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private Hoofstomp High (Romance/SOL)


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Sterling felt Corona lean against him. It left him very ecstatic that Corona would lean on him for support and love now and into the future. He blushed when Corona said yes so happily. The only thing he was wondering? 'What exactly will her friends think? Do... do they know what happened yesterday? Would they tease us and begin rumours?'


Nonetheless, Sterling was glad to help Corona with her shopping. He noticed Corona barely off the ground, wondering why should levitate when she could just trot. Still, he just enjoyed Corona's company and was excited about the prospect of playing frisbee with his new friends at the park... 

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@,@@Sterling Crimson, @@Quilava, @@Snowdream,


"Oh don't worry yourself to death about that loser. Just hang out with us, alright?" Ruby said Star Rain's name with disdain and immediately followed with an innocent smile.


"Mm, alright," Star said, nodding her head and following everypony into the market. She immediately got a cart and got some food into it, like bread and milk. "What do you have to get?" she asked. 

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@@Sterling Crimson, @@MagicalStarRain


Coronation continued walking through the market and picked up some bread, lettuce, tomatoes, and hay. She then got some milk and cider (non alcoholic of course) she also bought a rather large blanket. "Well that was the last of my allowance for the week." Corona sighed. Corona looked back down the street at the flower shop, she had something planned but the flowers would've completed it. Corona snapped back to reality letting out a low sigh."Well that's everything I can get. That blanket was a lot more than i thought." Corona giggled looking at Star.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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I guess" Flare said wondering why Ruby is being so nice to him."Star Rain wouldn't mind if I hang out with Rubyp then" Flare thought as he smiled back a Ruby. "My friends are not losers either...we all need an opinion on other ponies but no pony thinks that way" Flare thought.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sterling was glad that the shopping was finally over. Corona needed to buy a lot of things for her family, and Sterling had to help pick out some of the food she needed. He really wanted to get to the frisbee game, but it wasn't because of the physical activity itself. Deep down, it was an extra opportunity for him to hang out with his friends, particularly Corona. He wanted to buy something for Corona as they approached the flower shop, but Sterling knew it would be too obvious what he was doing. Plus, he already had something to show Corona once she visited his house anyway.

He also wanted to get to know the other ponies, so he started with Star. "Umm hey Star. I was wondering... where are you from? I'm from Manehattan. We moved because my dad was hired to be a journalist for the Baltimare Post."

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson, @@MagicalStarRain


Corona smiled as Sterling struck up a conversation with Star wanting to learn more about her. "Hey guys I'm gonna head home for a moment and I'll meet you guys at the park OK." Corona smiled before she took off into the sky. The cool air felt nice on her face as she landed in her front yard and quickly ran inside and started cutting up some of the food that she bought. Once Corona had finished she flew up to her room and put her mane into a pony tail. "Oh I hope Sterling likes my mane like this." Corona thought to herself before heading out with her saddlebag full with things for the park.


(posting from phone at work not sure when I'll be able to post again but will check back frequently.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Sterling Crimson,@@Quilava, @@Snowdream,  @@MagicalStarRain,

"Alright the i got mostly everything i think i need" said Regal with full of vigor. Regal never needed to shop for food, but being with friends made it fun.  then it hit Regal that he did something rude without meaning to.

"Oh sorry Snow, i didn't say hi to you earlier." 

"Well i have to drop off the food i got today at home, but i'll totally be at the park to hang out with you guys" Using his magic he gathered his food and walked away from the group. "Um hey have any of you guys seen my blanket? i seem to have lost in town yesterday. if you see it could you bring it to me? please and thank you"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@@Sterling Crimson,@@Quilava,@@Snowy Storm,@@Snowdream,



"Didn't you check the price tag first?" Star Rain asked, wearing a stoic, but slightly humored, look. She paid for the groceries and had five bits left(assuming one bit is equivalent to one U.S. dollar). 


"Canterlot. My parents got divorced," she said bluntly while levitating five bags of groceries with her magic. She then waved goodbye to Corona and jumped when she finally noticed that Snowdream was there.


Ruby smiled and lead him to a small group of mares, some of which were with stallions. "Hey every pony! This is Flare, my colt friend!" she announced, receiving a few smiles of delight and ecstatic sounds of praise.

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Sterling was left saddened as Star told bluntly where she was from. "Oh... Star... I'm... sorry." spoke Sterling in the nicest, albeit, awkward kind of way. It was difficult for him to respond to situations like this because he never really was a socializing pony. He wanted to comfort her, but he just couldn't. He didn't know what it was like to have divorced parents; in fact, his family was as strong as ever. He wanted to change topics too, but he just couldn't because of the brevity of the situation as they approached the park.


What took Sterling by surprise was that it looked like Flare was being led away by what looked like a really popular, but menacing pony towards what looked like her clique. 'I thought he was one of us... why... is he with a bunch of popular freaks?' thought Sterling with confusion as he continued walking towards the park with Star. Unaware of the relationship between Star and Flare, he asked Star with surprise, "Hey... does that look like Flare? If so, who's that he's with?"

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@MagicalStarRain,@@Sterling Crimson,



((I had a feeling this would turn out badly))


"Colt friend...wait what" Flare said before he looked at Ruby with a 'what are you talking about look'. "Listen uh I need to head somewhere but ill see you later" Flare said as he turned around and started to walk away. "I barely even know Ruby...i really hope no one gets the wrong idea when I was hanging out with them..I want to be friends with everyone but they hate my friends and my friends hate them..." Flare thought as he sighed.

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Corona was flying to the park when she saw Flare walking around. Corona flew down and landed in front of Flare with a big smile on her face. It was then that she noticed that Flare seemed a little out of it. "Flare is everything ok, and why are you looking behind you?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Flare turned around and jumped when he saw Corona. "Oh hi Corona" Flare said then he heard her question. "Well lets just say making friends with almost everypony at school is a bit difficult and now its probably has me in a bad position right now" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, @@MagicalStarRain


Corona looked at Flare lost at what he'd just said. It only took her a few moments before looking behind him and seeing Ruby standing there with her group. "Did she say something to you Flare?" Corona knew first hoof just how mean Ruby could be. Corona wanted to help Flare in any way she could.

Edited by Quilava

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Yeah but it was nothing bad to tell the truth its just one thing I wasn't thinking she would say" Flare said as he looked at the sky. "Dear Celestia help me out" Flare said. "Ruby said I was he colt friend for some reason and I never spent any time with her... only once but Star Rain was there...if Ruby makes this a rumor im dead..." Flare said as he was always the one who tries to get along with everyone and never ran into problems like this before.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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As Sterling continued to approach the park, he also noticed Corona approaching Flare. Sterling noticed a different look about Corona as she restyled her mane to become a ponytail. It was the first thing he noticed about Corona as he approached her with a shaking body. 'Oh Cowona... why do you outdo yourself with your looks? Hehehehe... I never thought you could get any prettier...' thought a nearly enchanted Sterling as he called for her, "Hey Corona! Nice ponytail. I like it very much!" Needless to say, Sterling blushed a bright red as he spoke loudly to Corona from the distance.

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@@MagicalStarRain, @


Corona looked back and could see that Ruby and her friends were laughing and pointing at her and Flare. Corona thought it was time to put her hoof down. She walked up to Ruby, "Why don't you act like a good girl once in a while you could use an attitude change." Corona reached into her bag pulling out a water bottle filled with lemonade. Corona pulled the top off and dumped it on Ruby before walking away and rejoined Flare.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"This is the problem why cant you guys just get along then no pony will be out to get others" Flare said knowing no one will listen to him. "I try my best to get everypony to get along but it never works...why do I even try any more..." Flare thought as Corona came back. "Im going to head home now...if you see Star Rain just tell her I said hi" Flare said as he flew off.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@,@@Sterling Crimson,  @@Quilava,


(OOC: That's what you get when I play the resident bully! :3)


"Ruby," Star Rain answered before walking over to Flare, trying to look all nice and friendly. "Hey Flare, what's up?" she said, not seeing Corona there. Ruby's clique then walked up to them and glared at Star and Corona. "Um, what are losers like YOU doing here?!" Ruby asked angrily. 


"Hey, why don't YOU do something about that ugly coat of your's?!" Ruby fired back at Corona. She then froze when the water was dumped on her. "Oh that's IT!" and she threw herself at Corona. She threw a punch at her but didn't get to do anything else because she got surrounded in a blue light and got levitated away from Corona. Star stood there, her horn glowing and holding Ruby down with her magic.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Flare stopped as he saw Star appear and use magic to levitate Ruby away from Corona. "why...no more fighting" Flares anger got the better of him and he snapped. "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW" Flare yelled. "Star put Ruby down now and Ruby keep you buck mouth shut" Flare said. "Now both of you need to stop fighting cause right now its leading NO WHERE" Flare said as he glared at Ruby. "Ruby, You need to stop bullying others cause it will get you no where and your not better then anypony else" Flare said as he turned to Corona and Star. "Both of you, if they bother you then IGNORE THEM its not that hard the more you show that you annoyed or anything they will just keep doing it" Flare said. "Now all of you calm down and be nice to each other and no commenting on how others look Ruby cause that hurts ponies" Flare said and he took a deep breath. "Now...are you guys done with your fighting" Flare asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Lolz I love causing trouble. mwahahahahaha)


@, @@MagicalStarRain, @@Sterling Crimson


Corona just stuck her tongue out at Ruby after she got up walking behind Sterling. "Come on everypony let's go find a spot to enjoy ourselves away from them." Corona turned and started off to a nice open spot she knew about and hoped the the others would join her as well especially Star and Flare.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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As Sterling entered the park nearing the heat of the argument, he noticed that Corona was in the middle of something so deep that he knew that he couldn't get Corona's attention right now. She was very fortunate not to have been hurt even worse by that pony Flare was with. He saw the sucker punch from that pony, thinking that it didn't look pretty. The situation escalated so quickly that Flare had to intercede! It was at that moment that Sterling began to reconsider joining the group at the park, especially since the mares were too embroiled with their issues at the moment. 'Why should I have bothered to join the others at the park today? They're all too busy fighting to even play a game of Frisbee. After this, they'll probably have no mood to play with me... Why did things have to end this way?' 


Sterling decided to walk away dejectedly as he began to return home for the day... it was then that Corona suddenly rejoined him after the fight. He still gave a small frown, thinking that the fight would prevent them from playing in the park. Nonetheless, he complimented Corona's hair again, hoping she'd listen this time, "Hey Corona. Nice ponytail."

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((Flare is really pissed now))

"Im leaving..." Flare said before he opened his wings and flew back to his home and laid on his bed. "I swear all that has happened today was just problems...and I let my anger get to me..." Flare sighed as he looked out the window. "From peaceful and nice...to anger and hate" Flare said describing how he changed so easily. "Well maybe some music will help me calm down" Flare took out his guitar from his closet.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@@Sterling Crimson, @, @@MagicalStarRain


Corona looked at Sterling and then back to everypony that they were supposed to hang out with at the park start to leave. Corona started to tear up. "Thank you for saying that Sterling but look what I just did. I just pushed all of our friends away because I acted without thinking. Now what am I going to do with all this." Corona opened her bag revieling a beautifully made lunch with a large blanket inside for everypony to eat on including the Frisbee. Corona only wished that this hadn't happened and they were all having fun.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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As all of Corona's friends began to leave, Sterling began to reconsider leaving the park. It was a terrible feeling to be left alone because of a legitimate mistake. Besides, maybe the conflict between her and that other pony really was necessary; after all, Corona was bullied often and she needed to show a sense of strength once in a while. Still, Sterling was saddened because of what he saw. It was a beautifully packed lunch made for every one of her friends, including him. All the work she did would probably go to waste... 


Sterling tried to comfort her, "Well, it wasn't all your fault. They looked like bullies. You had to show some level of confrontation eventually. Better in a park than at school where you'll get in trouble with the principal." A moment of silence shadowed the two before Sterling continued with a light blush and a giggle, "Well it does look like we're all alone now... Would... you like to just eat lunch with me right now? Maybe they'll rejoin after things calm down. If not, then... we could play some Frisbee together?"  

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@,@@Quilava, @@Sterling Crimson,


Star Rain set Ruby gently down on the ground and stopped her magic. She looked emotionless as she looked at Flare. "I never want to do that again..." she muttered. She began to follow Corona, but then she heard wings flap and saw Flare leave. "Wait! Flare..." she called, but her voice didn't reach him. "Well that's real nice of you! Flare is just mad at you now!" Ruby sneered, seeing that she seemingly killed any chance of anything between Star and Flare. Star ignored them, teleported her groceries to her home, and walked away with her head down. The laughs followed her all the way home.


As she passed by Flare's home without realizing it was his, Star began to sing a little loudly. She was oblivious to what she was doing, only knowing that she was headed home and that the big bottle of milk might've split open.


(OOC: Here's the song by the way.

 Don't kill me for liking Disney songs!)
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