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New pony-art from Jamza + name for OC?


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Hello everypony! img-1275246-1-cool.png
Once again my artistic side decided to surprise me and this time it produced something I've never done before. A drawing that is not a copy of something else, but completely my own, not inspired by anything but my own crazy mind img-1275246-2-blink.png

(The size of this, when clicked, might be humongous. Sorry'bout that...)

While drawing, I usually let my mind wander, and while drawing this little OC, I started to think, "What's her story? Where did she come from and why?" Then I started throwing ideas about who she is and stuff like that... And I came up with an entire backstory and even better, I came up with a sequel to the backstory img-1275246-3-laugh.png

That means that sometime in the near future (or far, depending on when I get some progress on my two other fanfic works-in-progress) I will start writing a fanfic about her. (The name of the fic is on the drawing) There's only one problem... She doesn't have a name. I have an idea for the color scheme and the cutie-mark, but I need ideas for a name. And that's where you come in, my dear brony-friends. img-1275246-4-wink.png Please, please, PLEASE come up with ideas for a name for this cute little filly? img-1275246-5-sad.png Of course, to get ideas for her name, you'll need some info about her history, so here goes... (Might also be the description for the upcoming fic unless I change my mind about some things)

[insert name here] is the daughter of a changeling and a unicorn. She was raised by her mother in the changeling hive. She has always been a little different from other changelings, and not just by her looks, the biggest difference being the fact that she's not connected to the hive-mind like all the others because of her pony-heritage. Being bullied by the other changeling-foals for being different, she has developed a strong sense of righteousness. After her mother is murdered she flees the hive fearing for her own life. Finding herself in a strange new world, she makes her way to the only pony-town she's ever heard of: Ponyville. Her mother often told her about this place and its inhabitants. She has a plan to find a safe haven at the home of one particular pony, a pony she has never met, but about whom she had heard so much from her mother. Her aunt...

I don't know if this particular type of fiction has been written before, but if it has, could you please point me towards it so I can read it and make changes accordingly (I don't plagiarize) img-1275246-6-tongue.png Also, if you figured out some stuff that will be important in the story from that description (which you probably did) please don't post any spoilers in the comments, but PM me instead if you have any questions.

As always, I'd appreciate any and all opinions, hints, advice, etc. on the drawing. (Also, should I keep that hole on her ear? I thought it looked cool, but I'm not sure if changelings can have holes in their ears too img-1275246-7-laugh.png )

PS. I put this in the "Fan art" -section, because that's what it is, in the end. If any moderators feel this should be in any other section, please feel free to move it. img-1275246-8-mellow.png


Decided to take a few more pics just for the fun of it. I really liked the pink-ish hue my Pinkie Pie desktop background gave, so I decided to post it here img-1275246-9-sleep.png (Not gonna keep it that way, I'll color it sometime this weekend or next week)





Also drew a side profile for her today mellow.png  I thought long and hard on whether to add holes to her hooves, but decided to go without because it looked weird laugh.png  Anyway, here it is:



(No, I didn't draw the cutie mark yet. I might reveal it at some point)

Edited by Jamza

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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And here's what I did pretty much the entire evening. I wanted to make a coloured version of her and made this with MS Paint and Gimp 2. The shading might be a bit off at places, but this is the first one I've ever done shading on cool.png  Anyway.. Here she is:



Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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Interesting concept. I like to see original ideas like this. all to often when someone tries to be original it wineds up looking weird. But I think you pulled it off quite nicely.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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