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open The Dark Tournament (FULL!)

Literally Snails

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Swordpoint slowly made his way to the arena. As he emerged into the ring, the crowd hissed and booed him once again. He ignored them and glanced up at the box seats high up in the arena. He could just barely make out Knightfall's figure inside. Money does not own me, and neither does this tournament. He stood in silence and waited for Crimson.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson grinned confidently, before entering the arena, as he entered, he saw the hundreds of screaming and cheering crowdmembers, many threw things at him, others cursed at him, some even threatened to kill him, crimson merely growled loudly, letting some fire shoot from his mouth, burning some of the cursing crowdmembers, after seeing this, most of the crowdmembers shut up and sat down, not wanting to anger him, crimson snorted smoke from his nostrels, "swordpoints right, none of you are good enough to deserve mercy, so i wouldn't have a problem COOKING any of you alive, if you don't shut the hell up!" Said crimson annoyed, before throwing off his hat and cloak and began waiting patiently in the center of the ring for swordpoint to make the first move.

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Swordpoint stepped forward into the center of the ring to face Crimson. "It is time. Let us fight with honor. Whatever the outcome, we may say that we have kept our souls free of the taint of evil." He held his hoof out to Crimson and gave him a calm smile. Six percent, eh? We shall see.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson smiled slyly before accepting swordpoints hoof, "agreed, let's give these bastards a show they'll never see coming, and show them that just becouse they have money, doesn't mean they can BUY a soul!" Crimsons grinn widened, "only six precent? I'll have to work on that..." thought crimson confidently.

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(I'll start the fight, but Fivefs still has a chance to start the bet.)




"Okay, you two," Juri began, "You know how to do this, win through knockout death or ring out. On my mark... Begin!"


"That's the signal!" Topaz said excitedly, leaning off the edge of her table. "I can only hope that at least one of these two perfect bodies won't be completely destroyed!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Swordpoint raised his forehooves and prepared himself. He stood still, waiting for Crimson to make the first move. "Are you prepared?" he asked his opponent. He was suddenly struck by the familiar presence once more, but he did not dare look into the stands. Any distraction could be his undoing.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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At the sound of the refs signal, crimson quickly pulled back his hoof and attempted to punch swordpoint in the gut, crimson grinned, "sorry about this friend, but i wanna try to make this as painless as possible, so try not to lose your lunch in the ring, ok?" Thought crimson confidently.

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Swordpoint stepped backward quickly, but Crimson's punch still connected. His momentum helped absorb some of the blow, however.


"Don't be overconfident. I am not a young foal fresh from the womb." He jumped into the air and swung his back leg at Crimson.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson quickly attempted to dodge the kick, but wasn't entirely successful as swordpoints hoof scrapped his head, drawing a small amount of blood, crimson ignored the wound and quickly attempted to grab swordpoints leg in mid-air and throw him, "I SHOULD TELL YOU THE SAME THING!!" Yelled crimson.

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"The winner by death is Cosmo Shadesteel!" Juri announced after the fight was finished.

Cosmo was sickened as he watched Goldre hit the ground with a bloody crunch. "Luna's frozen glare... I must've knocked her unconscious!" Cosmo could only hear the screams of the audience, happy ponies who he just earned money, angry ones who bet against him, and the rest who were just excited to see such a bloody death. Cosmo might've been offered the chance to say something he couldn't hear it over the noise and his own grief. Cosmo wandered through the halls of the stadium until he couldn't take it anymore, "BUCK!" he shouted as he put his hoof through the wall. His magic was still around his hooves so he was unharmed and a noticeable dent was in it. He released his spell and heard the announcement for the last match to start. "Might as well try to learn something..." The more he thought about it, the more there was to gain this tournament other than fame or money. Cosmo made it to the stands, some of the crowd members glared at him, muttering things they didn't dare say to his face, but others were cheering and offering him drinks, "Well, I know who put money on me now..." Cosmo thought thought with a smirk. He looked at the fight and was shocked, "Unarmed?! What are they doing?" Cosmo watched their pre fight dialogue, he couldn't make out the words but it was clear they were bitterly resolved about fighting each other. "An unarmed fight usually ends with a knockout or a forfeit... a bloody, but deathless victory... they don't want to kill each other..!" Cosmo didn't there were still anyponies other than him who wanted to avoid killing, "I think I'll meet them later on..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Swordpoint was sent spinning into the air, but he quickly recovered with several flaps of his wings. He prepared to descend, but he felt the presence again. Out of Crimson's reach, he glanced into the stands and saw the hooded pony once more. The pony watched him silently. He glared at the hooded figure and turned away, descending to the ground. When he landed, he swung his forehoof at Crimson's chest.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson raised an eyebrow as he saw swordpint gaze towards the stands, "what the buck is he looking at?" Thought crimson curiously, but he was quickly pulled from his thoughts as swordpoint recovered from his daze and flew at crimson, swinging his hoof towards his chest, crimson quickly put up his hoovs and blocked the attack, and grabbed swordpoints hoof and twisted it, attempting to knock him to the floor and pin him in an arm bar.

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Swordpoint felt mild pain, but he did not cry out. "You're quite the fighter, Crimson! It has been some time since I've had a true challenge in hoof to hoof combat!" He yanked on his twisted hoof and swept his back leg at Crimson's feet in an attempt to knock him off balance.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson grunted as he felt his feet get knocked out from under him, he cursed and quickly used the momentum of his fall to roll away and quickly shot back onto his feet, crimson grinned happily as he looked at swordpoint, "thanks, your not so bad yourself, but just wait until I really get serious!" Said crimson before rushing at swordpoint, and jumping at him, attempting to kick him in the jaw.

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Swordpoint jumped aside, avoiding Crimson's kick. He prepared to rush Crimson, but he suddenly heard a familiar voice in the stands.


"WAIT!" it shouted. "I can't watch this anymore! You need to stop, Swordpoint!"


Swordpoint jumped into the air immediately. "It can't be... Rainbow?!"


The hooded pony took to the air with a pair of blue wings. Her cloak fell lightly to the ground, and Rainbow Dash smiled at Swordpoint. "Come on! Did you really think that stupid bitch could hold me there after you taught me those spells?! Pfft, I was out in less than an hour."


Swordpoint flew to her and wrapped his forehooves around her tightly. Tears formed in his eyes. "I was terrified... I thought I would lose you for certain."


Rainbow returned his embrace. "No way. I'm fine, so now why don't you quit this thing and come home?! You're gonna get yourself killed!"


Swordpoint turned his head away. "... I cannot."


Rainbow shouted. "Why not?!"


Swordpoint faced her again. "... there is a curse on me which will make me slowly forget you. If I do not win this tournament... I may never break it. I am sorry, but you must understand. We will never live in peace together if I do not."


Rainbow's face was filled with hurt. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't. Left with no choice, she whispered "Then you better win this thing with honor." Quickly, she returned to the stands.


Swordpoint descended to the ground once more. "My apologies, Crimson. But now that I know she is safe, I am free of distraction. Let us continue our battle." He stood at the ready.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson smiled warmely at dash, "glad to see your alright dash, and don't worry, I won't break anything important swordpoint, tell the girls I said hi when you see them.....and tell twilight I said I'll see her soon..." said crimson before turning to face swordpoint with a grinn, "now that your not distracted anymore, let's continue our fight!" Said crimson happily before rushing towards swordpoint, he then attempted to roundhouse kick him in the head.

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Swordpoint ducked beneath the kick and threw an uppercut at Crimson. He felt more focused and alert, and his mind was free to concentrate only on the battle. He was truly at his full capability. Crimson will have no choice but to fight harder if he wishes to defeat me now.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"Rainbow Dash is here! Cool! Maybe I could meet her!" Artemis thought in the stands. She sat in the stands. "I dunno who to cheer for though" Artemis thought quietly. She sat there in thought. Well the fight was going on she thought of what she would do after.

I love Supernatural! :D

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Crimson grunted in pain as swordpoints hoof made contact with crimsons jaw, but crimson wasn't giving up that easily, as the punch hit him, crimson used the momenum to do a 360 backflip and kick swordpoint in the jaw, "I'll have go try harder if I want to beat him now!" Thought crimson strategicly.

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"...and Rainbow Dash is here... I swear I'm the one who several hundred feet and this is a weird dream..." Cosmo thought, unsure of how react with a bearer in the crowd... "Eh, I'm getting sick of fighting Pegasi so" Cosmo thought, then he got up and started shouting, "C'mon Crimson! Kick his flank so I don't have fight another freaking Pegasus!!!" Cosmo smiled as he cheered, it was a bit of humor but at the same time, he seriously wanted to face Crimson. "I tend to get better ideas for magic by actually seeing magic, that why I wanted to face Lite Shade... and why I'm taking Standoff down in the finals..." he muttered quietly.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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As the kick connected with Swordpoint, he was knocked backward. He quickly sprung up from the ground, wiping some blood off of his mouth. "Is that your best?" Swordpoint taunted. He rushed at Crimson and broke into a slide on his back, wrapping his wing around Crimson's leg. He pulled it, trying to knock Crimson to the ground.

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson grunted in pain as swordpoints legs wrap around his left leg and attempt to knock him over, crimson let himself fall forward, but stopped himself using his front hoovs, he then grinned deviously at swordpoint as he wrapped his back hoovs firmelyaround swordpoints legs, "my turn!!" Said crimson, before spinning himself and swordpoint faster and faster on his front hoovs like a top.

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Swordpoint kicked free of Crimson's grip and was sent airborne. He tried to recover, but he was unable to right himself. He did manage to flap his wings and break his fall before he crashed into the ground, so he landed with only a small bump.


Swordpoint stood and smiled, wiping some more blood off of his face. "You have been trained well. I have not seen such skill since my days in Ponynesia. You fight like the royal guardians."

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson grinned confidently as he picked himself up off the arena floor, "thanks to celestias magic, I trained in a magical sphere for ten years with a pirate master, in the sphere time passed more quickly than in our world, that's how I got so much training in so little time, and that's also why I'm technically 33, thanks for the compliment by the way, but anyways, let's get this fight moving again!" Said crimson before getting into fighting position once more.

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"Fascinating," Swordpoint mused. "Have you ever considered joining the Equestrian army? Or perhaps becoming the second Equestrian royal guardian in history? I would vouch for your skill, although I'd need to see your magical abilities and your skill with weapons first." He smiled and waited for Crimson to make a move.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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