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private Canterlot Dating Life

~The Snowy Wolf~

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"Yeah I guess it might be good to wait a bit" Equinox said as he looked at the ceiling and saw speakers. "Dont worry your not boring me at Jars...though I feel like I'm boring you" Equinox said as he looked down. "Its ok if your bored and all we can leave" Equinox said as his hears perked up yo hearing the song he was just humming a bit ago.

"I'm. I'm not b-bored. I just don't mind waiting with you." Honey Jars said with a blush. "I mean... If you wanna leave that's fine. I just reccomend waiting, because that's a good thing." she looked up at the speakers as they played that familiar tune. "Oh umm, you were humming that tune earlier."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Using magic, Button gently lifted them both onto the bed. "I wasn't always a good pony, Max... In fact, I was a really big troublemaker when I was a filly. I grew up near a rough part of Fillydelphia, and everyone around me seemed to get their Cutie Marks first. I fell in with the wrong crowd, got into fights with other ponies... All out of frustration that I didn't know who I was." She looked down some. "My mother finally put her hoof down one day; I had almost been arrested, but the couldn't charge me formally due to my age. She grounded me, and out of boredom, I stitched a button eye back on my teddy bear. After doing that, I was still bored, so I stitched together all the buttons from my button collection together. Before I knew it, I'd made a bowl."


She nuzzled into Max's side some, as if him being there was giving her the courage to talk about this. "I had an epiphany then - I knew what I did was wrong. I had hurt so many ponies, and I could never take any of it back..." She felt tears sting the corners of her eyes.


((OOC: Just a quick note: I leave tomorrow for a short vacay (no net access), and will not be back till Sunday afternoon/evening. So I WILL poof again, but it's on purpose this time.))


|College Student|Bibliophile|Brony|Gamer|The Once and Future Music Lover|

Buck it, I'm ~*FABULOUS*~.


I draw ponies: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42918-pari-wants-to-draw-all-the-ponies/


My Original Characters:

Ruby Sharp Shoe: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ruby-sharp-shoe-r3041

Buttonstitch: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/buttonstitch-r3039

Starry Sky: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starry-sky-r3043

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Max put a wing around Button as she talked. He would of never of guessed her past given how she is now. Then she started tearing up, and Max was quick to react, wiping them away.

"Hey, don't cry. You may have done bad things when you were young, but look at you now. You are kind, intelligent, understanding. You aren't that pony anymore, and you feel remorse for what you did. That is the mark of a strong heart." He said. Max isn't usually so corny, but when need be, he could sooth an Ursa Major. He pulled her in for a soft hug, hoping to further comfort her.


(That's OK. And I am the king of Hallmark Crap!! :P)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"I know glad they are playing the song" Equinox said as he bobbed his head to the music subconsciously then blused when he noticed. "Maybe I can find someone to learn how to play an instrument here" Equinox said as the song ended. "Heh song ended I wonder what will play next.

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I know glad they are playing the song" Equinox said as he bobbed his head to the music subconsciously then blused when he noticed. "Maybe I can find someone to learn how to play an instrument here" Equinox said as the song ended. "Heh song ended I wonder what will play next.

"I hope it's a song I know." Honey Jars added onto his scentence. She looked around a bit and noticed a brown earth pony with a treble cleff cutie mark. "S-she looks like she can play an instrument. Why don't you ask her? You know, I-f you want to learn an instrument.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"I'm not sure if I should just ask her I mean what if she thinks I'm weird for going up yo her and asking a random question" Equinox said as he looked at the pony. "Besides she seems busy with something also" Equinox said. "Also she probably doesn't play the instrument I want to play"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I'm not sure if I should just ask her I mean what if she thinks I'm weird for going up yo her and asking a random question" Equinox said as he looked at the pony. "Besides she seems busy with something also" Equinox said. "Also she probably doesn't play the instrument I want to play"

"W-w-well what instrument do you want to play? Because, if you're not too fussy on it then perhaps she can help you. Just don't go too crazy when talking to her." Honey Jars replied reassuringly. "And it's not as if she hates you right now. Right? So perhaps she won't mind." Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"I wanna learn how to play either bass guitar or violin" Equinox said. "Plus I can talk to others normally when it comes to asking something....just not used to asking somepony about taking music lessons" Equinox sighed. "Well asking is better then not knowing right" Equinox said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I wanna learn how to play either bass guitar or violin" Equinox said. "Plus I can talk to others normally when it comes to asking something....just not used to asking somepony about taking music lessons" Equinox sighed. "Well asking is better then not knowing right" Equinox said

Honey Jars nodded her head lightly. "Umn yes. That sounds right." She saod, moving out of the way so he could go an ask the pony. "So umm... You know, A-ask her. F-for the lessons I mean because, that's what your aksing so obviously That's what I meant." she continued witha blush on her face.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Equinox walked up to the pony that Honey Jars mentioned. "Um excuse me my name is Equinox and I just wanted to know if you played any instruments of any kind" Equinox asked as he fixed his criiked glasses again. "Great Equinox you asked her now what just wait for her to answer..." Equinox thought.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Max..." Button smiled faintly, kissing him again. "Thank you. I just wanted to tell you... I don't want to hide anything from you, even if that part of me no longer exists." Well, it did, but Button didn't know that. Namely because nopony had ever pushed her buttons to that point since she reformed. But Celestia help the pony that did.


|College Student|Bibliophile|Brony|Gamer|The Once and Future Music Lover|

Buck it, I'm ~*FABULOUS*~.


I draw ponies: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42918-pari-wants-to-draw-all-the-ponies/


My Original Characters:

Ruby Sharp Shoe: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ruby-sharp-shoe-r3041

Buttonstitch: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/buttonstitch-r3039

Starry Sky: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starry-sky-r3043

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Equinox walked up to the pony that Honey Jars mentioned. "Um excuse me my name is Equinox and I just wanted to know if you played any instruments of any kind" Equinox asked as he fixed his criiked glasses again. "Great Equinox you asked her now what just wait for her to answer..." Equinox thought.

(I guess I'm controlling her?)

The mare turned around after signing yet another paper. "Why yes actually. My name is octavia and I play the cello for the royal Canterlot orchestra. Though I do not recall every seeing you around the area. Are you knew here?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"No I lived here for a while I just stayed in my house and read books all the time..." Equinox said as he noticed that he sounded like a hermit. "Octavia the biggest classical musician in Canterlot...yeah like she will teach me how to play violin...or guitar..." Equinox thought. "I love your music by the way also...I know this is odd for somepony like me to even ask but...can you teach me how to play the chello" Equinox said not even meaning to say hello.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Max gave her a peck on the lips before responding.

"Glad to hear. I would hate to see you arrested. THEN how would I spend time with you?" He asked comically. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking about what to do next. Eventually he decided to let Button decide.

"So, what do you feel like doing now, marefriend?' He emphasized the last part to see what the reaction would be. He hoped positive.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"No I lived here for a while I just stayed in my house and read books all the time..." Equinox said as he noticed that he sounded like a hermit. "Octavia the biggest classical musician in Canterlot...yeah like she will teach me how to play violin...or guitar..." Equinox thought. "I love your music by the way also...I know this is odd for somepony like me to even ask but...can you teach me how to play the chello" Equinox said not even meaning to say hello.

Octavia rested her hoof on her chin. "I'm not ususally one to give lessons. I may be good at playing the chello but not good at teaching it. It's a tad hard to describe. But you tried, and that count will count for something. It was glad to meet you equinox. "She finished saying."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Thanks it was nice meeting you also Octavia" Equinox said as he walked of back to Honey Jars. "That pony you told me to ask Jars...it was Octavia the famous musician in Canterlot" Equinox said surprised to see Octavia being here. "anyways let's get going and get something to eat"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Thanks it was nice meeting you also Octavia" Equinox said as he walked of back to Honey Jars. "That pony you told me to ask Jars...it was Octavia the famous musician in Canterlot" Equinox said surprised to see Octavia being here. "anyways let's get going and get something to eat"

Honey Jars tilted her head. "Who is Octavia? Am I supposed to know her because if so then, yes. I do know her." She almost remarked as the two left the building.

*Well so far it's been nothing but a dissapoint. The art was boring the music hall paid off with nothing and your friend looks bored.* Jars thought.

(Bed time!)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Marefriend... Button's smile was a mile wide as she did her best to tackle-hug her new coltfriend to the bed, nuzzling into him. "I like the sound of that." She sighed happily. "I just want to hold onto you for a while... I know how boring that sounds." She chuckled, looking up at him through those bushy bangs of hers.


|College Student|Bibliophile|Brony|Gamer|The Once and Future Music Lover|

Buck it, I'm ~*FABULOUS*~.


I draw ponies: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42918-pari-wants-to-draw-all-the-ponies/


My Original Characters:

Ruby Sharp Shoe: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ruby-sharp-shoe-r3041

Buttonstitch: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/buttonstitch-r3039

Starry Sky: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starry-sky-r3043

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"Great Equinox first you went to the art gallery and that turned out boring then you came here which was okay...met Octavia and all...but besides that this day is turning out to be lame and it looks like Honey Jars is bored also..." Equinox thought as he sighed.


(You know there's not many ideas to go with in Canterlot)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Max gave a happy shrug, looking down at her marefriend.

"Works for me." He said, wrapping both wings around her. The to just laid on the motel bed, nuzzling in a hug for who knows how long. Max didn't mind. It felt nice. Really nice. Perhaps it was too comfortable, as soon he fell asleep, wings and forelegs still wrapped around her. He had a smile on his face and was snoring softly.


(Take it away. If you have any idea, let it flow now.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Great Equinox first you went to the art gallery and that turned out boring then you came here which was okay...met Octavia and all...but besides that this day is turning out to be lame and it looks like Honey Jars is bored also..." Equinox thought as he sighed.


(You know there's not many ideas to go with in Canterlot)

Honey Jars continued to walk next to equinox. She turned to him as he was thinking. "Are you OK? You umm. You just looked like y-you were thinking about something. B-b-because you sighed after. O-or am I being too personal? I am being too personal aren't I? I'll stop now."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Don't worry your not being too personal its just that there is barely anything to do here...noe I know what Discord means by normal is boring" Equinox said as he was walking along side Honey Jars. "So where do you want to go to get something to eat" Equinox asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Don't worry your not being too personal its just that there is barely anything to do here...noe I know what Discord means by normal is boring" Equinox said as he was walking along side Honey Jars. "So where do you want to go to get something to eat" Equinox asked

"Oh. Well, uh... I-i-i know somwthing that would help. Mom u-u-used to do this all rhe time. B-b-b ut I... I need to, know... Umm. Are you, i mean, are you... Like you know. Umm. Ticklish?" Honey Jars asked with the biggest blush on her face. She lay down and began to cower saying. "I'm sorry" over and over.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Uh...its ok...really" Equinox said. "Y-yeah I'm ticklish but why would you need to ask me that" Equinox said as he went over to Honey Jars. "You need to stop thinking I will be angry if you ask me questions like that I'll tell you if the question is a bit personal alright" Equinox said



Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Uh...its ok...really" Equinox said. "Y-yeah I'm ticklish but why would you need to ask me that" Equinox said as he went over to Honey Jars. "You need to stop thinking I will be angry if you ask me questions like that I'll tell you if the question is a bit personal alright" Equinox said



Honey Shook her head and stayed where she was. "N-n-no. It's that I don't w-want to get you upset at all b-because that means I failed and, and I don't like failing because I keep getting scared that s-s-something b-bad will happen if I do and then I'll get told off and then dad will be mad and.... And... I don't like that."

(OOC: believe this is atychiphobia, otherwise known as the "fear of failure")

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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