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Luna you are a nice character.But please stop speaking in ye olde english and using the royal plural.BOTH ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!


  • Brohoof 1
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Luna, how are things between you and your sister? And why did you leave Celestia to go back to the moon again after Twilight Sparkle and friends saved you from evil?


Wait what? When did YOU try to send me to the moon Luna?


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but... we never.... huh?!

sister we asure you that tis a lie!


we cant beleve our own ponies would spread lies like these


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How are you feeling after the apocalypse? Does it feel good to know you were a survivor? Are you hurt at all?


we are still on patrol to find any leftovers.

we don't want any more of our ponies to get hurt.


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but... we never.... huh?!

sister we asure you that tis a lie!


we cant beleve our own ponies would spread lies like these



Yeah I am not too sure on why or where this rumor originated. Do you have any ideas?

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Edited by CeIestia
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Does Equestria have a Navy?



yes we do. it is under us and our sisters command.



So... Luna... umm... if i was to join team luna... um... what.... what would my position be?


we are very happy your considering to join team luna.

even tough. your begin position would still be only rookie.



Luna you are a nice character.But please stop speaking in ye olde english and using the royal plural.BOTH ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!


does thy have a problem in the way we speakest?!


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yes we do. it is under us and our sisters command.


Splendid! Then my record for Engineering Inspection work is both replete and extant!

For Her Majesty's' Equestrian Service

HMES Tenboom

HMES Rainboom

HMES Oxblood

HMES Forthright

HMES Seaswirl

HMES Tempest

HMES Royal Princess Celestia

HMES Royal Princess Luna

HMES Carmine

HMES Jasmine

HMES City of Canterlot

HMES City of Fillydelphia

HMES City of Trottingham

HMES City of Crownsford

HMES Ippingshay

HMES Charles Walker Norris

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Luna. What did you dod to keep busy on the moon for 1,000 years?


we tried lots of things.

eating icecream.



playing guitar.



real life minecraft.



and eventually... it all became boring.

we just cried...



Splendid! Then my record for Engineering Inspection work is both replete and extant!

For Her Majesty's' Equestrian Service

HMES Tenboom

HMES Rainboom

HMES Oxblood

HMES Forthright

HMES Seaswirl

HMES Tempest

HMES Royal Princess Celestia

HMES Royal Princess Luna

HMES Carmine

HMES Jasmine

HMES City of Canterlot

HMES City of Fillydelphia

HMES City of Trottingham

HMES City of Crownsford

HMES Ippingshay

HMES Charles Walker Norris


good job keeping up the inspections.


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Miss! Miss! How do you respond to allegations that your sister is betting in Life or Death Colosseum matches?!


-Lockjaw Lenny, Reporter for the Inebriated Fowl Daily.


I have never bet for anything ever. I have no idea what this slanderous lie is about.

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we think that is verry cute that you and your friends are open enough to enjoy something that is suposed to be so childish. it actualy shows how aduld you are.


we look foreward to see more of you.





we would never do that would we?





we have some ideas. but you will have to wait to find out.





NO!... and defenently not big mac...





daddy was a mean pony....



Well, I cannot wait to start my new life in Ponyville. I could stay in a hotel, but I'm flat broke at the moment. I don't know where else I can stay.

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Oh Luna it seems I was not the only one with mane problems...


I'll just leave this here..


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Why did you get so hairy?


still not as bad as last time when...


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* stares, trying to hold down laughing*





Do you have any type of pet(s), if not what pet would you want?


yes, we have a pet.


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