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It's ok Aqua you can do it think Pinke and everything will be ok I'm cheering you on I now that you can do it just think Pinke and everything will be ok I know that we will be in the finals even if we are in fourth place everything will be ok if we just think Pinke

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Aqua heard his name being called and went up stage. "Hello my name is Aqua and I will be singing Art of the Dress" Aqua said as he started to sing the song. (Just do what Luna said...'Think Pinkie') Aqua told to himself in his mind as he sang that last of the song.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The crowd cheered at the end of the performance. Yay you did a great job and you thinked Pinke at the performance good job now it's time for the semi finals and I'm going to play hm I'm going to play Lilium now this time well I can't wait to play this song I really like it to.

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"I'm gonna sing Gypsy Bard like I said I would for the semi-finales" Aqua said smiling. "I know you will do just perfect Luna" Aqua said feeling confident in both Luna and himself. "Well lets wish each other luck in the semi alright Luna" Aqua said as he drank some water.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yep I think so to its a good thing that we are getting a break right now to so that we can drink some water and just hang out and talk for a while so while we are taking our brake what should we talk about maybe we should talk about muffins and decide which are the best and which are the worst.

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"Well I like banana nut muffins, blueberry muffins, chocolate chip muffin...but english muffins to me taste like they are stale" Aqua said as he sounded like Derpy for  a minute when ex said what kid of muffins he liked. "Any ways what kind of muffins do you like Luna"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well I like chocolate chip, blue berry, and chocolate muffins but I never ate an English muffin before so I don't know what it taste like though and I know that Derpy likes all but English muffins oh I like oat muffins to because they have oats in them.

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"I never had an oat muffin before" Aqua said as he heard ponies being called to preform now. "Well looks like the break is over now you ready Luna" Aqua said as he was ready for anything....except getting hit by something while he is singing but he knows that won't happen.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yep I'm ready to go and everything is going to be okydokyloky witch means just fine well I can't wait for my next performance at the contest and I hope that if Derpy is here that she will stay were she is and won't go close to the stage because yah we should be lucky if we survive.

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"I wonder if Fluttershy or Applejack is here...probably not though" Aqua said as he heard Luna's name again. "I you are up next Luna good luck" Aqua said as he went to practice for a bit before he has to go up next and sing his song that he chose for the semi-finals.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok see you later Aqua. This time I will be playing the song Lilium. (I'm doing good so far wait is that Fluttershy in the addition well she might be cheering for me she is such a nice friend to me ok back to focusing just like I planned that if you think Pinke you will be just fine)

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Aqua listened to the song the Luna played. "Sometimes I wonder if I could play an instrument...maybe I could ask Luna to teach me after this is done with..." Aqua thought as he wonder what instrument he should play. "Anyways im going to play gypsy bard when it's my turn so I shouldn't have any problem"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Hay Aqua you would never guess who I saw in the addition it was Fluttershy I wonder why she is here well nevermind that its your turn. All of the ponies went crazy after Aqua's amassing performance. You did a great job Aqua ok this is for the final three ponies now I'm going to play Proof Of Life.

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"Alright good luck out there Luna" Aqua said as he watched Luna head onto the stage. "Fluttershy is here...cool" Aqua said happy Fluttershy is here. "I wonder if I should even sing Gypsy Magic....maybe I should change the song...no I will sing that song and I wont be nervous I just gotta think Pinkie"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok thank you Aqua. Now for my final song I will play Proof Of Life. (Just think Pinke I know that this is a hard song to play but I have to play it and I have been practicing this song for a long time to so it won't shouldn't be to hard for me to play just think Pinke)

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As Luna finished playing the crowd cheered at the perfect performance. "Well looks like it's my turn" Aqua said as he walked on stage. (I cooked up a solution with the knowledge i accrued they say a kitchen time saves nine but im just baking two...ok I got it down pat now to just sing it) Aqua said to him self as he started to sing Pinkies brew/Gypsy Magic.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The crowed was fascinated by the mixture of songs that they went absolutely crazy at the end of the performance. Wow Aqua that was absolutely amazing and the way that you mix the song together that was so perfect wow I didn't know that we were able to mix songs together.

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"It was a bit difficult to tell you the truth I didn't think anyone would like it but apparently...I was wrong" Aqua said happy everyone like his song that he sang. "I'm just glad it went well...and im happy I got to participate if you didn't tell me about this I probably wouldn't even had this much fun" Aqua said while smiling.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well if the word bits never came before we entered well we wouldn't even be here and I had fun to maybe we should enter in another contest again but we won't have to be solo that would be fun but this is the last contest of the season we have to wait for next season.

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"Yeah wait for the next season" Aqua said as they announced the winners. "I wonder if we won...I hope so I really need the bits" Aqua said remembering that he's gonna make a tree house for Sparkz and also buy some food for himself since he already got food for Sparkz.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yah I hope so to then I can help Fluttershy fix up her cottage so that when it rains no rain will go through and get Angel bunny wet he really hates it when that happens because we would have to keep refluffing he's tail witch gets annoying after a while.

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"Yeah...too bad we have to wait a while till the winner is announced" Aqua said as he coughed a bit and the drank some water. "All that singing made my throat dry" Aqua said as he drank more water. "You know I can help you, Fluttershy, or both of you any time...besides I really dont have much to do"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well first we need to build Sparkz tree house and the fence to and then we can go to Fluttershy's cottage and fix the leaks in the cottage so that won't be a problem anymore even though Abgel bunny loves getting his tail fluffed, so lets go to your house.

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"Alright but shouldn't we wait for the winner to be announced fi-oh wait never mind they already said it...still can't believe I won though" Aqua said as he headed back to his house with Luna behind him and unlocked his door to be greeted with Sparkz jumping onto him.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Hay it looks like Sparkz is very happy to see you so what do you want to get started on maybe we can start on the fence first and then we will work on the tree house for Sparkz i know that this will make him very happy to that he will be outside all day so lets get started.

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