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open Pirate Adventure Rp! (Steampunk Edition)

Alex Kennedy

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Harmonic simply grunted and his eye twitched, he then turned and looked at the two creatures at the front of the boat. Still talking to Fiera, he spoke calmly but firmly. "We are not pirates. You may be, but I wouldn't class myself among you." He stood up and started walking towards the helm, speaking as he did so "Honour doesn't come from killing, honour comes from not being afraid to die in the line of duty...I don't question my duty." 

Edited by Creeping Dusk

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(OOC: Since I want to get to Trotuga...I am going to get out of this storm thing.)


After a few minutes the edge of the storm could be seen. The wind started to die down and rain went from pouring to spitting. *Well that was less exciting than I thought it would be.* She thought, as a few crew members came from below deck. She waved at the helmspony who nodded and trotted up to the helm. Diamond walked down to the deck and started making her way towards her room.

  • Brohoof 1

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Harmonic quickly trotted over to Diamond, hoping to catch her attention before she entered her room. He hated knocking and waiting...


"Captain Diamond, ma'am." he shouted as he approached "What's the plan once we get to Trotuga? It seems a long journey to make if we don't all know our final destination...much like life..." he mumbled the last part, but the rest was a clear question to the captain. 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Fiera quickly huffed a quiet 'whatever' and flew back up into the crows nest, where she decided to mumble to herself. 
"Pff, just try talkin' to me about honor twice... Honor comes from lots of things. But if i know anything, you don't earn it by 'not being afraid to die'."


(Ermagersh, Awghnur)

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Harmonic quickly trotted over to Diamond, hoping to catch her attention before she entered her room. He hated knocking and waiting...


"Captain Diamond, ma'am." he shouted as he approached "What's the plan once we get to Trotuga? It seems a long journey to make if we don't all know our final destination...much like life..." he mumbled the last part, but the rest was a clear question to the captain. 

"The usual. Pick up supplies, and let anypony on the ship who wants to get drunk...get drunk. Which I disagree with but i'm not stopping them." She said. "And there is no final destination when you're a pirate. After Trotuga, we take to the skies and destroy some ships." She said, unlocking the door to her room but not walking in in case Harmonic had something else to say.

Something something something something


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He looked back over his shoulder at the two creatures on the front of the ship, then up at Fiera in the crows nest, before looking back at Diamond. He closed his eyes and nodded his head slowly "I understand, how much further before we arrive? I need some more ingredients and this is a good opportunity."

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"About an hour. There are a few things I need to pick up...and deal with." She said, using her magic to open the door that led into her room. "While we wait...would you like a cup of tea ?" She asked, turning to face Harmonic. "After a rain like that I think a cup of hot tea would be nice." She said.

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"Tea?" he asked confused. He had spent most his life living off the land, camping and such, living away from civilisation - not that you'd know it by looking at him, he was surprisingly well kept for his lifestyle. "I...uh...sure? I...I guess?" he was at a loss for words, which wasn't a first when he spoke to Diamond. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Diamond nodded and trotted into her cabin, expecting Harmonic to follow. She trotted over to a wardrobe and pulled out two mugs. She grabbed a tea kettle inside a tea cozy and poured some into the two mugs. Using her magic, she made one of the mugs float over to Harmonic, taking the other mug for herself. She trotted over to a chair next to a large window that looked out past a small balcony.

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Taking the mug in his mouth he trotted into the room, using his magic to close the door behind him. He placed the tea on a table in the room, before trotting over and standing at the side of Diamond. For the first time sinse he was a little colt, he actually looked nervous. His ears twitched at the slightest sound, and his eyes darted quickly over the balcony, and then back inside the room. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Cas noticed the alicorn and who appeared to be the first mate had left, and he wasn't really sure what to do. He fiddled with something in his paws, watching Seirian closely. If she was stupid enough to fall off, all his luck would run out, and Cas was not prepared to let that happen on his watch.


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"You can sit down, Harmonic." She said, gesturing to the chair across from her and sipping her tea then looking out the window. "So what do you think of those new crew members ? the ahuizotl...and the other one." She asked, looking back at Harmonic.


(OOC: Ugh...I'm just not feeling the RP Vibe today.)

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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He looked at Diamond and as he noticed her gesturing, he nodded and sat down, leaving his mug on the table across the room. 

"I don't trust them." he said flatly. "It's a shame they're not evil, it'd be fun to take down the big one." he looked out the window of the cabin, back onto the deck of the ship at the Ahuizotl "Still though, I think they'll be useful while they're here."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Rambler watched as Trotuga came closer and the mountains rushed up to meet them. Finally they had arrived, and he would get to meet with his contact. He gathered his entire crew on deck and handed each of them their pay.


"Alright everyone, we're only in Trotuga for tonight. We set sail at noon tomorrow, so enjoy your time on land while you can. If you need me for anything, I'll be at the Drunken Manticore inn as usual. You're all free to join me there for a drink or two if you'd like. I'm buying."


With that, Rambler headed into the city and went to meet with his contact at the Drunken Manticore.

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(OoC: That's why I said the alicorn AND the one who appeared to be first mate. :)


Cas could see Harmonic looking at him almost boredly through the window and he smiled mockingly, wiggling his paw in a sort of greeting as he smirked.

Seirian turned around again, dizzy from staring over the side, and began to wander the ship.


(OoC: Again, if you'd rather me on Rambler's ship, I honestly don't care.)

  • Brohoof 1


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(Hey, mind if i spice things up a bit?)


Fiera was still talking to herself, when she noticed another airship behind them. It just seemed to appear out of the storm. We hadn't seen that ship before they went into the storm, so it must have seen us while we were in the storm somehow. It wasn't flying a pirate flag... of course, no pirates do until they are fighting.


Fiera knew this was something to inform the captain of, so she jumped down from the crows nest and ran over to the captains cabin, quickly knocking on the door a few times. "Captain? We may have a problem! Or it could be completely harmless. We wont know for a while" she announced through the door.


(I think having you on our ship shall be... interestingly fun)

Edited by The Original PWD
  • Brohoof 2

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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(OOC: Yea, I misread that  :unsure: And you are fine on this ship ;) unless you want to be on Ramblers ship)




Diamond levitated Harmonic's tea over to the table next to his chair. "I'll be keeping a close eye on them. But I do think you are right...they will be a strong asset." She said, sipping her tea.

She listened to Fiera speak and quickly stood up. "Friend Or Foe, it doesn't matter. It has been a long time since we have had a good battle, Get them within firing distance of the lightning rod." She said, quickly walking towards the door. "EVERYPONY GET TO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS." She yelled, grabbing her shotgun and smiling as the Vermilion Sky started to turn around to get a better angle on the enemy ship.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Tink looked at her pay that was abruptly put in her hoof. She blinked a bit, then shrugged. "Guess I'll go look around. I hope I don't get lost." She mumbled to herself, giving a small chuckle. She limped off the ship slowly, and smiled when she touched the ground. Turning her head around, she pulled a string that was attached to a mechanism that was on her back. A small engine kicked on, and two metal wings, gold in color, opened up from her back. Taking her non-broken hind leg, she hooked it into a small loop, that was also attached to the mechanical wings on her back. With small kicks, the wings began to flap and she lifted off the ground. The smile on her face grew now that she was air borne. With another kick of her legs, her wings shifted and she began to fly forward at a moderate speed, about as fast as a pony would normally walk. With that, she began her adventure around the new town. "Drunken Manticore. Let's see if I can find it." She thought to herself, as she flew down the road.

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"Thank you" he said quietly as he levitated his mug to his lips and started drinking.

He heard the banging on the door, and immediately jumped up, surprisingly not spilling his drink. He placed it to one side quickly and burst out the door. "Mutiny on deck? Who needs to die?" he grinned, looking across Fiera's shoulders at Cas. 


(Seriously, stay. It'll be fun. If you want to leave then that's fine too, I guess.)

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Firewhip whooped with glee. "I definately shall be joining you Captain! Let's see who can hold thier drink!" he bucked up and galloped off the ship, dissapearing down the road.


Firedancer seemed somewhat nervous as she stepped off, putting her pay into a pouch she kept hidden underneath her skirt. She wasn't exactly sure where to start but she saw a line of stalls she took to be stores. Off she went to go browse their wares.

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Tink looked around the stores she passed, nothing really catching her eye. She sighed, flying forward at the same pace. She had no idea where she was going, or how to get there. It was a new town, and she had no one to help her look around. She switched her wing direction so she could fly in place, and looked around, rubbing her hoof to her chin. "Work shop.. work shop.. gear shop.. Where are you gear shop?" She thought to herself, looking left and right, hoping she'd see a sign or something.

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Once they docked and Rambler had given his speech Storm was gone in the blink of an eye leaving a fire trail behind him as he pulled the wind with him. He made his way to the higher class section of the town making sure that he kept his blades holstered, there was no need to cause trouble. It only took him a few moments to recognize who to filch a pouch of bits from making his way through the crowds easily taking pouches of money. He deposited them into the few extra pouches he usually brought along and within an hour he managed to fill up all three. "Heh like taking candy from a baby." Storm chuckled.




Storm took his time looking through the stalls when he saw the golden pony from Ramblers ship walking around and seemed lost. Storm walked up beside her giving a smile "Hey did you need help with something...Tink wasn't it."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Rambler saw Firewhip follow him into the tavern.


"I have some business to take care of, but order whatever you want and tell them it's on my tab. I'll come join you in a little while."


Rambler then walked into the cellar, where his contact was waiting for him.


"So, I hear you've got something big for me."


His contact, a decripit old stallion named Loaded Dice looked up and spoke in a harsh rasping voice.


"I might, but information is a commodity, friend, and it doesn't come cheap."


Rambler gave him a small pouch with two gold dice inside of it.


"Your father's lucky dice. I finally managed to track them down for you. I'd say they're worth whatever information you have."


Loaded snatched the pouch and shoved it into his pocket.


"Alright, I know a guy in the navy who says there's going to be something big being shipped from Las Pegasus to Canterlot. And I mean really big. Like Alicorn Amulet kind of big. The best part is, during a brief part of the trip, they'll be vulnerable, because they'll be passing through close quarters, in a situation where the navy's airships aren't suited for fighting. If you strike fast and at the right time, you should be able to seize whatever it is they're carrying without any real trouble."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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Tink jumped a bit, well, as much as she could as she hovered in the air with her mechanical wings. She quickly regained herself, giving out a small laugh. "Yeah, it's Tink." She replied with a nod. "And you were... " She mumbled, now looking embarrassed. "Sorry- I'm awful with names." She said shyly, now rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. After a moment, she shook her head softly and looked at the colt. "Oh, and uhm.. I've never been here before. So... I don't know where anything is. Or where I am. Or what to do. Or anything except be right here."

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Rambler nodded at the old stallion.


"Alright, can you show me where they'll be?"


Loaded Dice took out a map and scribbled on it.


"There. That's where you need to strike them if you want to catch them off guard."


Rambler thanked him and headed back upstairs. He ordered a whiskey and sat down next to Firewhip.




"Well, that's taken care of. I hope I haven't missed too much." 

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