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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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Libra turned towards Scorpiok after the others had left for the Library.

"Are you ready?" She asked warily, not at all enjoying this situation. She had decided memorizing some map was something she didn't want to bother with, so she smashed the glass holding it inside the case, folded it up, and stuck it in their ration bag,

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¨yes im ready... Well as ready you can be to go somewhere where it is somewhat safe¨ his voice had changed from before... But it still sounded so close to what he sounded like before so NObody took notice of most likely ¨anyways i think it will be a shorter journey if we talk abit... About ourselves, dont you think?¨ he asked Libra clearfully in mind.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Midnight looked around, his now reddish eyes scanning the area, "hello?", he had heard the voice, and it sounded a little younger than it should have.

He looked around carrying the book in his wing, "whos this?" he looked around, "we promise we wont hurt you, were, visitors, to this city, do you live here?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Hello...? W-who's there? W-why are you here...? After considering it, she asked, A-are you... daemons?


Ah, there they were. The voices in Pisces head had finally shown themselves. He knew it was only a matter of time before he snapped and started hearing things. Next he would begin seeing things. Unless he already was. Who was to say anything was real? Perhaps everything here was simply an illusion. Maybe he was still at home dreaming. Or perhaps even, everything that the earth pony stallion perceived as reality was a complex abstract creation of his psyche, only as real so long as he perceived that way. Maybe his sole mind was the reason that everything had come into being, and upon his death everything else would sink back away into nothingness, forever lost to the dark abyss of the void.


Well might as well have some fun with it.


"Oh that depends on your classifications of daemons," Pisces said aloud as he continued to rip books from the shelves. "First off, we'll need to know just what culture you're from, as the definition and even the spelling of daemons can change based on where you are from. Now, I don't personally believe that I'm a daemon but who can say? For all I know, I could be the dark messiah the lost, blind prophets have awaited for all these thousands of years, whose single purpose is to bring the downfall of all civilization!" Pisces stopped for a moment and placed a hoof on his chin. "Of course that would make an incredibly awkward dinner conversation for anypony. Oh and can you imagine how my parents would react?!" Pisces said with a laugh. "Hi mom, hi dad, just came over to visit to let you know you brought the spawn that's destined to bring about the end of all life into this world. K bye, see you next Hearth's Warming Eve!" Pisces chuckled to himself. "Good times, good times."

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Aquarius just followed the others, she still hadn't said a word, then she heard a small and meek voice, 


Hello...? W-who's there? w-why are you here? After considering it, she asked, A-are you... daemons? 


Aquarius knew for a fact that she was just a normal teenage filly who lived in a town and had a zodiac cutie mark like 11 other ponies.      "No, we are most certainly not daemons...And we all have not a clue why we are here," she replied.


(I haven't really been paying attention to what is going on)


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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¨yes im ready... Well as ready you can be to go somewhere where it is somewhat safe¨ his voice had changed from before... But it still sounded so close to what he sounded like before so NObody took notice of most likely ¨anyways i think it will be a shorter journey if we talk abit... About ourselves, dont you think?¨ he asked Libra clearfully in mind.

"Alright then," Libra replied, nodding in agreement as she started off towards the heart of the city, "but you first."

She wanted to know what made this guy so aggressive, so quick to disagree, argue, and show off in front of other ponies. Maybe then she'd understand him better.

Besides, getting to know the ponies you're probably going to end up dying alongside could never hurt...

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He walked up next to her ¨sure, hmm where should i start or should i say where do i start... Well you could say my family is dragon hunting... Well they are except me since i wanted to become someone who will take down the king path and lead a new celestia to equestria, anyways this is about me and my life not my goal of it, ill start with my family since we were in that. I have 7 sisters, one of them is my twin in total we are 8 children, 7 of which are alive after an 'accident' where my twin died but i was too young to know what was happening so it felt like nothing... Mostly because i made the accident happen or something, anyways my father is Ashwing Dragonbone the ruler of my clan Dragonbone, my mother is Cecilla Dragonbone ofcourse after the same name, my sisters would take awhile to explain so ill take short that i am the  youngest and 8th borne of the family... Receving the course that my family have hide in eons and eons to come¨ He knew she wouldnt understand much of this or why she would be intrested ¨oh, btw its your turn¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Aaaaand everypony was officially crazy. The fact that they were crazy was an immutable fact Sagittarius was stating for the record; it did not mean ridicule was what was taking place there. Either this town was seriously beginning to rend at the minds of everypony within, or some invisible pony just walked in and started speaking and he was the only one out of the loop.

Midnight was talking to the air, which was weird to say the least. Something about hurting somepony? He was flipping his head around like there was somepony hiding under the floorboards or something, so he must have heard something, even if it was just in his head.

And Douchebag McFlipOut now had 'Schizoid the Third' added to his growing title. The pink pony was just talking to the air like psych wards weren't even a thing, and laughing to himself. It was odd, because he seemed to be responding to the same question as the pegasus was. Sagittarius was moderately sure a question was never posed by him nor the pony with the Aries symbol, so it was beginning to occur to him that he might simply have poorer hearing than he believed. The colt turned his own head towards the opening of the library, expecting to see a familiar face that had followed them inside. Instead there was an open door. Huh.

Was the Aries mare (was Arianna her name?) hearing something too, or were these two just experiencing some new form of synchronized crazy?

Sagittarius was hoping it was just synchronized crazy. Synchronized crazy could be cured by sending his hoof face-ward, but he wasn't about to start trusting random invisible ponies that everypony but him could hear. That was a less-than-opportune position to be in, in his opinion.

  • Brohoof 1
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Confused, she stopped. Well, if they weren't daemons- and they certainly weren't mindless demons- then why were they here?

White shook her head, confused. What do you mean, you don't know why your here...? She projected. Everyone has a purpose... why don't you?


(Warhammer 40,000 quotes... you might find then interesting...)


The enemy of my enemy dies next. - Lord Solar Mechanicus


He that can fight, heal him.

He that can fight no more, give him peace.

He that is dead, take him from the Chapter's due. -Chaplain Ortan Cassius, Master of Sanctity (Ultramarines Chapter)


When all else fails, duck. As a defensive manuver it's unreliable, but incredibly reassuring for a moment or two. -Lord Corvax of Petrova

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Arianna hurried downstairs, her horn aglow with a neon orange light.  "Hello?" she asked, confused.  "We were left here.  We had no choice.  Why are you here?"  She began to approach the young mare.  "What's your name?"  Arianna looked around the room hesitantly.  "It's okay."

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Libra nodded, deciphering what she could of his winding backstory while walking at a comfortable pace.

"I don't come from a line of dragon-slaying assassins, obviously," she starts dryly, "Instead I come from a long line of devout teachers. While not everyone in my family chose that particular career path, a good many of them did. My parents' main focus on my activities was always academic. I am an only child, and thus I was able to garner more time with Mother and Father to learn new things. Reading, for example. I picked up the art of words quickly and have yet to cease my accomplishments there." She trailed off.

"My parents thought the Academy would be a good thing for me; even went as far as telling me I could become an academic leader there. I've always been a bit of a social introvert when I choose, and was not keen on the idea at the time. My first week, I kept taking an unnecessarily long route to the Academy, as a silent protest of my own presence there," she grins viciously, a bittersweet and angry expression, "Let's just say I lost a piece of myself that day, and gained these." She shifted the ultra-light metallic wings on her back, "As well as a passion for law enforcement and true closure." She added thoughtfully.

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Eeyup. Even Arianna was joining in the synchronized crazy. That was a bit saddening, because Sagittarius was relying on her for being the last ounce of sense in the group, but that ounce was drained quite rapidly as she joined into the one-sided conversation. Everypony as obviously insane, so why not just don the sombreros and vuvuzelas and make it official? It wasn't like talking to imaginary ponies was weird or anything.

Then again, nothing that had happened so far could be called 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination. Quite the opposite, really. Even then, Sagittarius was finding it hard to believe that there was somepony actually talking to these three, as he had yet to hear anything besides the unbelievable amount of stupid flowing from the two stallions' mouths, and now the last (he had hoped) sane mare had joined in as well. This stopped being a river of stupid; Neighgra Falls had nothing on the sheer amount of torrential absurdity these three were putting out now. Not that Sagittarius was any better; he'd followed them, after all. The colt bent down to one of the (increasing number of) books Pisces had haphazardly thrown to his hooves, and nudged the front cover open with a hoof.

It was upside down. Sagittarius fixed that.

'Food for Thought'. Huh. He flipped the front page over, and seeing how the next page was blank (as most second pages tended to be, for some odd reason), he flopped half of the book over, perhaps hoping to find someth-

Ow. Facebook was apparently Douchebag McFlipOut Schizoid the Third's new favorite game. Sagittarius was going to therapize the shit out of that pony as soon as he was done here. Until then, back to reading.

'-add one cup of celery to the mix and-' Celestia bucking dammit this was a bucking cookbook. The blue colt immediately shoved the tome of 'knowledge' aside, and took a few steps back from the hail of education Pisces was conjuring from the shelves.

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Midnight frowned looking everywhere, then tilted his head upstairs, catching a faint wiff of something, "im going upstairs." he looked at the others before ascending one step at a time, each one creaking lightly.

he shook his head and took the book in his mouth before using his wings to propel himself up the last bit, "if i can smell them......then they are not a ghost, or a shadow."

Edited by Midnight_moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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¨well, i wouldnt really call my family assassins, mostly because the king is paying them to kill the dragons in equestria and beyond¨ he said with a near smile like face ¨Well, in my family mother and father never had much time for anyone even if it were alone with us, to start with they didnt teach us anything except if they were in the top 5 killers in my clan that year¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Arianna gave up.  THis city was jsut messing with their heads.  She began looking at the volumes on the shelves.  She didn't find anything that looked that important.  "Find anything?" she called out through the library.  She couldn't nagthe feeling that someone else was in the room.  Someone hey weren't seeing.

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Midnight frowned approaching one of the doorways, as the smell got stronger and stonger, "hmm....." he looked back downstairs, "our little voice, i think is in here." he pointed to the room next to him, then turned to the door, "come out, were not going to hurt you." he smiled, "well mabey saggitarius will, i cant speak for him." he smiled then slowly pushed the door open.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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White slunk away as the door slowly opened. Revealing a black pegasus with a kindly expression on his face. After brushing his mind once more- just to be sure- she stood up straight and looked at him. Shuddering very slightly- she still didn't know this pony's intent- and with a questioning look on her face, she said, "Hello...?"

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White slunk away as the door slowly opened. Revealing a black pegasus with a kindly expression on his face. After brushing his mind once more- just to be sure- she stood up straight and looked at him. Shuddering very slightly- she still didn't know this pony's intent- and with a questioning look on her face, she said, "Hello...?"

Midnight smiled, it was just a pony, a young pony but not much younger than he was, "hello." he smiled a little relieved, slowly trotting into the room, before stopping at a distance that made sure the pony wouldnt bolt, but at the same time, he could get a clear picture of her face then bowed his head slightly, "my name is Midnight Moon, what is yours?"


his red/orange eyes showed no intent to harm as he kept his head a little low waiting for an answer, beacuse he knew, nothing was more dangerous than a cornered unicorn.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Umm... White Rose."


She instinctively looked down, showing subordination. Even nice ponies sometimes were leaders, and leaders were shown respect... White didn't know if Midnight was a leader. He certainly emitted the air of a leader.


She decided to risk a question of her own. "Who are the other ponies in the basement?"

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Aquarius, being an outsider of the group, followed along and heard a voice, she didn't answer though, the pony who came out then showed herself, and Midnight decided to show peace, she flipped through the pages of a book on ancient cities, no sign of Delvia. She was just about to give up, but then realized, the pony must know something about this place.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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"How could it not be here? How. Could it not. BE HERE?!" Pisces shouted as he tore the last book from the shelf. "There is supposed to be a hidden entrance to a secret room that's opened by moving a certain book off the shelf. This. Is. Text. Book. Stuff." Pisces said stomping a hoof at every syllable. "Textbook stuff." The earth pony made his way over to a fresh shelf. "It's simple," he said. "You pick a book," as Pisces spoke he placed his hoof on a random book,"pull it off the shelf," Pisces pulled his hoof back removing the book from the rack of tomes, "and BAM, a secret room opens up," Pisces extended a hoof at the new entrance that appeared, the bookshelf seeming to have recede into the wall revealing a small hiding place, "just like that! Text book stuff! This is the absolute worst libr-"


Pisces stared into the now not so hidden room he had 'uncovered'. 


"Pisces you are a genius," The stallion said aloud.


Yes you are.


Pisces looked into the small space that had been revealed. It resembled a panic room with just enough space for a single pony to fit inside of comfortably. The entirety of the room was barren. Four dust covered wooden walls, a ceiling with a small hook that Pisces guessed was used for hanging a lantern, and in one of the darkened corners, a small, dirt covered book lay in the dust.

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"Umm... White Rose."


She instinctively looked down, showing subordination. Even nice ponies sometimes were leaders, and leaders were shown respect... White didn't know if Midnight was a leader. He certainly emitted the air of a leader.


She decided to risk a question of her own. "Who are the other ponies in the basement?"

Midnight smiled, "their friends of mine, we were all dumped here for apperently no reason." what about you? do you live here?" he tilted his head, sitting on his haunches, 

"she looks only a couple of years younger then i am..."  he frowned in thought then shrugged and smiled waiting for an answer.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"I... I don't know. I can't remember much. Almost nothing at all. All I know is that this city-town is called Delvia... And that there are demons running around in the streets... but they look like... ponies instead of Tartarus." She shivered. "They seem to be attracted to me because..." Is it wise to tell him...?


She sighed. "You see, I have this... problem." She shuddered, but continued to talk. "I have this incredible psychic power, but I can barely control it. Like... let's say that every time Princess Celestia did anything bigger than teleport, a random... something... happened. Once I accidently summoned a lesser daemon prince." She blushed and backed away. "I feel like I have a purpose, but... I don't know."


Then she shook her head. "Now I'm gushing."

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Midnight nodded and listened carefully,  "delvia huh?" he frowned, "i dont thing i ever heard of that town before." he shrugged, why dont you come downstairs, meet everypony else, i dispite you being psychic i dont think you should be up here by yourself." he smiled and stood up, moving forward holding out his hoof.

"how about it?"

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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She stared at his offered hoof for a few moments. Then she decided it would better to be alive with others then dead and alone. She shook her hoof.


No mystical pact was sealed. No flashes of light. And she knew she had made the right decision.


She held it for a few moments, then let go. Then she stood back, ready for him to lead.

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