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private The Amulet of the Eventide (RP)


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"As I believe Lost Knowledge already told you, one of Quip's grenade fell off from his saddlebag, and exploded before he could throw it away," Maroon Sky said, worry in his voice. If all of Quip's bombs were that unstable, only Celestia know what would happen if a greater incident caused all of them to blow up at the same time. He levitated his half-empty water bottle. "I'm going to refill the water and check my carriage for something before the drivers left us here. Try to get some rest before we continue on our path."


With that, Maroon Sky cantered to the small river from earlier, his water bottle and saddlebag in tow.


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((OOC: Derp /)_-) totally forgot about that))


"Let's hope he keeps a tighter grip on them in the future" he mumbled to himself, taking Maroons words on board - 'rest'...there was no time for him to rest right now. "Everypony listen up! We're on foot from here on out, the next stop is a forest, just over the next pass. We don't have time to lose, and much less now - everpony has 5 minutes to gather their materials and their wits, and then we need to continue on." 


@@Aqua Pura


He headed over to the carriage he was in, to check for his saddlebag. Sure enough there it was, ripped in two - half hanging out the door, half still on the seat. "Must've gotten caught on the door when I fell..." he sighed, taking his canteen and placing it round his neck on a strap.  "Aqua, you alright?" he asked the stallion, who was still in the carriage for some reason.

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Night Song just stood there, feeling completely useless because she didn't bring a first-aid kit and she didn't know much about medical stuff. She then ducked and covered her head when she heard a bomb explode. She felt like crying, but she forced herself to keep it all in, to show that she isn't a weak, little thing.





Alright, guess I'll do that with that thought in mind, she got her saddlebags from the carriage that didn't get destroyed and stood there to clear her mind.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Quip could move a little bit, but the pain in his face and side was too much to get up. "I-... I can't... carry..." he tried to tell them to carry him and that he couldn't move, but it came out more like a mutter. He looked over to the pile of bombs, they looked okay, but you never know if the inside is screwed up.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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 Aqua saw the stallion wriggle out of his grasp and dive for his bomb, like it was the only thing that mattered to him in the world. He then heard the explosion from what seemed just out side the carriage, Aqua remembered that Quip had a full bag of them so Aqua stayed in the carriage, probably the only safe place except for 200m away.


 Aqua holding him self in mid air, having wedged his bo staff against the two sides in carriage heard a familiar voice, it was none other than Dishcarge "yeah i am all good" he replied, knowing that it was most likely to be safe outside if Discharge was there he grabbed his bo staff tight, kicked off the wall un-wedging his staff and then rolled out the carriage door back on to his feet.

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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@@Aqua Pura


"You any ideas what might have happened? You think it was just the terrain?" Discharge asked as he threw aside his ruined saddlebags. "We're going to have to move soon, who knows what attention we might have attracted, and the suns starting to set...the hell we gonna do about Quip?" he whispered.

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Flame, Who was feeling slightly useless, Sat down and waited for orders. *It look's like everypony has everything handled.* He thought, tightening his saddlebag slightly.

"I wonder what that was all about. The other carriages were fine on this terrain." He muttered,  looking at the other carriages wheels.

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Aqua replied "yeah it must of been the terrain, but most importantly we need to get everyone on there feet, if they cant walk somepony will have to carry them we can take in turns, we need to find somewhere to set up camp for the night" and then Aqua said "what are your ideas on this matter ?".

Edited by Aqua Pura

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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@, @@Aqua Pura,  @,


Discharge shook his head, the mess they where in already meant they where in for a rough ride for sure. "I don't know, but Quip aint moving anywhere anytime soon, the carriages are leaving us here, and it's going to be dark soon." he looked around, seeing the carriage drivers starting to pull off, leaving the wrecked carriage behind. "They're an odd bunch...i'll say that for sure." he then noticed Flame Dancer sitting down, looking like he was waiting for something.


"Alright, change of plans everypony. Celestia doesn't seem to be smiling on us right now, and that sun isn't going to stick around much longer. We'll carry on with our journey tomorrow.." he called out to the group, before turning to Flame - "Flame Dancer, would you mind coming with me to get some firewood for the night?" he then looked over to Quip, who seemed to be getting worse in a hurry "We need to get this pony warm, and quick! We should probably get him in the carriage overnight, give him some shelter and time to recover." 

  • Brohoof 2

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@, @@Aqua Pura,  @,


Discharge shook his head, the mess they where in already meant they where in for a rough ride for sure. "I don't know, but Quip aint moving anywhere anytime soon, the carriages are leaving us here, and it's going to be dark soon." he looked around, seeing the carriage drivers starting to pull off, leaving the wrecked carriage behind. "They're an odd bunch...i'll say that for sure." he then noticed Flame Dancer sitting down, looking like he was waiting for something.


"Alright, change of plans everypony. Celestia doesn't seem to be smiling on us right now, and that sun isn't going to stick around much longer. We'll carry on with our journey tomorrow.." he called out to the group, before turning to Flame - "Flame Dancer, would you mind coming with me to get some firewood for the night?" he then looked over to Quip, who seemed to be getting worse in a hurry "We need to get this pony warm, and quick! We should probably get him in the carriage overnight, give him some shelter and time to recover." 

Flame nodded and stood up. He placed his saddlebag next to the carriage but kept his spear, just in case. "Since that wheel is no good...We could just use it for firewood...I mean, we would still need more but we wouldn't need to get as much." He said, walking over to where the broken carriage wheel sat.

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@, @@Aqua Pura,


Discharge raised an eyebrow, maybe that bang on the head hit him harder than he thought. How did he not think of that? 

"Hmm, good idea. We'll either have to take all the wheels off..." he nodded at Aqua, signalling for him to start on it if that was decided "...or not use them at all. It's toppled as it is, so we'd be better off using all 4 wheels...yeah lets do that." he was really talking to himself, more than anything. He then took to the sky, keeping himself about 10 feet off the ground. "Alright, lets go." he said to Flame Dancer, taking flight towards the nearest cluster of trees. They where a fair way off, but it had to be done.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@, @@Aqua Pura,


Discharge raised an eyebrow, maybe that bang on the head hit him harder than he thought. How did he not think of that? 

"Hmm, good idea. We'll either have to take all the wheels off..." he nodded at Aqua, signalling for him to start on it if that was decided "...or not use them at all. It's toppled as it is, so we'd be better off using all 4 wheels...yeah lets do that." he was really talking to himself, more than anything. He then took to the sky, keeping himself about 10 feet off the ground. "Alright, lets go." he said to Flame Dancer, taking flight towards the nearest cluster of trees. They where a fair way off, but it had to be done.


Flame nodded and followed Discharge into the air. When they arrived at the small cluster of tree's, Flame landed and started gathering some twigs. "So...We're just camping out here tonight ?" He asked, picking up a rather large piece of wood then looking at Discharge.

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"Last minute plan" he replied, not looking at Flame as he was busy collecting branches. 

"I know it's not the best plan, and I wish we could move on further, but with the condition Quip is in...we're not off to the best start, i'm afraid." He threw his branches into a pile on the ground, keeping them together as he broke off some more.

"Why do you ask?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Aqua ripped the rest of the wheels off the carriage not bothering to do a perfect job, he did this so it was flat on the ground, he then chucked the wheels into a pile to be set on fire near the carriage, but not close enough so that when there is a fire it would catch on to the carriage. He then picked Quip up as gently as he could and placed him in the carriage, "when the fire gets going it should be nice and warm in here", he said to quip. Aqua then shouted to everyone "get your stuff together we are camping here tonight, so that means any tents put them up now and if you are not doing anything, ask me or Discharge when he gets back, if there is anything that needs doing".

Edited by Aqua Pura
  • Brohoof 1

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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Night Song was shaking really badly, so she planted her hooves into the ground to keep still and not look frightened. Well, I guess I should find some way to be useful she thought, walking over to Ardent and then flying the remaining distance. "Hey, is there anything you want me to do?" she asked.

  • Brohoof 1

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Flame shrugged. "Just curious." He said, smiling at Night as she flew over. "It would be nice if you could help us bring some of this wood back...the more we have the better." He said, picking up another large piece. "I'll be back to get some more in a minute." He said, preading his wings and flying back towards the carriage.

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Seeing Night Song fly over, Discharge couldn't help but feel somewhat happy that the group was taking its own initiative. He noticed a tree that had fallen over, and looked like it held enough wood for a good size fire. 

"You fancy hoofing that back?" he asked Night Song, laughing and gesturing over to the fallen tree. He trotted over there, and with his slightly deformed wing, he lifted it with little effort, sweeping out several large branches with his good wing. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Lost Knowledge had wandered off a bit from the rest of the group. The magic surgery he had performed on Quip was very draining and he needed to find somewhere quiet to rest for a little while. After a bit he came back to the rest of the group.


"So, what's the plan?"

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Maroon Sky trotted back from the river, his water bottle was full of clean water he had just boiled. He noticed that Quip had been moved to the broken carriage, and the carriage drivers were already gone. Did they just gave up the carriage like that? He shrugged. He heard Aqua ordered everypony to start preparing things up for the night. There was no cave around them. Seemed like he would have to spend the night with nothing but his blanket.




Maroon Sky trotted to Quip who was lying in the broken carriage. Somepony had teared off its wheels. The poor stallion had seemed to stopped bleeding, thanks to Lost Knowledge and Flame Dancer. "About your bombs, are they stable enough to last until you can take care of them by yourself, or we have to get rid of them before they explode?" He asked to Quip. "If you can't speak, just blink rapidly if you think that we should get rid of the bombs."

  • Brohoof 1


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"if you have any blankets then could you put one round quip, and are you ok you don't look to good?" Aqua asked. Aqua looked around deciding in his head what would need doing next. He was just waiting now for some twigs and enough wood so he could start the fire and keep it going.

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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"Sure, I can help out," Night Song replied, filled with zest again. It vanished again though, when Ardent pointed over to the fallen tree. She looked around and found another fallen tree. She flew over to it and tried to lift it up, but unlike Flame and Ardent, she didn't have a lot of muscle. To make things easier, she used her wing blades to cut the tree up. They were still pretty heavy, but at least she could lift up a piece now.

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Flame landed back at the camp and placed the twigs in a pile next to the wheels. Then he started digging a small pit for them to make a fire. "Luckily for you guys...I am a pretty good cook...And I have a whole bunch of herbs my marefriend made for the trip. I am going to make us the best damn stirfry you will ever eat." He said.

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"C'mon, we shouldn't linger round here longer than we need to, and I think we have more than enough wood." Discharge shouted to Night Song. That was probably a bad idea, considering what happened next. 

Just as Discharge was loading himself up with the firewood, he heard a deep snarl coming from the darkening forest behind him. 

"That's...not good" he sighed. "Night, we gotta move, now!" he urged, taking to the sky, waiting for her to join him. 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Night Song turned suddenly to see where the snarl came from. She took a piece of the fallen tree she slashed and flew up to where Discharge was. She stuffed her piece into her saddlebags(it was rather slender) and loaded her bow with an arrow. She kept glancing back in case she had to shoot whatever made that sound.

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@@Aqua Pura,


Lost Knowledge was surprised that Aqua was asking if he was alright. He hadn't been injured or anything.


"Oh, me? I'm fine, I'm just rather tired from taking care of Quip and Discharge. Pulling the fragments out of Quip's body took a lot of energy. I should be alright once I rest up, though. And no, I'm afraid I don't have any blankets."

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