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Yet another introduction...


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Hello everypony!


I've been a brony for a while, but I've been a lurker rather than being involved in the community, and I figured I should change that.


I am an independent game developer (XNA/C# mostly) and senior in high school, and I am debating making a simple FiM-based game just as a diversion from my more complex work.


I just recently created my first ever pony-themed clothing (for a friend's birthday): a Scootaloo hoodie complete with detachable wings (no mane; she wanted subtlety). I plan on making myself a Rainbow Dash-themed one and possibly constructing more to order (more details on this in another thread).


That's basically what you need to know about me.


P.S. Rainbow Dash is best pony.

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Welcome! What? what happened here? this unacceptable of the Bronies Welcome Squad!

Welcome to the Herd,My Talented friend. Its my respondsibilty that you get a warm welcome that only bronies can do.

My names Patrick, But you can call me Tag! I can't wait to see what you'll do here in the forums. games are really big here! If you ever need some help or just need to chat. just either click my Alicorn ,<--------- Find me in the Colisuem,Sugarcube Corner or the chat.

I hope you make Lots of friends and i wish Happyness and Friendship!

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Thanks for the warm welcome! Most of the internet isn't quite as awesome as the brony community, especially at stuff like welcomes.


Just to warn you (:P), you may also soon see some of my friends here (I have converted more than I ever thought I would, partly by showing MLP at our school's Anime Club - most of the club couldn't believe that it was targeted at little girls).

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(I have converted more than I ever thought I would, partly by showing MLP at our school's Anime Club - most of the club couldn't believe that it was targeted at little girls).


Posted ImageYou sir, are very lucky. Brony friends of mine: 0 :(

Anyway, (I'm a little late hehe) welcome to the herd :)

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