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Have you ever been hated as a Brony?


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I got a random topic idea, and i thought it would be interesting to see peoples stories of when they where hated as a brony and how they resolved the problem, so id like to hear your stories about it smile.png peace!wink.png

Edited by Pelate077
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My story. 


Once I started to watch the show and become a pegasister, I had everyone mocking me and making fun of me whenever they can. Every time I walk down the halls, they would either look away or tease me. I resolved the problem by using some of the morals I learned from the show to make some friends. I also went here to make friends. Now, I don't even care what anyone else thinks.

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Who hasn't?

I'm the type of person who LOVES to argue with people, whether It's real life or the internet, anti bronies are extremely easy to start a senseless argument with, it's also really easy to win, eventually after months of arguing with them, It got really old and boring, these days I just dismiss any anti brony as a moron, and I've moved on to people more sensitive, but just as stupid, radical christians and feminists for example.

So yeah, I'd say I've gotten my fair share of hate in the past, but who has time to care about that?

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OH YES, plenty of times, it really bothers me that people do this, but hey, Love and Tolerate... Even if they hate on your fav pony :( but anyways, yes. I get the occasional "Faggot" screamed at me or people saying REALLY loudly "You watch my little pony?! HAHAHA GAY!" so that everyone in the room can hear it... but it's something you learn to deal with, but at the end of the day, nothing else matters because you can always go home and watch ponies, and thats something they can't take away from you :)

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Nope. Of course by extension the 'haters' hate all bronies so of course everybrony is hated by the haters, but other than that nope.

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My story. 


Once I started to watch the show and become a pegasister, I had everyone mocking me and making fun of me whenever they can. Every time I walk down the halls, they would either look away or tease me. I resolved the problem by using some of the morals I learned from the show to make some friends. I also went here to make friends. Now, I don't even care what anyone else thinks.

Hallelujah!!! I hate being shunned or teased to the point i just get into blind fury, (gym class) so i love to hear a story ive accually experienced myself, laugh.png

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Hallelujah!!! I hate being shunned or teased to the point i just get into blind fury, (gym class) so i love to hear a story ive accually experienced myself, img-1481466-1-laugh.png

Well then, I guess we're on the same boat. Do you want to be friends so we can talk more. I mean, we both have been through the same problem, so why not?

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Who hasn't?

I'm the type of person who LOVES to argue with people, whether It's real life or the internet, anti bronies are extremely easy to start a senseless argument with, it's also really easy to win, eventually after months of arguing with them, It got really old and boring, these days I just dismiss any anti brony as a moron, and I've moved on to people more sensitive, but just as stupid, radical christians and feminists for example.

So yeah, I'd say I've gotten my fair share of hate in the past, but who has time to care about that?

that last part was a little uncalled for, we still need to love and tolerate, no matter what the person is doing or saying, and anti-bronies aren't stupid or morons, theyre acting like stupid morons, because of their ignorance and insecurity because most of them are teens going through odd phases, its not their fault, its media that morphed their minds into judgement and hating. or their just trolls being trolls sleep.png

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I don't think I've ever been truely hated for it, but I did lose a friend because of it. They couldn't understand why I liked the show and we eventually just stopped talking.


Other than that it's just been the usual "troll hate", which I don't even count as hate since I just ignore it anyway.

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I have been fortunate enough that everyone who's found out that I watch the show has been really chill about it. I haven't ever received any negative comments about it or faced any sort of public humiliation over it, which is kind of weird considering I live in one of the more right-wing, homophobic, backwards, 'MURRIKAN places ever to have scarred the face of the Earth. Maybe this generation's just changed that much from the previous? Who knows?

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Well of course I was hated as a Brony, I've never been one to cover it up. I'm out there with it,

I will only tell someone if they ask, I wouldn't for say, walk upto them and the first thing I say is "I'm a Brony".

No way I would do that, But I'm still open with it, If someone asked why I'm a Brony or such I'll tell them,

But I am hated for it very much, and it's still going on, I just chose to ignore it, best thing to do in my mind, they'll come around soon enough, Most haters are just bronies in Denial, I have still yet met a brony in real life, but I do have plenty of brony friends I've met on the internet, it would be nice to have someone you can realate to in real life, But I can see that not happening soon.

all I'll say is never give up on being a Brony because of peer pressure or such, I've been plently pressured out of being one, but never gave in, it's the worst thing you can do, I stay in there, what's better being your own self, or being pressured into being someone else?

In my mind I would say being your own self, people may not like you for it, but they themselves probably have something similar going on.

I've met some people who understand why I like the show, but will never like it themselves, but they wont hate me for it, it's a very low number, but there's that little number that helps out very much,

as I will mention again, Never give up and just be yourself even if there are haters out there.



~Sapphire Quill <3

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i have and i ignore it or i tell them something like you just need to come out of the stable then they call me gay and stupid for watching it and i tell them you haven't watched it so you can't say nothing.

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Not that much, actually. Even though I have a Flutterbag that I wear to school, people mostly avoid insulting me regarding it to my face, doing it behind my back most of the time.


Although, there was this one time....


I know I've told this story before on here, but I don't care.


So, I was with a friend at a walk-for-cancer that was going on at my school. We were just walking and talking about ponies, video games, and other such things, when this little girl, no older than 9, who was running some of the walk comes up from behind us and asks me if I had a unicorn on my bag. Since my bag had Fluttershy on it, I told her, "No, it's a pegasus," to which she responded with a laugh and shouted "Loser!" and started running again.


So, yeah, the only time I've ever really caught flak for it(in real life, at least) was from a little girl. .-.

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Well I wouldn't say hated. Made fun of believe me but never hated. Partially because everyone at school knows ill burn down everything they own and ruin their life if they give me shit about anything but yeah

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I have been a Brony for seven months and have been open about it for five. I openly express my love for the show in all settings from school to just out and about and I am yet to recieve any hate, Just the occasional odd look. I have however, recieved compliments, hugs, and other friendly gestures from fellow Bronies/Pegasisters. To answer the question bluntly: No. I have not been hated as a Brony.

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I am the kind of person that makes subtle references to test and see if there are other bronies nearby. Saying things like, It needs to be 20% cooler, and things like that. If someone asks me if I am a brony, I say yes. If they start blatantly mocking me for it, I wil start a conversation with them. Withing five minutes, they will walk away feeling stupid, and I will have said nothing cruel. Proving that you are as good, or better than someone else and then making them feel guilty for mocking you is a good way to kill some time. Especially if it is a stereotypical jock.

Typical conversation transcript is as follows:


Hater: You watch My little pony?! Stupid fag.

Me: *Nonchalantly* You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Hater: Shut up, fags don't get to talk.

Me: Is that so? Please tell me, are stupid people allowed to talk?

Hater: I thought I said shut up.

Me: It's funny, I watch a television show about happy animals, while you watch television shows about people with the general IQ of a lightbulb, and you idolize them.

Hater: Shut up, I have way more friends than you do.

Me: Really now, do you? How many of your friends would still be your friends if you watched My Little Pony?

Hater: None of them, duh. That's because My Little Pony is stupid, and no one likes it.

Me: I've know a couple thousand people right now that would disagree with you right now. It's funny how you enjoy attempting to hurt others feelings, and just make yourself look stupid in the process.

Hater: I'm not making myself look stupid, I'm making you look gay if front of your friends.

Me: The thing is, my friends wouldn't care if I was gay. I am pretty sure the only thing you have going for you is your measly athletic prowess, and that isn't going to last you for too long. I have friends that I can count on, I play an instrument, and I am learning how to program computers. What do you have to show for your life? A couple of trophies?

Hater: Shut up dude, this isn't even funny how stupid you are.

Me: Again, you make yourself appear academically inept when you use the same insult over and over.

Hater: That's not even a real word, you just made it up to look smart.

Me: Did I? Would you like to test that?

Hater: Shut up man, I'm leaving.

Me: Goodbye, have a nice day! *Continues talking to friends, repeat every other day with a different person*.


It gets kind of boring after a while.

Edited by MidnightBlue
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No one made nasty remarks about me as a brony in my brony life... So I keep enjoying life as a brony. However' my younger sister once mocked me for being a brony. And then, she stopped

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My mum has been a little mean of late, trying to get me to stop drawing ponies, and not letting my brother watch MLP. She's not really a hater, just not really accepting of the whole brony thing.

But other than that, no.

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Thank god I go to a chill school...for the most part. I have had the occasional "GAY!" and "FAGGOT" thrown at me, not to mention the whole "is that your pony?" but mostly people get freaked out instead because I dress differently, they have more fun making fun of that rather than the fact that I like ponies. Sadly, they feel the need to make fun of us, which I dont get. I  guess its because were different. I'm glad I've learned how to not care what people think. But hey, were bronies and pegasisters! Nothings ever gonna stop us from loving what we love. We are who we are and I would rather be myself than bow down to petty idiots who are afraid of anything different! WHOO BRONIES!

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well you see before i opened up to others that i watched it

i was living a peaceful life,

then i started to tell my friends and it quickly got around school people kept harassing me about the show to the point of looking it up in class and say "i watch my little pony, my favorite pony is [insert pony here]" i kept telling them to get lost but nope, they wouldn't, than it had gotten so out of hand that i had to get my support unit to stop them, but like all great cancers they kept attacking me about it, now 6 or more months in of confessing i'm a brony it has finally stopped, but there are still times they harass me about it.

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