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(Ninja'd is used whenever someone posts something before you, like in an RP you're about to say something when someone says something before you and that's ninja'd, the best way to deal with them is to edit your post and see if it still makes sense, the elements took sides and Fluttershy is leader of the Lunar Aerial force, Rarity is for the Lunar Mages and Applejack is for the Lunar Infantry, the same goes to Pinkie Rainbow Dash and Twilight in the Solar kingdom, if you need any sort of help you can send me a Private message or use Parentheses for a Out Of Character message, Currently I'm taking control of Both of my OC's Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight, Toothless volunteered to take over Luna, Applejack Fluttershy and Rarity, however we can always use some help if anyone else wants to volunteer)


(Oh, right! I am controlling them! xD But, if Sunrise would like the position, he feel free to take it. Besides, it's not very fair if I control Toothless, a Solar soldier, and the leaders of the Lunar Republic. xD I will do it if there are no volenteers though.)

And stuff.

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Ooc: waiting on me,sorry about that)


Snow felt so happy,finaly she managed to reveal just how she felt and without being made fun of by anypony.despite such joy,there was also the looming reality that this was war and they were both apart of it,something could happen to stronghooves or herself at any given moment.snow hid this concern,the nlr needed stronghooves just as much as she did,if snow wanted to live a truely better life Luna had to win

Or she was to be sentenced as a traitor and mostlikely killed for her actions that benifit the efforts against celestia.



Outside appleoosa



Runedust overlooked appleoosa with war starved eyes.they managed to travel such great distance in record time and already started prepairing for the seage of appleoosa.with the cover of night fall it was easy to conceal their movements until the time to strike


*I wonder if one of the bearers of these elements of harmony are here...if I can get my hooves on them then I can learn their secrets and develop something that can rival its power...then I will be unstoppable *


Runedust "Send up the flare once our seage weapons are in place...if anypony spots any of the three primary targets,bring them to me alive.! No mistakes..harm them and I will dispose of you myself...send my words to the capitans"


Runner "yes your greatness,right away "


The pony ran off into the night to deliver the orders given by runedust,leaving him alone


Runedust "I will rip and burn this place down to the dirt,I will find you three and take what belongs to me...CELESTIA..."

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(Hi Sunrise! Welcome to the RP!)


(I'll just take the time to catch you up. Here are the current active RPers (now including you) and the characters below. There's also a summary of the RP so far, so feel free to read it.)


(P.S: We're looking for someone on the Lunar Republic to RP as Princess Luna, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Would you be so kind as to take this role?)


List of RPers and their Characters:



Solar Kingdom:

Pinkazoid: Haste, Drago, Mane 6, Princess Luna, Princess Celesta

Haste - A pegasus in the Solar Airforce.

Drago - A dragon in the Solar Airforce. Friends with Haste.

Mane 3 - Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie

Princess Celesta - The leader of the Solar Kingdom

Toothless the Night Fury: Toothless

Toothless - A dragon in the Solar Airforce. Rank: Captain

Mane 3 - Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity

Princess Luna - The leader of the Lunar Republic

Hailstorm: Hailstorm, Snow, Swiftgrace, Runedust, Solus

Hail - Brothers to Snow. Pegasus

Snow - Sister to Hail. Has a crush on Strong Hooves. Pegasus

Swiftgrace - A pegasus.

Runedust - A relentless, and soon General of the Army.

Solus - The past General of the Army. Killed by Strong Hooves.

Lunar Republic:

Strong Hooves: Strong Hooves

Strong Hooves - A high ranking leader of the Lunar Republic. Earth Pony.

Ninja Derpy: Zanthak

Zanthak - A unicorn trained in the dark arts of Shadow Magic, as well as the four elements.

Sunrise Song: Sunrise Song

Sunrise Song: A pegasus in the Lunar Flight Combat Squadron





Dragon Mountain, captured by Luna's forces, was attacked by the Solar Kingdom. However, many people were lost or captured in the battle, including Snow, Haste, and Drago. Meanwhile, Strong Hooves had a confrontation with Solus, friends once upon a time ago. Strong Hooves was holding a grudge with Solus, and wanted revenge. The two battle it out, but Solar reinforcements arrive, forcing Strong Hooves to retreat.


As Snow lies in the cell, she is interrogated by a Lunar soldier using torture methods, until Strong Hooves arrives and calls the soldier off. Strong Hooves then talks to Snow, a pony who he had a crush on before the war. He manages to have her give up the information, and despite being on opposite sides of the war, sets her free.


When Strong Hooves returns from where he set Snow free, he realized that the base was attacked by Toothless. Toothless had attacked the base to set free Haste, Snow, and Drago. But, as he arrived, Haste was gone, and so was Snow. Strong Hooves then confronts Toothless and fights with him. At the end of the battle, Toothless realized that Snow didn't simply break out. Strong Hooves had let him go.


Strong Hooves was crushed by the fact that Toothless knew Snow. So, he walked away from the situation, letting Toothless free Drago and escape the base.


Haste soon linked up with Drago and Toothless, and they made it safely to a Solar Kingdom outpost, one of the many guarding Celesta's borders. There, Toothless discovers that Zecora has joined the Lunar Republic, and that she is creating potions for them. Toothless then makes a note to pay a "visit" to her someday.


Strong Hooves, after letting Toothless, Drago and Haste go, makes his way back to Dragon Mountain. He then overhears some chatter that some Solar troops believe that Strong Hooves is only a rumor. A myth. Strong Hooves then proves them wrong as he confronts two of them, and sends them off with a message. The message was that Strong Hooves was indeed alive. And he was waiting.


News of the message traveled fast to Celesta, but also to the outpost where Toothless and the gang was staying. The commanding officer of the outpost then orders the entire troop to Dragon Mountain. He wasn't going to let some myth defile the mighty Solar Kingdom. However, as Toothless predicted, it was only a trap. The small troop was destroyed in a matter of minutes, leaving many dead or wounded. Solus, who arrived later during the battle, was also part of the death toll, as he contronted Strong Hooves, and lost.


Toothless begins to blame himself for the lost, as he froze up during the heat of battle. He flies off, ashamed that he did nothing to stop Solus's death. Haste and Drago, as well as Swiftgrace and Hail follow Toothless, and convince him that it wasn't his fault that Solus died. That his death was caused by his own actions, not from Toothless. Toothless accepts the answer, and begins to forgive himself.


However, Toothless asks Hail if he knew anyone by the name of "Snow." Hail responds that he is in fact the brother of Snow. Shocked, Toothless then tells Hail that Snow... could possibly be a traitor...




OOC - DUDE!! I wasn't even MENTIONED in that summary!!

Edited by Ninja Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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(Toothless, I'll snag Flutters because even though she's on Luna's side, I still perceive her as maintaining her gentle ways even during the time of war. I would take Luna, but I wouldn't do her justice--I have a friend in EqD RP that plays a boss Nightmare Moon, when he feels like it--which he hasn't as of late and it's really disappointing. And I can usually work around being ninja'd...I have become adept when dealing with the realtime IRC which is actually a lot harder I think because you have to be quick to not get left behind if the chat's hoppin'...)


(Sunrise Song gives Ninja Derpy his much needed love)


(Give me a couple of days to really get involved...nights are kind of slated for EqD RP, and tomorrow my kids get out early, and then there's the weekend, so...by Monday I'll be jumping in hooves first.)



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Strong smiled at Snow, not detecting the worry that she hid so well, "I promise you Snow, whenever this war is over... I will try my best to make everything the way it was before it happened, I will make amends with Hail, I will put this war in my past, and I will look to the future, a future where we can finally be together without fear of the next day..." he wanted to spend as much time as he could with her, to hold her and not let go, but he knew something was wrong, he would have to leave soon to find out just what it was...


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Princess Celestia was shocked at the thought of a traitor giving away information "Twilight Sparkle" "Yes your Highness?" "Tell Rainbow dash to send a Pegasus to deliver the message we have to find the traitor" "Right away Princess" Twilight excited the throne room and teleported towards Rainbow "Rainbow, we need you to send one of your best flyers to deliver a message" "No can do Twi, the Pegasus that are here are still tired from the war and we can't risk sending them and the only Pegasus that is eligible to fly fast enough to send the message, is nowhere to be seen she's the fastest Pegasus yet she's not here" "isn't there somepony that can go?" "well there's another Pegasus that is the fastest flier in Equestria..." "No rainbow you're not going" "Why? I'm fast enough and I can always pack a punch" "but you're the leader of the Aerial Force, I don't think we'll do fine without one, but isn't there somepony else?" "Fine I'll send one of the Pegasus" "wait, I thought there wasn't anypony else" "yeah but he's not that fast" "just send him" "fine..." Twilight teleported into the castle

Edited by Pinkazoid




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(Really? *gasp* FAAAAAAAAAAA)


(I'm trying to remember what you did so far... mostly, I believe it was mostly supporting SH. Let me backtrack a few pages and see if I can mention you. Sorry! D:)


I am just joking! I am not really a main character. I am like SH's best friend yet also Snow's worst enemy. Well, I'm fucked.



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Hails eyes grew wide,having a hard time taking in what toothless just told him


"Your...your joking! Please tell me your joking? My sister a traitor and in a relationship!? With strong hooves?!"


(Oh hail y u no happy for your sister? Lol)


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Ooc: trying to post with my phone at work in hopes it doesn't get DC at midnight bah! Srry if it does)


Snow gave a heady yawn,growing tired from the long day




Hail took flight,worried about the news of his sister


*snow,why would you turn sides like that...did strong hooves make you?....I need to figure out what's going to happen...especially if I'm questioned do to family ties*






Runedust gave a toss of his head,horn glowing brightly as he fired a ball of light over appleoosa,illuminating the targeted location.

With the signal up in the air,they commenced the attack bylaunching huge boulders to smash the defences followed by a hard blots of armored unicorns letting loose their own barrage of spells


Runedust" I want appleoosa to be under my control by by Daybreak...i can't take it then I will turn it into a crater"


Soldier" yes your greatness"

Edited by HailStorm
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The Pegasus Rainbow Dash had sent, passed the word to several troops to let them know about the 'traitor'



Haste and Draco walked in the outsides of Applelooooooooooooosa they were going to lie if anypony from the Lunar Republic found them, but they still tried to not call much attention towards themselves "Draco, you don't think that Toothless feels bad about the war do ya?" "I don't know he seemed pretty bummed out"




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(OOC--Okay, I said I wasn't going to jump in. I lied. I can do this.)


(Going to presume it's somewhere near nighttime, if not, please correct me later.)


From a high perch in the Old Castle...


Sunrise Song watched as fire was exchanged a distance away...not threatening the castle or Republic territory. He sighed gently, his heard being torn two different ways yet again as this general peace wafted over the cinder blocks and quiet sounds of work on fortifying walls that had been breaches and general upkeep on the castle.


Too quiet here...I should see if I remember how the song goes...


A moment later, Sunny was facing toward the interior of the structure, looking up toward the dark blue banner of the New Lunar Republic. He smiled a rueful grin, and began to do what he does in staying true to his Cutie Mark. He had never mastered the old Lunarian language, so he just imagined it from the recordings he had heard. One day, he hoped to be able to sing it to Princess Luna herself.


Regina noctis pro nobis.

(Queen of the Night for Us)


"With this hymn, I shall sing to you

for I'll stand, we will subdue

for a Lunar revolution

Moonlight's reign shall be reformed"


He hit every note perfectly, as if he had practiced it his entire life. Up until the war began, however, he would never have dreamed of those words crossing his lips...now he wished he had started to sing them earlier.


Mundus noctis aeternae velit. Mundus vult lunae. Lunae lumen lucidus orbis erit.

(The World wishes of eternal night. The World wishes to the moon. Light of the moon will be bright with the world.)


Sacra Luna. Nos coniungamus. Sit Luna oriatur.

(Sacred Moon. We unite. Let the moon to arise.)


"Endless night will rise above us

with the guidance from the stars

for this our revolution

Moonlight's throne shall be reborn"


In Luna credimus. Lunae lumen habet claritatem veritatis. Lunae lumen in mundo, Lunae lumen in me.

(We believe in the moon. Light of the moon has the clarity of truth. Light of the moon in the world, Moon, the light in me.)


Cantate ei regnum. Cantate ei gloriam. Sidera ducet nos. Luna nos protegat.

(Sign unto Her a kingdom. Sing unto her glory. The stars will lead us. The moon protects us.)


"Shall be reborn.” He finished with a flourishing sigh, content with his love sacrifice to the one he chose to serve—wishing, hoping that he had been heard. A soft hoof-tap behind him alerted him to a presence behind him, and he whirled around to see a familiar face.


"Well...ah must admit I ain't heard anypony sing that with such vigor and passion in quite a while there, Sunny!"


"Applejack! What in Luna's name are you doing here this late at night? Shouldn't you be resting for the raid tomorrow?”


The earth pony sighed. “Ah couldn’t sleep…been thinkin’ too much ‘bout the farm.”


“That farm is in enemy territory, Applejack…a loss to us…but more to you, I would guess. That’s been in your family for generations. We met each other there, all those years ago…now—last report I had it was being used as a field hospital and munitions storage for those cursed Solar Kingdom followers.”


“And if’n it didn’t matter so much, I’d of had Fluttershy and her legion ‘o pegasi burn it to th’ ground. I still can’t believe that littl’ Canterlotian witch Twilight Sparkle lied to us!”


“She betrayed us all, for the love of her teacher. Rest your head and hooves, Applejack…believe me, once we finish the final push and we present Celestia’s broken body for all of Equestria to see who the stronger willed ponies were, we will retake Sweet Apple Acres. And then we’ll have a cider party…and maybe we will be able to forgive those who have drawn a hoof in the ground against us.”


He regarded the ground forces commanding officer, clad in the dark blue armor that had seen its fair share of dings and impacts from physical assaults by other earth ponies and magic attacks by unicorns. She had sacrificed her normally free flowing hair for a close-crop cut, showing just enough of her illuminous mane but not enough so that it would be used against her in combat. Her rag-tag tail had also been shorn, bound with more mane-ties and protective armor in between her flank and the base of the tail.


“Yeah…and not feel bad about Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash not gettin’ any. Ah swear…I thought ah knew them, but…’pparently it takes longer to know where ponies’ loyalties lie.”


“Trust is a dangerous thing, Applejack…you have to dole it out judiciously. And have caution when being ready to never forgive those of us that have wronged us. Twilight Sparkle, I am not too sure about forgiving quickly. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash? Maybe. It all depends on what they have to say for themselves.”


“Attention Earth Pony squadrons: Please report to combat room for briefing. I repeat, attention all Earth Pony squadrons, please report to combat room for briefing.


“Well…looks like ah’ve got to get going. You should go find Fluttershy…she said she was lookin’ for ya.”


“Okay, Applejack. Meet me in the commissary before sunrise…I’ve heard they have a fantastic new dessert with some of the few apples we can get out of raids and from other parts of the Everfree!”


Applejack nodded, turned and trotted off. Sunrise then turned, skyward bound, and set off to find Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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(I swear Sunrise... you just made this RP 20% cooler... xD Now I gotta bump up my game....)


Toothless nodded slowly, a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry... but that's the truth..." He felt terrible breaking the horrible news to Hail. Even though it was the right thing to do, Toothless was a very protective person. Many times, he believed that hiding the truth is sometimes better than giving them the blunt and simple truth.


Instantly, Toothless regreted telling Hail. Guilt flooded his heart like ink in crystal clear water. His eyes widened when Hail turned around and took off, leaving the dragon and the pegsi behind.


"Wait! Where are you going?!?" He cried after him, even though he knew it was futile. He also knew that chasing after him was pointless. He quickly understood that Hail could only solve his problem by himself. That was precisely the reason why he stopped the other pegsi from chasing after Hail.


"No. Let him go."


The pegsi almost instantly protested, but Toothless interupted, "He needs to discover on his own."


After Toothless saw that there was no argument, he ordered, "Let's get going toward that explosion. It sounds like it could have come from Appleloosa. Who knows... we might meet a certain future general there..."

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury

And stuff.

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(That was an amazing characterization in Applejack by the way)

Rainbow stood guard in the top of a cloud just above the Castle looking for any signs of attack *this is so boring* she took a deep sigh, and laid her head on the cloud, she closed her eyes and a sudden thought ran through her head and a grin followed *I'm sure Twi won't mind if I go for a fast flight* she stretched her wings and stood on the cloud "Hey Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow looked down startled by Pinkie's voice "Hey Pinkie Pie, any reason you're out here?" "Well I came to see if you were doing okay" "Yeah I'm good" Rainbow answered quickly trying to get rid off Pinkie so she could leave "Well see yah tomorrow!" Pinkie bounced happily inside, during all of this she managed to still keep her bubbly personality the same, Rainbow rolled her eyes and once again looked for anypony in sight with a quick jump she soared out of the cloud dashing into the dark night sky, she flew for so long, her worries fading away, she didn't even realize when she flew towards the Everfree not taking notice of how she was now in enemy territory, she kept soaring through the soft pillow-ish clouds she closed her eyes and dashed towards Ponyville, she landed on the ground gracefully she took a walk around, she started to think about her friends, the adventures they had been in, all of the fun they had together; The Running of the Leaves, Winter wrap up, Young Flyer's competition, when they got rid of the Dragon in the Mountain, and how 3 of her closest friends betrayed Princess Celestia and joined allies with Nightmare moon, she stamped her hoof angrily against the ground, an empty, soul-less Eco followed, she lowered her head, this isn't what she wanted, she missed her friends, she wanted Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy back even if they had betrayed her, Twilight, Pinkie and the Princess, she was sure they were the ones who betrayed her, she knew it couldn't be her after all she was the Element of Loyalty, and she was deeply proud of that, she knew her other 'friends' also had them, she was still Loyal and Pinkie was still the same, and she knew Twilight still cared about they're friendship, she was full of worries, thoughts and she going to fall asleep soon, she yawned deeply and found a cloud still on the top of Ponyville, it reminded her of how when Ponyville was just a town, and Celestia was peacefully over control, they had no big problems, until Nightmare Moon came along, she destroyed they're friendship and she had to pay for that, and Rainbow wasn't giving up until Nightmare Moon was gone, but she was just worrying again, so she flew over to the cloud and fell deeply asleep, forgetting about her worries and problems....



Twilight was in the Canterlot Castle in her bedroom offered by the Princess while they were there, she looked at the Battle map and tried to look for any weak spots they could attack from, she gave up it was useless even if they did find something, the Lunar troops will be there before, she sighed and fell into her bed *Why did they had to take sides with her...* she closed her eyes and thought of when she met her friends, Pinkie Pie how she caused a big impression the first time she met her, Applejack, how she seemed so kind and hostile, when she was introduced to the Apple Family, Rainbow Dash she wasn't always the most sensible pony but she was still one of her best friends, Rarity incredibly generous since the first time she met her, she smiled to herself, and Fluttershy how she cared for any living creature, she looked from the window on the top of the castle and slowly whispered "this is for the best...and that's why Nightmare Moon has to go..." she looked out unsure of what might happen later on



Pinkie Pie was hopping along the hallways towards her bed humming a happy melody towards herself, she too was sad of what was going on, but she tried her best to hide it away and pretend to be as happy as ever, she felt guilt that maybe Twilight or Rainbow would hate her for that but she would explain sooner or later, she opened her room's door and looked out the window laying her head slowly against it and awkwardly drifted into sleep.



Haste and Draco flew outside of the town and into the dessert and made themselves ready to go to sleep, Draco made a small fire to keep each other warm during the night, making sure they were outside of sight, but they took turn looking out for any ponies coming, Draco stayed up and when he started to fall asleep he woke Haste up to take turns, still drowsy she woke and took guard, not long before she fell asleep like Draco, forgetting about her guard shift


(whew that took long to type, especially since I kept getting interrupted by my dad xD)

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Runedust stood amongst the remaining forces Awaiting to rush at a moments notice.


Runedust: "we have their attention now...go ahead with phase two of the siege,send a messager and tell them to surrender the element bearer...if they refuse,push the enemy back to the center then bombard them until they have a change of heart as they say...switch our seige batteries to combustible,appleloosa will be a demonstration to Luna and her followers of what happens when you rebel the higher power"



Soldier: " your greatness sir,what if these element bearing ponies aren't here...what's our orders at that point?"


Runedust " interrogate the survivors,I want the location but leave no survivors...those three can't get word of my hunt just yet"


Soldier "yes sir your greatness...as you wish"


The unicorn soldiers nod and start with phase two,coating the rocks with a special oil. Without question one is selected to run the message to the nlr forces in appleoosa




Swiftgrace's head tilted some,suprized that toothless sudden scence of command over the lower ranking pegasi who followed his orders with a questionable look on their face


Swiftgrace "have you ever taken a leadership role before toothless? You seem to have a strong scence of honor and duty"


Ooc:been trying to post that all day)

Edited by HailStorm
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Swiftgrace: "a captain huh,not an easy ranking in my opinion...the superiors yelling and the rookies,don't get me started there"


Laughing to lighten the mood as swift's wings stretched out.with a good flap swift left the ground and hovered.


" come on Mr. Captain Let's race! Just so you know,i look up to rainbow dash and I love a challenge just as Much...first one to land in celestia's castle wins,what do you say toothless?"




Soldier: "your greatness! Reports from the front has came in,it looks like two of the three are stationed here,Rarity and Fluttershy...no sightings of applejack though."


Runedust:" wonderful! Splendid! I was hoping to find Fluttershy first...easiest to get information from and maybe we can take command of her animal shock troops as well...I heard they ran solus and even this strong hooves pony out.with some refinement they will be perfect for the solar kingdom."


Soldier:" still no word of their surrender as of yet sir...I mean your greatness sir shall I order the launch again...until they surrender"


Runedust glared at the unicorn soldier,giving him a nod.within seconds flaming rocks flew through the night sky, crashing down all over appleloosa and setting anything they hit ablaze.


*something is amiss,it does't see that appleloosa is trying to resist the siege...did they catch wind ...that pony on the mountain,a scout...he must have the primary force out in the desert waiting for us to reveal our encampments or ambush us when we have the element bearers*


Runedust " watch your flanks!,the enemy might be coming in from the desert..."




Hail continued to fly,he didn't know where he was going nor did he care,his emotions to mixed. A traitorous sister,his once best friend now an enemy,and both of them together not to mention his doubts about this war.

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Strong Hooves soon woke again, he couldnt help but feel something was wrong, he slowly stood up so as to not wake Snow and walked out of the cave, looking at the bright moon that shone overhead. He breathed a deep sigh, and looked back at the sleeping mare, If inly this war was over, or better yet, never happened at all..., he thought. As he looked up into the starry sky, he didnt notice the form of a flying pegasus in the sky...


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OOC - Ok I think I caught up.



Zanthak was still walking in the woods when suddenly a large stallion came crashing through trees like a madpony! The stallion crashed straight through him and Zanthak was knocked out.

Edited by Ninja Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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