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private The Equestrian Exploration Team and the unfortunate event (Survival) CONT.


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"I'm fine there is no need to panic over me. I won't be a risk to anypony." Tipping his hat covering his eyes. "That story will come back to bite me..." He thought to himself.


"I can't help but notice you're looking a little weak, maybe i could be of service." Walking towards his cave. "Don't forget I learned many skills throughout my travels I'm not just a doctor." Smirking a little.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass smiled. "No thanks, it's just the fire spell I cast. For the benefit of the others, you know." She continued "Now, what kind of soup is this? I'm not one of those meat-eating ponies." 


Clouds began to appear in the sky, significanly darkening everything.

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Plague laughed, "Don't worry it's not meat. It's sorta like a potato soup with a herbal tea to drink. All found on this island." Noticing the sky darkening, "Remind me to make a sign pointing to my cave..." Looking for a light source.


((I couldn't think of a soup. First soup that came to mind was potato.))


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox looked off as the two ponies walked to plagues cave, or at least the direction he assumed it was. He sighed as he looked around at all the ponies. He didn't know how plague could just spill something like that. Gearbox was never good about his past, and often found himself defensive. And to see someone willing talk like it meant so little bothered him. He didn't know if it was his own insecurity, or plagues lack thereof. 

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"There is plenty of soup to go around!" Shouting back to the others.


His eyes fixed on gearbox sending a crow after him with a message on his talon.


"Dear Gear I noticed your reaction to my story about the wondering doctor. Find me later and I will tell you the truth behind the story. PS I saw you examining my mask with curiosity." He repeated in his head.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@harmonyplus,@, @, "There we go with the clouds again. What do you know about this general area? I know this is supposed to be unexplored territory but are we the first ponies to be here? What do you guys think? I think personally we should go a little exploring, we should check for any living being upon here."

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"Exploring? Only if you know how to kick butts." Said Compass, once again emphasizing the fact that unjured team mates would be a real setback, and not very pleasant. "Selune, do you know how to kick the tushes of your foes? You have really cool magic and all but  can you use it to fight?"

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Novella stayed by the fire, trying to make a note of everything she heard, saw, or felt. She wrote extensive notes on Plague's "story" which she thought was more of an origin story.

She started humming a song and looked back up at the stars. They had moved about a month's worth in about thirty minutes. "How odd!" Novella thought to herself.

"Well anybody else want to share something?" Novella asked the rest of the group.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Gearbox grimaced at the note in his hoof. He hadn't meant to attract plague's attention, but he supposed it was inevitable now. He'd have to find him once everyone else was asleep. He figured plague was much like him, and probably stayed up late working on whatever project he happened to think of.

"I dont have much to talk about." Gearbox responded. "Most my time is taken by my inventions."

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@@MyLittleCell, "Oh come on! Everyone has a story!" Novella coaxed, trying to get more information on her fellow crewmates . 

"If you say something about you, I'll say something about me." She added.


She used her magic to keep the fire burning bright and absentmindedly drew pictures in the sand, also using her magic.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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"Dont worry... my foes' rear are the ones i always aim for. Welll before we go i'd like to say a story. I don't really know if it's scary or not but here goes!" she cleared her throat and prepared herself.
"5 Thousand years ago deep below Equestria in the continental cavern there lived ponies with diaphanous almost transparent wings and horns able of both magic and flight. King Proteus and Queen Aldinach were their leader's names. They guarded them, fed them, and took care of their societies. Up until one day..." she remained silent looking at each and every one of them. She narrowed her eyes and continued
"They came... the demons. Creatures dark and red burning with rage, abomintion of rage and hatred cunning and strong. They battled for many years underground and with the guidance of their leaders the ponies of the underground were close to victory agains the twisted beasts! But this... is not a happy ending story." she said raising her hoof in a serious manner.
"The demons were being that twisted everything they found. They eventually found a way and twisted the ponies of below..." she lowered her head and her mane hiding her face and her hooves below it as her black horn and mane seemed to change color to green.
"They say they managed to escape their full corruption... but they were no longer beautiful. Their hearst were filled with holes that only the opposite of hate could fill, their horns becamed jagged and almost rotten. Fangs appeared and their skins became pitch-black as on their back grew insectoi scales. They were truly... MONSTERS!" she suddenly raised her  hooves up as she opened her mouth and made a "war face" you could call it or like the roar a tiger does. Her eyes were green shining with an un-natural shine. She let our a shriek as she stood near the fire showing them her fangs, green mane and jagged horn. After a while she reverted the illusion and let them see her once again like she really was. 

"And this is how the first changeling appeared on Equestria." she said simply.

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Compass cheered. "Wooohooo! Great story! Lovely magic too!" She had no idea if this was true but, boy, was it cool. Compass remembered that she had gone to Canterlot for the royal wedding and had nearly gotten killed by the changlings. She had only found out what happened a month later. 


"So, does anyone else want to tell a story or should I tell about me?"

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Plague entered his cave waiting for the soup to be fully cook, "Seems this is the night were we bond...never like bonding with ponies..." Muttering to himself as he checked the tea. Pouring himself a glass he waited for somepony in particular to show up, "His curosity will get the best of him. He will be here soon." mumbling to himself lifting his mask to take a sip of the tea.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox nervously smiled at compass. 

"Go ahead." He gulped a bit. He hoped telling their own story's wasn't going to be the norm. He wasn't comfortable about his past, and being pressured wasn't gonna be good. He got up.

"While im sure your story well be great, i gotta go... work on my blueprints." He walked off a bit, his log close enough he could hear them but hopefully not be involved.

He remembered plague asked to see him, and left his stuff there as he began to walk towards the direction he assumed plague's cave was.

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Crows landed in the trees above Gearbox pointing him to the cave. As he passed each crow their eyes would glow red and then fly away.


Plague watched Gearbox's progress, "I knew he couldn't stay away. My bird cam is still working that is a surprise by itself." Laughing out loud.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"Alright, Gearbox. Go work on your blueprints. I'll start my story about me."


Compass cleared her throat and started. 


"Well, I was born in Trottingham but my parents moved to Ponyville because rent there was cheaper. I met my cousin, Lyra. Do you know her? She's that historian who researches humans. She also a lyrist that frequently preforms in Canterlot, but that's off topic. You know how I got my cutie mark? Well, I'll tell you. One day, after school, Lyra was busy at music practic, so when on an adventure! I ran deep into the Everfree forest and got hopelessly lost. I nearly got myself killed multiple times, but using the little signs all around me, like one tree that's different from the others, I got home. The moment I set hoof back in Ponyville, this thing appeared!" She said, pointing at her cutie mark. "Boy, I was exited! My cute-sinera was about a week later, and Lyra was so jealous! I joined EET about 4 years after that, and then 2 years after that i got promoted to captain rank. Then, six months after that, this whole scenario happened."


"Well, do you like my story?"

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As gearbox reached the cave, he couldnt help but throw a jab in at plague.

"Quite enjoy the shadows, don't you?" He smiled, looking plague over before glancing outside at his ravens. Gearbox wasnt sure how he managed to control these ravens, or do these outrageous things. 

But what could he comment? He hoped to one day make a ship that would fly.

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Plague looked at Gearbox with a smile showing from the crack, "I like the peace and quiet. Care for some tea or soup?" pointing to the pot on the fire. "I know you have curiosity about my mask. You can ask me anything and I will answer your questions. The only thing I would like in return is if you could fix my mask."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox couldnt help but smile a bit.

"You dont know how to fix your own mask?" He tried to keep sarcasm out of it, but couldn't help but let a little sink in. 

"I suppose thats fair enough. If you have any of your own questions, i may answer them myself. As long as they are kept between us, right?"

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"Yea i can cure everything but I can't fix a simple mask." Shaking his head. "Everything we say here will be kept a secret. Plus my birds will warn us if anypony is near by." Pointing to a bird seating on a rock inside the cave. "I have many secrets and many pets you can ask me anything you would like to know." Pouring tea in his cup.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@harmonyplus, "Interesting! So you have visited other places? You have been on other expeditions? What happened there and what did you discover? Excuse my curiosity but this is just SO exciting! I've always been exctited by the "new" hence the reason for my experimenting with illusionary magic."

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"I think ill take some tea." He sat down, making himself comfortable. 

"Hand me your mask, if you can. I can work on it while we talk." He took his pack off, feeling the weight drop. 

"First of all, how much of your story was true?" Gearbox figured they could trade of questions.

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Tipping his hat to cover his face taking off the mask he handed it to Gear, "Most of it was true, but the truth is more bloody." Pour tea into a cup and passing it to him. "I was placed in charge of burning the dead and killing the infected at the same time making a cure, and someponies were forced to be apart of my experiments..."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox frowned as he took the mask.

"i suppose i should've figured. Many things are easier to hear when they are put down." He took out his tools and gbegain to examine the mask, to find what was wrong.

"How exactly is this broken. Also, if you have a question you can ask one. One question for one question."

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"The glass is broken in the eye sockets and there is a huge crack running down the right cheek. Before i ask my questions i must tell you something that is very personal...In the story I said the colt was burned, but the truth is I was attacked by some of the patients. That's why I hide my face behind this mask." Taking off the hat and showing Gear his face which had a giant scar crossing his whole face and a few smaller scars around his eyes and cheeks. "The went savage sometimes after the experiments were done. A few broke free one day and attacked me. By the end of the attack I was left blind in one of my eyes, but I soon replaced it with a mechanical eye."

Pointing to his right eye.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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