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The Little Things In Life.... What Do You Enjoy?

Astral Empyrean

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I love the light at sunset and sunrise, with all the oranges and pinks and purples. Especially the sunset, cause it has more orange, a colour I defiantly enjoy. I love curling up under warm, fuzzy blankets when it's cold outside; having a favourite book and hot cocoa (with marshmallows!) makes it even more enjoyable. I love going out in the snow, trying to catch as many snowflakes on my tongue as I can, or building snowmen, or throwing snowballs at trees and cheering when they hit. I love food, lots of food, like warm turkey drenched with gravy, or chocolates with carmel on the inside. You know, forget the carmel inside, any kind of chocolate is amazing! I love talking about my favourite fandoms; MLP, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson...


You know, I love a lot of 'little' things XD they're not really little, though, but bigger than anything 'big', cause the little things are what life is all about :)

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I enjoy looking out of the bus on the bus ride home from school, and admiring nature.


I like looking at all of the snow covered trees. Everything looks prettier when covered in snow.


I enjoy just getting some free time to just sit, and think about stuff. 


I enjoy a cup of hot chocolate of a cold, winter day. 


Laughing is one of those little things that I find enjoyable.

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  • The feeling of warm water hitting my back when I shower. I feel like I am in a trance when it happens, just in a state of pure euphoria.

Snuggling under my blankets at night and feeling nothing but warmth.

Stretching my limbs.

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I enjoy walking barefoot in the snow and seeing people's reactions. I love going outside the morning after a snowfall, drinking coffee outside at 2:00 in the morning, walking through the trees in the fall, walking through the trees in spring, and hiding in the shade of trees in summer. It is wonderful to find a quiet, natural place and simply listen to nature singing. I love simple, physical tasks like shoveling or digging, which occupy my body and free my mind to wander. 

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I love waking up to the smell of food :3
Another great thing is when the sun sets and it's kinda overcast and you get those pretty pinks and oranges on the clouds.
Taking a shower after being sick
Climbing into a freshly made bed
The sound of bacon sizzling in a pan
The smell of campfires.
The smell in a forested area right after rain.
Warm (not hot or cold) rain.
The sound of tiny bubbles in a bubble bath popping.
Hearing rain hit my window.
The sound cars make when they drive on the wet road.

And I know this one might be kinda weird but I love putting on brand new socks.

Edited by RainbowCrash235
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Music is my life without it I would die. 


I really simply enjoy spending time with friends and talking to someone one on one or in a group.


I also love being outside and listening to nature or just being outside in general.


Think on past times and ponder about a lot of things. 


Reading books to me is relaxing too.

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-The comfortable feeling of laying down after a hard day of work.


- The smell of freshly brewed coffee.


- Feeling the steam rise after opening the dishwasher.


-When a stuffy/runny nose clears up for a few seconds.


-The smell of an old comic book.


-Looking up at the stars and realizing how beautiful the night sky is.


-Seeing the phrase "End Work" after punching out on the time clock.

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Or When you make cookies you must take just a little bit of raw cookie dough.


When I make cookies, none of it even makes it to the oven...

Anyways, here's a list of little things-

-Warm clothes straight from the dryer.

-Snuggling up on a rainy Winter day.

-When my puppy lays on my lap. HNNNNNNGG. x3

-Watching ponies. I get this incredible rush of happiness when I hear that theme song, maybe it's just me. d:

-Hash Browns for breakfast. Hash browns are the best food ever. x3

-Pushing my friends over. Just kidding...

...... But still. xD

  • Brohoof 2
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I like watching animals. Like squirrels and stuff. Animals try to communicate a lot, but we usually don't take the time to "listen." But if you follow/watch animals for extended periods of time it can be really interesting.

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While I'm sure there's plenty of little things I enjoy, the one that sticks out to me is looking at the sky. Odd, I know, but I'm constantly staring up. Whether it's watching clouds roll in, the stars of a cool and calm night, thunderstorms creating chaos, clouds catching the colors of sunset or dawn, or just that clear solid blue of the afternoon, I'm looking up at it. Don't know why it fascinates me so much, and I often find myself climbing up anything I can to get tree lines and houses more out of view. Hehe, pretty sure most think I'm crazy. day-gif-night-sky-tree-Favim.com-297060.

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