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Milly woke up after only about a 5 minute nap "Hey!.." Milly said madly then noticed it was a probably the teacher "I-i mean...Heyyy" Milly said nicely "Wow, the teachers here sure aren't like ponyville teachers.." Milly whispered to Riku "Hah, king moron" Milly whispered and giggled 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"I SAID QUIET" Moron said as he continued his lecture. "Wow this is boring..." RIku said slowly falling asleep as he listened to the teacher. "Hey I should tell you that the teacher will never turn back around" the girl said as she laid her head down. "Really now...." Riku said falling asleep.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(OOC: I'm still here, I was just waiting for people to post)


Delia snickered as the two from her group got in trouble. I know i shouldnt laugh but there innocent nature is funny.She thought as she sat up straight in her chair. Delia was getting bored by teachers long winded speech and decided to meditate.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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(OOC-I am so sorry I have not posted for a while :( )


Frozen started to fidget in her chair, she had had enough of the same boring teacher say stuff she did not understand. Frozen grabbed her pen with her mouth and started to write, all the other normal people were looking at her strangely. "What!?!" Frozen grabbed her book with her mouth, in fact she grabbed everything with her mouth until the teacher looked at her and said sternly. "What is your name child, you are spreading your germs around" Frozen raised an eyebrow, what was she going to say, Frozen Mint was not really a human name... "Umm, I forgot..." The teacher raised an eyebrow "How can you forget your own name?" This was the first time Frozen was speechless, she looked around for inspiration.... and saw nothing, maybe Frozen wasn't a strange name... "Sir my name is Frozen Mint" The teacher raised his eyebrow once again and then just carried on talking to the rest of the class.... Then Frozen muttered to herself "That could have gone worse...*



                    Hush hush, Starlights asleep, hush hush, through her telescope she weeps, hush, hush, as she hunts for mars, hush, hush, and head for stars!

                                                  Starlight Request shop My page


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Clover felt that she was luckier than some of the others; her name passed as a human name as well as a pony name. When she had told the teacher her name, they had reacted normally enough. She stifled a yawn tho as the teacher talked; this was boring and she wasn't learning anything!



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Riku was awoken by a paper plane hit him in the back of the head. "Ow..what the" Riku whispered as he picked up the paper plane and saw writing on it. "I want a rematch and this time don't bring you girlfriend with you this time after school in the back of the school" Riku read the note to himself and sighed s he turned around and saw the kid from before who was bullying the other kid. "So he wants to fight...well I guess I should accept...though I wont go easy" Riku thought to himself as he got rid of the piece of paper.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Milly was sitting next to Riku bored then she turned to Riku and saw as a paper plane hit him. Milly saw as it looked like Riku was reading something on it "What does it say?" Milly whispered to Riku "Everything okay?" Milly said as she saw Riku get rid of the paper 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Huh...oh its nothing" Riku lied not wanting anyone to get involved. "just nothing" Riku said as he stared at the board in boredom. "How long do these lectures last...." Riku asked the teacher as he glared at him. "SHUT UP LOSER" The teacher yelled. "Oh thats it im gonna bit the living life out of him" Riku muttered as he got up.

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Delia quickly bolted up upon hearing the words of the teacher. "Excuse me sir, but that is not how you should talk to those younger than you. Apologize or i will take action." Delia demanded as she waited for the response of the teacher.


(OOC: im assuming DM or@, is controlling the teacher.)

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Sit you but down" The teacher said. "You know what screw you" Riku said as he walked up to the teacher. "I have met who were jerks but you sir are the most biggest jerk ever no wonder why people call you King Moron your a moron" Riku said. "SIT DOWN N-" The teacher was interrupted by Riku punching him square in the face. "K...kid....detention" Moron said as he got up and left the room. "Detention...well this should be interesting" Riku said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Alright..." Milly said to Riku but didn't believe it was nothing. Milly herd the teacher yell to Riku "Riku, wait calm down!" Milly said but he didn't seem to hear. Milly watched as Riku punched the teacher. Milly herd a bell go off and students started to leave. Milly got up and went to the teacher "Are...you alright?" Milly said trying to be nice to that mean teacher "You know, next time you should try to be a little nicer" Milly rolled her eyes and walked out of the room 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Riku come to the principles office" the announcement said and Riku walked to the room only to see King Moron and the principle. "Not even near the end of school and you got in trouble" the principle said as the three talked for a bit and Riku left. "Great 2 days of detention starting tomorrow"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(( Just letting you all know my joining in was okayed by @@PinkieShyFlutterPie, ))



As more than a few ponies had been disappearing from Ponyville, Novella had decided to go to the Everfree forest and check it out herself. Upon entering the forest she spotted the door for herself.

"Looks like fun...." She thought as she stepped through the door. She fell out the other side and blinked a few times taking in the strange sight in New York Central Park. She reached her hoof hand up  to check her horn and make sure it was not damaged, but it wasn't there!

"Huh? What's going on?!?"  She thought puzzled. She reached back to fix her mane and it had turned into a strange thing called hair! She look around at her back and her tail had disappeared! She looked down and instead of her light blue skin she had a baggy light blue sweater and black tank top. She had jean shorts on and brown boots. She reached up to touch her face and felt glasses! Having never had to wear glasses before, she started to remove them, but her vision got so blurry that she had to put them back on. Still perplexed she felt the back of her head to fix her bow and sighed in relief when it was still there.

"At least I still have my bow..." She thought optimistically.

She stood up and held on to the trees to regain her balance and try to walk. When she finally did figure out how to walk normally she headed out of the park. She saw the school sign and automatically thought of how much she loved school. She ran giddily up to the school then shyly opened the door and tapped the desk of the big woman with glasses.

"Umm...Miss? Excuse me? I'd like to join your school." She says quietly while blushing.

The woman thinks for a moment. Then she glares at her and throws her a uniform.

"Alright. Go get changed into this and go to (insert whatever class the others are in) class." The woman replies.

Novella changes into her uniform in the bathroom then wanders up and down the halls of the school until she finds the class. She stands outside the class for about five minutes and then works up the courage to knock on the door and open it. She sticks her head in and she is  majorly blushing.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Delia had been standing in the class for some time now. Most of her group was getting yelled at by the teacher of the class. Two other humans she did not know came up to her. "What's with the dress? you poor?" they asked as they picked at her dress. Delia knew how to handle ignorant ponies who didn't have anything else to say then mean spirited words. Delia wasn't sure,however, how to deal with humans. As they got more persistent with their badgering Delia grew impatient with them.She finally decided she had had enough. She made her hand into a fist and proceeded to punch the two unknown humans that were pestering her.



She then saw a shy little human poking their head into the classroom. She couldn't help but to smile at her.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Clover sighed heavily as she saw the trouble the others were getting themselves into, and thought that this whole school business was a waste of time. It would be better to try and come up with someplace for them all to stay while they figured out how to get back. She doodled on a piece of paper, while she thought about the problem.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Novella stept into the classroom fully.

"Excuse me, but I'm supposed to be in this class....I'll just take a seat right here if you don't mind." She said while smiling at the teacher. She took a seat next to Delia and smiled at her too. She looked at her hands and studied them carefully, she had read some books about human anatomy but they were very vague. She knew they were like hooves but they sure didn't look like hooves! She waited for a pencil to levitate towards her, forgetting that she didn't have access to magic here. When it didn't levitate to her she cautiously picked it up and started to write everything she noticed about the human world on a piece of paper.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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((if it shows this more then once srry im on my 3DS))

Riku headed back to his class and saw a new student in the class...also followed by a different teacher. "Okay class since you last teacher almost got his nose broken i'll be subbing for him for today" The teacher said as she started writing on the board and riju took his seat.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Novella raises her hand and when the teacher calls on her she asks, "Does anyone here know what Equestria is?" The teacher and most of the students look at her like a mad woman.

"I mean will we be learning about Nikola Tesla this year?" She recognized the name from a vague book called "Outside of Equestria"  that gave her some background knowledge about human history. She knew a few names, but didn't really know why they were important or what they did.

On her piece of paper she scribbles down, " Humans don't know what Equestria is."

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Milly ran into the class she was supposed to be at "Hey, sorry i'm late" Milly said taking her seat when she herd somepo-body ask if the teacher knew about Equestria 'Oh my gosh..Must be another pony who went through the portal!' Milly thought to herself and looked over at the person 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Novella looked up and saw Milly looking at her. She waved back smiling and blushing.

"Must think I'm crazy..." She thought to herself.

She folded up a piece of paper and handed it up to Milly while trying to also take notes on human math. "Why do you need to know that area of a triangle is 180 degrees when people want to buy apples!?" Novella thought perplexedly.



The note she passed to Milly reads,

"I'm Novella. What's your name?"




(Just gonna say we're in math class right now hope that's not a problem...)

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Riku was happy that it as math it was his favorite class back in ponyville albeit a bit different but hes glad hes taking this class. "About time I start something I understand" Riku said as he saw a note be passed to Milly form some person two seat behind him.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Milly took the note and read it then she took out her own piece of paper and wrote down "Hi, i'm MillyMusic" Milly said wondering if she should say her full name 'This girl must be a pony...so i guess it doesn't matter if i write my full name' Milly thought to herself then passed the note to Novella 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Novella saw the note and grinned.

She replied:

"I'm guessing you're a pony too then."

After she wrote her reply she passed the note back up to MillyMusic


Novella tried to pay attention to whatever the teacher was talking about but she really couldn't. She wasn't the only pony in the human world which got her very happy.

As she always paid attention when she was in school back in Ponyville it was unusual to act this way but she didn't care. As long as she wasn't the only pony in this place she felt as though she could survive anything.

Edited by MissWonder

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Tumble awoke from her nap to see that there was a new teacher at the front of the room, and a new student had joined too. She seemed to be passing notes between herself and Milly.

Tumble tried to pay attention to the lesson that they were learning about, but she found maths boring and turned her attention back to the new student. Something seemed odd about her, maybe she had also gone through the portal too? She kept an eye on the could-be pony-gone-human rather than paying attention to the lesson.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Milly got the note from the po-person and was surprised a bit then looked over at Novella and looked back to her note and started to write "Yea...So are some of the other people here, maybe we could meet up after this school." Milly passed the note back pony-person 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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