NavelColt 22,882 May 6, 2013 Share May 6, 2013 1. Pinkiecorn of the Darned Part 1 - Trying to master her newfound alicorn powers, one of Princess Twilight's spells goes awry and turns Pinkie into an alicorn. 2. Pinkiecorn of the Darned Part 2 - Princess Pinkiecorn goes power crazy and becomes a chaotic entity similar to what Discord used to be. Discord is enlisted by Celestia to help in overthrowing Pinkecorn as he is the only one both crazy and powerful enough to take her head-on, and the two have an epic reality-warping duel that threatens the balance of the universe. 3. Meet Your Makers - John De Lancie, Lauren Faust, Tara Strong and the rest of the primary voice acting and writing staff of MLP:FiM get transported to Equestria in pony-form, and must work with the Mane Six to return home. 4. I Can't Wings - Princess Twilicorn practices flying with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy after reflecting on how she crashed at the end of her coronation ceremony, but can only seem to fly into rocks and trees. 5. A Spike Episode - Spike finds an old video recorder and films 'a Day in the Life of Spike', much to the ponies' annoyance when he ends up in everyone's faces. 6. The Perfect Odd Couple - With Fluttershy going out of town for a few days, Discord remains in Canterlot to bum around Canterlot Castle, and irritate Celestia to the point of insanity. 7. Movie Night - Fed up with never seeing Twilight after she moved to Canterlot, her friends invite her to go to the movies with them. Rainbow Dash eats skittles. 8. Pillow Pie and the Pegasi - Seeking to have a sleepover just like the one Twilight, Applejack and Rarity had, Pinkie Pie invites Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to have a sleepover with her. 9. Use Your Imagination - The Cutie Mark Crusaders take a break from crusading to have a make-believe adventure where they save their older sisters from certain peril. 10. Mare for a Mayor - Mayor Mare becomes tired of her job and decides to become an actress. Her dream role? To be the mayor of a quaint town in the country. 11. The Night's Familiar - Sick of seeing Celestia having so much fun playing with Philomena, Princess Luna entrusts the aide of Fluttershy to find her a pet. 12. Temple of Fashion - Rarity takes Fluttershy and Pinkie on a mall adventure. 13. Apples and Oranges - Applejack meets up with her Aunt and Uncle Orange and they have an intense debate over which fruit is better; apples or oranges. 14. Bring the House Down - Vinyl Scratch, looking for new gigs in Ponyville, decides to open an all-night dance and karaoke club with Pinkie Pie. 15. What a Tragedy - Diamond Tiara is forced to transfer schools when her fathers' corporate business relocates. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle celebrate. 16. Pay Attention, Now - Cheerliee teachers her class about the birds and bees, and the CMC decide to try dating, and see if that will get them their cutie marks. 17. Fads Ponies Have - After opening a new line of clothing focusing on leggings, Rarity starts a sock wearing fad and gets all of Ponyville in on it, leaving the rest of the Mane Six to one by one succumb to the dominating trend. 18. Why is the Cider Gone? - Rainbow Dash develops a cider addiction, and once becoming a little loopy, proceeds to hit on Applejack. 19. Herpin' n' Derpin' - A new breed of creature from the Everfree Forest that moves too fast for the normal-eyed pony to see, attacks Ponyville. Only a pony with eyes looking two different ways at once can see them, and thus stop them. 20. You're Going to Love Me! - Though Rainbow Dash is enjoying her new role as an awesome big sister, Scootaloo's overbearing insistence on being fully legally adopted by Rainbow Dash causes the rainbow pony to flee from her all day. 21. Everything is Going to be Just Fine - The stress of becoming a princess too much for her mind to take, Princess Twilight has yet another mental break down and barricades herself in a book fort in her Ponyville library, refusing to ever come out again. 22. Obligatory Royal Sisters - The not-so-average day to day life of Celestia and Luna, from the morning routine of coffee and scrambled eggs to dealing with whiny bureaucrats. 23. Bed Mane - With his trusty video camera, Spike documents how each of the Mane Six look upon waking up each morning, and how they make their manes look the way they do. He spends an extra amount of time on Rarity. 24. Poker Night - The villains of the show gather in a secluded, secret location to play poker, and vent their common woes of being defeated by six pastel colored horses. Sombra talks at last, Chrysalis plots for the future, and Discord crashes the party last minute under the alias of 'Pro Ex-Villain'. 25. Of Bananas and Ponies Part 1 - Princess Celestia has been acting strange lately; pranking her subjects relentlessly and not upholding her royal duties. The Mane Six confront her, trying to find an answer to her strange behavior. 26. Of Bananas and Ponies Part 2 - The Mane Six discover their princess has vanished, and in their place is Queen Chrysalis, returned to Canterlot to seek revenge against ponykind by impersonating their leading princess and organizing a coup d'état from the inside, while trolling ponies in the proccess. -- Who am I kidding, the goal of this topic is absent from my clutches, some of those actually sound pretty good. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,789 May 6, 2013 Share May 6, 2013 1) Nightmare Twilight: Twilight becomes corrupt with power and enslaves equestria 2) Nightmare Twilight Part 2: Twilight's friends are forced to cut off her wings in order to bring her back to her old self 3) Spring Fools: It's Spring Fool's Day, and Pinkie Pie attempts to outprank Discord 4) Flutterbolts: After some sort of freak of nature, Fluttershy becomes a Wonderbolt, much to Rainbow Dash's jealousy 5) Unkown Harmony: Twilight finds out about some unknown elements of harmony after Derpy Hooves becomes the element of Muffins 6) Super Speedy Cider Squeezy Mk. V: A new machine from the Flim Flam Brothers escapes their control during Cider Season and keeps destroying Cider stands in Ponyville. Will Rainbow Dash be able to get her Cider? 7) Rap it Up: When Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch engage in a rap off, Rarity offers to teach Rainbow her families secret rapping techniques 8) Hearth's Warming Other Eve: After getting frozen by the Windigos, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Pudding Head and Princess Platinum find themselves 5000 years into the future. Can they get alongside their differences to make it back to their own time? 9) Fun in the Background: When Applejack makes new friends with Lyra, Bon Bon and co. she begins to neglect their old friends 10) The Diamond Back: Rarity develops an interest in professional wrestling and signs up for the Mare's division in the Equestrian Championship Wrestling 11) Where's the smoke?: The CMC take drastic measures in getting their Cutie Marks and begin taking up smoking 12) The Nightmare Night Before Hearth's Warming Day: The Mane 6 must fight to survive during an Zombie Outbreak on Hearth's Warming Eve 13) Friend's From a New World: For her next task as princess, Twilight must form new relationships with extraterrestrials 14) Fun in the Sun: The mane 6 are put into a swimsuit contest modeling Rarity's summer line up in to defend her honor after her work is insulted 15) Scootashy: When Scootaloo finds out she's Fluttershy's long lost sister, the two becomes closer 16) Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy Go Los Pegasus: Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are chosen to star in a sitcom starring two different stepsisters 17) You're Killing Me: When Mayor Mare suffers a heart attack from stress at work and won't make it, she uses her remaining time to make amends 18) Mayor Princess: Twilight decides to run for mayor following the death of Mayor Mare 19) On Vitamin C and Apples: Applejack takes her new truck to deliver some gifts to her aunt orange after her friends death. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity have different plans and stow away in the truck 20) The Future is Strange: Rainbow Dash's daughter from the future comes to warn Twilight about two robots that threaten ponydom 21) My name is Applejack: Applejack decides to become more edgy after accidentally going to an emo rock concert 22) Maredofilly: The CMC try to revive their old hero by saving lives, however Diamond Tiara gives them competition when she uses her trusty Mare Do Well Credit card to do her heroic deeds 23) The Great and Awesome: Trixie and Lightning Dust team up to take out the ponies that ruined their lives, namely Rainbow and Twilight 24) Spike'd: Spike attempts to enter a reality TV show that involves the most mundane tasks 25) The Alicorn Promenade Part 1: When Twilight regains her alicorn powers, she begins to feel like she overpowers her friends 26) The Alicorn Promenade Part 2: Twilight makes everypony in Equestria an alicorn 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlameStar101 4 May 6, 2013 Share May 6, 2013 All of you seem to have really interesting ideas about a worst season. I would probably never be able to come up with anything as great as your ideas. I´m probably just good at making "decent" episode ideas. Here´s a few examples: A Golden Appletunity - Applejack is bucking apple trees when she suddenly finds a tree with golden apples. She decides to make apple cider out of these apples to sell to the ponies in Ponyville. However, she is unaware of a side affect of the golden apple cider. Pink in Park, Babysitter - Pinkie takes Pound and Pumpkin to amusement park that recently arrived to Ponyville. However, Pinkie soon realizes that the twins doesn´t like to go on certain rides that are a bit too much for them to handle. My Little Pets - An adventure with Angel and the other pets. Twilight and her friends decides to have a picnic on a field outside of Ponyville, and they brought their pets as well. They´re just about to dig in on the food within a picnic basket, when suddenly a eagle swoops down and grabs it. The eagle flies away with the food, and Angel and the other pets decides to track down the eagle to get the picnic basket back. Well, there you have it everyone. These are a few of my so called fanfics that I´ve made. ★ ★ ★ FlameStar101 ★ ★ ★ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 May 6, 2013 Share May 6, 2013 1. Quills & Sofas pt 1- Twilight's first duty as princess is to run Quills & Sofas. They run out of quills. 2. Quills & Sofas pt 2- they run out of sofas this time, and therefore go out of business, making the guy who owns it very sad, making him have a grudge against Twilight forever(no more 'morning kid's for you!'). 3. Background Pony Wars- Lesser known background ponies like Shoeshine, Amethyst Star, Carrot Top, and Cloud Kicker band together to kill the more popular ones like Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch. Turns out there's more than one of every one, and background pony clone wars continue in the background for the rest of the season. Derpy is not included. 4. Theme Song- the entire episode is the theme song over and over. 5. Iron Kill- Iron Will returns to Ponyville for revenge against Fluttershy, whom he mistakes for Applejack, and ends up killing her. Turns out there's more than one of her though, she is a background pony after all. 6. Eating- an entire episode of ponies just eating. 7. Rainbow is Done- RD quits the Wonderbolts and resents her friends, and then she dies. 8. Rainbow Dead- RD's adventures in the afterlife, then she comes back to life. 9. Twidance- Twilight dances for the entire episode. 10. Think Pink- Pinkie Pie paints everypony in town pink. 11. 2 Many Pinkie Pies- Pinkie finds the mirror pool again, cloning herself even more this time because it turns out this Pinkie was another Pinkie clone all along. Pinkie Pie vs background pony wars continue in the background for the rest of the season. 12. Winter Smack Up- Winter Wrap Up doesn't get done because everypony is fighting. Winter continues for the rest of the season. 13. Lalala- brony fan music is sung by MLP characters like Snips, Snails, and the Dragon Quest dragons for the entire episode. 14. Spike Mike- Spike renames himself Mike, because why not. 15. Big Mac Macintosh- Big Mac is killed and turned into a sandwich. Apple Bloom eats him. 16. Scootalone- turns out Scootaloo was a hobo orphan all along, and this episode shows her struggles alone, with her wings getting broken at the end. 17. Sweetie Sings- Sweetie Belle sings the buckets of oats song for the entire episode. 18. Luna this, Luna that- Luna finally gets another episode, leading everypony to realize how boring she really is. 19. Like Mike- Mike does stuff and things. 20. Flutterbye- Fluttershy leaves for the Everfree Forest to take care of animals there forever. 21. Pinkie Bye- Pinkie leaves to go back to the Rock Farm forever. 22. Applejack Leaves- AJ goes back to Manehatten to live with her aunt & uncle. 23. Twibye- Twilight goes to Canterlot to live with royalty forever. 24. Humanized Humans- humans invade Equestria, they are all bronies. 25. .MOV- the entire episode is the .MOV series airing on television, uncensored. 26. EQG 2- the long awaited sequel to Equestria Girls, which makes anthro ponies remain canon forever. Now notice the one pony I neglected to include, which truly makes this the worst season ever... 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dzastur 1,719 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 10) The Diamond Back: Rarity develops an interest in professional wrestling and signs up for the Mare's division in the Equestrian Championship Wrestling. Rarity would be an awesome wrestler. If she was getting pummeled, she could just start whining. That would be her special move. I'd like to see her wrestle Gorgeous George, because then they could call it the "Vanity Affair": 3 Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter 1,942 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 Create the worst season ever? Simple. I can create the worst season ever with one word: Summer. 2 how even is otter and how can it be if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 Create the worst season ever? Simple. I can create the worst season ever with one word: Summer. That's not how you spell winter... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter 1,942 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 That's not how you spell winter... >:C nu how even is otter and how can it be if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 >:C nu But it's So Cold, it Blows Me Away and makes me run out of Breath... :/ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter 1,942 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 But it's So Cold, it Blows Me Away and makes me run out of Breath... :/ huehuehuehuehueno 1 how even is otter and how can it be if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Edgeworth1001 648 May 8, 2013 Share May 8, 2013 (edited) So....who wants to create the worst MLP movie ever? Edited May 8, 2013 by Edgeworth1001 creative but lazy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dzastur 1,719 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 So....who wants to create the worst MLP movie ever? Done! (Sorry. Obvious humor is obvious. Still, the cringe factor is off the, hook.) 3 Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Awesome One 1,315 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 In my season. There will only be one episode. This episode will have everything a brony does not want. Twilight becomes ULTRACORN. Now she has two pairs of wings and horns. She goes on a killing rampage and Derpy accidentally activates the orbital friendship cannon and all of Equestria is blown up. Also, the show characters will be animated in G3 style and seaponies will make comeback. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Periwinkle 3,775 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 (edited) 1. Luna's Relapse (Part 1) - Luna refuses to lower the moon, and gets banished by Celestia in an epic fight that takes place in Ponyville for an unknown reason. 2. Luna's Relapse (Part 2) - Luna returns, but is defeated by the Elements of Harmony. Princess Twilight Sparkle takes her place. 3. Love Song - Princess Cadence cheats on Shining Armor with a royal guard, but wins his heart back with a cover of "This Day Aria". 4. Musical Feud - When MictheMicrophone comes to town, Vinyl Scratch has to prove that she is still the best DJ. 5. Matchmaker - Due to lack of funding at the studio, this episode is in total darkness as Twilight and Spike attempt to find a match to light up the library. 6. Voice - Due to Tara Strong coming down with strep throat, in this episode Twilight loses her voice in a magical mishap, and tries in vain to communicate to her friends what is wrong. 7. Return of Gilda - Due to popular demand, Gilda returns... she acts like a jerk again and is run out of town. 8. A Tall Tail - When Rarity accidentally cuts her tail off in a freak sewing accident, she is unable to convince Ponyville that short tails are in style. The only solution is to cut everypony's tail off in the dead of night... 9. Uninspired - The Mane 6 can't think of anything to do... so they don't do anything. 10. Food Fight - The Cakes and Bon Bon have a fight over who's sweets are better and the episode ends when Fluttershy can't take any more of the fighting and kills all three of them. 11. The Show - Rainbow Dash gets five tickets to the biggest flying show in Equestria, and has to decide which friend to leave behind. Plot twist: no pony else wants to go. 12. Pinkie's Revenge - Pinkie gets pranked by Scootaloo and won't rest until she has publicly embarrassed her by showing Ponyville how she can't fly. 13. Twilight's Revenge - At a royal dinner party Twilight realizes she received the smallest piece of cake... heads will roll. 14. Night on the Town - Fluttershy asks Pinkie if she wants to have a night on the town, but Pinkie is let down when she realizes how lame Fluttershy's idea of "a night on the town" is. 15. Hide-and-Seek - No one can find Big Mac, so there is a town-wide search that reveals Big Mac in a bush spying on Fluttershy. 16. Blurry - Twilight has trouble reading her books and realizes she needs glasses. Unfortunately, none of the glasses make her look royal enough. 17. Ever Free - Angel escapes Fluttershy into the Everfree forest but gets homesick. In a touching ending, he is chased home by a Manticore. 18. Rainbow - Rainbow Dash's colors all meld together to create an ugly olive. Can Rarity save the day? 19. Mayor of Ponyville - When the Mayor drowns in her bubble bath, Big Mac steps up to assume the leadership position. But does he have what it takes? 20. The Show - Rainbow Dash takes her friends (except Twilight, who is at a dinner party in Canterlot) to the arial show, and they have to pretend that they like it. 21. Drawing a Blank - Inspired by a technical problem at the studio, in this episode Ponyville succumbs to a virus that deletes the ponies' memory. When Twilight returns from her dinner party it is up to her to save the day. 22. Day Off - Twilight takes over for Celestia for a day. Celestia returns in time to stop Equestria from entering the second dark age. 23. Discord in Ponyville - Discord tries to fit in with the ponies who mistrust him. 24. Applejack - A hastily-put-together episode starring Applejack bucking things because Hasbro realized there weren't any Applejack episodes thus far. 25. Princess Luna's Return (Part 1) - In a shocking turn of events, Luna was not killed after all, and she is back for revenge. 26. Princess Luna's Return (Part 2) - Luna is banished to the moon in an epic fight that takes place in Ponyville for an unknown reason. Edited May 11, 2013 by secondstomarz 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Edgeworth1001 648 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 (edited) Hmm....guess I'm on my own on this one. The Revising A movie that takes place after the monstrosity known as S4, nicknamed EDGEWORTH, Bella and her friends are given one more chance by The Great Alicorn OC Princess Faust. She command them to relive the ENTIRE first season again. Bella and her friends fucked up, they get banish to a high school, and Princess Faust gave the entire series a COOL EDGY WESTERN GROUNDED STYLE reboot created by Theory Ninja, who constantly insulted the fans of the original FiM. Edited May 11, 2013 by Edgeworth1001 creative but lazy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyHag1 591 May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 1. Stop Right There, Part 1 - Twilight runs into a tree immediately after flying towards the screen in the finale and decides she dosen't want to be a princess. Bad timing, as Chrysalis is back to invade Canterlot. 2. Stop Right There, part 2 - Chrysalis laughs so hard at Twilight as an Alicorn she decides to keep her wings just to spite her. The Changeling queen has such a good laugh, she decides not to invade. 3. Lowest Common Denominator - After sucessfully divding up a cupcake, Pinkie tries her hoof at teaching fractions, making Miss Cheerilee jealous. 4. 30 Minutes or Less - Garble and his friends open a pizza place and recruit Spike to deliver them. 5. The Price is Pony - Fluttershy goes on a game show, and only her friends can help her overcome her shyness. 6. Take Two Aspirin - Shining Armor develops migraines once again after Discord hits him with a Frisbee. 7. Trash TV - Fighting over Big Mac, Cheerilee and Gilda take thier differences to the Jerry Stallion show for a brawl. 8. Wrong Number - The CMC try to get thier cutie marks for telemarketing. 9. Too Long, Too Cold - Rarity and Vinyl Scratch are stranded together during a snowstorm. 10. Boogie Woogie - Granny Smith becomes a break dancer after drinking one of Zecora's potions. 11. Derplicisimus - Derpy stares at the camera for the whole episode. 12. The Everfree Inferno - The Mane 6 are trapped in a fire in Equestria's tallest skyscraper. 13. Cadence Craziness - Cadence and Twilight sing the "Ladybug Song" over and over again for 22 minutes. 14. Potion Pounders - Zecora falls in love with Discord. 15. Dueling Fiddles - Octavia and Fiddlesticks challenge each other to a musical duel. 16. My Little Blimp - The citizens of Equestria suddenly blow up like balloons. Only Rainbow Dash is immune - but why, and can she save them? 17. Changel - Queen Chrysalis returns, and falls in love with Angel, going so far as to disguise herself as the bunny. Then she falls in love with Opalescence. 18. Faster than Slow - A freak accident reverses Tank and Dash, so she's slow and he's fast. 19. Bulloney - Iron Will opens a deli in Ponyville. Wonders why business is so poor. 20. Apple Of Her Eye - Applejack has the flu. The entire episode is seen through her eyes as she lies in her room. 21. Why Does Irony Have To Be So Tall? - Sweetie Belle grows to a height of 100 feet. 22. Oh Snap - Celestia and Luna clash over who had the ugliest dress at Twilight's coronation. 23. Polished Off - Spike cleans the library with Lemon Pledge as Owlicious drives him crazy by hooting at him. 24. Crank Up The Volume - Cranky Doodles develops a fondness for Weird Al's music. 25. I Am The Pony - Darkwing Duck makes a guest appearance and everypony thinks he's The Mysterious Mare Do Well. 26. Rewind - Twilight sits in her bedroom and looks out the window for 21 minutes. Then she casts a spell that makes her wings disappear. Breaking the fourth wall, she says "See you next season...stay Pony, my friends." 4 "Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 6. Take Two Aspirin - Shining Armor develops migraines once again after Discord hits him with a Frisbee. A really funny setting that could work, too. Fluttershy innocently trying to get Discord to settle down his chaotic disposition of floating about and doing (non-harmful) chaos, and boom, frisbee migraines. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 20. Apple Of Her Eye - Applejack has the flu. The entire episode is seen through her eyes as she lies in her room. This is technically half the plot of Read It And Weep. Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyHag1 591 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 This is technically half the plot of Read It And Weep. Yeah, I see what you mean. I didn't even realize it. Here's a replacement: 20. Hoity Toity Trap - While visiting her relatives in Manehattan, Applejack gets stuck in an elevator with Babs Seed, Hoity Toity and Photo Finish. "Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost 173 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 1. Royal Pain part 1- Luna decides to make her job more fun by trolling ponies in their dreams. This leads many ponies to become sleep deprived, since they get trolled enough during the day and don't want to put up with it at night too. 2. Royal Pain Part 2- Celestia tells Luna she'll get sent to the sun this time if she doesn't watch it, ending Luna's trolling spree. The two work out an agreement and only troll ponies on specific days each month to keep things interesting. 3. Like Plucking Grapes- Twilight decides it would be a good idea to get Spike neutered. Spike says he'll do it if Twilight get's spayed first. Twilight calls Spike an idiot, then Spike gives Twilight the finger, causing Twi to chase Spike around Ponyville while the Benny Hill theme plays in the background. Twi corners Spike, causing Spike to deliver an emotional plea to save "the boys" (or whatever dragons have). Twilight is impressed by Spikes eloquent plea and the two end up sleeping together. 4. After All These Years- Cheerilee gets laid off. 5. Silence is a virtue- Trixie gets arrested and becomes a snitch to avoid jail time. The police promise to provide Trixie with protection, but don't due to budget cuts. 6. What I Didn't Know- Twilight gets somewhat depressed when she realizes she has read all the books in her library. In search of something new, she stumbles upon Shining Armor's diary. The info is too good to keep to her self, so she shares it with Cadence and the rest of her friends at a slumber party. 7. You Wanna Do What Now?- Big Mac confides in Applejack and admits he loves ballet and dreams of being a dancer. Applejack laughs hysterically and spends the rest of the show making fun of him. 8. I'll Be Here When You Get Back- Something of value gets stolen from Twilight's tree house and shows up in the for sale section of a local newspaper the next day. The seller is in a bad neighborhood. After much deliberation, the girls send Fluttershy and Rarity to get it. 9. All's Fair In Fashion- Rarity is dumbfounded when Applejack beats her in a competition for best dress design. Applejack gets embarrassed that a joke dress design she sent in won, and now she is recognized for participating in a fashion competition. 10. Another One of Those Stories- Rainbow Dash gets injured and is ordered to lay off the flying for a few days. Saddened by the news, she mopes about on a grey cloud that's hovering over ponyville. Fluttershy visits Dash to try and cheer her up, and Dash ends up getting more than she originally expected from the visit . 11. This Is Whining- Rarity whines about various stuff for an entire episode. 12. What's That Noise- Everyone becomes aware of the background music, and it drives everypony crazy! Pinkie Pie is the exception, as she ends up loving it. 13. That Dam Pony- A new Pony named Dam It comes into town and builds a new dam. It's poorly built and break's, flooding Ponyville. Everyone blames that dam pony. 14. Scootaloo's A What?!- The CMC find out Scootaloo is actually a colt. 15. She Stole My Act!- Pinkey Pie locks Vinyl Scratch in a utility closet and plays Vinyl's set at a sold out venue. 16. Bad Hair Day- Rainbow Dash pranks Rarity by shaving off part of her mane while she's sleeping. 17. All Things Die Eventually- The batteries in Twillight's remote control die, so she sends Spike to buy new ones cause she's too lazy to do it herself. 18. Back When I Was A Colt- An old stallion bores the CMC by talking about his youth and life "back in the day". 19. EEEEEWWWW, Get It Out, Get It Out, Get It Out!- Twilight finds a spider in her bed and freaks out! All hell breaks then loose when a moth comes through an open window. 20. Dem Feelz- Spitfire tries to make Soarin cry in front of the Wonderbolt trainees. 21. You Wont Be Sleeping Tonight- Rainbow Dash tells Fluttershy about Slendermane. 22. That Was Most Dreadful- Celestia slaps Prince Blueblood in front of his friends. Blueblood spends the rest of the time sulking in his room, and the episode centers around him feeling sorry for himself. 23. Bad Decision- Princess Cadence asks Shining Armor if he thinks she looks fat in her dress for Twilight's coronation. Shining says yes as a joke, but Cadence doesn't think its funny. 24. Wha'cha Doin?- Pinkie Pie calls all her friends at 3 am and asks if they'r awake, and if they wanna hang out for a bit. 25. UGH- Twilight gets summoned to jury duty and can't get out of it. She ends up tricking Spike into coming along so at least she has some company. 26. Aren't They Kinda Old For This?- The season ends with kids in the target demographic talking about how odd bronies are, and their parents saying that older fans make them nervous. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stainesbrony 219 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 Okay... Episode 1: Twilight Sparkle: The princess days part 1. Twilight is a princess and no-one likes it. Ep 2: Twilight Sparkle: The princess days part 2 Twilight gives up her princessness. Ep 3: The mane six watch G3 MLP. The mane 6 watch G3 MLP and are haunted for the rest of their lives. Ep 4: Rise of Princess Molestia. Celestia becomes Molestia Ep5: What if... In an alternate universe, everypony is a h8r. Ep7: The hunt for episode 6. The mane 6 look for episode 6. Ep6: The found episode The mane 6 find Episide 6. Ep8: The great and powerful episode The whole episode is a pic of Trixie's flank Ep9: My little r34 Everything goes all r34. Ep10: the broken wall Pinkie pie destroys the 4th wall, and the episode involves everypony trying to fix it. Ep-1: Godot arrives A pony version of Godot arrives, demands that the episode should be Ep-1, fires his coffee lazar everywhere, and destroys the 4th wall. Ep12: The broken wall 2 Godot gets removed and everypony tries fixing the 4th wall again. Ep13: Cupcakes Read Cupcakes, and you'll find out what this is about Ep14: ZombieDash Rainbow comes back as a zombie and is returned back to life. Ep15: Ship Shipping The mane 6 discuss shipping on a ship. Ep16: Pinkie's Epic Yarn Pinkie becomes a wool pony made of wool. Ep17: Life of Fluffle Puff This episode focuses on Fluffle Puff, and her friends Dan and Queen Chrysalis. Ep18: Dr. Whooves Dr. Whooves and Derpy save Equestria from an evil muffin. Ep19: My little smeg The crew of the Red Dwarf find themselves in Equestria as ponies. Ep20: Scootachicken Scootaloo gets a cutie mark. It's a chicken. Ep21: Colgate's toothpaste Colgate opens a toothpaste factory Ep22: 22 minutes in Ponyville. An action-packed episode where all of the action is in Canterlot Ep23: Cheerilee's Garden Cheerilee does some gardening Ep 24: 99 cool things to do with a time machine. The mane 6 find a time machine. Before they can use it, it blows up Ep 25: The Finale part 1: The Pre-Show Derpy does some juggling on a unicycle Ep 26: The Finale part 2: The Show Molestia molests the audience. AND THAT'S IT! 1 STOP READING THIS SIGNATURE! THIS IS AN ONLINE FORUM, NOT A LIBRARY! My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ron J 276 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 (edited) Season 3 /thread Edited May 31, 2013 by Uζεrηλmξ 2 "Feld0 spelled backwards is 'illuminati'" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DainbowRash 4 June 3, 2013 Share June 3, 2013 (edited) 1. Sombra comes again- Sombra comes again and is reformed by celestia. 2. dlroW esreveR ehT- Part 1/2 The reverse world can only be accessed by Twilicorn. 3. dlroW esreveR ehT- Part 2/2 Twilight faces a random monster that rips her wings and twilight goes back to the real world without wings. 4. >4chan - part 1/3 The ponies become archeologists, and rarity finds a machine. They call it "Computer" And look at it. They access some sort of red-blue-green-yellow symbol that makes them go to the internet. 5. >4chan - Part 2/3 They discover google and search through it. They find themselves. 6. >4chan - Part 3/3 They find Rule 34, And then 4chan. They decide to burn the machine. 7. War - Ponyville gets attacked by haters and the ponies use all sorts of things to stop them. Stopped, Celestia bashes all of them to the moon. 8. Trollestia rises - Molestia finds another of those machines. She tought they were things to learn regal thingys. She becomes the known Trollestia. 9. Laziness- The developers make scootaloo dance 10. Background episode- Bon bon x Lyra becomes canon, and derpy makes a evil kingdom, the kingdom of evil Muffins. 11. Scootaloo's sad tale - Scootaloo hugs rainbow dash and then rainbow dash want to too, but is stopped by a "HEY" of scootaloo's new mom. 12. R34- The rulian 34ian kingdom wants to attack. They expose plots, but ponies kill them. 13. The trolling of twilight- Twilight hugs their friends and they get herpes 14. Twilight discovers twilight- "WHAT THE HELL? THIS SHITTY BOOK HAS MY SAME NAME!" 15. My mom calls me- I will be brb 16. Developers are lazy- They make a episode of twilight's flank. 17. AJ discovers something - AJ was dreaming. he never really had friends. 18. AJ's episode- A slow mo vid of AJ having herpes and he sleeps for 22 minutes 19. Granny smith's episode- GS screams "APPLEJACK" for 10 minutes and dances for 12. 20. The Muffin kingdom wasn't a dream- The muffin kingdom dances in front of applejack 21. Applejack's true destiny - Applejack finds out he has a pokeball 22. I wanna be- The very best 23. Like- No one 24. Ever was- Applejack's pokemon dies 25. Twilight uses "SURPRISE" 26. The episodes end and trollestia trolls everyone Edited June 3, 2013 by DainbowRash 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 June 3, 2013 Share June 3, 2013 (edited) Some of these episodes sound good, I don't know what you guys are even talking about. Edited June 3, 2013 by Harmonic Revelations 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discovery Dream 592 June 4, 2013 Share June 4, 2013 If you changed it just a little so that Applejack was Batman, I think that it'd actually be kind of awesome in a terrible B-movie way. Actually, that pretty much sums up most of your bad season. There IS a Holy Musical Batman, and it is hilarious: Anyways, here are mine: Episode 1: Love in the Mountains Pt. One Princess Twilight must collect the Elements of Harmony to defeat a wicked stallion living on Smoky Mountain, but finds difficulty in confronting him when she begins to fall for him. Episode 2: Love in the Mountains Pt. Two Princess Twilight realizes her love for Nightlight Twinkle, the mysterious stallion of the mountains, is true, and confesses to him. But the Princess's friends won't let her start a new life with him without a fight in a switch of sides that could shatter Equestria... Episode 3: Rarity and the Beast Rarity discovers a dragon in the Everfree Forest, who turns out to be not only a father of three, but Fluttershy's husband. Episode 4: A Flight to Remember Rainbow Dash learns a lesson of love and loss when her long-lost twin sister takes a nasty fall. Episode 5: It's Party Time? Pinkie Pie needs a date to the big Ponyville Anniversary Bash, but every stallion in town is taken! Who will she take? Episode 6: Trouble in the Crystal Castle Shining Armor learns that Princess Cadence is expecting a foal, and becomes too stressed and ashamed to talk to her. Episode 7: Apple Family Funeral Applejack and her family go to her parents' gravesite to find that the two ponies have been mutilated beyond repair. Episode 8: A Special Day in Ponyville The Cutie Mark Crusaders learn about their soon-to-be-changing bodies. Episode 9: Just Desserts A special kind of "candy" is introduced to Ponyville, and soon nopony can stop buying more and more. Episode 10: You Touch Her, You Keep Her Princess Celestia disowns Luna when she finds out about her sister's secret relationship. Episode 11: Fluttershy Kisses Flutershy sits in her room and reflects of all the butterflies she's seen in her life. Episode 12: Sit Down and Hush Up Cheerilee shouts at her students about their miserable lives for 21 minutes. Episode 13: Princess of the Universe Twilight Sparkle, now living on Smoky Mountain, struggles to balance her political life with her new saucy love life. Episode 14: Out of the Frying Pan and into the River Applejack loses a rag in the river and looks for it slowly and tediously. Episode 15: A Mare's Gotta Do What a Mare's Gotta Do Pinkie Pie and Rarity fight over the love of the new mare in town, Sunset Shimmer. Episode 16: The Heart of the Dragon Spike takes Rarity to a secret house far off in Equestria, where nopony can find them... Episode 17: Come Little Children Luna takes the Cutie Mark Crusaders into the night, where the three foals discover a morbid secret about the Princess. Episode 18: We've Got Trouble The Flim Flam Brothers return to wreak havoc on Ponyville, but the Elements of Harmony intervene with interesting results. Episode 19: An Earth Pony's Flight Apple Bloom begins to separate herself from Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, thinking she is inferior for not having wings or magic. Episode 20: Gemstone o' the Ocean Spike gets himself lost at sea while looking for a rare pearl on the beach. Episode 21: Double Rainbow Up and Away Rainbow Dash attempts to get the Wonderbolts' attention with a stunt ends up offending them, driving her to run away from home. Episode 22: Cakes' Day Out The twins Pound and Pumpkin Cake escape and cause mischief in town. Episode 23: In a Mutt Fluttershy discover a lost puppy on the streets, but it isn't all fun and games when the dog begins demonstrating mysterious powers. (Recycling Foster's Home plots FTW!) Episode 24: Leave the Past Behind Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all recount the times they wish they hadn't known. Episode 25: A Whole New Dream Twilight Sparkle writes a letter to Princess Celestia detailing her new life with her very special somepony, but the Princess is not amused. Episode 26: The Miracle of Princesshood (Finale) The citizens of The Crystal Empire and Equestria welcome the arrival of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's new daughter. no rest for the wizardly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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