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open The Murder in Evertree forest... (RP)


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(OOC- This is the 'searching' thread just in case you want to join ;) http://mlpforums.com/topic/56399-the-murder-in-evertree-forest/#entry1357493)



Frozen woke up earlier than usual, she tossed and turned in her bed until she at last got out of bed. She was in the kitchen making her breakfast until she heard a piercing scream. Frozen flew out the door as quickly as possible. The scream leaded her to Evertree forest, she got to a deeper part of the forest and she found a body. Frozen leaned over, the body have blood wounds. "How... how could this of happend?"


Frozen shook her head, she needed to find out; what if this person repeated his actions. Frozen new what she could do, she posted loads of letters though every door in Ponyville hoping people will reply.





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Techna woke up as usual. She let out a huge yawn and stretched her arms. She slipped on her black thick-rimmed glasses. Out of the window, she saw a light green mare, with bright red hair. The mare seemed to have left something in the mail box.

"The Mail never comes THIS early" Techna thought. She went outside and, slipped her hand into the mailbox to find a white envelope.

"Dear Stranger," She read.

" I found a dead body inside the Everfree forest. Will you help me find out who the murderer was?

~Frozen Mint."

Techna rushed into her house and took out a pen and pencil.

"Dear Frozen Mint,

I would like to help you find out who the murderer was, and also find out some further information about the body. I live in the small cottage near the Everfree forest.

~Techna Volts." She put the letter in her mailbox, hoping the mare would return.

Techna took some of her books that would be useful. She put them in her black sattle-bag, and waited for Frozen Mint to return.

Edited by Eureka
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 "Ahh, should really start going to bed at a decent hour, it's gunna' catch up to me eventually..." Grass Whistle said with a sigh. Rubbing his eyes, he saw a mare a couple houses down delivering letters with a bit of haste. 


 "I wonder what's going on...mail is never delivered in the morning, let alone THIS early." Grass thought.


 Once managing to get out of bed he let out a strong yawn and flexed a bit to loosen his muscles after his rough night of sleep.  He walked to the mailbox to see what the early delivery was for. Inside the mailbox was a white envelope, however, there wasn't really anything on the envelope telling who had sent it. He slowly trotted back inside.


 He settled down in the kitchen with a couple pieces of toast, wasn't much, but he knew had to eat something. He grabbed the letter and proceeded to open it. Inside, was a note that looked like it had been written very quickly. It said,


    "Dear everypony,

 There has a been a murder in the Everfree Forest. I am looking for all volunteers that could help out in finding who is the pony. Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated.

       ~Frozen Mint"


 "A murder in the Everfree Forest!?" Whistle thought. His eyes had widened once he read the word murder. Murder rarely happens in Equestria, so he knew he should give a helping hoof. He ran into his study and found a piece of paper, grabbed a pencil and started writing to Frozen.


      "Dear Frozen Mint,

I would love to help you find out who could have done this. Having a murderer on the loose should not be taken lightly. I eagerly await your response.

        ~Grass Whistle"


 Whistle quickly got up from the table and made haste to the mailbox to drop his letter. 


 "Oooh, I hope the mailmare is early today..." Grass Whistle said to himself with a worried look. "No point in really worrying this much about it yet though, I guess I'll just head back inside for the time being to wait for her reponse."


 Whistle slowly trotted back inside where he would wait for the day.

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Frozen still lying awake in her bed waiting for a reply she looked up at the roof. "Who would kill somepony like that..." Frozen then heard 2 clangs through her mail box. Frozen flew down the stairs and looked in her mail box. There were 2 letters frozen read them both and looked at the names at the bottom. "Techna Volts and Grass Whistle?" Frozen wrote the name down on a piece of paper and then flew up stairs once again, hopefully other people would reply...

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Moon Dust sat on her roof late at night, watching the stars. She heard the clanging of mailboxes and angled her telescope to see mint green pegasus delivering some sort of letter to all of the houses.

"What's she delivering? The mail pony never arrives this early. To all of the houses too? Must be bills or something..." She sighed, flying down from her roof down to the mailbox, opening it noisily. She read through the letter.

"A murder, huh? Sounds interesting I guess." She said, closing the mailbox and heading back into her house to write a reply.

'Dear Miss Frozen Mint,

I'll join in this hunt on one condition, so long as I (and the others) are not harmed. It's worrying to hear that there's a murderer on the loose, and I would like to see them behind iron bars.


Moon Dust'

Once she finished writing, she posted the letter into her mailbox, yawning.

"I guess I'll take a nap while I wait for her response, I doubt I coul think straight with no sleep." She said, going back inside.

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  Grass Whistle walked into his study and sat on the couch near the window, his mind, thinking at a million miles a minute. He gave a perplexed stare out the window in hopes that something will come to him, anything that could help or make the situation better. He watched as other ponies walked around outside, chatting with each other, then continuing on with their schedule. Eventually he started feeling restless, anxious even. He had to go and see if he could find the area Frozen Mint was talking about. 


  He gathered his green and white checkered scarf from the rack near the door and set out towards the forest. He took the long way so as to not be confronted by any pony, acting wasn't really his forte nor does he usually act like this. 


  It wasn't long before he made it to the dark and gloomy entrance to the Everfree Forest. He had always gone into the forest as a child to observe all the plant life that inhabited it, however, there was something about knowing that not only was there a dead body somewhere in there, but that the culprit could also still be in there.


  "I-I-I think I'll just wait for everypony to be gathered here, this way Frozen Mint can show us the way.." Whistle stuttered...

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Frozen waited until she heard another clang at the mail box. Frozen once again flew down the stairs and grabbed the letter and started to read it. Frozen nodded and then added Moon Dust to the list, Frozn looked up at her clock and saw it was times. Frozen flew to Evertree forest and waited, but she saw a pony. "Hey are you Grass whistle, I am Frozen are you helping with this murder?"

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Techna checked her watch to find it was time to meet Frozen Mint at the entrance to the Everfree Forest. She listened to her hooves click as she ran to the Entrance. She already saw two ponies by the entrance. The mint colored mare with red hair, and a green colt.

"Ello." Techna greeted quite calmly . "I'm here to help with...body. You must be Frozen Mint." Techna held out her hoof for Frozen to shake.

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Frozen shook her hoof and smiled. "Hi, well are you ready, we have a few more people to wait for and then we can start!" Frozen showed Techna a picture of the body. "We are going to have another a better look soon." It was hard but Frozen had to put her serious face on.

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"Dear everypony,

 There has a been a murder in the Everfree Forest. I am looking for all volunteers that could help out in finding who is the pony. Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated.

       ~Frozen Mint"


"A Murder? Ho boy." Whistled Brazen as she sifted through her mail. She had arrived in Ponyville only a couple of weeks ago from the rock farms, a place that was considered much rougher and tougher than a sweet little town like Ponyville, and even there things like 'Murder' were practically unheard of. Brazen had always had a strong sense of justice however, and she took out a piece of scrap paper and began to scrawl a letter.


"Dear Miss Mint

I'd be happy to help you get to the bottom of this Murder. Just tell me a time and place and I'll be there.

 - Brazen Wrench

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Frozen shook her hoof and smiled. "Hi, well are you ready, we have a few more people to wait for and then we can start!" Frozen showed Techna a picture of the body. "We are going to have another a better look soon." It was hard but Frozen had to put her serious face on.

Techna slipped her hoof in her sattlebag, which was as black as her hair, and she took out her books. There was one on identifying and treating wounds, one fiction mystery book, and one of edible plants because she was not sure how long she would be in the forest.

"So how long do you think we will be inthe forest?"

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When Moon Dust woke back up, she noticed that it was already time to meet the pony 'Frozen Mint'.  She gave her mane a quick comb and packed her saddlebag in no rush. She then flew lazily towards the Everfree Forest, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, with her little assistant flapping alongside her.  While she flew, she made sure she had packed everything, such as a scroll, quill, ink pot and some daisy sandwiches, enough for a small group. She figured that it wasn't just going to be the two of them, so she packed six and planned on eating the rest.

Once she got there, she landed and had a look at the group and forced a smile for her introduction.

"Hello everypony, my name's Moon Dust. It would be nice to meet you, but in these circumstances then it isn't as good as it could be. This," She said, pointing to the bat that was still flying dutifully by her side, "Is Haze. I thought he could patrol the forest for anypony suspicious while we investigate. I hope that's okay."

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Frozen waited until she heard another clang at the mail box. Frozen once again flew down the stairs and grabbed the letter and started to read it. Frozen nodded and then added Moon Dust to the list, Frozn looked up at her clock and saw it was times. Frozen flew to Evertree forest and waited, but she saw a pony. "Hey are you Grass whistle, I am Frozen are you helping with this murder?"


  Whistle jumped a bit when he heard a voice coming from behind him. He turned to see that the voice came from a minty-green pony pegasus.


  "Y-Yes I am." Whistle said, still feeling a bit startled. He collected himself before talking again. "Nice to meet you, given the current circumstances."


  The two of them waited in silence until a light purple earth pony appeared and introduced herself as Techna Volts. 


Techna slipped her hoof in her sattlebag, which was as black as her hair, and she took out her books. There was one on identifying and treating wounds, one fiction mystery book, and one of edible plants because she was not sure how long she would be in the forest.

"So how long do you think we will be inthe forest?"


  Whistled walked over to the two mares to make sure he wasn't missing out on anything that could help him be more part of the group. He saw Techna pull out a familiar book, a book on edible plants, he read this book quite a few times as a child and even now, still remembers it.


  "Don't worry Techna, hopefully we won't be in there that long, plus I have a good amount of knowledge about plants so you won't really be needing that book." Whistle said with a bit of confidence.


  They waited some more for other ponies to show up. Wasn't long before another pegasus flew down to join the group. She quickly introduced herself as Moon Dust while wearing a fake smile. Couldn't really blame her though, this isn't really the happiest situation to be meeting people under, but introductions do matter right? 


  " 'Ello Moon Dust, I'm Grass Whistle." He said, faking a grin as well. Whistle was never really good at introducing himself. "Seems like the flyer Frozen sent out actually got quite a few responses."

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Frozen saw a new purple pegasus fly over. "You must be Moon Dust!" we are just waiting on one pony, he messaged me about it so he should know we are meeting here. I think is name is Brazen Wrench. We wait a little longer and then we will take a look at the body..."

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"' Don't worry, hopefully we won't bein there that long, plus I have a good amount of knowledge about plants so, you won't really be needing that book." The stallion called Grass Whistle said confidently. I gave a smile hopefully lighting up the situation. Another pony named Moon Dust introduced herself, and plastered a fake smile on her face. I mean who can blame her? This isn't the best situation. At least I'm making some friends.

"Hi Moon Dust, I'm Techna, Techna Volts."

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Equinox woke up from hearing a knock on his door. "Who in the bloody heck is knocking on my door" Equinox said in his English/British accent as he got out of his bed and opened it to see a police officer who told him about a case he is now own with two others mares. "Fine I'll be there soon...ever free forest great there...cor I never thought a murder will happen there" Equinox said as he got his glasses on and headed to the forest when he got there he saw two mares. "You two must be the ones on this case also I presume

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Frozen nooded to what the pony said. "C'mon I need your help!" Frozen guided the stallion to the group of ponies ready to solve the murder.


@ Everyone


Frozen leaded all the ponies to a place in the forest where a body of a pony was. "C'mon lets see what we can find" Frozen started to look at the pony to see what she was killed by...


(Everyone, from now it is up to you, you can choose how she died, who killed her e.c.t. Also don't be inactive! Please :( )

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"She seems to have laceration here and a gash here cause of death seems to be of cutting and the I the could have been from a blade like weapon what's interesting is the wound across her eyes" Equinox said pointing to the parts he explained. "Time of death could have been from 12:00 yesterday"

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The walk through the forest was a long one indeed. Whistle was actually a bit relieved that he decided not to go in by himself, there was no WAY that he'd be able to find the body, let alone find his way home afterwards. 


  "Come on Grass Whistle...keep up" Frozen said from ahead of everypony. It wasn't like he was moving slowly intentionally, he was just trying to pay attention and see if he could find anything along the way. 


  "Oh...sorry..." Whistle said as he proceeded to gallop back up to everypony.


  Eventually Frozen led the group into the clearing where the dead pony was laying. 


  The grass was heavily stained with blood,a clear sign that this had been done a while ago. Everypony in the group was in pure shock when they finally saw what Frozen had been talking about. 


  "This is where I need everyponys help..." Frozen said. Her voice sounded a bit weak, as if she was in strong opposition to this but knew that it had to get done.

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Frozen led us to the body. It was a long walk. I wasn't usually used to long walks since I usually never get outside.

Then all of a sudden, we saw the grass stained with blood leading up to a dead body of a pony. All of us exchanged worried looks.

"Here she is." Said Frozen barely above a whisper. I looked down in my book to find that the cuts were stab wounds. "Come on let's see what we can find." Frozen suggested. I went a bit farther from the others. I looked for as many clues that I could find, but nothing was discovered. Until, I found a knife on the ground.

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Pitty Paws had just gotten back from a two day trip in Manhatten where there had been a horror convention. She wearily landed at her door step and stretched her wings before folding them up at her sides. 

"I can tell you one thing", the pegsus said to no one in particular since she was by herself "It's good to be home." 

She looked at the mailbox and noted that the flag was up. She trotted over and looked inside. There laying in the box was a simple envelope. 

"Well it isn't a bill obviously so I guess I should see what it is." mused Pitty Paws as she opened the letter and read it. 

As she read the contents her eyes grew wide.

"Wow. Is this for real? Some kind of murder in Everfree Forest?" Pitty than looked at the date at the bottom of the paper the note was written on. 

"This thing must've been sent while I was at the convention. It's a least a couple days old. I don't replying back is an option right now so I guess I'll just go off to the Everfree Forest" she than looked the letter "I better bring this too, as proof of invite so that this Frozen Mint pony and whoever else is there doesn't mistake me for the murderer" 

Pitty Paws put the letter in her black sadle bag and trotted off towards Everfree Forest. 

"So much for unpacking." 

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Frozen collected some blood from the pony and put it in a bag, Frozen then saw a knife dug in to a load of shrubs behind the body, they must have done this at night because the light was shining right at it. "Guys look what I found!" Frozen pointed at the gun, she picked it up so she put it in another plastic bag.

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Equinox study the body and saw a knife stuck in the pony's side. "Killer wasn't he left his weapon in the pony" Equinox said as he took a closer look at the knife. "Strange...blood on the handle...the killer must have had blood on his hand...also it looks like the victim struggled which explains the erratic cuts and stabs everywhere."

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In a nearby tree, Dawn Star was taking a nap. He woke up to the sound of ponies talking. "What's going on over there", he thought to himself. "Better go see what's going on". He flew underneath the treetops, in between the trees, towards the talking. Then he noticed the dead body, "Oh my!" he thought, "these ponies could be dangerous". Then behind him came a sudden "Hello?". He jumped at the sudden sound. Then turned around to find the Mail Pony behind him. "Took forever to find you!" She handed him a letter. He takes the letter and repays her with a quiet "Thank you". He opens the letter to find out he was being asked to show up here. So he walks up to the scene to say hello to those already there. "Hello? You guys need help?" he asks.

Edited by The Brony Code
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It wasn't hard for Pitty Paws to find out where the action was taking place. She noticed a group of ponies around the body of some unfortunate mare. She was about to say something when...




"Thank you". He opens the letter to find out he was being asked to show up here. So he walks up to the scene to say hello to those already there. "Hello? You guys need help?" he asks.


"Goodness" thought Pitty Paws  "Doesn't that pony up there know that these guys are in the middle of a serious crime scene investigation. If he isn't careful they might mistake him for the killer" 


She then notices that he is holding some kind of a letter. She flies up to him. 


"Hey, I'm guessing you got a letter too about this murder. Let's present our letters to these other ponies so that they know we were invited to the party." PittyPaws knew this was a poor choice of wording considering the circumstances so she added "uh...so to speak. Not that I would consider a murder a party or anything." 

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