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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@00Pony@Hypn0ticD,@~Shadow Wolf~,


(OOC: Okay...I think these are the right mentions for who's in this restaurant. I'm assuming Twilight doesn't know much about anyone but her friends here...and also, the library computer is bolding everything for no discernable reason and can't be undone)


Twilight fidgeted nervously in her seat, giving into physical restlessness before reminding herself that as a Princess, it was in no way appropriate for her to just drop decorum altogether. After all, she was in a room with native humans, as well as Changelings, with whom she now knew she had to cooperate...she was by default the representative authority of all of Equestria in this room. The thought was enough to set her teeth chattering, and she tried to calm it by shielding herself with the oversized, laminated menus.


Nor was (hey, bold text is gone!) she oblivious to the way Logan's hand draped over the back of Applejack's chair. It really wasn't her place to question Applejack's decisions, she knew. Applejack was probably the steadiest of all of them, and she knew how to take care of herself. But it just wouldn't cease shocking her--the evidence of what AJ had admitted to her herself. Of all the things to be doing in this world, falling in love!

Focus--she took a deep breath. Just focus on making it through this meal for now. She tried to skim the menu without looking at it too much, finding a salad that looked like it didn't have any meat in it (why on Earth, or Equestria, would someone put meat on a SALAD of all things? It was just wrong). Good. That done. She was on a mission, after all. She wasn't sure how or why the others could be so very calm, but how could she spend time thinking about what she wanted to eat when there was something so important on the line?


She glanced in one direction and the other across the table. "S-So..." She cleared her throat, set herself. "Cicada, is it? And...Diliges." The names were foreign, not reminding her of either pony or human names. (Gimme' a breif reminder physical description in your reply if you would) "I understand you're of....a position of something authority in...the Changeling Nation? Should I call it the HIve?"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Fireblaze @@Pripyat Pony @@00Pony @@Hypn0ticD @@Dawn Stripes @@,

((OOC:Dawn you forgot to mention Pripyat who has Cicada just saying.))

Dennis didn't care much for the fangasming the "minions" of Rainbow Dash had as she called them funnily. It only mattered that she wasn't angry at him and she was enjoying it. He was happy because she was... everytime one of the fans got too close Dennis was inspecting them upside down for suspicious movements. He wasn't paying attention much to the race but heard the worried cries of others. He turned with Dash as she asked and... 

His face was a mixed expression of feeling the pain and could be described with one word "OUCH!". This was bad... this was really bad.

"Please be alright, please be alright..." the last words he had exchanged with him were angry words of fighting. This was bad... this shouldn't happen, this shouldn't happen. He's not dead he thought...

"Come on Dash... Make happy thoughts, make happy thoughts." he looked at Dash obviously wanting to calm her down as the crowd got a bit silent and Dash's fans stopped to talk about her and started storming the questions with each other.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony,


Cicada looked coolly in Twilight's direction. "Yes, that's right," she replied. "We call it the Hive, generally speaking. I am the Queen's second in command, and Diliges here is a captain. But Chrysalis is more to me than just my Queen. She and I grew up together. You see, we have different ways that foals are brought up in our culture. The higher class foals are hatched and raised in the Hive, and my Queen and I hatched on the same day, and I consider her to be my sister."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony


Twilight chilled under Cicada's gaze. She had to force herself not to shrink down into her seat, the way she might have done if she was still a unicorn. With every word, more was uncovered about the Changelings that hadn't been revealed by months of study undertaken after the assault on Canterlot.


"I feel like Celestia's sister the same way!" she found herself blurting. "A really--little sister, okay, maybe sometimes a daughter. But I was raised with her looking over me...and..."
Twilight raised her menu a few inches. Stupid. Why did you say that? Does it look like she cares?





"I'll show you some fucking happy thoughts," Dash said pointlessly, gripped to the rail along with most of the audience in either direction. She wanted to run down onto the track again, but Dash knew there was nothing she could do. Nothing whatsoever.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Fireblaze, @,


Colette went over to Pinkie as soon as she was brought back from the track, Fluttershy in tow. She pulled her into a tight hug with one arm, the other still wrapped around her still petrified girlfriend. "Pinkie… it'll be okay! Jack'll get through this… let's just give 'im a little time…"


Colette wanted to believe in what she said, to not have those words be empty, but she wasn't so sure. She watched as Rainbow Dash came down to the rail, clinging onto it and looking on helplessly.


Colette took a deep breath, steeled herself as best she could, and spoke calmly, but loud enough for the entire party to hear. "Guys? I… I think it's time we head on home… There's nothing we can do for Jack now…" she then shook Fluttershy's arm a little, then did the same with Pinkie. "Come on, you two. Let's go." She then helped Pinkie to her feet, then led both the Earth Pony mare and Pegasus to the exit, doing her best not to cry, for that was the last thing they needed!

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@@Dawn Stripes, Cicada's expression softened a fraction. "Perhaps you do then understand," she said, slowly. "At the moment, I am calm cuz my Queen told me that it was best to be so; to hold on to my anger and thirst for revenge, and let it simmer so that I can be steady enough to plan thru my revenge properly. Cuz I both love and trust Chrysalis, I am doing so. Let me ask you something, Twilight. If Celestia was kidnapped by those who could do her harm, would you not travel the world and do anything that was in your power in order to save her? Would you allie with those who you were schooled to believe were your enemies, if only you could rescue her?"


@@Hypn0ticD, Pinkie had tears running round her face as she clung to Colette and Fluttershy. Her hair, which at the start of the race had been bouncy and curly, was now poker straight and hung around her pale face.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@Hypn0ticD, @Dawn Stripes, @Pripyat Pony


Catherine was standing where Colette left her, completely shocked and speechless. She started trembling, thinking of what could happen to Jack. He may not have been the most ideal boyfriend she wanted, but she still cared deeply about him. She felt a bit guilty talking with Colette the way she had. Her mind went into autopilot as she shakily got up and followed behind Colette and the others.


Applejack sat there calmly and looked through the menu for a meatless salad, and zoned out from the conversation almost entirely. The one she picked would wind up being the same one Twilight picks. Salads here were nothing like the ones back home, but they were close enough

Edited by ~Shadow Wolf~

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@Hypn0ticD, @Pripyat Pony, @~Shadow Wolf~, Ragin’ Red Talon, @Dawn Stripes.

“I can take Pinky back to my home and let her rest until she get better.” Nick saying as he following them to the Chopper as he was thinking while looking one last time and then looking at his uncle.

Charles was with Rarity as he was walking with her and the group too. As he was thinking about something while he was looking around and then he was thinking what he can do as he was looking around. Keep thinking some more too while he was next to Rarity and smiles to her too.

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Artisan had simply watched the Queen in silence, waiting until she seemed to be done speaking. When it was evident the Queen was done, her mouth quirked in a half smile, "Oh, is it y turn already?" She began, sound half amused, "We forcibly kidnapped you out of your boyfriend's home, and are currently holding you in a padded cell at an undisclosed location. That's pretty rude, don't you think?" She gestured idly, "It's kind of what we do. The code names are just part of it all." She explained, answering the Queen's original question.


Artisan bit the inside of her cheek, but didn't speak for a few seconds more. Finally, she said, "Yes. I'm aware of it. I am the only one of our number who is. Now mind you, should you get the chance to tell any of the others of our number this bit of news, they will not believe you. The mere idea of it seems too strange, not to mention you aren't exactly in a position of respect around here. I can guarantee that most of what you say will be regarded as false."


In truth, she exactly wasn't supposed to be in here. But what Orchestrator didn't know... Well, she decide not to let him find out, or think about him finding out. If she did, it certainly would not end well. Either way, the Queen had given her more to respond to, so Artisan decided to seize it, "It is rather ironic. Orchestrator avoided being caught by doing precisely what you had done. Stayed under the radar. But when he arrived here there was nothing with which to detect or find him with. In fact, the only speculation of Equestria was what has come to be known as 'Generation One'. But since he's been here, we had ways of finding you. Not to mention better technology," Artisan brushes a lock of her hair back and tucks it behind one ear before leaning on the desk once again, "The most ironic part about it however, is that by being as loud and obnoxious as she has been, Rainbow Dash has managed to protect herself and her pals from our clutches. For the time being, at least. With the recent explosion of popularity the world of Equestria has received, as well as those Six friends, it would have been rather messy if they just simply vanished. Their fans wouldn't appreciate it, and while their words would fall on deaf ears, we wouldn't want to rile their numbers. Believe it or not, we don't want to sew seeds of unrest in the populace," Artisan smiles, "And that is why you were so easy to snatch up, Chrysalis. Because you kept yourself unknown to but a few. Only one will be missing you from the light now."


She shrugs and stands straight again. Artisan steps away from the window and pulls up a chair to sit in, and does so. She raises an eyebrow at the Queen, "So, got anything else you want to say?"




@@Dawn Stripes,@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges raised an eyebrow when he heard his name being spoken by the Princess, alongside that of Cicada. He turned his turquoise gaze from the menu before him and onto Twilight. He didn't speak however, deciding to let Cicada handle it to start, as she had already begun. What was said between the two started to seem like a bonding experience. Diliges supposed that was a good thing, for after all they were trying to garner some kind of alliance. What better way than to show that they were indeed similar?


That was one other reason the Captain decided not to speak unless he was directly addressed. A mixture of his own form of calm, and another part that he feared his own upbringing, and that of many of the Hive's soldiers, might be a bit of a minefield. It would have to come to light someday, yes. But he wouldn't be the one to instigate it's coming. Were he asked however, he would not lie. First rule of an alliance: base it on truth. If there was one thing to be learned from the assembly here, it was honesty. Diliges chuckled quietly to himself at that thought.



Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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The helicopter landed a few minutes later, touching down with a slight thud as the engines idled. Not even a millisecond after landing the crews were already at work. They rushed his out of the air ambulance, and in a race of their own the save the young man, into the designated wing on one of the top floors overlooking the Wisconsin countryside. Immediately, the doctors went to work on him, carefully placing him in the hospital bed, tying him to numerous machines, and performed numerous scans on him. It wasn't for about another hour that Jack finally regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, slowly scanning the ward. He managed to catch the attention of a nurse who was passing by. Slowly, she ran her hand across his face, as if to confirm that he managed to survive. Giving him one final look for confirmation, she darted out of the room to alert his caretakers.

"Wha... wha?" Jack mumbled, confused by the turn of events.


@@Dawn Stripes

@@Pripyat Pony



(Few questions. Is Logan here? And what kind of restaurant is this?)


All the while, Applejack sat, fiddling around with the menu. She finally decided on a simple salad to be safe from the horrors of dead animal, set the menu down, and crossed her legs. She slowly absorbed the conversation between the Changeling and the Princess, with questions popping up into her mind as their chat progressed. She slowly turned to face Diliges, hoping to break the ice in some way.

"So... uh..." she said to him, "Yer ah higher up in the Changeling Army, right? Somepony we'yall could trust?"

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Dawn Stripes @,


"Um, why don't you bring Pinkie and Rarity over to my place? I'm sure the Ponies could use each others' company right now…" looking back, she noticed Catherine as just behind her, looking absolutely distraught. "Catherine, why don't you ride with us? You can crash at my place for the night…"


Colette then led the distraught party out the choppers, stroking the arms of either mare. She knew she needed to call the others and let them know, but for now, all she wanted to do was get the Ponies home… "Come on, Dash!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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(Few answers. Yes. He is in the seat next to AJ. As for the restaurant, I am not entirely sure.)


Diliges heard just the pony to represent this virtue that was honesty speak up, and it took but a second for him to realize it him to which she was speaking. The Captain turned his attention from Cicada and Twilight and looked at the farm pony, and the human male beside her. Diliges did not need to see the emotion tie between them to know their relationship, the man's placement of his arm on the backrest of her chair and his fingers idly running through the hair lying on her back was proof enough of that.


If Diliges remembered properly, this was Logan, the man they were waiting for. Logan had turned his head slightly at the sound of his love's voice, but didn't look directly. So he was accustomed to listening discreetly. Diliges understood that he was law enforcement. Something like this world's equivalent of a royal guard with some differences, and garnered more towards the civilian populace than political.


Despite these multitudes of thought and deduction plus many more going through the Changeling's head, it had only taken him a second to respond to Applejack's question, "Indeed I am. Captain Diliges, at your service," he said, drawing some inspiration with that introduction from a book he'd read in his time here entitled The Hobbit, "I command a squadron specializing in espionage in the Hive's Military. Though Cicada's a higher ranking officer than myself, I'm still part of the brass."


He falls silent, tapping his chin briefly as if in deep thought. Finally he spoke, "Whether you can trust me... Well, that's something you'll have to decide for yourself in time, Miss Applejack. I do not plan on giving any of you reason not to trust me, however. We may finally have a chance at peace between our races, and despite anything I may say, for I am rather satirical and impish in my sense of humor, I am in full support of just that. To jeopardize it would be... Most unfortunate."


He glances back at his menu for a few seconds more, before looking back to Applejack and chuckling, "I can see it in your eyes and in your face that you have questions you want to ask. So go ahead, ask them. I will answer to the best of my ability."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Pripyat Pony


(OOC: Well, that's too easy. Let's not all be friends  :umad: )


"What?!" Twilight's voice let through complete surprise at such a wild hypothetical situation. "That would never happen! No one could ever kidnap Celestia! She would be the one rescuing me!"

Raised in central Canterlot most of her life, a cosmopolitan city, Twilight was largely exempt from the near-cultic reverence of the Royal Pony Sisters that pervaded in Ponyville. If a mare had ever listened to the complaining of parliament, however, it would not be difficult to believe in the omnipotence of the Avatar of the Sun. Celestia was always the final prayer when other things failed. Twilight couldn't conceive of a world without her until after realizing that she'd missed her chance to find more common ground with the Changelings.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@00Pony, "I had hoped you wouldn't be as arrogant and persistent as the Orchestrator. What do you find interesting in bragging to me? Do you find it interesting to annoy me? Be that way then... carry on..."

She sat down tired a bit closing her eyes. What did they want...

"I suppose none in here would believe in magic... but when they see it they will. If i transform they will... and it's obvious that if you know of what i am able you should know i am not alone and i have actually others who care about me, who would die for me. For i am never alone..."

She shrugged smilling a bit... what a pointless bickering she had with all of them. They had nothing important to say except that they had captures her. Like oh dear stop being so repetitive!

"Why did you come here... what is the meaning of talking to me anyways? Do you even care about what i have to say? I suppose you wouldn't care about the changelings and that they need me. There's no need to beg, no need to plead, no need to speak at all. What shall be shall be. I have talked enough... now if you don't have anything important to tell me, like what you are going to do to me for example, kindly withdraw yourself from my sight."

Accursed bitch... everyone so bragful... but true... none cares for the villain. Her changelings were far away... in time however she would taste blood. No... she should calm down and think... but what would help now? Singing? Yes that might do the trick... She remembered a song taught from her mother... something she had come up with that moment to console her, to calm her down...

"This isn't love that we're living
I call it murder in disguise
But don't let your mind rush for blood
Or this will all end in a slaughter
With a few words, a simple gesture
With a glance or without
It's might be late or early
For blood to run between us...

This ain't love, this ain't love that we're living
I tell you it's panic in disguise
And soon we'll drown in bloody skies
As the chance to be saved dies...

This isn't love that we're living
I call it judgement in disguise
For our sins and our lies
Eternal convictions awaits...

For what we've done and what we haven't
For all our evil deeds
But don't you show any fear
Don't commence the revelations...

This ain't love, this ain't love what we're living
I can it terror in your eyes
A sinking ship in bloody skies
Our chance to live is now fading...

And neither will i confess
That i love life i won't digress
And how i long for the release
From the blood stains of my soul!

So come and share with me
The mind's prison and lies
And if we truly love our lives
Maybe our sins we can be absolved

This isn't love, this isn't love i tell you
It's simply pain in disguise
A sinking ship in bloody lies
Watch as the chance to live now dies..."

She simply spared a glance to the woman smilling as if expecting an opinion before sitting down once again closing her eyes.

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Artisan simply sighed, but said nothing in compliance to the Queen's demand. She did not leave however. It was almost hypocritical the way the Queen accused her of bragging, and then went on to do the exact same thing with stating she had others coming for her, that cared for her. On top of it believing that shifting in front of the others would make them believe in magic and her words as truth. Close minded, really. A royal child. The others already knew magic existed, for how else would the Equestrians have come here? Not to mention the night in Racine where the fashion loving Unicorn was blatantly displaying her skills. Composer was privy to that and Warlord saw the results, so they indeed knew that main existed.


Whether anyone else here would believe her accusations of Orchestrator as truth because of it, however, was a foolish thing to believe. All these people had been jaded so as not to believe anything that comes from a prisoner's mouth that sounded like it could be an accusation. They'd just write her off as angry or insane and go about their business. Artisan chuckled quietly to herself, knowing that if she were to have said any of that out loud, it surely would have upset the Queen.


It took a little more self control not to make a comment about how it would be unwise and simply cliche to reveal their plans for her so soon, but she managed. Then came the singing. It wasn't unlike anything that Artisan had heard before, but that wasn't that which sounded familiar. Rather, it was the words, and just the song itself.


Artisan remained silent until and after the Queen's singing ended. She caught the glance that was given to her, and the expectant smile, but the red haired woman said nothing. She just stared right back at the Queen until she closed her eyes and sat. For the next couple of minutes Artisan sat in silence, mulling over the song in her head repeatedly until she finally recalled it.


Standing from her chair, she moved to a place where there was no desk between her and the plexiglass barrier. She watched the Queen, sure that the Changeling wasn't opening her eyes, she reached up and began to run her fingers through her long hair. For a few seconds nothing changed, just the red locks falling back down as he fingers left them. But eventually, a faint green aura began to surround it. As Artisan's fingers went through her hair, the aura traveled down with them, changing her color from red to a glossy pitch black. Eventually her entire head of hair was changed in color. Artisan opened her eyes, which had been shut tightly in concentration, and they too had changed to a bright turquoise.


She inhaled deeply and sighed, glancing at her faint reflection in the glass. It had been many years since she had seen herself like this. Artisan looked beyond her reflection and to the Queen, who still had not opened her eyes. Artisan spoke, "Open your eyes..." She said, with little inflection beyond a whisper.


She sighed, figuring either the Queen had ignored her or simply hadn't heard. Most likely the former. Waiting a few more seconds, Artisan reached up and rapped on the sheet of glass and spoke with a more authoritative tone, "Queen Chrysalis, Daughter to the Queen Metis and Ming Proteus, I bid thee open your eyes! ... I believe you may want to see what I have to show.."


(Correct me if I mixed those names up...)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@Hypn0ticD, @Pripyat Pony, @Ragin’ Red Talon, @Fireblaze, @Dawn Stripes, @`Shadow Wolf~

“Well Ok we can do that.” Charles saying then he looking at Rarity. “Are you going to be ok since I am going to be doing something else but I will be back soon.” Charles saying.

Nick nodding To Colette since Pinky do need some time with her Pony Friends while he can check on his friends and see how they are doing while looking at Pinky too. “Are you going to be ok Pinky?”

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@@00Pony,((OOC:I didn't know Proteus had a first name Ming :P)) She opened her eyes both surprised and angry a bit. But eventually calm... she counted the words that the woman told her, she scanned the being in front of her to figure that she had changed her hair. She kept an emotionless expression in front of her, not sad, not angry not anything.

"May i have your real name please? You obviously are not human either. Knowing my parent's names would require knowledge of my geneology i have not disclosed to pony society. Being able to change appearances. I am genuinly surprised... Excuse me... i need to pray."

She placed a palm upon her face frowning like never before she punched the ground below her. She knelt with one of her feet. The pain resulting from the hit was a welcome feeling... she did it again... and again... until she was satisfied with the pain and had a genuine reason to cry. To cry in pain, in grief, for everything. Then she kept her palms together and pray with her back turned against her.

"This is not enough... i need to be broken down more. Down to the pits of my tolerance, down to the dregs of my soul, down to the fumes of my energy. I have not done enough for you my dear changelings... have i nothing more to offer? Have i reached the dreaded limits of myself that my father worked so much to have me break? Allmighty Proteus... Titan of the sea... exemplar of the elusive sea change... father of mine. Oh mother of cunning Metis... first among the shapeshifters of the nation, proud leader... you kept my heart and mind strong. But i could not catch up to you... i could not... tell me oh father and mother up in the sky, the earth below, and the realms beyond... show me the way. Let this be my final wish granted... that i die in their place, that i serve as the final sacrifice for their anguish throughout the world to end. I beg of you... i do not wish for absolution for i do not deserve it, i don't deserve heavens, not joyful afterlife, not peaceful rest as a reward for my deeds. Help me..."

She said nothing more yet kept silent with all the tears of pain, and often punched her hands down not giving her a single glance. This might have been fake, but it wasn't. Artisan could interpret it however she wished... she didn't have something to say... she only wanted the silence. The silence of the screams of pain... the silence of the anguish, the fear, the despair. There wasn't really anything "awesome" about being a Queen and she would gladly give that privilege to others if she could.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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He looked at her with a serious look in his eyes and said "look listen, you don't want to be here and I don't want to be. How about you just tell me where they have taken chrysalis and I'll be on my way" he back up a little and looked at her, he wondered how did he mange to capture a special who's probably gone through extensive amounts training and has probably been prepared for this type of scenario. He wondered what he had to do to get the information on where the queen was being held hostage "maybe I can try being nice, and then if I have to...using force maybe my last resort...I never put my hands on a women before but in this circumstance...I have to do what I have to do..." he said to him self. He looked at her with weary eyes and said softy "please I need to know where they have taken her...she's the one good thing that has happen to me in a long time and I don't intent to lose her, but what's point on capturing them? What does the government want with the ponies?"

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@@Dawn Stripes, Cicada's eyes hardened. "That's a pity that you feel that way," she said. "I'd have hoped you'd have it within yourself to see. No matter how powerful a pony is, they still can be kidnapped and it is indeed possible that your precious Princess Celestia would be. If she was here... perhaps the situation might be different. Perhaps it might be you asking me for help."


Cicada fell silent, thinking about past times. She and Chrysalis had grown up together, listened to the same songs, and played the same games. Since spending time with the ponies, she was beginning to realise that pony society, and indeed, human society, was different. Changeling songs spoke of pain, and sorrow, and guilt, and a lot of them mentioned blood. The Hive as a whole were united, but still there was that ancient current of deep unhappiness running thruout it...


There was a song that the changeling nursemaid used to sing to Cicada. It was about a changeling mare who loved another, and had to watch her friend suffer and die in front of her, and of her guilt that she somehow could have saved her. As Cicada sat there in front of the alicorn princess, the words came back to her and she sang them softly.


Turn her over,
A candle is lit, I see through her,
Blow it out and save all her ashes for me.

Curse me sold her,
The poison that runs its course through her.
Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over.

Watch me fault her,
You're living like a disaster.
She said kill me faster,
with strawberry gashes all over.

Called her over,
and asked her if she was improving,
She said, "Feels fine, it's wonderful wonderful here,"

Hex me told her,
I dreamt of a devil that knew her.
Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over.

Watch me fault her,
You're living like a disaster.
She said kill me faster,
with strawberry gashes all over.

I lay quiet,
waiting for her voice to say,
"Some things you lose and some things you just give away."

Scold me failed her,
If only I'd held on tighter to her.
Pale white skin that twisted and withered away from me away from me.

Watch me lose her,
It's almost like losing myself.
Give her my soul,
and let them take somebody else get away from me.

Watch me fault her,
You're living like a disaster.
She said kill me faster,
with strawberry gashes all over all over me.


Tears slipped down Cicada's cheeks. She hoped with all that she had that this would not happen to herself and to Chrysalis. She could not bear to lose the changeling queen who was sister and best friend all in one to her...



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@00Pony, @@Pripyat Pony,@, @@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony,


((Good job, Dawn!))


Both twins fell silent as Cicada began to sing, and lowered their heads a little at thd sight of her crying, Stephen reaching over and pulling the Changeling commander into a tight hug, stroking her shoulder.


Things were far more tense between the two races than either twin could imagine, and it left them both feeling awkward. What authority did they have to intervene on the matters of these two nations? Up until a few months ago, neither twin, especially not Stephen, would've believe that Equestria existed, let alone believe they would witness such tension and animosity first hand, but here they were…


"Alright, enough arguing for now. Going back and forth like this isn't going to rescue the queen, and it certainly won't bring peace to either of your races. For now… for now, let's just order what we want, and get back on the road." Stephen said after a moment if awkward silence. "Maybe we'll all feel a little better afterward."


((F-F button does an F-F!))


Some time later, the party's food arrived, and they were all served. The twins caved in, and had ordered cheeseburgers. They both flashed an apologetic smile to AJ and the Princess, before diving into into their meals. Disrespectful or not, they were human, and they were in for a long ass drive!

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@@Pripyat Pony
@@Dawn Stripes

((OOC:I am confused what will we do now?)) Dennis didn't know what to do but was somewhat relieved to see Jack be sent to the hospital.

"He is going to be hospitalized from what i understand... which means he is alive. Oh thank god..." he made the "cross" three times looking up with his right hand using the three first fingers. He didn't know how much he was hurt... and he doubted they would be able to visit him soon.

"Colette's right Dash. I don't think the doctors are going to let us see him right now... the only thing we can do is hope. Hope that he will get better. *sigh* Say Dash... do you ponies ever pray? For health, or anything for that matter? I was thinking of going to the local church and light a candle for him if you want to come i would appreciate it... then i will get you back to Colette if you wish. I promise it won't take more than 10 minutes."

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@@Hypn0ticD, Cicada stayed silent as she ate her food. She'd also ordered a cheeseburger, with fries, and it gave her something to focus on instead of the pain and anger that she felt inside her mind. She held on to the anger, just as her Queen had said; it was better that way. One day, she would use it.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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(Hypno, yousa sayin' ponies gonna' die? Hoho! 'The funeral of Rainbow Dash'. Like 'The funeral of Derpy Hooves' except no one's problems are solved and Dash is actually dead...okay, sorry, that was creepy)


Dash was trying to see what was going down below. It looked someone had gotten their act together enough to run out on the track and try to pull Preybird out of his car. She wanted to try to get back to her friends--Rarity must be losing it--but the crowd was suddenly all on their feet, and pressing through was impossible.



@Pripyat Pony


Twilight awkwardly perused back to her menu, until the waiter came and took it away, removing her laminated shield. It was unusually awkward for someone to be singing at the table--in the magical land of Equestria, at least, they would have all been singing together. But the song was sad, and nothing Twilight could make heads or tails of. 

I knew Celestia shouldn't have picked me. I must be the worst diplomat in Canterlot! 

Then again, most unicorns in Canterlot would still be trying to kill the Changeling in revenge for the casualties suffered by the Royal Guard. She had to give herself some credit.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Fireblaze,

((Don't get Nios all worked up, Dawn! And is Rarity okay, Pripyat?))

Colette held onto both Ponies as she waited for Dash, continuing to stroke both their shoulders. After the brash Pegasus finally made her way to the others, Colette proceeded to lead the group out to the chopper bay.

"Alright, let's just-" Colette began to say, but was cut off by a security guard. "Excuse us, ma'am, but you all need to go through security." Colette's eyes widened as this. "What?! But we did that when we first got on the choppers!" The security guard merely rolled his eyes at the girl for and sighed before responding, "it's a new procedure. Security checks are mandatory each and every time, regardless of if you've went through before."

"Are you frigging kidding me??" Colette grumbled under her breath, but nonetheless followed the bored guard to the line of equally annoyed patrons. Thankfully, however, the line was short, and moving quickly!

((Slight Godmod time! Apologies in advance!))

"Alright, next!" Colette heard another bored guard say. She detached herself from the two still distraught Ponies, and went through the scanner. "Alright, clear." Ya think?? Colette stepped through and crossed her arms above her head as she waited for the others. Dennis was cleared, but Dash was held back… oh God dammit, not this shit again!

Colette began to feel a sense of unease as others passed through- Charles checked out, but Rarity was held back, Nick was okayed, but Pinkie wasn't - and neither was Fluttershy. Catherine, however, was cleared…

Colette stepped forward to protest, but was held back at arm's length by one of the larger guards. "Ma'am? Please remain calm. Your friends will join you in a moment!" "But--!" "Just wait here!" the man boomed, pushing Colette back.


"We're sorry to hold ya up like this, but would you mind coming with us??" A young female security officer said as she approached the mares, who had since been sequestered in a small alcove. "Just follow me, girls!"

She led the mares into a small white windowless room that was only furnished with but a plain table and four foldout chairs. "Please have a seat. Someone will be with you in a few moments."
The woman then exited the room, shutting the heavy door behind her, which was followed by the sound of a lock clicking shortly thereafter.


The woman made her way down the hall, entering another room, where Abernathy was waiting, her back to her.  "We've got four of 'em! The Princess nor the Changelings aren't among them..." she said as she approached. Abernathy turned, a smirk forming on her face despite the news. "Did we at least get Rainbow Dash?" the woman nodded,  which elicited an amused "Hm!" from the senior agent. "It's not all bad, then! Well done, Paige! Let's go meet them, then! "

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Hypn0ticD, Dennis was also suspicious of the "new" guards but he couldn't do anything right now. He didn't suspect immediately who they were... yet as he passed he saw a familiar face of the one who watched Dash and the others and were pointing.

"Did you like me flipping you off dear?" he said ironically as he passed. He was grumpy because he had just understood what had happened. Colette wasn't paying attention to his gestures and was rather annoyed when the man yelled and pushed back Colette.

"Who do you think you're fooling? You weren't in the checks before the choppers as far as i noticed. Where are you taking them? It is obvious it is against their will... You can't do this! What's the justification for this? I want to see IDs... i don't believe you're guards, cops or anything."

He was desperately looking for a solution... clearly talking out loud wouldn't do the trick so he tried to remain calm. The only thing he prayed for was that the ponies were okay... They couldn't take Rainbow Dash away... not now... not now that they were getting closer to finding a solution.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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