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wow, you just dodged the fact that i can make a black hole. its a good thing i dont take such things as insults, or else my temper would get the better of me. but remember this, light and dark makes shadow, and i am on both sides, so the true nature of my ways is not yet known, so never assume power because of rank, for even the weakest of souls can out shine the gods


the fact that you have a horn and wings shows that you also are a god.

and the ability to control light and dark could mean your god is balance. its a very powerful power you posses. handle it with great respectability and you could one day become a very loved and admired god just like our sister.

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oh im still in alicorn form, my bad *changes to dragon form* i am a dragon from a different world, read my ponysona, it explains a good sum, im only an alicorn in pony form because as a dragon, i choose to look regal

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I have plunged into the world of..Humans to get you this contraption of a thing called a ''car'' I'm sure it's better and faster than your chariot so here it is *hands over keys*


But of course if you don't want it I could just return it.


this could be usefull....

perhaps you could bring this to Gears for us.

he seems like the right pony to handle this.

we have no need for it tough. we can teleport.


the chariot is just for show and comfort. teleportation costs alot of energie. and we like the few from there.


oh im still in alicorn form, my bad *changes to dragon form* i am a dragon from a different world, read my ponysona, it explains a good sum, im only an alicorn in pony form because as a dragon, i choose to look regal


indeed you can. we alicorns have the ability to do that. we are a phoenix. just like our sister. one red like the sun, other dark blue like the night. we had the symbol as phoenix because we get reborn every day.


Edited by lunatic
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are you completely dodging the point that im from the world of humans *gasps and covers mouth* crud, i wasnt suppose to say that.


the abilitie to change trough realms... interesting... nothing to weird tough. a god of balance should be able to keep it in all the realms. tell us. are there more realms that you need to take care off?

Edited by lunatic
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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...............................about 20 of importance, the other 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 i only visit for fun, but then again, i only visit any of them for fun, but i guess it just goes to show, that if you have the right crystal jammed into you, you can do just about anything *transforms into a cobra, then velociraptor, then alicorn, then human, and back into a dragon* i have all the abilities of you and Celestia as well *holds out what looks like a miniature sun, and miniature moon* tons of people want me dead, like my demented evil clone, man do i regret creating him

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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...............................about 20 of importance, the other 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 i only visit for fun, but then again, i only visit any of them for fun, but i guess it just goes to show, that if you have the right crystal jammed into you, you can do just about anything *transforms into a cobra, then velociraptor, then alicorn, then human, and back into a dragon* i have all the abilities of you and Celestia as well *holds out what looks like a miniature sun, and miniature moon* tons of people want me dead, like my demented evil clone, man do i regret creating him


well of course we can just change into other animals on command. we all have magic like you well know. but our original form was a phoenix. as for your power to control the moon and the sun. let us ensure you that we are only limited in our pony form. the power you posses is quite equal to ours.

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well actually, im mortal, the fact i can do this is because i have an power crystal jammed into my chest, parallel to my heart, take it out, and i can easily die, i just happen to be a lucky soul of royal descent, or at least, i sort off am, for you see, there are 2 human worlds, one with, and one without magic, im the outcome of a being having been chosen by a magic sword, then transported to the other world to learn magic and sword play, i soon became a full blown dragoon, i have a pet 2 phoenixes, and raised over 30 dragons to maturity, my power crystal linked me to the being like me and we fused, im in the dragon beings shape as we speak, and the human is the original. if i hadent been worthy of this sword *pulls out oddly shaped golden blade that is generating electric static* i would be back at home doing homework............that was a mouth full, thank goodness im writing this all down in a book

Edited by Draco
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Yeah, okay, here's the situation:

I'm not completely sure how, but I resurrected the dead of Ponyville.

And now they have Sweet Apple Acres sorrounded.

And me, AJ and a bunch of ponies are trapped inside.

And I keep blowing them up, but more and more keep coming.

  • Brohoof 1
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well actually, im mortal, the fact i can do this is because i have an power crystal jammed into my chest, parallel to my heart, take it out, and i can easily die, i just happen to be a lucky soul of royal descent, or at least, i sort off am, for you see, there are 2 human worlds, one with, and one without magic, im the outcome of a being having been chosen by a magic sword, then transported to the other world to learn magic and sword play, i soon became a full blown dragoon, i have a pet 2 phoenixes, and raised over 30 dragons to maturity, my power crystal linked me to the being like me and we fused, im in the dragon beings shape as we speak, and the human is the original. if i hadent been worthy of this sword *pulls out oddly shaped golden blade that is generating electric static* i would be back at home doing homework............that was a mouth full, thank goodness im writing this all down in a book


but ofcourse you are immortal. beeing immortal is part of beeing a god. the same reason why we werent killed as nightmare moon but banished instead. becouse the killing us would just end up with us beeing revived. we are the god of night. without us no night. with no night no world to live in.


as for you black holes. we rather not have you use it for the zombie outbreak. that could suck in innocent ponies who have yet to be infected. now if you excuse us. we have some ponies to free.


*flies off to the farm*

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That is an unbelievably ridiculously beautiful picture of Luna.


well thank you rainbow dash.



that was faster than i expected, sadly im useles when it comes to curing zombie infections, so i say cloning would be good if there are any bitten


you obviously dont know the effect of cloning.

cloning creates a new life form and would just act like the original pony but in no ocation BE him or her.


but have no worries. we can create new flesh and destoy infected cells.

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