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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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@@Sterling Crimson@@Quilava,

-This only reinforces the fact i have the worst timing- he thought to him-self. "my name is Regal" he said to Sterling he stood and watched the rest of the scene play out without saying one word. He watched as Sterling left.

-Well now what?- he stood for a while and didn't see that mare was walking away. He thought for a moment of what he should do. That Stallion Sterling had made the mare happy, so he thought to just move on. -Well I should make friends with some pony. this mare,Corona was it?, looks like a good start-

"Hey" he called out to the mare. "hey, um Corona? i'm new and I have to saw say I'm sorry for seeing that" (He clearly has no understanding of emotions) "But i was wondering if you wanted to be friends?" (He is also clearly an idiot)

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Snowdream left her class as the bell rang and returned to her locker. She put her books back and grabbed her bag.


I need to meet Corona now... She didn't say where we would meet... Snowdream realised. She sighed and slammed her locker. Snowdream exited the buildings and looked around. To her delight she saw Corona.


Snowdream started to trot towards Corona when she realised that Corona was talking to a stallion. (@@Snowy Storm,)


Snowdream closed the gap between them.


"Hi Corona." She said quietly

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-well how things have been going so far this could turn out to be just as bad- he thought to him-self. he gathered his thoughts before speaking to the mare that was now walking towards Corona. - wow that i am thinking about this I probably look like a stalker- the thought horrified him. - No, no. i just putting way to much thought into this- he shook that thought from his head.


"Hello" he said when he was close enough to the other mare "I am Regal, may I ask what is yours"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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-well how things have been going so far this could turn out to be just as bad- he thought to him-self. he gathered his thoughts before speaking to the mare that was now walking towards Corona. - wow that i am thinking about this I probably look like a stalker- the thought horrified him. - No, no. i just putting way to much thought into this- he shook that thought from his head.


"Hello" he said when he was close enough to the other mare "I am Regal, may I ask what is yours"

"My name's Snowdream." She replied to the stallion. "Are you a friend of Corona's?" She asked.

I hope I don't sound to nosey! Snowdream thought to herself. She felt something hit her ear and turned around. The stallion (@@MagicalStarRain,) who had been shooting spitballs at her in bio was back with more spitballs.


"Quit it!" Snowdream shouted at him.

Edited by Snowdream
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"What a pleasant name" he said back. "as to being a friend of Corona. My answer would be sadly no" then something wet hit Regal on the neck. a spitball missed Snowdream and hit him.

-Wow and here i thought my day would be relaxing. I never knew such behavior was acceptable among the lower classes- he thought to him-self.


"Well I this day just keeps getting better" he said out loud. using his magic he lift a blanket from his bags and holds in front of Snowdream.

"That should stop the spitballs. at least for a while." -already i miss high society- he thought to him-self. The disappointment of this day was clear on his face.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"What a pleasant name" he said back. "as to being a friend of Corona. My answer would be sadly no" then something wet hit Regal on the neck. a spitball missed Snowdream and hit him.

-Wow and here i thought my day would be relaxing. I never knew such behavior was acceptable among the lower classes- he thought to him-self.


"Well I this day just keeps getting better" he said out loud. using his magic he lift a blanket from his bags and holds in front of Snowdream.

"That should stop the spitballs. at least for a while." -already i miss high society- he thought to him-self. The disappointment of this day was clear on his face.

"So where do you come from?" Snowdream asked.


he talked about high society, so he evidently isn't from around here. I hope he isn't one of those really posh ponies who always have to sit on cushions and have butlers and maids always at their disposal. Snowdream thought

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Ruby pretended to do them all in a flash and just said,"Done! I'm leaving now, bye!" With a charming wink and smile at Flare, she sashayed away. Before she went through the door though, she gave Star Rain the evil eye.


"Flare, what do you think I did wrong?" Star asked him, feeling herself to be on the verge of crying.

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@@Snowy Storm, @@Snowdream


Corona chuckled at seeing Regal and Snowdream talking. "Well Regal I wouldn't mind being friends with you. I have a feeling that we're all going to need to stick together to survive this year of highschool." Corona walked down the streets with the two ponies pointing out a few shops and restaurants that she'd heard about from her parents. With them being more inside the city now the threat of being bullied was down with so many ponies walking around. "Sorry I didn't say where we'd meet Snowdream. I'm glad you met up with me still." Corona smiled, she was happy to be around others for once.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"I dont think you did anything wrong Star" Flare said as he saw Ruby leave then turned back to Star and saw she was going to cry. "Listen I dont know what I can do to help but im here for you either way so dont cry I dont like seeing ponies cry" Flare said as he tried to comfort Star Rain

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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" I was born in Canterlot, but I was raised in Manehattan. While i was born among the nobility, I found that life to be very boring. So i try not to tap into money that much"  


" You would consider me as a friend without getting to know me? Thank you

- Well it seems today wasn't a total lose,... still i better not find a spitball in my mane-

"So then, since i don't know this town every well would you two like to my guides and show me around?" whipping his mane around and smiling like they did in the movies.

(yes he also as a flare for the dramatic, he still not used to the "real world" please keep that in mind)


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Sterling walked home happily with his father, telling of all the good experiences he had on his first day of school. His dad was bemused to say the least, especially since Sterling talked about Corona for most of the walk. Nonetheless, Sterling still had something that was bothering him: the note that Corona gave him. It told him to come to her house so she could show him something. Why would she want to show something to him? And... why... was she so nervous when she gave him the message? It confused Sterling so much he just had to ask his dad...


"Umm... dad? There's... there's just one problem. You see, my friend Corona... she... wants me to come over to her house. Knowing fully the map of this town, her house isn't too far from here, just a block or two down. I'm... I'm not sure when she wants me over, but I do know she needs help with math homework." Sterling asked with caution, knowing full well of his father's opinion on him visiting the homes of mares... "Normally, Sterling, I wouldn't let you visit a mare's home for reasons you already know, particularly the responsibilities associated with it. Still, you comforted her in her need, and your mother continually bugged me about you  socializing with other ponies, including mares. Because of that, I'm letting you visit Corona, but on one condition: you're gonna make sure you don't come home too late, so I'll set a curfew for that. You understand young stallion?" Sterling nodded his head in excitement, "yes Dad! I'll probably go tomorrow because Corona's taking her new friends around town." 


With that conversation done, Sterling and his father reached their home, allowing Sterling to perform cellular observations to start his weekend.

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@@Snowy Storm@@Snowdream


Corona laughed as she walked through town with Snow and Regal. "That over there is Rosethorns. Mom says she's the best florists in manehatten." Corona looked to Snowdream with a smile. She was happy to have friends like these. "Snow do you know any good places around town?"

Edited by Quilava

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Wow you know if we every go to the rich side of Manehatten i could show you guys around"

- Life is so strange among the lower classes. this is fun, so far-

"so who were those thugs? they were rude and i would like to speak with them over their actions they have done"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Flare's words were enough to calm Star Rain down. She suppressed them, then she said,"Thanks, Flare." She didn't notice she was blushing and turning red in the face. She just turned to her homework and solved a majority of the problems, save for a few. She could only tackle a few of the geometry problems though. "Hey uh, Flare, I don't get some of these..." Star said sheepishly, turning red again, this time with embarrassment.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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"Its getting late I have to head home soon" Flare said as he packed his stuff up. "Do you wanna walk home together or are you fine on your own" Flare asked not wanting to leave Star Rain behind. "If you dont its okay" Flare said as he looked at Star Rain waiting for an answer



Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sterling was still at home enjoying all his free time after finishing his math homework with relative ease. It had been a few hours since he began to look at potential bacteria he found from different household samples, from toilet seats to kitchen tables. He noticed all the microscopic characteristics of prokaryotes Mr. Bio was talking about in today's class. After looking at his microscopic samples for about an hour, he took the liberty of practicing some very romantic piano music. It was a very unusual act from Sterling, since he had other pieces to deal with. 


He found all sorts of romantic pieces composed by Clopin and began to play them. In his sight-reading and practicing, he continued to think more and more about Corona... her message to him was really getting on his nerves for one thing. Plus, he couldn't help but realize he actually complimented a mare for her mane for the first time in his life! Sterling was beginning to fill his head with infatuation as he continued to play... 'Corona is so pretty... why would bullies make fun of her? Probably because her mane's really nice. Yeah her mane... I got to HUG and TOUCH her mane! 'squee!' Why do I have to meet somepony so pretty on my first day? I really want to hang out with her; she's a really nice mare. She made me feel comfy when I was nervous approaching her. And she blushed... she blushed too... I couldn't help but swoon deeply in my head... I don't care about those bullies who threatened me today... I found my love... hehehehe...' 


While Sterling was still mired in his infatuation, his parents called him for dinner, to which he seemed to ignore. After all, he was too busy thinking about Corona to consider dinner at that moment...

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@@Snowy Storm, @@Snowdream, @@Sterling Crimson


Corona continued to show her new friends around town along with herself. "I'm not really sure but most schools have them trust me I know." Corona realized what time it was and saw that it was starting to get dark. "If you two will excuse me I've gotta head home. I have plans made with somepony else tonight." Corona gave a smile before taking to the sky and raced home. She knew she still had homework to do but that was irrelevant. The boy she'd met today, Sterling, was going to come by tonight and there was something special she wanted to show him.


Corona got home and quickly ran up to her room after saying hello to her parents. Corona was stopped by her father in the living room when she went flying through the house. "Young lady what do you think you're doing?" Corona appologized and explained the situation. "Oh no if you think I'm letting some boy come over late at night and see my daughter you're sadly mistaken. Now stay in your room for the night young lady." Corona flew upstairs to her room crying slamming her door shut. "Dear don't you think you're being to hard on her." "No you're being too loose with her. She need to find something she's good at not what that mark of hers shows. And don't worry about the boy I'll deal with him when he gets here." Corona's mother walked away with a angered look to talk to her wounded daughter.


(OOC: Oh snap dads gonna block this blossoming love do I smell a romeo and Juliet pft no way would I be that corny. :3)






No seriously I'm not doing a romeo and Juliet scenario honest.






  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Regal watched as Corona took to the skies and flew away

"Lucky, I would give anything just to fly like pegasus can"

-I know i would look rather ravishing with wings, still a horn that allows me to use magic isn't bad either- he thought to him-self.


"Well off goes Corona. So Snow we still have the rest of the day to waste. Want to do something or are you busy?" Regal said.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Regal watched as Corona took to the skies and flew away

"Lucky, I would give anything just to fly like pegasus can"

-I know i would look rather ravishing with wings, still a horn that allows me to use magic isn't bad either- he thought to him-self.


"Well off goes Corona. So Snow we still have the rest of the day to waste. Want to do something or are you busy?" Regal said.

"Wings would be amazing, but I like having a horn, magic is amazing." Snowdream said to Regal.


"No I don't have any plans, we could hang out for a bit longer, but I don't want to be too late home, my parents would worry about me." Snowdream said to Regal, smiling to him.

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Star Rain considered just going home by herself, but in the end, she said,"Let's go together, 'k?"  He's her first friend, so why not? "My home is on 123 Deluge Street. Is your's faraway or anything?" she asked to mentally plan out their route. Star then levitated her papers and pencils into her saddlebags, as well as her library books.

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Sterling was eating dinner with his parents. He really wanted to come over to Corona's home, even if it meant his parents escorting him at night. Sterling asked very nervously to his parents at the table, "Mom... Dad... I kinda wanted to come over to Corona's house tonight. She... she had something to show me at her place..." His mother looked very supportive of the idea, especially after his dad told her what he did to Corona today. Nonetheless, his father was very concerned that his son would do some very "naughty" things at her place, if you know what I mean. "Son... I'm really worried about you going to a mare's place at night. Who knows what you'd do?" His mother begged to differ however, "Honey... we've taught him well as a child. We were emphasizing his need to meet new ponies, especially since he's a new student. I know your concerns, but he's not that type of pony. If you're really that unsure, you can always escort him. And you already gave him a curfew to work with. Plus, her house is only a block away." It looked like Sterling's mom's reasoning paid off. After relentless thinking, Sterling's father agreed. "Ok son, I'll let you go over to her house now, but I'll walk you there AND back when it's time for you to go. Understood?" 


Sterling was delighted that he was going over to Corona's house tonight! As Sterling and his father left their house on Dredge St. towards Corona's house, Sterling was imagining all the things he and Corona could do. Waltzing, eating, watching. The possibilities were endless! While still in his imagination, the father and son arrived. They knocked on the door, hoping that they would see friendly company...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona was still up in her room crying, having locked her door so even her mother couldn't get in. With a sigh she went downstairs to try and talk some sense into her husband when heard the knock on the door. Corona's father was first to answer the door and stood there looking at Sterling and his father. Without saying a word he motioned them inside the house and sat down on the sofa. The first thing Sterling noticed was that Corona's parents didn't have an speck of grey on them. Corona's father a light red pegasus with a orange mane and tail, and her mother a light blue pony with a darker blue mane and tail. "So you're the boy my that wants to fool around with my little girl?" Cloud Dancer quickly shoved him. "I'm so sorry for this. my husband isn't usually this rude." Corona could hear her parents talking to somepony and decided to see what was going on. Slowly she crept down the stairs using her wings to keep herself aloft she was scooting belly first on the ceiling.


"I'm sorry kid but I can't let you see my daughter. She doesn't have time to foal around with some boy she just met. We need to find what her real talent is and not that goofy mark of hers." Corona peered down and saw Sterling sitting on the couch. "Sterling!" Corona flew down next to the couch. "Daddy he's here to help me with my homework. Plus there's something I wanted to show him." Sky Streaker gave his daughter a glare at the last part making her sink behind the couch. "You're more than welcome to stay and help Corona with her homework Sterling." Cloud Dancer gave a slight wink to Sterling as if saying I've got your back.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson


Corona was still up in her room crying, having locked her door so even her mother couldn't get in. With a sigh she went downstairs to try and talk some sense into her husband when heard the knock on the door. Corona's father was first to answer the door and stood there looking at Sterling and his father. Without saying a word he motioned them inside the house and sat down on the sofa. The first thing Sterling noticed was that Corona's parents didn't have an speck of grey on them. Corona's father a light red pegasus with a orange mane and tail, and her mother a light blue pony with a darker blue mane and tail. "So you're the boy my that wants to fool around with my little girl?" Cloud Dancer quickly shoved him. "I'm so sorry for this. my husband isn't usually this rude." Corona could hear her parents talking to somepony and decided to see what was going on. Slowly she crept down the stairs using her wings to keep herself aloft she was scooting belly first on the ceiling.


"I'm sorry kid but I can't let you see my daughter. She doesn't have time to foal around with some boy she just met. We need to find what her real talent is and not that goofy mark of hers." Corona peered down and saw Sterling sitting on the couch. "Sterling!" Corona flew down next to the couch. "Daddy he's here to help me with my homework. Plus there's something I wanted to show him." Sky Streaker gave his daughter a glare at the last part making her sink behind the couch. "You're more than welcome to stay and help Corona with her homework Sterling." Cloud Dancer gave a slight wink to Sterling as if saying I've got your back.



Sterling's father looked really irritated at Corona's father, as if he were some irrational stallion. He gave Sterling freedom to help Corona with her math homework. That, and the wink from Corona's mother was enough to convince Sterling it was all right to be with Corona. He trotted towards Corona, who was behind the couch and hid there with her. He whispered to her, "I'm hiding here with you because what you're about to see won't be pretty... you see, my dad's really defensive of me, but he loves me and he taught me well."


Sterling's father replied with a nearly menacing look, one that Sterling had never seen before. After all, his father never had to defend him at any time in his life like this. The gold stallion replied sternly, "Good sir, are you implying that my son is a playpony?! I will NOT tolerate that type of derogatory speech to my son! We taught him well, and we made sure that he treats mares with the love and respect they deserve! I was hoping to start our relationship on the right foot, especially considering how Sterling cared for your daughter when she was bullied about her grey body; the bullies were saying that she was ugly and a pittance to ponyhood, but my son saw the beauty in her! Nevertheless, your suspicious nature is placing that possibility in jeopardy!"


While Sterling's father was defending his son, he motioned for Corona to sneak away to a safe place in the house where they wouldn't have to see a parental argument ensue. "C'mon Corona. Let's work on that math homework. I actually finished it, so I can help you with it." whispered Sterling as the two began to creep away. 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson


Sky Streaker sat there and listened to Sterling's father with a raised eyebrow. Then a grin formed on his lips and he started to chuckle. "It's good to see another father around these parts with convictions like me. I do apologize but in this day in age a father must be like a manticore protecting their daughter. I do hope you can understand where I'm coming from, they're both at that very confusing age." Corona's father then extended his hoof. "Please don't take any ill offense to what I said earlier. I could tell right away that your son was a gentlecolt. I needed to gauge how you were, but let me assure you that Sterling is more than welcome in this house from now on."


Corona sat at her desk in her room and pulled out her math book and the work that she'd already gotten done. It wasn't much, she had a basic idea of what to do but some of the things just seemed too hard for her. "Here Sterling I'm having trouble with these. I can't seem to solve for x for some reason." Corona could hear laughing coming from downstairs and figured that their parents had finally settled things out for the better. Corona on the other hoof was happy being with Sterling. Just the fact that she was with him again made her heart jump for joy. She was a little embarrassed by her room all sorts of wonderbolt posters and gear including one picture signed by none other that RD and Spitfire sitting on her desk.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Actually not its just five blocks away from where i live so its not that far away" Flare said. "I was expecting her to be living a bit farther away but shes even closer then I thought" Flare thought as he grabbed a book about something and took out his library card to get the book.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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