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private The Equestrian Exploration Team and the unfortunate event (Survival) CONT.


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Gearbox's eyes widened, though plagues wouldnt have seen, considering his goggles obscured them. 

"That eye.... Is very familiar. Where did you get it?" He looked down at the mask, his mouth and hooves working quick. He slowed down a bit, hopefully to extend this trip a bit longer.

"I only ask cause i...." he stopped himself, then sighed.

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"I don't know who made it just found it in a shop as I was looking for something to cover my wounds." Taking another sip of his tea. "Do you know who made it?" Watching him as he worked. "This eye has more than one use. I can watch you work from another view or I can watch the others without them knowing." Taking off his cloak. "You know your not going to be able to find your way back to the camp in this darkness. If you want you can stay here for the night. I don't sleep much anymore..." Feeling his scars. 


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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" I... may be wrong but i think that i did. Make that eye, that is. I remember that eye, but not what i did with it." Gearbox looked over the mask. He began to remove the masks eye socket, to get the broken glass out. 

"Fairs fair. I have enough secrets of my own, if you have anything to ask, ill answer truthfully...but first..."

Gearbox put the mask down to remove his goggles. He lay them on the floor, looking up to see plague eye to eye. 

One of his eyes had the same mechanics that plagues did, but was clearly an older model. His other eye had no pupil, and was a dark purple.

Purple eyes were rare enough, but missing a pupil belonged to only one line of ponies.

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Plague looked at Gearbox's eyes, "I've seen many things in my travels, but nothing like this." rubbing his chin studied him. "Alright now I have a few questions... first How did you end up here? What's your story? And If you did make this eye that means you could make some upgrades for it." Pulling out a small vial and calling for one of his birds. 


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"My purple eye is a birth present, from a family i'd like to believe didn't exist." He took out the broken glass, searching his bag for a solid one, or something to replace it.

"Why i came here was no lie, but it was only part of the truth. I also came hoping i could further myself from my parents." He found some glass, but it was slightly off colored. He figured it wasn't clear enough to see plagues eye, so it'd work.

"My family's name is one most would recognize, a higher family, quite pretentious. My birth was a miracle, but it didn't help my parents. I was an albino. If i didn't dye my hair, it'd be pure white. My parents didn't want me, they wanted a normal little child. Among every other problem, i had a growth defect as well. I may look in my thirties, but in actuality i'm at least forty eight." He paused.

"I've lost count..." He paused for a second before he clicked the eyeglass into it's socket. 

"My family denounced me, hiding me from public. One day, my mother... she was crazy, and drunk, and she attacked me, trying to attack my eyes, calling me a monster. I was lucky to lose one." He finished the glass, and took out a small pin screw that'd work for a needle, and used some spare string to sow the tear together.

"I ran away, and somehow i learned about steam technology, and well...here i am." He paused to look up at plauge.

"I should really thank you. I've never told anyone my past, but... i think i needed too." He looked over plagues temporarily repaired mask, and reached it towards him.

"I'ts nothing permanent."

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Wheatley woke up after he thought was a long sleep, he walked outside the tent, it was still dark and he didn't seem to see anyone around and he looked at the sky, he saw some crows flying around not so far from his position and he remembered what Plague Doctor said.


"You'll know if I'm around if you see a crow or raven!"


He decided to walk to where the crows were flying and hopefully find someone.

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Plague's eye lit up, "Somepony is coming." Taking the mask from Gearbox. "We have a lot in common. I never knew my parents...I was raised by the local farmers. I was shunned because of my method of experiments." Pouring more tea into his cup and checking on the soup. "Seems about done. Do you want any?" Offering to Gearbox.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox took a bit of tea.

"Thanks." He pulled his goggles closer in case someone came up.

"I never thought i'd hear a story as depressing as mine, but your certainly hit the mark." Gearbox smiled nervously.

"So, you mind if i ask another question? you can ask one in return."

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"What is your question?" Leaning against the cave wall. "You mustn't tell anypony about my true story." Speaking seriously. "Anyways what was the question you were going to ask me?" Lifting his mask to take a sip as he watched the pony walk around in the jungle.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"These crows.... how do you control them? Is it just good training?" Gearbox rubbed the skin around his, happy that the slightly restrictive goggles were of his face, even for a bit. He briefly touched his mechanical eye with his hoof, feeling all the ridges and curves in it. 

He told himself he'd improve the eye once he left the island.

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Plague took off his mask and stared Gearbox dead in his eyes, "These crows helped give me the name the plague bringer. They follow and help me on their own. Over time I guess we bacame one, but there is one special crow that allows me to see what he sees. He is the one that pointed the eye out for me and also told me of a dead pony." A few red eyes appeared outside the cave, "Crows are know as the death bird and I guess I work with death a lot."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox sighed. 

"Yours is certinly a strange tale. Even more strange that somehow we connected." He stared at plagues mechanic eye. 

"What are the chances that the person who has an eye like mine would meet me on a shipwrecked crusie?" Gearbox smiled, and put his goggles back on, covering his purple eye. Knowing that it was there, it could be possible to see it, but it'd be a few moments of uncomfortable silence and staring to be able to tell.

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"I've been wondering around Equestria curing and killing the sick. This is like a vacation to me even if we are fighting for our lives. We should be fine if I can find some herbs and food, but for now I'm pretty much stocked up." Opening his cloak showing off his supplies. "Plus this cave will help me with my work just wish I had a room I could put my supplies." Putting his mask and hat back on.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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As Wheatley walked a little further, he smelled what it seem'd to be soup, he followed the odor and he found the others.


"Wow, this is a brilliant setup, even better than the beach"


He sat down and looked around the place a little bit, the darkness of the forest was really creepy to him and he started to think that the place wasn't very innocent.


"In my way here I felt like someone or something was following me, i didn't pay too much attention but it was creeping me out from the inside, has anyone else seen something strange?"

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Gearbox smiled at plague, before turning to answer wheatley.

"Not at all, why, you feeling alright?" His more chipper tone came out, compared to the somber mood he talked with earlier.

"Plague made some soup. Would you like some?" Gearbox relaxed, getting the previous conversation out of his head.

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Compass had forgotten that she was somewhat hungry and that she was told there was soup, so she followed her nose. There was Wheatley, and he had commented on something creeping him out. "I agree." She responded. "I had this nasty feeling when I got on the beach for the first time." She peeked inside the cave. She could just make out Plauge and Gearbox, having a chat. She also saw the source of the nice smell. There seemed to be lots of stuff scattered about.

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"Well the night brings insanity maybe you started to freak out?" Walking towards the opening of the cave. "How did you find my cave if you don't mind me asking." Turning to Wheatley. "Oh yea please help yourself to the tea and soup I made it for everypony." Pointing to the kettle and tea pot.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"No, I think i'm fine for now, thanks"




"Well, when we were on the boat you told me that I could find you whenever i saw crows around and then I smelled the soup you made, and no, the night its not making me freak out, i swear i felt something following me, maybe we are not alone in this island"


Wheatley was paying attention at the forest, he really taught that there was something else in this island that could maybe be a threat to the group. 

Edited by Wheatley
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Compass smiled. "Well, I followed Wheatley and my nose. The soup smells pretty good." Compass quitely walked over and poured herself a cup of tea. She took a sip of the tea, which was unlike anything she had ever tasted, but still good. "This tea is good, what did you make it out of?" She asked.

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Novella decided to take a stroll around the island to become more aware of her bearings. She walked towards the ocean and stared out at it as she walked along the shoreline. By her calculations it should be about high tide but it was still at low tide. All of the waves looked the same and there was no seaweed washed up upon the shore and no animals could be seen on the shoreline or in the water. She made note of it in her mind to write down later.


"How odd....How extremely odd....." Novella thought to herself.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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@@harmonyplus, @,


"I made the tea with some herbs I had on me. This tea helps me with clearing and calming of the mind, also it taste good to me." Nodding to Compass.

"Maybe it was my crows that could of been following you here?" Thinking about the forest and it's secrets. "Maybe we aren't alone...and where is that other pony that always taking notes on us?"


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"See, i told you, i know there is something with this island" He said while remembering Novella


"You mean novella? I'll go get her, she's probably near the beach but i won't go unarmed, be right back!"




Wheatley took out his knife from his bag and he went towards the beach. While in the forest, the silence  was freaking him out, only thing he could hear was the wind blowing, after walking for a bit, he saw something behind the bushes, it had the figure of some sort of animal, it didn't seem like a pony, the darkness made it hard to see but he ignored it and kept walking forward but as he moved, this figure didn't stop following him, scared, he started running towards the beach and as he left the forest he found Novella near the ocean writing some notes.


"I found you, i'm glad i did, something was following me in the forest" He said desperately. He turned back and noticed that the figure was gone, it probably doesn't want to be seen by anyone.


"Well, what are you doing?"

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"This is no regular island. Everything is completely off for the time of year. I'm making detailed notes on all of it. Is that a problem?" Novella asked bluntly while stuffing her notes back in her saddlebag. She kept staring out at the ocean, studying every detail of the waves and how they curl.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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@, "Hey! You shouldn't wander around! You might get hurt!" she said as she aproached her and looked around and then back at her "Are you documenting this island? It would be nice to have someone help us figure out whats going on. So... what have you found so far? Hmmm?"

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@, "I'll be fine...Well for one thing, the stars are completely off for the season and time of year. The tide should be at low tide right now, yet it's still at high tide. All of the waves are exactly the same, they are the same height and they curl in the exact same spot. There are no animals in the water or on the sand and there's no seaweed." Novella explained.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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