [square brackets]


[How does he do that? I thought magic was only possible by unicorns because of the alicorn the horn is made of. That dragon must have alicorn on him, dragons don't do magic. He must have killed. I don't know if I can trust him.

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