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open A New World: Beyond Equestria

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Shining star groggily got out of the bed she was in and made sure her white alicorn body was the way it was suppose to be, she then checked her mane and tail and when she saw it was minty green she grabbed her doll, put it on the bed and dragged herself downstairs. "Morning Mr.Dash. is there any coffee i could get with my pancakes?"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"Yeah, right over there." Thunder Dash said pointing to a coffee machine in a corner." Thunder Dash said as he started to eat his pancakes. As Thunder Dash sat down and began to eat, he thought of what would happen during their stay in Saddle Arabia. Only two nights remained before they continued their adventure towards the New World. 

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Shining Star slips out of her chair and goes to get some coffee, pancakes and cereal. when she gets back, she douses the coffee with cream and sugar and begins to eat the cereal and pancakes. She then grabs a newspaper and starts reading it while drinking the coffee

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Sandstorm turned his nose up at the pancakes and cereal

"I will not eat this canterlot rubbish when I am in the heart of Saddle Arabia, I am out to get some honey dipped dates, any who wishes to join me is welcome" With that he walked over to the door and looked back, seeing if anyone was following him

for !!SCIENCE!!



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"By all means." Thunder Dash said. He then went to get a newspaper for himself. He noticed a small article about the new world, but it did not have much detail. He then began to think about the evil spirit that roamed there. He had magic and if he couldn't control it, the spirit would regenerate the great evil Xavious. 

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Shining Star put down the paper and looked at sandstorm. "honey covered dates?" she never had those before and decided maybe this might be a good time to try it. so she put down her paper, downed the still very hot coffee and ran to catch up with Sandstorm. "will it be alright if i joined you Mr. Sandstorm?" she asked

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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He nodded "You can if you wish, just don't say anything to the locals, even if you know arabic they will surely detect an accent on you and we wish to keep a low profile". He strode out the door and turned towards the saddle arabian sector of the city, headed for one of the big markets in town.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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Shining Star slowly followed Sandstorm out to the market and kept quiet. One she was taking the warning to heart, and the second reason was she didn't want to cause any problems between the two. Though after a while questions started swimming in her head, but she bit her tongue and remained quiet, though she didn't like the fact that she cut her tongue in the process. "i hate the taste of blood"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Sandstorm approached one of the market stalls, where a vendor was loudly yelling his wares in arabic. With a few spoken words and an exchange of bits the alicorn walked away with pieces of paper folded into crude bowls, each containing a pile of dates soaked in honey. He handed one to Shining Star and began to levitate dates into his mouth before turning back towards the inn.

Edited by Quiles

for !!SCIENCE!!



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"Be careful out there Shining Star." Thunder Dash said as he took a bite out of another pancake. Thunder Dash then suddenly thought about Goldseek. "He's probably still sleeping." Thunder Dash concluded to himself as he got up and put his plate in the dish washer bin

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Shining Star looked at the dates with a curious look on her face. She then proceed to smell the bowl and saw that sandstorm was heading back to the inn. not wanting to be alone she took off and trailed behind him while she went on to try the new food in front of her.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Thunder Dash then began to read the newspaper. He noticed a big headline, that stated. "WEST AND EAST SIDE DECLARE PEACE TREATY". He then continue to read. At the bottom of the article, Thunder Dash noticed something that he talked about. It wasn't safe to house on one side, which is why the center inn was built. 

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Shining Star returned to the inn and went straight to her room. The new food she had ended up making her a tad sick and she grabbed the wast bin from the bathroom and laid in bed. every so often she would vomit, and after a half hour she began feeling better. "I think i am just going to stick with equestrian food for now on." she said to no one in particular.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Goldseek looked around. Hoping no one would see him, he placed the note he had prepared last night on the bed. He felt so bad for leaving this far into the adventure, but he had to. He would end up killing the changeling, or driving her away, and if that happened the mission would fail. He hoped the letter had gone to the pony he had requested to take his place. (So, the next person gets to have a letter from none other then me.) He then slipped out the window, and noticed his wings disappear. The spell must have noticed his leaving. It was going to be a long walk.

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Thunder Dash then went to Goldseek's room to check on him. However, he wasn't there. He left for some reason. Thunder Dash read the letter. He then thought. "If we don't have Goldseek, then who will be the replacement member. I've got to do something. I must not tell anyone of Goldseek's abandonment." Thunder Dash thought to himself. 

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Shining star was on the bed the entire time invisible and made herself visible again. "So goldseeker left us? What is that going to do to our mission?" She asked with absolutely no tone in her voice and just staring at you while she was in her changeling form.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"Somepony will get the news from Princess Celestia. Hopefully it's a pegasus or an alicorn that could join. Or else I'm gonna have to use that spell again." Thunder Dash said. He then went into deep thought again. "Who would join this mission, this vital mission. It must be someone strong, whose able to withstand whatever lies in his/her path." Thunder Dash thought. 

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