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open Romancing the plains.

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It was Mid-day on the plains outside of Appaloosa. A green pony could be seen in the hot haze. Apple Doom spit at the ground and continued walking the vast plain. He was pulling a small uncovered wagon which was full of his supplies. He had already been walking for a day and he hadnt covered alot of ground. Apple Doom hadn't seen another pony since he left Appaloosa. He was disheartened as he walked towards a steep hill that was riddled with rocks and holes. He reached the top of the hill and saw that he had more ground to cover then he originally thought. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Hunter Incendiare sat on the train, heading out for her first great outdoor experience. the train arrived at Appaloosa and Hunter stepped out into the town, wearing her khaki shirt and her travel pack. she bought some supplies from a general store and left the town, heading for the plains. the heat of the area was a little on the hot side and she was great full that she only packed essentials. she climbed up a steep hill and felt exausted by the time she got to the top. taking out her canteen, she took a sip before she noticed another pony climbing the same hill


 He reached the top of the hill and saw that he had more ground to cover then he originally thought. 

Hunter approached the colt and wiped some dust off her glasses before asking him

"excuse me, you wouldnt happen to know where any good spots to camp are?"

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Noon galloped out of the train at Appaloosa, tightening her saddlebag and looking around at the small town. "It's smaller than I thought." She said, her horn glowing as she took a sip from her water bottle. Time to get going. Noon trotted out of the town, her hooves carrying her into the wide open plains. She took out a map bought from a travel store in Canterlot and tried to recognize her surroundings. "Lets see... I'm on top of this hill, and the campsite.." Her murmuring voice trailed off as she spotted two ponies a good distance away. "They must be the ponies I'll be camping with." Noon said, squinting to recognize them as a mare and a stallion.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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 Apple Doom looked over the pony and let out an exhausted sigh. "you seem a little out of place here." He said as caught his breath. He looked over the horizon and back at the mare. "I don't know of any campsites in this forsaken plain. I just set up where ever i feel like." Apple Doom tightened the wagon straps tighter on his body he spoke.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Noon trotted close to the two ponies and spoke. "Hey! You two camping as well?" She stopped next to them and introduced herself. "My name is Noon, I'm looking for a good camping spot." She examined the two ponies carefully and made and determined what they were like. First mare was an optimistic and energetic pony, bearing quite a fashion sense judging by her glasses and hair. The stallion was a risk taker and a hard worker, judging by the cart and ear injury.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Aurea let out a deep sigh as she stepped off of the train. After being cooped up in her instument making for many years she needed a break, no matter how much she may enjoy her occupation she needed freedom for a few months once in a while. She grabbed her pack- wandering off into the wilderness was something she was somewhat practiced at by now, and set off into the plain.

Flying low she quickly found the group she was looking . She touched down lightly, checking her violin was still safe (her little slice of home for these trips) and mumbling a quiet "Hi, I'm here"

for !!SCIENCE!!



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@, Apple Doom was about to set off when her heard another pony behind him. As pony introduced them self Apple Doom looked and was happy. Hey sweet another lady for the tough road ahead. He thought as she Introduced herself. "My name is Apple Doom. I hope you are prepared to walk alot." He said. Just as Apple Doom was about talk he noticed a Pegasus pony fly towards them.@@Quiles, Apple Doom could barely hear the ponies greeting. He looked her in the eyes and said,"I take it your a shy one. Thats ok." Apple Doom then addressed the three mares in front of him. "Ok ladies if its a camping spot you want then i will set one up at the bottom of this hill. After that i have to get going to the other side of these plains. I suggest sticking with me if you are going in that direction."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@, Apple Doom was about to set off when her heard another pony behind him. As pony introduced them self Apple Doom looked and was happy. Hey sweet another lady for the tough road ahead. He thought as she Introduced herself. "My name is Apple Doom. I hope you are prepared to walk alot." He said. Just as Apple Doom was about talk he noticed a Pegasus pony fly towards them.@@Quiles, Apple Doom could barely hear the ponies greeting. He looked her in the eyes and said,"I take it your a shy one. Thats ok." Apple Doom then addressed the three mares in front of him. "Ok ladies if its a camping spot you want then i will set one up at the bottom of this hill. After that i have to get going to the other side of these plains. I suggest sticking with me if you are going in that direction."

Hunter suddenly go an idea

"you know, we should travel together to get to know each other better, oh wheres my manners? Im Hunter, Hunter Incendiare. Its a pleasure to meet you all"

she wiped more dust off her glasses and sat down to save energy for the trip

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Aurea's eyes narrowed and her wings tensed up a bit. She dislikes being considered shy, she just prefers to convey her meaning through methods other than words, considering sound waves to belong to music.

"Aurea" she said, softening her stance a little "I was told we were going to travel together".

She walked past the group a small way and shifted her glance to the horizon, in the direction they would be travelling, slowly taking in the sights before turning back to the group, ears perked up.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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Chetnik took his first few breaths of fresh air as he got out of the train, double checking all of his "wilderness essentials" as he liked to call them. He then saw the group of ponies over the hill. He quickly flied over and overheard them talking about traveling.


He then introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Chetnik. I heard we were going to travel, sorry I'm late."

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A train arrives in Appaloosa and Winter Chills steps onto steady ground for the first time since he boarded in Hoofington.  


"I don't have much time left".  Winter thinks to himself as he hurries off into the plains.  


It is now dusk and Winter chills spots a party of five in the distance.  Upon arrival, "Hey (gasp) I'm not (gasp) late am I?  he exclaims as he collapses next to Noon to catch his breath.  

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A train arrives in Appaloosa and Winter Chills steps onto steady ground for the first time since he boarded in Hoofington.  


"I don't have much time left".  Winter thinks to himself as he hurries off into the plains.  


It is now dusk and Winter chills spots a party of five in the distance.  Upon arrival, "Hey (gasp) I'm not (gasp) late am I?  he exclaims as he collapses next to Noon to catch his breath.  

Noon looked down, noticing an exhausted colt gasping at her feet. She giggled at the tired pony and held out a hoof. "No, not at all." She said, pulling him up and introducing herself. "I'm Noon, what's your name?" Noon fixed her mane smiled at the white stallion.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Apple Doom looked at the new ponies and cleared his throat. "Alright every pony, I am going down this hill to set up a camping spot. Follow me if you want, otherwise feel free to stay up here. I wouldn't advise it though, it gets colder up there. Oh, and I am Apple Doom, pleased to make your acquaintance." Apple Doom turned around and descended the hill cart first. He made sure he had good grip to the loose hill. As he got nearer to the base of the hill he slipped and was dragged by the cart the rest of the way downhill. Hoping no one saw his mess up, he got up and and walked a little ways to a huge rock and started setting up camp.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Hello Noon, I'm Winter Chills,"  he says while brushing dust off his back, where he then looked back and noticed the mare addressing him, "It's uhhh, umm,  a pleasure to meet you..."  Her brilliant eyes are mesmerizing, and words fail the white stallion.  He can't help blushing in her presence, unfortunate how well it shows against his white coat.  


As he stumbles for words Winter finally regains his wits.  "Appledoom said it would get cold up here, would you like to join me by the fire?"

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Hunter followed down the hill to where Apple Doom was setting up camp, she threw off her travel pack and unrolled a tent, she pegged it into the dirt and pitched it up according to the instructions the tent came with. after setting it up and thinking it was pristine, the tent collapsed

"oh damn, can somepony please help me with this?"

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As he stumbles for words Winter finally regains his wits.  "Appledoom said it would get cold up here, would you like to join me by the fire?"

Noon noticed his nervousness and couldn't help but slightly laugh. "Sure, let's go." She trotted down the hill with him to the camp that Apple Doom was setting up, hoping to get to know Winter Chills better. "I hear out here in the plains the sky is beautiful at night." She gazed at the sunset, stopping by the makeshift fire and laying her saddlebag on the ground. "Have you ever camped out here before?" Noon smiled at him, nearly getting lost in his eyes before snapping back to reality.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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A wave of relief hits Winter as he hears acceptance in Noon's voice as they sit by the fire.  Her question causes Winter to reminisce, "Well back when I was a filly, my dad would take me camping... Those were the days, but I can't say that I've done anything like this for years"  The stallion looks over at noon and asks "How 'bout you?  Do you camp much"  As he waits for an answer he compares the beauty of the Noon and sunset (pun intended)...


  "Noon wins hands down..."  Winter thought breaking a half smile.

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The stallion looks over at noon and asks "How 'bout you?  Do you camp much"  As he waits for an answer he compares the beauty of the Noon and sunset (pun intended)...


  "Noon wins hands down..."  Winter thought breaking a half smile.

Noon looked back from the sky to him. "This is actually my first time camping. I guess I just needed a break from work." She examined his face and recognized the tells resembling attraction. Her cheeks became red as she continued. "I live back in Canterlot, also known as the loudest place in Equestria, and it's good to get out here where it's peaceful and quiet." Noon smiled at the ground in front of her. "Where are you from?" She asked, leaning towards the fire as the warmth of day faded.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Noon looked back from the sky to him. "This is actually my first time camping. I guess I just needed a break from work." She examined his face and recognized the tells resembling attraction. Her cheeks became red as she continued. "I live back in Canterlot, also known as the loudest place in Equestria, and it's good to get out here where it's peaceful and quiet." Noon smiled at the ground in front of her. "Where are you from?" She asked, leaning towards the fire as the warmth of day faded.

As Winter's thoughts go back to the conversation, he answers "I'm from Hoofington, you know the town West of Ponyville and even more so of Canterlot"  The sun disappears over a hillside and it isn't that cold but there is a breeze.   "I've never personally been to Canterlot,"  Winter scoots an inch towards Noon out of instinct, unsure if it was to keep warm or affection...He flushed with embarrassment when he realizes his actions.      

He clears his throat, "It must feel wonderful to get away from it all."  Winter declares trying not to look foolish.

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With the camp fire up, Apple Doom sat down and warmed his hooves. The night was coming soon and the temperature was about to drop. Apple Doom looked to see some ponies socializing with each other. "Come my new found traveling partners. Join me by the fire and we can have some s'mores!" Apple Doom said as he began to hum a song. His eyes were heavy and he was fighting to stay awake. He had a long day of pulling his stuff around with hardly any breaks. "I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second." Apple Doom then fell asleep at the campfire.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Hunter noticed Apple Doom fall asleep and with that, she packed up her failure of a tent and unrolled her bedroll on the ground close to the fire to get warm but far enough to not catch fire

"I feel forty winks coming on, night everypony, time I got some rest"

she laid down and closed her eyes

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Chetnik took out his sleeping bag, (because hey, who has time for a tent?) and laid it near the campfire. By the time he tucked himself into bed, everypony else was long asleep. He then quickly shut his eyes, and after a long day of hiking, he finally got the opportunity to catch some z's.

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As Winter's thoughts go back to the conversation, he answers "I'm from Hoofington, you know the town West of Ponyville and even more so of Canterlot" The sun disappears over a hillside and it isn't that cold but there is a breeze. "I've never personally been to Canterlot," Winter scoots an inch towards Noon out of instinct, unsure if it was to keep warm or affection...He flushed with embarrassment when he realizes his actions.

He clears his throat, "It must feel wonderful to get away from it all." Winter declares trying not to look foolish.

"Hoofington, huh?" Noon yawned and leaned on Winter's shoulder. "Now Canterlot, many ponies act like it's the best place in the world." She stared up at the sky. "The city of dreams, some call it. More like the city of headaches, noise and street vendors." Noon looked back up at him and realized what she was doing. "Well," She stood up and yawned. "I think it's about time I hit the hay. We've got quite a day ahead of us." Noon pulled her sleeping bag it of her saddlebag and laid it out.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Aurea wasn't feeling very tired herself. The fresh air always tended to boost her strength, especially on the first few days in the open. She settled back and removed her violin from its case. She closed her eyes and breathed in the night air as she took her bow with one wing and began to play a simple, calm, quiet melody which quickly evolved, becoming more and more complex but retaining its calm, relaxing theme. Her mind wandering in the music her whole body slowly relaxed.

for !!SCIENCE!!



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Chetnik woke up very early, around sunrise, and nopony was awake yet. He decided to relax a bit and continue reading his sci-fi books.

He soon got pretty bored and decided to make breakfast for everypony, which actually went pretty well since Chet was an aspiring cook.

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