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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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(I just realized you said something about an action sequence in an OOC post a bit ago... Sounds like a party (especially with all the new characters we have now).)

Sally looks down. "Don't say I didn't warn you...." she pulls up the report page. It says: "Research unit traveled to Flankfurt to test a modified plague as per research protocols. The lead researcher on the project was Lydia Oksaras. After an angry mob of ponies lynched a member of the research unit, Ms. Oksaras personally led a slaughter of any ponies she believed responsible. The combined death toll was over 45% of Flankfurt's population. Ms. Oksaras was given a psychological evaluation as to the cause of this massacre, no further consequence was given."


Sally calms down. "Oh.... alright... I'm glad to help. Please don't yell at me again, I'm not good at taking it..."

"Ok I won't yell at you next time, sometimes that come out of it own and well I don't conorl it that much too while I keep thinking." Charles saying while he keep walking with them and see Hank with Celestia as he want to ask Celesita.

(One question who don't got a special some pony in the rp?)

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Hank smiles "i can do it here. just brace yourself." he said as he points the sonic screwdriver at the hologram and Sally can feel the urge to test other people get weaker and weaker "okay.. that should be good. do you want the body now?" he asked and looks around

Sally stammers. "Wha-what did you do? I can't feel anything anymore... What are you doing with me? I... I trusted you, and you hurt me... Can you fix it? Or was this your plan the whole time? Were you just trying to make me trust you so you could get revenge? Please... I think I'm dying... help me, or find someone who can..." her hologram flickers and becomes even fainter and less substantial.


"Ok I won't yell at you next time, sometimes that come out of it own and well I don't conorl it that much too while I keep thinking." Charles saying while he keep walking with them and see Hank with Celestia as he want to ask Celesita.

(One question who don't got a special some pony in the rp?)

(If memory serves the only ones who don't are Sam {pony}, Golden Age {Male, pony} Cezary {Male} and Charles. We have a definite lack of female humans, and in fact females in general, in this RP)

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Sally stammers. "Wha-what did you do? I can't feel anything anymore... What are you doing with me? I... I trusted you, and you hurt me... Can you fix it? Or was this your plan the whole time? Were you just trying to make me trust you so you could get revenge? Please... I think I'm dying... help me, or find someone who can..." her hologram flickers and becomes even fainter and less substantial.


(If memory serves the only ones who don't are Sam {pony}, Golden Age {Male, pony} Cezary {Male} and Charles. We have a definite lack of female humans, and in fact females in general, in this RP)

(Well ok)

Charles went to sit on a Rock, while looking at Ponyville as he was thinking and was looking at the sky again while he trying to find someone to love but. That was a slim chance to happen and he was looking at the city as he was thinking back his place on his home earth.

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JT reads it, he looked shocked, he looks over to Lydia and whispers, "can I talk to you about something in private later?" He knew that Sam, or even hank and celestia, would have an issue with the news, so he decided he should have a private talk with Lydia. (I've heard about this before... They told me that it was rebel ponies, not that we did something) he thought to himself.


SIgnature by Reverie


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JT reads it, he looked shocked, he looks over to Lydia and whispers, "can I talk to you about something in private later?" He knew that Sam, or even hank and celestia, would have an issue with the news, so he decided he should have a private talk with Lydia. (I've heard about this before... They told me that it was rebel ponies, not that we did something) he thought to himself.

Lydia sounds confused. "Alright. Is there something on your mind? You clocked out and then you started looking all freaked out and stuff... I think there's a secure room just down the hall, and if that's not enough we can just fuse the door and have Sally engage the soundproofing."


Sally sighs. "I did warn you... I'm sorry you had to read that... are you ok sir?"

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Lydia sounds confused. "Alright. Is there something on your mind? You clocked out and then you started looking all freaked out and stuff... I think there's a secure room just down the hall, and if that's not enough we can just fuse the door and have Sally engage the soundproofing."


Sally sighs. "I did warn you... I'm sorry you had to read that... are you ok sir?"

JT says, "yea, I'm not mad at her, I'm more upset that PACE tried to cover it up."


He walked into the room with Lydia and said, "Lydia, I know about the incident with the slaughter." He says, he gave her a hug and said, "don't worry, I'm not mad... I just want to know more from you, if you are alright with talking about it."


SIgnature by Reverie


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thunder was walking through ponyville, his mind was racing with thoughts. He was thinking about how the war ended, he wasn't there to see it end. but he surely heard it from fellow allies that it had. He also thought about trying to find his daughter, that was the big thing he was thinking about. but he had no clue where she could be. He lost her during the war, and after that his mind has been distracted because of her disappearance. So he walked, he thought of the first place she could be. His face obviously showed he was in a depressing mood.


(hope I started that well)


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Hank looks at the hologram "no i wasnt.. okay. this wont work." He said as he uses the sonic screwdriver to put her back to normal "im sorry i almost killed you. I didnt want to kill you. Your a friend. If i wanted revenge you would have been dead." He said "okay.. so tell me what i should weaken abit in you."

(Posting will be slow. Out with my family for mothers day. Dont go to far ahead.)



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thunder was walking through ponyville, his mind was racing with thoughts. He was thinking about how the war ended, he wasn't there to see it end. but he surely heard it from fellow allies that it had. He also thought about trying to find his daughter, that was the big thing he was thinking about. but he had no clue where she could be. He lost her during the war, and after that his mind has been distracted because of her disappearance. So he walked, he thought of the first place she could be. His face obviously showed he was in a depressing mood.


(hope I started that well)

Rocket was walking after taking colgate back home and saw thundermane walking by. "hey, you alright there?" he ran up and saw his face, "hey, im rocket blast." he said, putting out a hoof to shake hooves with the pony right in front of him, "whats your name?" he asked


SIgnature by Reverie


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thunder looked up at rocket, he looked nervously around. He shook of the thought. "sorry still a little nervous, my name is thunder, thunder mane." he said shaking rockets hoof. "sorry I'm trying to just think, you know how some ponies can get after something like this, just been bothering me lately" he said.


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Colgate smiles "and i am colgate. So your new here? Whats wrong? You seem sad. Can you tell us? we might be able to help you. Are you worried about the princess? Do you want to see the princess? Are you sad that humans are still here? Did you lose somepony?" She said adly.



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Rocket jumped and said, "woah! colgate, i thought you were at home. you scared the heck out of me! haha" he turned back to Thundermane, "yea i can feel you there, this war has been hell on a lot of us. im justvglad the whole bloody thing is over." he smiled warmly


SIgnature by Reverie


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thunder nodded, "Yes actually, id like to see the princess, id like to see if she knows where my daughter is. see when the war started I lost her. A building collapsed on me and she ran away, I told her to, to find somepony safe like the princess. since i'm apart of the equestrian army I figured she could keep her safe." thunder sighed "hope she's with her though, or somewhere safe" he said thinking positively.


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thunder nodded, "Yes actually, id like to see the princess, id like to see if she knows where my daughter is. see when the war started I lost her. A building collapsed on me and she ran away, I told her to, to find somepony safe like the princess. since i'm apart of the equestrian army I figured she could keep her safe." thunder sighed "hope she's with her though, or somewhere safe" he said thinking positively.

Rocket sighs, "thats sad to hear... i lost my best friend at the begining of the war, but luckily one of my friends helped me find her again. im sure him and celestia can help you find your daughter. there pretty good at that stuff. im sure they can fid your daughter"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Thunder nodded happily, "yea, your right, they are good at stuff like that" he said smiling warmly. He hope she would, but there was always doubt in his mind. so he still was quite sure. but he tried to hide that thought and put it in the back of his head and thought positive thoughts.


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colgate smiles and nods "hank and Princess Celestia could help you. they are in the pace building over there. feel free to go there and i am sure that they will find your daughter. what is her name? and what is her talent?" she asked thunder "and you have a lovely name"



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Thunder blushed a little, "thanks, your names nice to" he said to colgate. "My daughters name is Blue frost, she doesn't have a talent. She is a little filly with a long mane light blue mane with white highlights, and she has an all white coat of fur" he said. "oh if you do find her, don't stand so close to her, she is cold to the touch, she feels like a ice cube. but she is really shy to and hates attention" he said "she might run if she sees you" he laughed a little at the thought, how cute she is. He really did miss her.


(ill be back in a little bit guys)

Edited by Thunder mane


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Rocket smiled, "aww she sounds sweet. we will help you find her! im sure JT can help us too!" he says to colgate. 


Sam runs outside and says, "Rocket colgate! how are you two?" she asks, then she sees thundermane, "and who is this?" she blushes and says, "hi, my name is sam"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Rocket smiled, "aww she sounds sweet. we will help you find her! im sure JT can help us too!" he says to colgate. 


Sam runs outside and says, "Rocket colgate! how are you two?" she asks, then she sees thundermane, "and who is this?" she blushes and says, "hi, my name is sam"

Colgate smiles "well. this is thundermane right now, we are trying to find his daughter." she said



Thunder blushed a little, "thanks, your names nice to" he said to colgate. "My daughters name is Blue frost, she doesn't have a talent. She is a little filly with a long mane light blue mane with white highlights, and she has an all white coat of fur" he said. "oh if you do find her, don't stand so close to her, she is cold to the touch, she feels like a ice cube. but she is really shy to and hates attention" he said "she might run if she sees you" he laughed a little at the thought, how cute she is. He really did miss her.


(ill be back in a little bit guys)

colgate nods "blue frost.. okay.. thank you for that description. i will try to find her with the help of the princess" she said happily "anything else i need to know?"



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(I leave for like 2 hours and you guys post a hell of a lot! I am approve.)

JT says, "yea, I'm not mad at her, I'm more upset that PACE tried to cover it up."

He walked into the room with Lydia and said, "Lydia, I know about the incident with the slaughter." He says, he gave her a hug and said, "don't worry, I'm not mad... I just want to know more from you, if you are alright with talking about it."

Lydia sounds distressed and tightly hugs JT. "Oh... I was hoping you wouldn't look in that file... I flagged it as dangerous so you wouldn't see that... I guess I can talk about it... what do you want to know about it?"


Hank looks at the hologram "no i wasnt.. okay. this wont work." He said as he uses the sonic screwdriver to put her back to normal "im sorry i almost killed you. I didnt want to kill you. Your a friend. If i wanted revenge you would have been dead." He said "okay.. so tell me what i should weaken abit in you."
(Posting will be slow. Out with my family for mothers day. Dont go to far ahead.)

Sally flickers again, almost out of existence. "I don't know... It's like you're asking an organic being to tell you what part of the brain you need to cut out... You might be able to ask Lydia, but I don't know..."

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(I leave for like 2 hours and you guys post a hell of a lot! I am approve.)

Lydia sounds distressed and tightly hugs JT. "Oh... I was hoping you wouldn't look in that file... I flagged it as dangerous so you wouldn't see that... I guess I can talk about it... what do you want to know about it?"


Sally flickers again, almost out of existence. "I don't know... It's like you're asking an organic being to tell you what part of the brain you need to cut out... You might be able to ask Lydia, but I don't know..."

hank gulps "look. sally. how do you feel? i can help you just tell me if i am killing you okay?" he said as he went to slowly weaken the urge to test so that she can be able to over come it. "sally. how do you feel now? i need to know if you want to be able to go in the real world."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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(I leave for like 2 hours and you guys post a hell of a lot! I am approve.)

Lydia sounds distressed and tightly hugs JT. "Oh... I was hoping you wouldn't look in that file... I flagged it as dangerous so you wouldn't see that... I guess I can talk about it... what do you want to know about it?"


Sally flickers again, almost out of existence. "I don't know... It's like you're asking an organic being to tell you what part of the brain you need to cut out... You might be able to ask Lydia, but I don't know..."

(new member! its always fun to get a new member in!)


JT Hugs her and grabs her a seat, "i just want to know what happened, i heard that THEY had started it, not that we started it. so i just want to know the whole story behine the entire situation, if thats alright"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Thunder looks at Sam "hi, my names thunder" he said warmly. He then pulled off his necklace "here" he said as he hands the necklace over to Colgate, the necklace has a half broken bit hanging from it. "If you show this to her she might feel a little more surcure if you find her" he said giving it to her.


(Mind if I put blue frost in)


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(new member! its always fun to get a new member in!)


JT Hugs her and grabs her a seat, "i just want to know what happened, i heard that THEY had started it, not that we started it. so i just want to know the whole story behine the entire situation, if thats alright"

(Yeah... I'm just amazed sometimes... I think we've reached at least novel length now!)

Lydia sits down. "Alright... What happened was we were testing a new strain of plague that wouldn't spread, assassinate the leader with a poisoned dart without harming the general populace... someone accidentally let out the test batch into Flankfurt... we were trying our best to help the people who were infected, but everyone blamed us... A girl on our team, her name was Sydney, she was up day and night trying to cure it, but we weren't working fast enough... one night they took her from our camp, called us murderers, and just hung her on a tree... Her last words were 'What did I do wrong?' Those words have been burned into my brain ever since. I-I couldn't control myself... she was just trying to help... and they MURDERED her.... all I did was return the favor... that's why I hate ponies... they act like they're so much nicer, but they're just as bad as we are..." she clenches her fists at the memory, and watches as flames start to dance around them.


hank gulps "look. sally. how do you feel? i can help you just tell me if i am killing you okay?" he said as he went to slowly weaken the urge to test so that she can be able to over come it. "sally. how do you feel now? i need to know if you want to be able to go in the real world."

Sally's hologram is now spending more time off than on. "I-I feel a bit better... I don't feel like anyone is going to hurt me, but when I look at you, or charles, or celestia... I still get a little nagging urge in the back of my head..."

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Charles was near the cliffs of Canterlot training, while he was thinking how he can talk to females since they going to be a lot harder to find one while he keep punching into the air and trying to keep a sharp mind too while he was looking at ponyville too. As he keep punching and kicking into the air.

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