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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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¨Okay, i will order groups... Any unicorn that knows how to put teleportation marks and teleport them to it stay with me, everyone else with 2 unicorns (i dunno how many we are) will go to the library to find what the creep is going on here, does that sound good to you all?¨ he asked the group but he knew it was uncertain that they would survive.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"who said i was taking orders from you whatsyourface?" midnight frowned, "i dont know who the hell you think you are but in all honesty you seem like a clown to me, and i dont follow a clown around, personal rule."

he turned and started towards the library, before stopping and looking back "how about this, i go to the library, anyone who wants to follow, can do so, anyone who wants to follow mr clown to the city hall, may also do so." 

Edited by Midnight_moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna groaned.  She didn't know who she was following.  If only everyone would just get along.  She was starting to not like the idea of splitting up even though she had spoke up to it earlier.  She cast a glance at Scorpiok, then at Midnight.  She decided to let the other choose first then go with the group that had the least amount.

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Libra sighed. This wasn't really helping her headache.

"Since said 'clown'," she said the word tartly, fixing Midnight with a disapproving look, "will need the assistance of someone who can handle archived information, I'll be going to the City Hall..."

She turned to the others, "I would suggest going where you assume you're needed most. Other wise just pick somewhere..." She advised.

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midnight rolled his eyes, he never liked anyone that hadnt been an established leader trying to take control, and thats what skorpiok was doing, and it got on his nerves.

"no time to dilly dally, its getting dark," he turned, covering the glow in his eyes, "follow whoever you wish, it wont matter too me."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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¨you know mister im so special, i killed around 3 royal guards without a scratch, so dont get on my nerves...¨ he said blinking but still having his blade ready to use ¨anyways we should go right now... Or we could argue and see if mister so special over there have a better idea¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"ohhhhh, im so bucking scared of you." midnight rolled his eyes again, and continued walking to the library, muttering, "your the one who thinks hes so special." shaking his head he continued walking, the mist getting thicker as the sun started to dissappear.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna quickly ran after Midnight seeing he was the one getting out of here faster.  She had a smallish fear of the dark and she was sure anyone would have one in a place like this.  It took her a minute to catch up with him and she began walking beside him.

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Scorpiok ignore him and walked the other way to the town hall 'if i were him i wouldnt be an asshole and risk dieing before someone who has more combat experience' he thought about it 'maybe he would just trip over his hooves when fighting and make the enemy win'

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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(okay one more x3)


midnight looked over at arianna, "wouldnt you rather go with whatshisface?" he tilted his head, "beacuse iwell, im just curious at the moment, he seems to be the group favorite, im not saying i dont mind the company, but, really why follow me?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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White Rose warped away from the howling. She staggered as she sought to recover her strength. When the nausea had passed, she stood up and looked around. It was desolate- nothing seemed to have entered this place for years- and full of books.


As she looked at it more,  it appeared to be inside a giant tree. She wasn't going outside to check- especially with the demons crawling along. Yet... there seemed to be more than this here. Like Tartarus itself opened up in the town...


(I'm sorry, friends. I have life, and my computer just blew up. My access will be extremely limited. Sorry. :( )

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Aquarius looked at the huge argument going on, she wanted to tell them to shut up, but then afterwards, she should have a plan, so she just stood put and quiet. She knew in all of her years, she had never been this cowardly, she was ashamed of herself for it, but she had never been very social, so she had not a clue what to say out loud for once.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Arianna smiled.  "Oh I don't have a problem with either of you.  You just seemed to be the one leaving sooner.  I have a slight problem with the dark you see."  She quickened her pace just a bit, getting a little nervous.  "I've been terrified of it since I was a little filly."

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Oh my ever-loving goddess bucking pony jeegus this was not happening. No. Just, no. Sagittarius was putting his hoof down on this one: Nopony was allowed to be this stupid. Not only were both that black pegasus pansy and his caliginous hate-date trying to split up everypony else, but they were on the bucking verge of convincing Sagittarius that maybe, perhaps, the principle's newest goal was to raise the average IQ of Equestria by putting them here. He could see it play out now: Stabby walks off in a huff, and the other side of his stupid kismesissitude walks in the other direction, and the trailer for 'The Trotting Dead' ends with everypony soberly digging a grave for the holiday-colored bastard.

He had no words for this. Words could not describe his distaste for the present moment, as one pegasus know-it-all trotted off in one direction while his secret hate-crush stomped off in the other. They were really doing this. They were seriously making this happen.

Did anypony else notice how familiar this situation seemed? Was he really the only one genre-savvy enough to notice that they had been practically dumped onto the front cover of a horror novel?

And then came the question of which holder of the Idiot Ball to follow. Staying here was obvious suicide, while going with one of the other two allowed for strength in numbers, which meant less of a chance of dying. He weighed his options. Suicide...or stupidity? The choice was obviously heavily skewed in one direction, but then again...he did happen to like living.

In lack of logic, sense, and most of his better judgement, Sagittarius began his walk. It was a slow, trudging walk, like a cat that had tape on its paws and looked like it has had tape on its paws for a very, very long time. But it was progress. Progress towards the pegasus's group. At least he stood the least risk of getting stabbed in this one, he supposed. And hey, maybe the sensible ones in the party would gravitate towards the growing mass of common sense. He was hoping for Tlalli, at the very least. And Libra, but she had already taken her side with Stabby the red-coat maim-deer, so there was no hope there.

...that about summed up his list of sensible ponies in the group, actually. Douchebag McFlipOut had his sensibility license revoked the moment Sagittarius had to slap him, so he had yet to earn his place back.

Edited by White Out
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Well, any hopes of getting alive out of this were quickly falling apart. Apparently, instead of working together and trying to work out their differences it seemed that two of them had decided to get into an argument about who was more 'special'. Pisces watched as the two of them began to walk in their separate directions. Of course, if Pisces was forced to chose between following one of the two stallions, Pisces didn't even need to think about who his choice would be: Sagittarius.


Thus far, the silent pony had been the only one to show in any form that he had some grasp of the situation and that he was approaching it calmly. A single slap in the face, which a had calmed Pisces' earlier freak, out had established that rather firmly. Along with that, Pisces was far more keen in searching the library. If there was any source of knowledge, it would more than likely be at the library. Lost tomes, ancient books, forgotten knowledge, all where they kept the books. Finally, Pisces was also none to keen about following a pony who had just openly admitted to murdering three royal guards! With these thoughts in mind, Pisces began to make his way, cutlass in teeth, with the group headed for the library.

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Libra glared openly at Scorpiok. She had no friendly feelings towards him. Not only had he continuously insulted one of her friends, but he'd been acting like an upstart nook this whole time. But they needed information. And somepony was going to have to go with him at some point, lest he end up alone and dead. Apparently, Libra was the pony having to make the sacrifice of making sure Scorpiok didn't end up a corpse...

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Arianna looked relieved at the two stallions joining the library group.  She walked in silence for a few minutes.  "So," she finally spoke.  "Where's the library.  I mean we probably should have known where it was before we set off from the middle of no where.  It's not like we're going to run into a sign that says 'library this way.'  Anypony have a clue?"  She looked around, making sure there wasn't a random sign.  She was met with defeat.  How dare there not be signs.

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Midnight shook his head, "fair enough." he looked up and around at the streets, " lemmie see......." he paused, shut his eyes remembering the map, "this way." he turned left, "odd there arent any ponies here....." he frowned, "it just dosent make any sense for there not to be anypony, even if this place was touched by shadow and whatnot, dont you think there should at least be bones or something?"

Edited by Midnight_moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Libra turned to examine the map before they left, memorizing the route to the best of her ability. It didn’t seem like it would be a particularly long journey. Sure, it was in the heart of the city, but despite Delvia’s ‘city’ status, it wasn’t as large as most of the cities she had seen. Yup. This would be okay. They would all be alright. They would make it to the City Hall, the others would make it to the Library. They’d keep in contact, get a buck-ton of information, and all just be okay….

Celestia, her head hurt.

It was a mantra now, repeated over and over in her mind. “We’ll be okay, We’ll be okay, We’ll be okay….”

It really was getting dark. Uncomfortably dark. They’d have to get going.

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Arianna frowned.  "I'd rather not think like that," she said.  "Bones aren't pretty.  How do you know where the library is?  I didn't see any signs.  Oh there's one!"  She saw a large sign with the word library printed on it.  She trotted ahead, using her horn to open the old doors.

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Arianna frowned.  "I'd rather not think like that," she said.  "Bones aren't pretty.  How do you know where the library is?  I didn't see any signs.  Oh there's one!"  She saw a large sign with the word library printed on it.  She trotted ahead, using her horn to open the old doors.

Midnight chuckled, "at the entrance of the town there was a map, i memorized it, lucky me eh?" he trotted up to and followed arianna inside, "well, since were all here, lets start looking in city history, then go from there." he turned and trotted around, looking for spacific books, but finding none." hmmm......where in the.." his hoof caught the edge of the old rug on the floor, and revealed a trapdoor to the basement.

"ahh, here we go," he smiled, " umm arianna, you know any light spells?" he poked his head into the darkness.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Pisces followed Arianna and Midnight inside the library. The library was filled with books, books, more books, oh look dust, and more books. Of course Pisces hadn't really expected anything more, than books and anything less than dust, but still, it would have been nice to have some sort of clue. Like a riddle, Pisces loved riddles, they were so complex and.... riddle-like! The only problem was that once you solved a riddle you couldn't enjoy it anymore. Oh well, most puzzles were like that but not many mentioned the witty word play that riddles featured. Then there were optical illusions. Now those you could stare at fo-


Oh look, Midnight had found a secret trapdoor leading down into the basement of the library. That were certainly making great time, not a single book opened and they had already found a secret room. 


Unless that isn't the 'real' secret room in the library, Pisces thought. 


"Of course!" Pisces shouted. The pink stallion immediately began to tear volume after preciously fragile volume off the shelves as fast as he could.

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Sagittarius walked in. Though 'walking in' wouldn't be a very accurate description for the action. More specifically, he dragged his hooves after the three, and held in an unhealthy amount of disbelief as two of the five in their group had already begun tearing apart the place. It wasn't like any of this stuff was old and valuable and potentially useful or anything crazy like that. Because what kind of pony genuinely believed books could have something useful inside? Not Pisces, obviously. He was too wrapped up in whatever hare-brained epiphany that had slapped him upside the head like Sagittarius was on the verge of doing again to care about stuff like surviving.

With a practiced silent mantra of 'This Is Stupid', Sagittarius tried his best to observe the library in a means that didn't involve destroying it. You know, with his bucking eyes.

If Sagittarius didn't know better, he'd take a guess that the library was actually completely composed of piles of dust, lovingly gathered and shaped into the form of shelves, books, and a globe or two by a filly that genuinely believed that she was at a lovely tropical beach instead of hell. What a silly pony that was.

Speaking of silly (read: suicidal) ponies, the black pegasus leading their group apparently wanted to ignore all of these books (which Sagittarius was moderately sure was the entire reason they came here in the first place) in favor of going to the basement. The dark, foreboding, cliche murder-mystery-crime-scene basement. He wondered if Stabby was faring any better on the Intelligence Quotient Continuum.


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Midnight was smacked in the face by a book, and recoiled, "hey, watch where your tossing those things." he frowned then picked up the book.

"here.....a history of....." he tilted his head, the last word was scribbled out with bold black ink....."well, if that isnt foreboding....i dont know what is." he shook his head and slowly pried open the pages, the basement forgotten for the moment.

Edited by Midnight_moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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White froze in her hiding spot, shivering slighty in fear of being caught by the ponies who entered the library. After they all went downstairs, she ran upstars under a bed, then projected into their minds...


Hello...? W-who's there? W-why are you here...? After considering it, she asked, A-are you... daemons?


(@@White Out, @@Galvin Starlight, @@Galvin Starlight, @, I'm refering to you lot.)

Edited by Thunder Knight
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