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private Kingdom Hearts: Alt Mix

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As Serah celebrated the night of her 20th birthday in solitude, the world looked a lot darker than it had been before. What started a dream was becoming a nightmare all too fast. Worst of all, even in this hell that surrounded her, Serah could find no home of her own.






Serah woke up in the morning under the shade of a tree, head harboring a nasty hangover and dark spots clouding her vision. She groaned and blinked her eyes rapidly. The spots didn't disappear; if anything, they grew larger. She noticed with some distress that the shapes weren't purely black. On what might have been considered the “head” of the black bodies, beady yellow eyes stared at her with animal-like interest.


“What the hell did I drink last night?” Serah though, picking up and examining the label of a nearly empty bottle.


The creatures, whether real or imagined, hadn't approached her. Ten of the short, black, vaguely humanoid creatures surrounded her and spoke with one another. At least, Serah assumed that the strange, bubbling, burbling noises were coming from them. None of them seemed to have mouths, or any distinguishing features other than their eyes, antenna, and sharp claws.


One of the creatures finally broke free from the pack, creeping forward with timid steps that seemed to carry the creatures farther and faster than should have been possible. Serah's grip on the bottle neck tightened.


The dark being was nearly upon her, and she began to smell its essence. It smelled of nothing. Of void. The absence of smell overpowered her, and any doubts she had as to the existence of the creature left her mind. But there was no time to question what they were.


The creature slowly pointed a sharp digit towards her chest, where her heart rest. The monster cocked its head to the side, almost curiously.


“You want it?” Serah asked under her breath


The creature rolled its head over to the opposite shoulder and burbled something.


“Then come and get it!”


The bottle crashed between the two antenna, dealing a solid blow to the beast's head. The head of the shadow-form caved inward with the blow, like clay that was not yet fully hardened. The bottle didn't break, and was left lodged into the thing's scalp until the moment when the essence of the creature simply fell apart in a sprinkle of black-purple motes that soon disappeared into nothingness.


The other black shapes bubbled to one another in a higher frequency than before, seemingly confused by Serah's violent outburst.


“... Give you something to talk about...” Serah muttered, getting to her feet and using the trunk of the tree to support herself. She pulled her right arm back, clenching her fist as it was suddenly engulfed in flames. The creatures took notice, and several took steps away from the sudden source of heat. Serah smirked and thrust her fist forward.


A moderately sized fireball scorched through the air at the monster, singing the grass as it passed above. The shadow-forms dove out of the way, either by jumping or receding into the ground and into inky black puddle. Two weren't fast enough, and were consumed by the gout of flame. One simply disappeared upon contact, while the other was left to writhe on the ground with one half of its body missing and the other half rapidly turning to charcoal even as it burbled in terror.


The heartless spread themselves out across the field, and the ones who'd hid in the ground tentatively peeked out to gaze upon their foe. Serah found herself smiling.


“You burn well.” she taunted, wobbling unsteadily.


The shadows charged at her.





Serah sat underneath the shade of the tree, or what little it could still provide. Sadly, the leaves had caught aflame during the onslaught and had burnt up in a matter of moments, though the synthetic bark remained untouched aside from slightly darkened branches. Serah was not as lucky.


Numerous bleeding cuts adorned her arms and legs. The creatures had been awfully fond of latching onto her arms, little clawed hands leaving red pock-marks across her skin as they tried to get at her chest. The less daring beasts had felt content to scratch at her legs, tearing through her jeans and leaving long diagonal lines across her calves. Each one Serah sent back into the nothingness, whether through a display of pyrotechnics or the application blunt physical trauma.


Only one blow had touched her face, and it hadn't come from one of the small creatures. Reinforcement had been quick to arrive. A few tiny piles of armor littered the ground around Serah, which hadn't disappeared along with the shadows that had worn them into battle. The metal had been resilient, and had it covered her lankier foe's bodies entirely, she may not have survived the onslaught.


“Bleeding. Need...” Serah mumbled to herself, patting the ground where her bag was supposed to be. Her grasping palm reached nothing but grass. “City, supplies.”


A fighter jet soared overhead in the direction of MaineFrame. Serah watched dully as it disappeared over the tree line. Only moments later, she heard the sound of an explosion and felt the ground shake.


“City, not safe.” she laid the back of her head against the tree and closed her eyes. “Shit.”


Serah lay there for several minutes, the roar of a city-wide battle raging almost a mile away serving as her lullaby as she began to drift into unconsciousness.


The sudden thud of approaching footsteps postponed her trip into the realm of the dreamers. Serah opened her eyes and, for the second time that day, found herself staring at a dark monstrosity. This was the biggest one yet, clad nearly head to toe in thick armor plates, and wielding a shield to boot. No yellow eyes gleamed out at Serah from beneath the iron hood, but the animate hell-hound on the thing's shield regarded her with interest.


There was crushing, tinkling sound as the enormous soldier's boot came down on something made of glass. It lifted it leg and inspected the broken shards with it's shield, the dog head sniffing at the bitter smelling liquid that puddled around it.


“Hey...” Serah spoke as she struggled to her feat. She wearily adopted her usual combat stance and stared down the monster. “I wasn't done with that.”


The hound chuckled, a deep, throaty sound completely dissimilar from the bubblings of the small minions she had defeated before. The air around Serah's hands simmered as she summoned the last of her internal heat. The soldier didn't move to defend itself, and instead turned its back to her, looking off into the distance.


Serah followed its gaze, or at least where its gaze would have been if it'd had a proper cranium, but didn't see anything. But then a dull roar slowly reached her ears, and the sky darkened. The trees bent back as if blown by a strong wind, but Serah felt nothing against her body. She couldn't even feel the ground beneath her feet.


Serah's senses suddenly and violently failed her as she tumbled through the park, rolling across the sky and splashing in the dirt. Her lungs no longer took in oxygen, her vision went dark, and she produced no noise as she screamed in terror.


The only sensation proving that she still had life within her was the beating of her heart, and even that was threatening to leave her, to burst out from her chest and leave her as nothing. She held onto her heart with all her remaining strength, hoping against hope that its next beat wouldn't be the last .

She cradled her heart in her mind until her mind could no longer function, until her last fragment of awareness was whisked away...




As Serah celebrated the morning after her 20th birthday, the world looked a lot darker than it had been before. What started a dream had becoming a nightmare all too fast. Worst of all, even in the hell that surrounded her, Serah found no home of her own.



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Kingdom Hearts: Alt Mix


Two days. It's been two whole days since everything fell apart and I found myself here.


Such were Grace's thoughts, waking up once again in her bed in some hotel in the Second District. The hotel, which was rather small with only two rooms, was empty and unlocked when Grace found it, and the full supply of food, water, and the lack of any Shadows attacking her made it the perfect HQ to use in this new place. Of course, there wasn't a whole lot of good that an HQ could do for just one person, at least compared to what good it could do for a whole group instead.


Walking over to the mirror and sink in her room, she washed her face off to try and wake up, before looking in the mirror at herself and losing herself in a train of thought. 


I haven't heard of anybody else making it here safely that I know of. For all I know, I'm the only one who landed at this place. Or the only one who's still alive... NO! I can't think that. It could be possible, but there's no way that I'm the only survivor out of millions. ...Right?


Backing away from the mirror and flopping herself back down on the bed, she sighed deeply. 


Well, in any case, it looks as if for now I'm alone here.While these supplies will last me a good long while, living out the rest of my days as a scared child trying to hide from the boogeyman is not exactly an appealing prospect. Still...


She sat up on her bed, and for probably the 50th time in the past few days flicked her wrist, praying for something to appear. Of course nothing did, just like the other 49 times. She didn't truly expect anything to happen, of course, but that didn't make her any less disappointed. 


Would be nice to have that weapon again. Would mean something is going my way for once.


Stifling another of her sighs, she stood up and, after grabbing her sword from the bed stand and securing it to her waist, walked to and straight out of the hotel door. 


Imaginary powerful blade or no, I need allies, and I need them badly if I truly want to survive. Maybe that one blond shopkeeper in the First District could help me out somehow...

Edited by Skyman
  • Brohoof 4


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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"My friends... my home... No way..."


Those were Akari's first words when she woke up. At first she just went back to sleep, then she all a sudden snapped awake at the bright lights and a sudden coldness. She was laying down on her side next to a concrete wall on the sidewalk. She sat up and looked up at the sign above that read "Hotel". So, where the heck am I? What just happened back there? To my home... 


Remembering the weapon she summoned, she held her hand out, imagining herself holding that weapon, and at first nothing happened. Then that same blue light appeared and the key-like sword appeared once more, just the way it looked when she got it the first time. And what the heck is this? I just heard a strangely familiar voice and it just popped into my hand, just like this... She then made it disappear again in the same blue light. Sigh... what to do now? ...I better look around for now.


So she did. She wandered around the area, asking people where she was until she got an answer. "Second District in Traverse Town,"  one of them said. "Right, thanks," Akari said. So I'm in Traverse Town? Huh... These people... don't really look alike...

Edited by MagicalStarRain
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Alexander looked back at the door he had come through. "I know I didnt just walk out of a shop," he spoke aloud. Shaking his head he turned the corner to the right and saw a blonde haired man behind a counter. "excuse me," he said, walking up to the counter, "where is this place?"

Alexander was still holding the odd key he had been gifted by his goddess. "This is Traverse Town." the man said as he turned around. When he saw the keyblade, one of his eyebrows rose. "That's an awefully odd weapon you got there," he said nodding.

He looked down at the keyblade. "That's right I almost forgot I had this." he exclaimed lifting his hand. As he did this the keyblade vanished in a silverish light. "well that was odd" he sighed.

"You a traveler?" The man asked. "We get a lot of your kind."

He looked at the man, "I guess you could say that." He told the man. Though I'm not sure if that's what I would call it, he thought to himself. "My name is Alexander," he held out his hand, "Alexander Night."

The man took his hand, "Names Cid." The man said shaking. "If you need a place to stay," the said pointing to his left, "I'd check the second district."

Alexender nodded his thanks and turned. I could use some sleep...

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Sam flickered his eyes open as he woke up on a bed within the abandoned house he found in a place called the Third District.  He had been asleep for about five hours now and it was now daylight.  He stretched his limbs out as he gave a big yawn for about three seconds before hopping off the bed.  


"Okay...  Guess it's time I find out where I am..."  Sam said to himself as his stomach growled.  "Not to mention something to eat..."  Sam added before he put his shirt and jacket back on as well as his sneakers.  As he was tying his sneakers, his eyes fell on his silver star necklace that his mother gave him. when he was just a baby.


"I love you, Sam..."  The words rang in Sam's mind as he looked at it.  He wondered if he would be able to find his mother in this strange new place he was in.  He shook his head before proceeding out of the door and back into the bright district.


As Alex walked towards the door leading to the Second District, he couldn't help but feel as if he was being shadowed by someone or... Something.  He pushed open the big wooden doors of the third district before proceeding down its long alleyway.  The walls around him were strange and alien to Sam.  He was so used to the big open areas of his home and being here he felt as if he was being imprisoned.  He turned to his left and he was met with a more broad and open area of this place he was stuck in.


"I think I remember this being the Second District.  I woke up right next to that building where that loud bell rang..."  Sam mused to himself as he moved about the Second District, the dazzling lights flashing around him.  He had never seen buildings quite like this.  Everything in this city seemed like it was glowing.  Sam looked to his right and above him he saw a sign that was flashing the words 'Hotel' on it.  


"Huh, maybe I can check in there."  Sam decided to himself before setting off for the staircase leading to the upper level of the Second District, his hands behind his head as he walked breezily.

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Walking into an alleyway, Akari summoned and sent away her weapon again and again, not knowing what to do next. What now? As far as I remember, my home got swallowed up by that darkness... And now that I think about, I think this is a whole other world... A brief memory then flashed back. A man, holding out something that had a shape similar to her weapon, and herself reaching to grab the hilt. After that, the memory ended. That man, and this weapon... are they connected? 


She was then stopped when she felt her stomach ache. Akari checked her pockets for munny and sighed in relief at the decent amount she had left. Good, I can buy something. Something small will be enough. She sat up, stretched her arms, and walked out of the alleyway and into the open again. She went up to a merchant and bought a little food for herself to eat. She ate it all, then decided to find some information in the hotel she woke up next to, in addition to some rest. Not like I can stay at a room there. I just hope they won't mind a lone teen walking in. With that hope, she walked into the hotel.

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Closing the hotel door behind her, Grace walked out into the fresh air of Traverse Town and breathed deeply.


This place is nothing like home, but I suppose there's always something nice about breathing some new air. 


She stretched her arms over hear head and groaned. A nearby noise caused her eyes to shoot open. Drawing her sword, she saw that the cause of the disturbance was only a entering the hotel from the rear entrance. Grace gulped and sheathed her sword.


Maaaaaaaaybe I should relax a little bit before I make mince meat out of some innocent bystander. 


Taking one last calming breath, Grace headed down the closest staircase and towards the large open courtyard, until she passed by somebody...familiar looking next to the stairs. He had brown, spiky hair, and that short-sleeved gray jacket that she was always telling him looked far too civilian for a soldier, and his face was ringing 40 different, unique set of bells.



"Bairre...?" she whispered to herself as the man passed her by. She let one second, then two seconds pass before sheturned around and shouted, "Bairre! Is that you?!"
Grace embraced him.
"Oh, thank Mitaya I found at least one person that I know in this place."
  • Brohoof 2


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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Alexander walked into second district, and looked around. When he saw the sign that said 'hotel' he reached for his wallet, "I wonder if my money is even good here," he speculated thumbing through it.

"Bairre! Is that you?!" He heard a woman shout. Turning to where the voice came from, Alexander saw two people in an embrace.

"Oh, thank Mitaya I found at least one person that I know in this place." he heard her say as he towards them.

At that he realized, so I'm not the only person lost here, walking up to the people he tucked his mother's necklace into his shirt. I'f they know anything about Wicca it may not be a good idea to let them see this. He though about how kids had thrown rocks at him the first time he snuck into the city, and readied himself for the worst.

As he walked up to the stairs, he noticed movement at the edge of the shadows under the stairs. They couldnt be here too could they, he thought. As he watched, he thought he saw the yellow eyes of the shadows that had attacked his home, and tilted the balance.

"Goddes No!" He shouted, lifting his hands and launching a gust of wind towards the stairs. The shadow lifted and slammed into the wall, melting before the woman and man by the stairs could notice it; however, the gust of wind, his shout, and hey keyblade that had reappeared in his hand, would be noticed.
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Sam headed for the hotel via the staircase located on the other side of the District.  He looked to his right as he walked breezily along with his hands behind his head.  He saw a place called a Gizmo shop as well as some strange hatter shop that had a strange image of a man with a hat.


"Wow, sure seems like that there is a lot of strange places here.  The gizmo shop seems interesting, but I better find myself some food before I starve."  Sam commented to himself as he continued up the stairs for past the gizmo shop.




Taking one last calming breath, Grace headed down the closest staircase and towards the large open courtyard, until she passed by somebody...familiar looking next to the stairs. He had brown, spiky hair, and that short-sleeved gray jacket that she was always telling him looked far too civilian for a soldier, and his face was ringing 40 different, unique set of bells.


As Sam walked up the staircase, he came across a resident or at least she was a resident of the district.  He saw that the woman looked fairly young, although she had this sort of walk as if she was a part of the Guard back at home.  She had maroon hair put up in a ponytail where some of it reaches down to just above her chest and a long, flowing coat left unbuttoned with simple clothing underneath.  Sam gave a big smile to her and waved kindly at her as he passed her by.




"Bairre...?" she whispered to herself as the man passed her by. She let one second, then two seconds pass before sheturned around and shouted, "Bairre! Is that you?!"   Grace embraced him.   "Oh, thank Mitaya I found at least one person that I know in this place."


Sam was about ten steps away from the mysterious woman until she heard her call out an unfamiliar name.  He looked around real quick, but he didn't see anybody else.  All of a sudden, he felt himself being embraced from behind.  "Whaaa?!"  Sam uttered out as he looked behind him to see that same maroon haired woman hugging him as if she hadn't seen a close friend for a long time.  Sam felt awkward in this position and wasn't quite sure how to explain to her.  "Ummmm, my name's Sam..."  Alex said to her simply, not sure how to speak further to the woman.

  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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As she was checking out the brochures and everything else, Akari heard a bunch of noise all a sudden. She whipped her head around to see where the noise came from and saw two people hugging. Well, nice to know that some people found each other here. I wonder if there's someone here who made it off my world? ...Wait, do these people come from somewhere else? Huh, that's probably why they don't look familiar...


And why do I have this weapon in the first place? She didn't summon it this time, fearing she would attract unwanted and unnecessary attention. Well, maybe the answer will come to me or something. It's a little impossible but... I don't know... At this point, pretty much anything can happen...


Akari was then snapped out of her thoughts by a shout. She looked up in time to see a gust of wind attacking something she only got split second glimpse of. The heck was that all about?! Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped when she noticed something in someone else's hand. A weapon, just like her's, but a different design. She reached her hand out and her own weapon appeared in a blue light and into her hand. He... he has one too?!

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"Ugh... What a pain..." Marcon said while getting up from under one of the outdoor café tables, he then began to wonder around the plaza. It was unlike any town he had seen before, the odd shapes of the buildings, the strange neon lights, the ducks in cloths, it was fairly evident to Marcon that he was no longer in Avongrad, wheather that meant he was dead or not remained to be seen.

"Well, I suppose I won't be getting closer to answers standing around here." He said while dusting off his coat, "For a town, this place sure is dead, there's hardly anyone around. But, I do know that those ducks can at least open doors, time to find out where I am." Marcon placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket before casually strolling up to the building with a large neon sign on it, which read 'Items'.


Upon entering the shop, he saw that the three ducklings were all busy at something, the one in blue was wiping up water from the floor, the red one was standing behind the counter, which leaves the green one carrying boxes, presumably filled with items to stock the shelves, down from the upstairs. The three stopped what they were doing andlooked up to see Marcon, they didn't take too long before they said in unison, "Welcome to our store!" The red one broke from sync, "I'm Huey!" The blue one sounded off next, "I'm Dewey!" The green one, in his excitement, tripped down the stairs, the box he was carrying landed on Dewey, and the green one landed on the box. His head slightly wobbly, the green one asked, "and I'm Louie...?" Huey had burst into laughter, Louie (?) was still on top of Dewey, and Dewey was becoming rather annoyed at the situation. Marcon couldn't help but crack a smile at their antics, he tried to stifle a giggle as he went to help Dewey and Louie up.


After Dewey and Louie were up again, Huey spoke up once more, "So mister, what brings you here? Ya lookin' to stock up on some goodies? If so, ya come to the right place!" Huey stated, somewhat boastfully. Marcon cleared his throat, "Not exactly, no. See I just got here and-" Dewey interrupted Marcon, "Aw, he's another new arrival! Phooey! We'll never keep this place open at this rate!" Dewey said as he made a pouting face. Louie interjected, "Sorry about Dewey new guy, he's not always like this, it's just that between all the new people coming in and all the old residents here getting 'taken' it's been tough stayin' in buisness." Huey was no longer paying attiention, his head being supported by his left hand as he tapped on the desk with his right. "Uh... That's.... Sorry to hear that, really. But I don't suppose you could tell me where I am, could you?" Marcon asked Louie, while taking a look around the shop.


Louie sat down on a box by the stairs and began to explain, "We'll this here town is called, 'Traverse Town'. I'm not too sure about the specifics, but from how I understand it, you're here... Because your world isn't anymore." Huey and Dewey lowered their heads and removed their caps in respect. "... Okay, run that by me one more time, and this time give me the details..." Marcon said, tension slightly rising in the shop. "No really, that all we know about it!", Huey exclaimed, though after looking to his brothers, he began again, "We don't know anymore, but Old Cid might, he's been around for a while now, way longer then any of us." The triplets all shook their heads in agreement. "Okay then, do you know where this, 'Old Cid' is?"

Dewey was quick to respond, "His garage is just up the stairs, ya can't miss it. But he might not be there, don't know where he goes, sometimes he's just gone." Dewey explained.

"Thanks for the info." Marcon said coldly as he began to head for the door, "Wait! Ya didn't give us your name!" Huey blurted out, "... It's Marcon... " Marcon said as the door shut behind him.


He had hustled up the stairs when he spotted the garage, he stood still for a moment, the feeling that someone was watching him. After a while he proceeded to Cid's garage door, letting himself in. "Yo! Cid! You in here? You and me gotta talk, pronto!" Marcon shouted with about as much tact as a bull in a china shop, he waited for a response.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Thank you for your time Ma'am. If you do find these children, please let me know." Allan stands in front of an opened doorway, with a older woman standing inside it's frame.


"Oh I will deary, I will. " The older woman starts to turn away, but then quickly adds, "Uhh, what was your name again?"


"It's Allan Johnson. And thanks again."


The old woman shuts the door as Allan starts to walk towards the hotel. Dang. Allan thrusts his hands into his hoodie pocket and starts kicking a can. Still no luck. It's been almost a week and I still don't know where my kids went. Where did that voice take them? It sure as heck never told me. I wish it would have, or at least a clue. BALLS! It just pisses me off to no end that I don't know where they are. As far as I know, they are scared, parent less, confused, and... and... BUCK!


Allan continues to make his way to the hotel, brooding in silence, when a voice interrupts his thoughts.


*Shield of the Youth. Protect.*


Allan abruptly stops walking and takes a defensive stance, keyblade flashing into his hands, "What the he-" A desperate cry of a young child bellows out of the alleyway on Allan's left.




That sounded like the kid that went into the black hole thing. Allan charges down the alleyway, to find an armored shadow creature looming over a small, familiar, child. Is that? The monster looks at Allan, punches the kid in the gut, and promptly throws the boy over it's shoulder, then takes off in the direction opposite of the keyblade wielder before he could get a better look at him.


Allan immediately takes off after it, screaming, "You will not harm that child!"


The two start running through the city streets, both shoving people aside, the soldier running through for his life, and Allan running for the child's. After a few minutes of running through the city, takes a sharp right and barrels down some steps and between a group of people, and then takes another right.


A man bellows from around the corner, "COME BACK HERE YOU SHADOWY SACK OF SHI-oof!!", and slams into a wall at the top of the stairway. He quickly recovers and starts jumping down the stairs, only to trip about halfway down. He bounces in between the same people and lands face first at the foot of the steps.


"Gotta.. save...that kid..." Allan slowly and lifts himself off the ground, brandishes his long, yellow, A+ tipped, keyblade, and quickly limps in the direction the shadow went.

Edited by LeJAKoJAK
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OC: Pinoak Stringhoof, Puppeteer and storyteller. 

OC: Phil Noir, Private Eye.

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Darn it, darn it, darn it, DARN IT! Akari silently shouted in her head, sending her weapon away in a flash of blue light. However as she was about to quickly walk away, she saw a man shout something out about a kid and tumble down the stairs. Before she could do anything to help, he limped away and summoned his weapon, which was shaped like her's and that other guy. What the heck is going on?! Why are these key-shaped weapons suddenly showing? Maybe it has to do with our worlds getting destroyed or something...


"No, this is no time to ponder on that now. I have to help him!" she said to herself almost quietly, running off to where the man went. It didn't take her very long to catch up to him, though he was pretty fast for someone who had just got himself a limp from that accident going down the stairs. 


She looked up at him and said,"Hey, you alright? You really shouldn't be running now, considering you just fell down like that!" Judging from the sheer, intense determination in his eyes though, it looked to her that he wasn't going to listen to her.

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Another Keyblade wielder, eh?, Cid thought to himself as he watched Alex walk away. Seems like those things are gettin' handed out like #$^&@!' candy these days. First that silver-haired kid, and now this Alex guy. I s'ppose I should tell Squall about this, when I get the chance.


Going to the back of his store, he began to arrange a few boxes in the back of the garage - boxes filled to the brim with the bracelets, belts, and other such accessories he sold to his customers. This would take him a few minutes, and by the end he was beginning to break out into a sweat when somebody came calling his name.


@@Cranium Tyranus


"Bastard could do with a little patience...", Cid grumbled to himself as he walked back to the front, where he found some brown-haired, goateed man waiting. "So you need to speak to me, eh? Well, spit it out then, since you seem to be in some sort of hurry. Might as well introduce yourself while you're at it."






"Sam? Bairre, is that really the best fake name you can come up with? Now, stop screwing with me for once and answer me: do you know of anybody else that made it here? Or are you also alo-"


Grace didn't get a chance to finish her sentence, as she heard somebody yell, followed by a unnaturally strong gust of wind passing right by her. She barely had time to give a bewildered look towards where the shouting came from - not even enough time to draw her sword - before one of those armored dark beasts ran in front of her, carrying a small child. Following behind it was some man - a rather clumsy one, at that - who was wielding what appeared to be a similar weapon to what she had summoned up once before.


JUST WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS PLACE?! , she thought, drawing her sword just as she noticed that there were two MORE wielders of those weird weapons - a teenage girl at the top of the stairs, and a ridiculously tall man a short ways in front of her - probably the one who used that wind spell. First, I get sucked into some dark portal thing and dumped off at this place while in the middle of a battle two days ago. Then, I manage to find Bairre, although he insists on pulling his "I'm somebody else" crap at the worst possible time, and now there's three people wielding weapons that look like the one I summoned one time, one of whom is chasing after a child that's getting kidnappe-


She stopped her train of thought for a second.


...Oh dear Mitaya, I should probably go help get that child back.


"C'mon, Bairre. It looks like that man needs some help," she said, beginning to drag 'Bairre' behind her as the teenage girl ran ahead of her. "Maybe we might even get an explanation for this mess from him..."

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Sam was still being embraced by this mysterious woman who still seemed to believe that he was someone named Bairre and he knew her.  "Miss, I'm not Bairre.  My name is really-"  Sam didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as he now noticed the commotion around him.  A big, strange dark creature was carrying a small child on its back while it was being chased by a man.  He noticed that he was having a hard time staying with it as he had tripped while chasing it.  Another thing that Sam noticed was that he was holding a strange weapon that looked alot like the weapon that Sam had moments before he got sucked into the giant dark ball in the sky of his home.


Sam then saw a teenage girl running up the stairs after the clumsy man who was also wielding a weapon similar to Sam's and the man chasing after the big monster.  Sam couldn't understand why this was happening.


"What in the world is going on here?"  Sam asked aloud, watching them go.




"C'mon, Bairre. It looks like that man needs some help," she said, beginning to drag 'Bairre' behind her as the teenage girl ran ahead of her. "Maybe we might even get an explanation for this mess from him..."


Normally, Sam would say no to her as for one, he didn't know her and he didn't like being dragged around like he was a little kid.  However, given the circumstances of the monster and the child that it was taking...  Sam nodded to her.  "Okay, but stop dragging me.  I'm not a little kid!"  Sam said to the maroon haired woman as he sprinted after the monster and the two other mysterious people. 

Edited by Sam Avalon
  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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She looked up at him and said,"Hey, you alright? You really shouldn't be running now, considering you just fell down like that!" Judging from the sheer, intense determination in his eyes though, it looked to her that he wasn't going to listen to her.


"Don't worry about me," Allan smirks at her concerned look. "I'll walk it off and catch up. Now go after that thing and save that child!" Allan continues to limp in the direction of the soldier.  Seconds later, he hears the child scream again.  "THAT'S HIM!!! Over there" Allan points at the black monster as it makes a sharp left into an alley.


As Allan continues to hobble towards the scream, when one of the people he stumbled past sprints past him in the direction of the kid.  Come on come on come on! The student teacher's blade starts giving off a faint green glow as his leg starts to glow the same color. With a new burst of energy, Allan sprints off, glowing leg and all, past  the running man. 


He makes the same turn as the shadow, only to find an empty alleyway. "What the?" Allan knocks over trashcans and pushes away crates, searching madly for the boy and it's captor. "Where'd he go? Where did he go?!" As he makes his way to the other end of the alley, he feels a slight pain in his leg. Moments later, as he starts to head back in the direction of the stairs, when his hurt leg starts aching and stops glowing. "Great, just great."


He blinks and finds a pair of sickly, yellow eyes staring right into his. Allan, stares back, "You sir, are going to DIE!" Allan swings down on the soldier, only to have it dodge at the last second. "Where is the child?!" The only response he receives is a claw coming at his face. Allan pulls his blade up for a parry. "I said, Where. Is. The. Child?"

OC: Pinoak Stringhoof, Puppeteer and storyteller. 

OC: Phil Noir, Private Eye.

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Alexander saw, what looked like, a set of floating armor. After a second look he realized it was one of those shadows only it was wearing armor .... and carying a child. Soon after, a man also ran past him, chasing the shadow. Looking around alex notices several things at once: One, there where more people around him than he realized; two, they had all started chasing the man and the shadow; and three, most of them had a weapon similar to his. The third observation put him into action.

Following after the four people and the armoured shadow, alexander quickly passes the maroon haired woman and the man in the grey jacket thanks to his long legs. Just as he aproaches the limping man, whos weapon and leg had begun to glow, the man gives off a sudden burst of speed and rounds a corner.


"I said, Where. Is. The. Child?" The man is saying as alexander turns the corner after him. Alexander looks at the shadow and wonders that very thing; however, something inside him said the creature wasn't going to answer. Alexander walks up behind the shadows and swings his keyblade only to miss as the creature bends at an abnormal angle.

"What the hell?" Alexander says swinging and, once again, missing.

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@@Cranium Tyranus


"Bastard could do with a little patience...", Cid grumbled to himself as he walked back to the front, where he found some brown-haired, goateed man waiting. "So you need to speak to me, eh? Well, spit it out then, since you seem to be in some sort of hurry. Might as well introduce yourself while you're at it.

Marcon was not very taken with Cid's tone toward him, but he couldn't afford to cause too many waves. Not if he was to get the information he wanted.

"... My name is Marcon, Marcon Savarelli. And from what the du-"

Marcon paused before straightening out his sentence.

"From what Huey, Dewey, and Louie tell me, you've been around for a while and know how this place works."


Marcon loosened up and took his hands out of his pockets before starting again.

"Now, before I ended up here, my town as well as the neighboring city got ransacked by these shadow things, with a big one being the center of the whole thing."

Marcon adjusted his posture, placing most of his weight on his forward leg, as well as placing his left hand on his hip, as well as extending his right slightly, as he explained more of his story.

"Now here's the screwy part, I was completely overwhelmed by the big shadow, nothin' I could do, it's burpin' up this black mess, then I drift out of it. Next thing I know, I'm here and talkin' ducks are tellin' me that where I came from is just gone, can you help me fill in some of these blanks, professor?"

Marcon finished his story, adding a biting bit of sarcasm to his last statement. Outside he could hear somewhat of a commotion, but it seemed far off and wasn't his problem as far as he was concerned.

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He'll never catch up to them in time! Akari thought back to the sight of her friends being swallowed up by the darkness and those dark creatures that seemed to come from it. That creature carrying the boy looked identical to a couple she saw. Does that mean they're trying to destroy this world, too?


The boy's scream and the guy's order jolted her out of her brief thoughts. No, gotta run and help them! She ran out of the hotel and looked around, not knowing where the creature went. Darn it! Where the heck did they go?! Ugh, I gotta help! While she was looking around, something... or someONE sprinted past her giving out a green glow from himself and that weapon. That guy's better all a sudden?! Is it like a burst of will or something?! Whatever, I gotta follow him!


It didn't take long for her to catch up to him. The first thing she saw was him frantically searching everywhere in the alleyway for the shadow and that kid. Only this time, she also saw the other guy that was at the hotel. "Geez, they're fast..." she said to herself before picking up the will to continue. She arrived just in time to hear the man demanding to know where the kid is and to see the other one taking swings at the creature. 


All a sudden, she got a small feeling of dread. A memory flashed back, the time when she went into a friend's house, only to find a family of creatures rather than her friend's family. Did he...? Akari summoned her weapon and casted the Thunder spell on the creature, wanting to protect the man from sharing the same fate she thought might've got to the kid.

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"Well, Marcon, the first thing I can confirm is what Huey and 'em told ya: if you're here, that means your world is gone. Kaput. Erased. Whatever #!$%^&' word you want to use, the meaning remains the same: you no longer have a world to get back to, and are quite possibly the only survivor from your world."


"Now, to fill in a couple of blanks for ya: Traverse Town here is a pretty young world, from what I know. It only came into existence when the Heartless got here and started *#&@$%' everything up. It seems to exist so that those lucky bastards who survive their world's destruction aren't stuck shitting their pants in the Realm of Darkness." Cid then leaned over his counter and got up close enough to Marcon's face that he could smell Cid's breath. "Now, if you want to hear anything else, I suggest you drop any sort of $%#&*@' attitude that you have. I'm not going to help some punk who thinks he can give me any sort of shit and get away with it. Got it?"




'I'm not a little kid'? Why would Bairre say that? Just what the hell has gotten in to him lately?, Grace pondered as she lagged behind the rest of the group. Everybody seemed to be sprinting compared to her, especially the one who was originally chasing after the armored black monster, who despite his injuries was running faster than anybody. Well, I guess I won't be needed.


By the time Grace reached the alleyway that everybody was at, the kidnapped child was no longer in sight. Instead, the original chaser and the tall man were fighting the creature up close, although neither were really having much success. The teenage girl managed to change things up, hitting it with a bolt of lightning from her weapon that nearly, but not quite, killed it. Before it could get away or cause more harm, though, Grace hit it with an ice blast that managed to finish it off.


So it looks like the kid is gone. Even though there was only one of those things here, I think it's pretty obvious that the kid is one of them now. Walking over to where the original chaser was, Grace put her hand on his shoulder and said to him "I'm sorry, but we didn't make it in time to save him."


"That was a nice shot, but I can tell you're new to this," Grace asked the teenage girl as she walked towards her. "What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"
  • Brohoof 3


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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So it looks like the kid is gone. Even though there was only one of those things here, I think it's pretty obvious that the kid is one of them now. Walking over to where the original chaser was, Grace put her hand on his shoulder and said to him "I'm sorry, but we didn't make it in time to save him."


"He has to be safe, he has to." Allan starts limping around the alleyway; flipping over boxes, opening trash cans only to kick  them over when they don't have a kid in them. "I can't lose another one. Not again, not again..." He continues his frantic search, which only boils down to him throwing things against the wall. A few minutes and a trashed alleyway later, he slams his back on the wall, and slides down to the ground, staring off into space.


"I lost another one. I can't believe it. I lost another one." The distressed man puts his face in his hands. "I lost my students that I was supposed to be watching over. They're gone. I lost the boy I was trying to save to the dark hole. He's gone." Tears start to form at the corner of his eyes. "And now I lost that kid to the shadow. He's gone. For all I know, everything I know is gone." He sits there for a few minutes in silence before wiping away the tears and starts standing back up. "But, I gotta find those kids and protect them. If there are any more kids, I gotta protect them too. And I can't do shit sitting here."


Allan starts hobbling over to the group of people helping him out. "Thanks for the help you guys. It didn't save the kid, but we got that beast." Now looking at Grace, "You say it's to late to save kid. What's going to happen to him? I have no clue as to what these monsters are, and you look like you have more info than I do. So what's the story?"

  • Brohoof 2

OC: Pinoak Stringhoof, Puppeteer and storyteller. 

OC: Phil Noir, Private Eye.

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@@Grace Braid,@@LeJAKoJAK,


Readying her weapon, Akari prepared to cast a second spell. But then a chunk of ice strangely similar to her Blizzard spell finished off the soldier-like monster. Well, looks like someone else came in to deal the final blow. She looked around to see who casted it and saw another person walking up, a woman who seemed to be a seasoned warrior. 


"Akari," she replied in a quiet voice to her question while looking to the side, as she often had trouble looking at people in the eye, especially if they're people that she had never met before. She then looked at the man, who was trashing the alleyway in frantic search of the kid. Sympathetic, she put her hand over her heart for a brief moment. I know that feeling...


When the question about what happened to the kid arose, Akari began to think. Something... Seems a little off... I'm pretty sure he isn't dead. But... it must be difficult for him now... "I saw my friends get turned into those creatures..." she said softly, looking down at the ground and failing to make eye contact with anybody.

  • Brohoof 3

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Sam went down after the group of mysterious people chasing the dark metal clad monster.  Out of nowhere, he saw a tall man sprint past him.  Sam picked up his speed to catch up the others as they took a left turn into an alleyway.  Sam had his thoughts racing in his mind.  "What in the world am I doing?  How can I help when I don't have a weapon?"  Sam thought to himself as he got close to the corner.


At that moment, he saw the maroon haired woman cast some kind of ice magic spell at the dark creature, vaporizing it into nothingness.  Sam looked around the alleyway, watching the crazed man that was chasing the monster tearing up the alleyway, screaming about finding the child.  Sam looked as well, but there was no kid in this alleyway, which meant...




"I saw my friends get turned into those creatures..." she said softly, looking down at the ground and failing to make eye contact with anybody.


Sam looked towards the teenage girl who introduced herself as Akari.  To Sam, she seemed around the same age as him, dressed up in sleeveless jacket and a hood with a star on its top.  He heard her talk about how her friends were turned into those dark creatures like that metal clad one.  He stared off into space for a moment, wondering if his mom happened the same way.  Sam then heard the injured chaser talk to the maroon haired woman about if she knew anything about all of this.


Sam looked at her as well.  "I would like to know too.  Last thing I remember is I got awoken from a strange dream where I fought those dark creatures with a shield.  The next thing I know, my home Sky Eden was being attacked by many of them before I got sucked into a black ball along with my mom."  Sam said to her a little impatiently.  He held out his right hand and out of nowhere in a white flash, the same key like weapon that looked like a bi-plane propeller materialzed.


"Then this thing shows up...  What in the world is going on here and who are you?"  Sam asked the maroon haired woman, looking for answers.

  • Brohoof 3

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Alexander was leaning against the wall, listening to the others talk. When the girl named Akari said, "I saw my friends get turned into those creatures," he tensed up.


"So that's how the balance is being tipped" he said loud enough for everyone to hear him. "If people are being turned into those shadow things, then of course the balance of light and dark would be thrown off." He started pacing around. "But what good did the goddess think i could do by sending me to a place like this?" He started to ramble as he was thinking out loud. Walking to the back of the cave he said , "Its too dark back here" he pointed at a pile of trash. "Fire I need your hel please" the pile of trash burst into flames creating enough light to drown the shadows within the alley. "Thats better" he sighed returning to the group.


"I'm alexander," he told them all, figuring it better to do this now and get it out of the way. he fisted his hand over his heart and bowed slightly. "Alexander Night." he took in the group, noting that they all seemed to hale from different places, different worlds.

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"Well, Marcon, the first thing I can confirm is what Huey and 'em told ya: if you're here, that means your world is gone. Kaput. Erased. Whatever #!$%^&' word you want to use, the meaning remains the same: you no longer have a world to get back to, and are quite possibly the only survivor from your world."


"Now, to fill in a couple of blanks for ya: Traverse Town here is a pretty young world, from what I know. It only came into existence when the Heartless got here and started *#&@$%' everything up. It seems to exist so that those lucky bastards who survive their world's destruction aren't stuck shitting their pants in the Realm of Darkness." Cid then leaned over his counter and got up close enough to Marcon's face that he could smell Cid's breath. "Now, if you want to hear anything else, I suggest you drop any sort of $%#&*@' attitude that you have. I'm not going to help some punk who thinks he can give me any sort of shit and get away with it!"

Cid had confirmed the worst case scenario that Marcon had imagined, although Cid getting so close to Marcon's face with his own, coupled with his alcohol infused breath and salty language made Marcon remember his father, the last time he saw him anyway. Marcon began to become enraged, he clenched his teeth, as well as his fists together tightly, suddenly his hand erupted forward, then came crashing down on Cid's counter, the wood splintering beneath the weight of the strike before exploding into splinters. "You have nothing left to say to me that's worth listening to, Cid..." Marcon said with a low growl through his clenched teeth. With that, Marcon turned around and headed for the exit, restraining himself from attacking Cid like a rabid animal.

Outside, Marcon reflected on what Cid had said. He now knew that the beings that ravaged his town, no, his whole world, were dubbed, "Heartless" a fitting name for what they had done. Even armed with this new knowledge however, it would never bring back the Head Mother, or the orphans he grew up with. "ErrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRAGH!" Marcon lept from the top step of the stairs and came down with his fist, glowing with inner light, he smashed the ground that made up the plaza upon initial impact, the light then seeped into the crater that his fist made, exploding after it reacted with kinetic energy residing within shattered bricks in the crater. "DAMN IT!" Marcon was flung from where he had landed due to the blast, he hit the doors that lead to the second district hard, though the only thing that hurt him was how helpless he was to get any of the people that he cared about back, he was enraged more by the fact he had no way to hit the Heartless where they lived, this "Realm of Darkness". Lost in his thoughts however he didn't realize that he was actually being surrounded by a large group of heartless, ready to leap on him at a moments notice.


"Huh? Oh... More of you, eh?" Marcon said getting up slowly, his head slightly bent to make his scowl look more menacing. "What brings you freaks looking for a fight against me?" Marcon said, his body beginning to glow faintly, he noticed however that As he was glowing, things that were casting shadows began to cast darker shadows, "Oh, is that it then?" He began to glow brighter, the heartless began to spill out of the darkened shadows from the various objects around him. "The darker it gets in a given area, your given a little more access to that area from where you come from..." His light began to glow brighter still, illuminating almost the entire area, save for the shadier areas, which only continued to grow darker. "Well, let's see how many of you I can drag out before I completely obliterate the whole lot of you!" Marcon bellowed, although he was the brightest light in the plaza, the perfect contrast to the multiplying heartless, he was by far casting the longest, darkest shadow.

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