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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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(Don't worry kappa, were not leaving you behind)


Rosko smiles and says "sounds good to me, after you m'lady"


Caitlyn smiles "she tried to break up with rocket, and we both protested that, I'm happy to see them happy, I'm sure I'll find my own special some pony soon"

Applejack smiles and enters the house. She notices JT and says, "Hello there, ahm Applejack... Ah guess yer one of the humans that stayed here... Yer not with PACE, are you?"

Sally sounds content, "It's good to know you managed to make everything work out all right... So I take it everyone is happy?"

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JT smiles "hi applejack, I'm JT.. I was PACE, but after seeing how horrific they were to rocket and Sam, I decided that I was done with them" he said.


Rosko looks up, "I didn't know you were PACE.... Glad you joined us though"


Caitlyn sighed and. Said "yea, everyone is happy"


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Lydia looks at him in surprise, "They did? I don't actually know... um, I'm sure it's nothing. I'll try to figure out why later..." she walks over to Celestia and smiles, "How are you doing princess? Are you as excited for the gala as the rest of us? "

Applejack sighs, "Ah was scared for him all the time... ahm just glad everypony I knew made it back..."


hank nods "well.. i hope so."


celestia smiles "i sure am. i think i should go get ready for the opening. lets all go."

"I would Dash but I was too shy to tell anyway. But you allready now." Futtershy saying while looking at Skull and smiles to him. "Because he still have that Discord Curse in him and he really want to be sperated from it."


"Well I hope Celestia can cure you but don't know since Discord magic is more powerful and We haven't seen Discord for a year." Fireblaze saying


"I See." Skull saying



"Well Yea he is my dad, I will listen to him and get some advice form him too." Blade saying. "Also since I am dating Rarity I heard a little Dragon and your assissent Spike is Jellious of me?"

rainbow nods "but cant discord get rid of it? he got demolished.."


twilight nods "well. thats good you will listen to him, and spike is jealous, he loves rarity, but he never told her."




Rocket smiled "we'll yes, Sam gave me my want for revenge. But you played a different role, you were the reason I fought for equestria, not for myself. I fought to make sure you stayed safe" 

colgate smiles "really.. you fought for me.. thank you."



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hank nods "well.. i hope so."


celestia smiles "i sure am. i think i should go get ready for the opening. lets all go."

rainbow nods "but cant discord get rid of it? he got demolished.."


twilight nods "well. thats good you will listen to him, and spike is jealous, he loves rarity, but he never told her."


colgate smiles "really.. you fought for me.. thank you."

"I See and Can I talk to Spike." Blade saying



"Well Love I heard Hanks say that Discord Disaperd unlesee he come out on his own terms." Fireblaze saying.


"I Been looking for Discord for years but I can't find him and don't know were did he go." Skull saying


"I Remember reforming him and after that he went somewhere take a vacation I gust but don't know wear?" Futtershy saying.

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JT smiles "hi applejack, I'm JT.. I was PACE, but after seeing how horrific they were to rocket and Sam, I decided that I was done with them" he said.

Rosko looks up, "I didn't know you were PACE.... Glad you joined us though"

Caitlyn sighed and. Said "yea, everyone is happy"

Applejack kooks shocked, "You were with PACE!? Why does everypony trust you if you were part of that evil group?" She looks to Rosko and whispers, "Ah don't think we should trust him... we don't know what evil things he did during the war..."

Sally begins to sound concerned, "Are you telling the truth? You don't sound happy..."

hank nods "well.. i hope so."

celestia smiles "i sure am. i think i should go get ready for the opening. lets all go."

Lydia nods, "Alright, let's get everyone into the tardis and get going... I hope this is fun. I'll go get myself a dress..." she walks toward the tardis.
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JT smiles "they trust me because I lead the resistance. I WAS part of pace, but I rose up against them with the help of my pony friends durin the war."


Rosko whispers back, "I don't know, he helped greatly in our battles, and his views have been more for equestria than for humanity."


Caitlyn nods "I'm alright, don't worry"


Rocket smiles "anything for you my dear"


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Roman invasion army consisting of 5 Legions comes in hope of new land and find a war is already goin on. so they just set up camp and wait to see what happens. They still fire their Onagres and scorpions just for fun. There r now 3 sides. 


The General screems "for glory to the eagles of Rome" and 3 of the 5 legions start advancing, Their target is clear CANTERLOT. 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Twilight nods "spike is in the library.'


Rainbow sighs "discord got destroyed.. why cant you understand that?"


Rainbow looks at fluttershy "I'm sorry."


Hank follows lydia "I'm sure you will find the perfect one."


Colgate hugs rocket "lets follow them."


Celestia smiles "applejack, rosko, jt, rocket. Come with us to the tardis. We are heading to the gala"



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Twilight nods "spike is in the library.'


Rainbow sighs "discord got destroyed.. why cant you understand that?"


Rainbow looks at fluttershy "I'm sorry."


Hank follows lydia "I'm sure you will find the perfect one."


Colgate hugs rocket "lets follow them."


Celestia smiles "applejack, rosko, jt, rocket. Come with us to the tardis. We are heading to the gala"

"Can you bring him to the Gala and I want to talk to him Twilight." Blade saying



"What he got destroy?" Skull saying


Darkness in Skull mind. "WHAT?"


"Yes Skull he did and Celestia is the only one can do this." Fireblaze saying


"NO NO NO. How did he got destroy?" Skull saying


"What happen to Discord? Who destroy him?" Futtershy saying.

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JT smiles "they trust me because I lead the resistance. I WAS part of pace, but I rose up against them with the help of my pony friends durin the war."

Rosko whispers back, "I don't know, he helped greatly in our battles, and his views have been more for equestria than for humanity."

Caitlyn nods "I'm alright, don't worry"

Applejack nods and smiles, "Well if Rosko and everypony else trusts you then ah guess you must be alright... Why did you cut ties with the humans?"

Sally sounds relieved, "Alright, just tell me if you need to talk again... So what do you think of the house?"

Twilight nods "spike is in the library.'

Hank follows lydia "I'm sure you will find the perfect one."

Celestia smiles "applejack, rosko, jt, rocket. Come with us to the tardis. We are heading to the gala"

Lydia nods and lets herself into the wardrobe. She rummages around for a bit then comes out wearing a red dress, "How do I look?"

Spike is wandering around the library looking annoyed and worried.

Roman invasion army consisting of 5 Legions comes in hope of new land and find a war is already goin on. so they just set up camp and wait to see what happens. They still fire their Onagres and scorpions just for fun. There r now 3 sides.

The General screems "for glory to the eagles of Rome" and 3 of the 5 legions start advancing, Their target is clear CANTERLOT.

Canterlot is none the wiser to this advance.
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(Lordav, you may want to read the OOC before posting, just a heads up)



Colgate hugs rocket "lets follow them."

Celestia smiles "applejack, rosko, jt, rocket. Come with us to the tardis. We are heading to the gala"


Rocket nods, "sounds good to me" 


Rosko smiles and follows Applejack and JT as they talk

Applejack nods and smiles, "Well if Rosko and everypony else trusts you then ah guess you must be alright... Why did you cut ties with the humans?"
Sally sounds relieved, "Alright, just tell me if you need to talk again... So what do you think of the house?"
Lydia nods and lets herself into the wardrobe. She rummages around for a bit then comes out wearing a red dress, "How do I look?"
Spike is wandering around the library looking annoyed and worried.
Canterlot is none the wiser to this advance.

JT smiles, "they were awful to the ponies, and i couldnt take it anymore." he said.


Caitlyn smiles, "it is wonderful! i love it here!"


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(Lordav, you may want to read the OOC before posting, just a heads up)




Rocket nods, "sounds good to me" 


Rosko smiles and follows Applejack and JT as they talk

JT smiles, "they were awful to the ponies, and i couldnt take it anymore." he said.


Caitlyn smiles, "it is wonderful! i love it here!"

colgate runs to caitlyn "want to join us to the gala?" she asked and smiles


Applejack nods and smiles, "Well if Rosko and everypony else trusts you then ah guess you must be alright... Why did you cut ties with the humans?"

Sally sounds relieved, "Alright, just tell me if you need to talk again... So what do you think of the house?"

Lydia nods and lets herself into the wardrobe. She rummages around for a bit then comes out wearing a red dress, "How do I look?"

Spike is wandering around the library looking annoyed and worried.

Canterlot is none the wiser to this advance.


twilight comes running in "spike!"


Hank smiles "thats nice lydia."

"Can you bring him to the Gala and I want to talk to him Twilight." Blade saying



"What he got destroy?" Skull saying


Darkness in Skull mind. "WHAT?"


"Yes Skull he did and Celestia is the only one can do this." Fireblaze saying


"NO NO NO. How did he got destroy?" Skull saying


"What happen to Discord? Who destroy him?" Futtershy saying.

twilight nods "ill go tell him!" she runs off.


rainbow nods "yes he did.. and i think from lyida, jt, hank, and rocket.. im pretty sure.."



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colgate runs to caitlyn "want to join us to the gala?" she asked and smiles

twilight comes running in "spike!"

Hank smiles "thats nice lydia."

twilight nods "ill go tell him!" she runs off.

rainbow nods "yes he did.. and i think from lyida, jt, hank, and rocket.. im pretty sure.."

Spike's head turns at the sound of his name, "Yes Twilight? Is something wrong?"

Lydia smiles, "Thanks Hank. I'm going to show JT."


Rosko smiles and follows Applejack and JT as they talk

JT smiles, "they were awful to the ponies, and i couldnt take it anymore." he said.

Caitlyn smiles, "it is wonderful! i love it here!"

(JTis going to be in for quite the shock when he talks to Lydia about PACE...)

Applejack nods, "Well ahm glad ya didn't keep fightin' us... Ah saw some pretty terrible things when ah was in Appleoosa..." she trails off.

Sally smiles, "I'm glad you like it... It's rather beautiful..."

Lydia walks over to JT, Rosko, and Applejack, and smiles, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

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colgate runs to caitlyn "want to join us to the gala?" she asked and smiles



twilight comes running in "spike!"


Hank smiles "thats nice lydia."

twilight nods "ill go tell him!" she runs off.


rainbow nods "yes he did.. and i think from lyida, jt, hank, and rocket.. im pretty sure.."

"Ok Twilight." Blade saying


"I will stay and wait for our clothing love." Flash saying



"I see. Well I never knew Discord can get someone angry. Can Celestia or Luna split me and Darkness apart so this way He can go on his own way?" Skull saying Darkness nodding in Skull mind.


"I need talk to Lyida and JT what did Discord made them so angry to do that?" Futtershy saying

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Caitlyn smiles "sure I would love to! An Sally your welcome, it is majestic"


jT nods "this war was brutal, we should have never began fighting" he turns to Lydia "oh I was just talking to them about PACE and the appleoosa battles" he said.


Rosko smiles "I'm glad you survived" he said.


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Caitlyn smiles "sure I would love to! An Sally your welcome, it is majestic"

jT nods "this war was brutal, we should have never began fighting" he turns to Lydia "oh I was just talking to them about PACE and the appleoosa battles" he said.

Rosko smiles "I'm glad you survived" he said.

Sally smiles, "Thank you... would you like to stay here? I'm sure JT and Lydia wouldn't mind."

Applejack hugs Rosko, "Ahm glad ah get to stay with you too..."

Lydia sighs, "You always sound like you hate PACE... It's not like the Ponies or your resistance were any better. At least we merciful when we wound up hurting civilians."

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Sally smiles, "Thank you... would you like to stay here? I'm sure JT and Lydia wouldn't mind."

Applejack hugs Rosko, "Ahm glad ah get to stay with you too..."

Lydia sighs, "You always sound like you hate PACE... It's not like the Ponies or your resistance were any better. At least we merciful when we wound up hurting civilians."

Caitlyn nods, "i would love to stay here, but it seems like im going somewhere tonight" she says with a smile.


JT sighs, "i dont hate them... at least thats not what im trying to get across.... but i believe protecting your home from an invading assault is more noble then trying to take magic and weather control for your own use... and what do you mean when WE wound up hurting civillians"


Rosko smiled and hugged applejack, then he overheard the conversation, "its sounds like she knows something about you JT, and it sounds like you are more ashamed of something you did than actually hate Humans and PACE"


JT stops in his tracks and looks shocked at Roskos revalation.


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Caitlyn nods, "i would love to stay here, but it seems like im going somewhere tonight" she says with a smile.

JT sighs, "i dont hate them... at least thats not what im trying to get across.... but i believe protecting your home from an invading assault is more noble then trying to take magic and weather control for your own use... and what do you mean when WE wound up hurting civillians"

Rosko smiled and hugged applejack, then he overheard the conversation, "its sounds like she knows something about you JT, and it sounds like you are more ashamed of something you did than actually hate Humans and PACE"

JT stops in his tracks and looks shocked at Roskos revalation.

Applejack nods, "Ah think you might be on to something Rosko..."

Lydia tries to reign in her anger, "It didn't start out as an assault! Earth was dying and we were just trying to find some way to keep it from bringing the rest of us with it! Then somebody started shooting... I think it's better to save 8 billion people than a few ponies! Just because you let someone die doesn't mean everyone was like that! What I mean by we was that there were a few accidents... it was only right to put the injured out of their misery..."

Sally nods, "I hope you enjoy your night then!"

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Applejack nods, "Ah think you might be on to something Rosko..."

Lydia tries to reign in her anger, "It didn't start out as an assault! Earth was dying and we were just trying to find some way to keep it from bringing the rest of us with it! Then somebody started shooting... I think it's better to save 8 billion people than a few ponies! Just because you let someone die doesn't mean everyone was like that! What I mean by we was that there were a few accidents... it was only right to put the injured out of their misery..."

Sally nods, "I hope you enjoy your night then!"

Rosko watches on, now suspicious about JT.


JT looks up with anger, "a few? My best friend was almost brutally murdered, and his friend WAS brutally murdered, under a command! that isnt even the worst part of it... ive kil... seen.... many innocent ponies killed here, hell there were bombings on CIVILIAN areas. it is right to put someone down if they are injured, but bombing is never an accident."


Rosko catches JT's slip up and looks at applejack, seeing if she caught it to.


Caitlyn nods, "night"


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Rosko watches on, now suspicious about JT.

JT looks up with anger, "a few? My best friend was almost brutally murdered, and his friend WAS brutally murdered, under a command! that isnt even the worst part of it... ive kil... seen.... many innocent ponies killed here, hell there were bombings on CIVILIAN areas. it is right to put someone down if they are injured, but bombing is never an accident."

Rosko catches JT's slip up and looks at applejack, seeing if she caught it to.

Caitlyn nods, "night"

Lydia's eyes begin to blaze like twin suns and the room's temperature begins to rise with her anger, "You think I don't know how many ponies you killed ?! I'll ask you this, do you know how many people you killed who just wanted to see this war end? Men and women, Stallions and mares, who just wanted to go home and see their families? No one was innocent during this war, least of all you." She turns to Rosko, fully in the grip of her rage, "I don't want you to call me the star child anymore. She saved people, I just helped them to their deaths."

Applejack whispers to Rosko, "ah think there's something JT isn't telling us."

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Lydia's eyes begin to blaze like twin suns and the room's temperature begins to rise with her anger, "You think I don't know how many ponies you killed ?! I'll ask you this, do you know how many people you killed who just wanted to see this war end? Men and women, Stallions and mares, who just wanted to go home and see their families? No one was innocent during this war, least of all you." She turns to Rosko, fully in the grip of her rage, "I don't want you to call me the star child anymore. She saved people, I just helped them to their deaths."

Applejack whispers to Rosko, "ah think there's something JT isn't telling us."

JT clenches his fist and stares her in the eyes, "im going back to the house... i dont want to go to a party tonight" he says as he begins to walk off.


Rosko looks at applejack, "uh oh..... do you want to stay here with lydia or chase after JT" he looks to lydia and sees the danger of her fire, "you go towards JT, ill talk with Lydia" he says, wanting to protect Applejack


(i think i know where this is going, i like the drama and rage :3 )

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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Twilight smiles "we want you to come to the gala."


Rainbow shrugs "not sure why he would do that." She said and sighs.


Colgate smiles as she heads to the tardis with caitlyn


Hank heard the yelling and felt the temperature rise up as he made sure colgate and caitlyn and rocket and the others are in as the door closes and he takes them to space "I swear stop the arguing! What's done is done! We can't prevent that moment! I would have wanted that to happen.. humans and ponies, living side by side! It would have been easy! But its like what happened to my planet.. our enemies are ruthless.. and attacked us.. we never battled.. so we had to learn.. and adapt.. only some got away before I put the time seal up.. if I could go back in time.. I would. But who knows what could mess up!"



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JT clenches his fist and stares her in the eyes, "im going back to the house... i dont want to go to a party tonight" he says as he begins to walk off.

Rosko looks at applejack, "uh oh..... do you want to stay here with lydia or chase after JT" he looks to lydia and sees the danger of her fire, "you go towards JT, ill talk with Lydia" he says, wanting to protect Applejack

(i think i know where this is going, i like the drama and rage :3 )

(It is getting rather exciting, isn't it?)

Applejack nods and looks worriedly between Lydia and JT, "Please be careful... Ah don't want you to get hurt in the middle of this." She hurries after JT.

Lydia's anger cahses flames to begin to cover her body, and the metal around her begins to glow a dull red as she turns toward Rosko, "I don't feel much like going either, but I want to be around him even less."

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(It is getting rather exciting, isn't it?)

Applejack nods and looks worriedly between Lydia and JT, "Please be careful... Ah don't want you to get hurt in the middle of this." She hurries after JT.

Lydia's anger cahses flames to begin to cover her body, and the metal around her begins to glow a dull red as she turns toward Rosko, "I don't feel much like going either, but I want to be around him even less."

(alright, so Kappas post with hank and mine kind of clashed, so were going to continue from my post and hank and celestia are going to join in on the fun, so that means we need to wait for Kappas posts)


JT walks into a room, he looks at himself in a mirror, the sight of himself disgusts him. with a bit of rage, JT smashes his fist into the mirror. Breaking the mirror and drawing blood from his fist.


Rosko cautiously approaches Lydia, "Sta... i mean... Lydia? do you want to go walk and vent?"


Rocket smiles, "this is going to be a great night?"


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Hank sighs as he saw jt walk out. "Celestia. Go watch lydia.." celestia went to lydia "lydia.. calm down. Lets go and relax outside where its cool okay?" She smiles warmly.


Hank shut down the tardis as he ran after jt "jt.. why would you storm out? Especially on a night like this?"


Colgate shrugs "well.. not after seeing what happened with lydia and jt."



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