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Well, Looky Here! Bronies!

Ms. J. L. Snickers

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Oh my goodness! Fellow MLP lovers! *hoofclap* How wonderful!


I'm Ms. J. L. Snickers, but feel free to  call me Lee or Snickers. I'm still trying to figure stuff out around here, so any help you can give me would be fantastic. smile.png 


Ooh, smilies. cool.png 


Anyway, as soon as I'm out of the 'blank flank' group, I shall proceed to the roleplaying section! I'm an avid roleplayer, although a bit rusty through lack of use. But since my flank is as blank as Scootaloo's, I shall give everypony a bit of information about myself so I can discuss.



  • I'm sort of like Twilight: I'm a rabid college student, and nothing will get in my way of achieving the perfect grade. Even sleep, or lack thereof. I'm also usually very organized, and when I'm not...well, let's just say that "Lesson Zero" is an understatement.


  • I discovered My Little Pony through a brony-hater, actually, so the trolls aren't entirely worthless. I checked around and stumbled across the "Best of Fluttershy" video. And...well, what can beat those adorable aqua eyes peering up at you sheepishly? I'll admit the "You're - going - to LOVE ME!" was what finally sealed the deal, but I digress. Ever since then, history has been made. I've watched every single episode at least once, and most of them more than once.


  • I've got a bit of a temper, I'll freely admit. So debating isn't my strong suit. (But I will debate the despicableness of the S3 finale to my bucking grave. angry.png ) Don't engage me in argument, since it'll usually end...messily.


  • I love YouTube. Really, really love that thing. So expect me to rave about somebody I just stumbled upon on the internet, like Nostalgia Critic. (High-laaaaarious).


  • I am a fully-functioning, estrogen-fueled female who will go into fangirly spasms whenever you mention a...*cough* certain actor's name. I shall not mention this actor's name, since there's breakable eardrums within range. But feel free to talk to me about actors - I love movies with good looking men. Looooove love love them. I like talking about them, I like watching them over and over, and I like owning them. The movies, not the actors. Yeah.

So that's...rambling. And non-cohesive. Thank God my English teacher isn't grading these.

  • Brohoof 4
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Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!

Please enjoy yourself while you're here ^_^


Im sure you will fit right into our community ^_^


If you have any questions or you just wanna talk don't be afraid to shoot me a PM, Id be glad to lend a hoof If I can...

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Welcome to the forums! I can assure you that it is a ton of fun and there are plenty of friends to be made. I hope you have a great time! Feel free to PM me if you need anything. I too am a bit like Twilight, maybe we might share some scholarly interest. :)

Edited by ♥Harmonic Revelations♥
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hey, lee happy welcoem to the forums!

To be honest I don´t know many bronies who got to the show by haters (somehow), but when that happens, even funnier and more awesome.

I hope you have a great time around here, everyone is super, friendly, super-friendly and helpful, if there are any problems or questions everyone will happily help ya. Make sure to check out the whole forum, with topics for (nearly) everything, RPs, forum games and whatnot. And if you cant find a topic, or make art of any kind, create one ;D

enjoy yourself, see ya around.


- P.S.: join the _Cannon empire xD

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Welcome to the forums! biggrin.png


I am more like Twilight when it comes to Science, you and me will get along just fine.


PM me if you ever want to talk or need anything. smile.png


Enjoy your stay!

Edited by ~Chaotic Lightning~
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Glad to have you here! Welcome to the forums bro!


I'm not really a RPer myself, so i may not see you that much if at all, but I still wish you the best of luck and that you enjoy your time!


If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them!



Edited by Zygen
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Ok he didn't get to you first.

Listen, my name is vinyl rave and I have something to say.

There are some bad ponies (muffin thief) who I am trying to combat.

Please join the army of P.A.S.E. (protecting and serving equestria) by personal messaging me.

Thank you very much.

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