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ooc The Happy Romance Mystery RP (OOC)

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Attention Everyone.

As you may or may not know, several things happened to me over the past two weeks.

  • A friend of my family passed away. I learned about this on the 11th, went to the funeral on the 18th. The entire thing was just one huge, sorrowful disaster. His family's grief was humbling to behold. It was sad, beyond sad. It was completely tragic, and... It left me a mess.
  • A local cousin passed away. I learned about this on the 20th, and a small memorial for this is tonight with just my small, immediate family. Sadly, myself and my immediate family will not be able to attend the funeral because it will be a massive mess of anger, family politics, and bad feelings. The entire thing is being done in an insulting fashion to the memory of my cousin, who was, despite her flaws, a beautiful person that deserved more than what this mess is turning into.
  • I resigned as tech admin on the 20th. To be honest, I was shaking like a leaf when I was typing my resignation from this site. You have no idea... I gave so much and expected so little. When my small expectations broke, I sorta did as well. That... Was painful. I know it sounds silly, but it is hard to communicate how much that hurt me, and how much, over the next few days, the continuing drama continued to hurt me.

The effect of all of this was to be hit with what was basically triple grief. To be honest, I am still not like myself. I've been sleeping a lot, I haven't been eating as much as I normally do until today, and I have felt a cloud hanging over me. I hope to shake this feeling within the next few days. As all of you know, I'm working on a project that is helping me. I just needed something to pour my time into when I felt like working. I needed something productive.


Look, I still feel like there's a hole in my head and that my heart is bleeding out. I can't RP in this condition, so just let me build for a bit. I promise that I will be back on June 1 and ready to post either on that day or soon after.

  • Brohoof 5
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