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Kermit Army


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We are the Kermit army. We are run by Kermit and all that he requests us to do and allows us to do. If you are a sensible person, you will join, because if you do not. We will find you, and we will flail our arms at you until you change your mind. And you will. (Results may vary)





The Kermit Chant

Written by me :3


For Kermit, For Kermit,

To do all that he permits.


We do not live for glory, spoils, or even to impress

We live to spread the word of Kermit and never have regrets.


We show our pride by wearing his profiled mask,

It really is only one very simple, simple task.


For he watches us, as we watch him,

For we must cater to his every whim.


So go ahead and sport his face,

Or else you're seen as a sad disgrace.


To Kermit, To Kermit,

To do all that he permits.










  • Brohoof 2
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Cadence doesn't deserve to be here. This is the land of Kermit, and Kermit only.


  • Brohoof 1
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